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  • RMweb Premium

I acquired my garage almost two years ago, shortly afterwards I disposed of the vehicle I intended to keep in it. I inquired with my insurance company as to any savings I could make by keeping my everyday car in the garage. The saving would have been £10 per year and what is more I would have had to keep the car in the garage at all times it was not in use, if I had left it on the drive for example and it had been stolen it would not be insured so the car stayed on the drive. The garage now is used for storage of my layout and other items. The vehicle that I intended to store in the garage was a 'classic' van that I hoped to restore, when preparing it to move to the garage I realised that I was very unlikely to achieve that aim so I sold it on to someone who is now in the process of restoring it.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm not sure that Aditi believes me when I say that leaving the oily grime covering the car (seems to be something peculiar to A13 commuting) helps protect against bird poo.

Not a lot of protection against the other dodgem cars. For my A13 commute before I retired I used to buy an old banger with a long MOT and replace it with another shortly before the old MOT expired, I don't ever recall washing them.

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Good morning all, bright sunshine here so a happy SWMBO already has the first wash out on the line. Please keep us up to date AndyB, hope it isn't something serious! A cautionary tale about garage use. I am on record as saying often 'how lucky I've been' and I too decided to put some 'memories' in store in the copious garage loft. Of particular sentimental value were a jacket presented by 'Yamaha Motorcycles NV, complete with my name and status as a rider; a jacket from Dan Gurney's 'All American Racers' presented for my work on his F1 engine development at Weslakes ; a pair of overalls presented by NGK spark plugs as part of a present for translating the racing technical manual into English from the Japanese/American version. All these items from the late sixties and early seventies held very special memories and so you can guess how sad I was to discover that they had been ruined over the years, along with other items, by nesting families of mice!! Needless to say they are all now only memories, and regrettably I now have annually renewable rodent traps in place - too late! I guess that the garage being attached to the house makes it a nice warm haven in winter! So beware and take precautions if your particular location fits - you'll be amazed at the tiny gaps that they can pass through!!

Great Grandson Freddie to nursery duty today then shopping - exciting times. Hope what you decide to do goes well,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The sun is sort of shining but rain showers later according to the Exeter seaweed, and heavy rain tomorrow but we might avoid that as we are off to the west for a couple of nights as Mrs Stationmaster's longtime friend from schooldays is being installed as Mayor of Saltash, apparently her husband will officially be the Mayor's Consort (sounds quite posh).


But in the meanwhile today will be a whirlwind round of such things as a garden centre visit and further paint application plus more dining room clearance as I will be up on the Ratty for a few days next week so am under orders prior to departure.


Have a good day one all


PS - in daylight it's red

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The current view from the 'office' window is not looking promising for unbroken working in the garden today.



Not to worry as there's other entertainment inside the house with a new addition to the 4630 family allocation.  Buttons arrived yesterday and is now the centre of Mrs 4630's affection.  A position that, until now, was permanently mine.  Somehow I thinking buying flowers for Mrs 4630 today would be a wasted effort, such is the attraction of a small bundle of feline fur!



Have a good day one and all.







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That may be the "AAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!" button.

Sign of the times, doing the rounds over here:


“What’s the first thing a man does after Sx?

Hits the Clear History button."


Delightful weather over here 68f yesterday, 69f today and Sunny. Same tomorrow but with some heavy showers early. Saturday 77f as is Sunday (which is Mother’s Day over here for anyone with an American Mom)


Have a nice one, everybody - a smile is worth a $100.00.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Peeing it down here, nothing new there.


Enjoy the Ratty Mike, we are regulars there when in the UK, I never tire of it.  A group from Groudle were there last weekend in fact, and vice versa last Autumn, we were the venue for the narrow gauge staff meet/booze up.

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I`ve just half-heard a weather forecast on the radio, which I think made mention of a band of severe-weather (with tornado risk) in Germany and France :O ...........so here`s hoping our continental-correspondents remain safe today. :yes:


No sign of any Tornados here - I am pleased to say.


We do have a weather warning out though, for strong winds and possible thunderstorms.


Having said that, it is now brightening up quite nicely.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Hope you mum is ok, Andy.  Keep us posted on how she is.


Cloudy with occasional sun.

Nothing planned so see what happens.


Happy hump day.




Thanks, Polly. 

Mum is ok and didn't have to go to A&E - they'd apparently only have treated her for injuries relating to her fall, of which there were none. She has a lot of underlying joint pain which hopefully a fresh visit by her GP may address. 

Really tricky as we are due to go to France for a wedding this weekend and it could have been a difficult decision whether to go or not. I think it will be ok to do so. No doubt mum would tell us to get on with it and that she'll be fine! 


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11 sunny and clear here - HUMP day and driving into the office day also.


Today marks the switch from a grubby/nasty station in a less-than-nice area of St. Paul BACK to the renovated St. Paul Union Depot for Amtrak.

I'd love to be there to see the first train roll in to the new station, BUT, in their infinite "wisdom" Amtrak and the city also (I presume) decided that the first train to use it would be the eastbound Empire Builder, and that arrives around 10PM (if on-time), so I expect there'll be FEW if ANY people there to welcome her <sigh>.

Sometimes folks are a little, how do we put it, S-T-U-P-I-D when it comes to these things - oh well... at least it marks the return to a useable downtown station.


Work, work, work... and yes, Mothers Day is this Sunday in the US, so we need to plan fore that too :)

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  • RMweb Gold


Enjoy the Ratty Mike, we are regulars there when in the UK, I never tire of it.  A group from Groudle were there last weekend in fact, and vice versa last Autumn, we were the venue for the narrow gauge staff meet/booze up.

I expect I will Neil although they couldn't fix me up with any accommodation in Ravenglass so I'll be stopping in Drigg - shouldn't be a problem as long as the trains or whatever transport to Ravenglass of a morning fits nicely with a proper job breakfast.  However I've still got to put together a pretty hefty questionnaire to email over to them so they'll ready for me when I get there - including my requirement for a footplate trip over the line ;) - whatever the weather.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ravenglass isn't exactly over burdened with accommodation, although there are a couple of places.  The one street has a big steel gate at the end to keep the sea out....it's an odd place.

I agree - I spent a night there a few years back on a Ratty visit and they put me up in one of the Ravenglass B&Bs which didn't do evening meals so I had to 'explore' the rest of the place in order to find something to eat in the evening.  Main night-time feature was the glow in the sky of all the lights (I hope it was the lights) at Sellafield

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I expect I will Neil although they couldn't fix me up with any accommodation in Ravenglass so I'll be stopping in Drigg - shouldn't be a problem as long as the trains or whatever transport to Ravenglass of a morning fits nicely with a proper job breakfast.  However I've still got to put together a pretty hefty questionnaire to email over to them so they'll ready for me when I get there - including my requirement for a footplate trip over the line ;) - whatever the weather.


Take a stout Mackintosh.

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  • RMweb Premium

I agree - I spent a night there a few years back on a Ratty visit and they put me up in one of the Ravenglass B&Bs which didn't do evening meals so I had to 'explore' the rest of the place in order to find something to eat in the evening.  Main night-time feature was the glow in the sky of all the lights (I hope it was the lights) at Sellafield


We can see it from here on a clear day.  Goings on at Sellafield are of great interest to us on Fraggle Rock.

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