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Despite only 4 hours sleep I got through the day despite the parents evening after school. Fortunately the appointments ran to time, aided by one parent that did not show up, and I was not home too late. In fact I got home in time to help put Amber to bed before rewarding myself with a Chinese meal and a pint of real ale.


 All of this talk of garage uses has got me thinking. The move into our new house may not be as close as first thought, but is not far away. It includes a nice brick built garage with an apex roof. Now, those beams in the roof look perfect for placing some baseboards on!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry, Don. Yes, should have made it clearer that it was an electric pump.

One problem they've now found is that there is nowhere for them to pump the water to.  

Downhill is on to a lane and the council has objected to them pumping it out on to the public highway - even though when it rains the lane turns into a river. 


Yes once you start pumping it it is a concious descision where to pump it. Whereas if it is just following the lie of the land that is more natural. We did have a visit from the Environment Agency who seems to accept it running down the drive in the event of an overflow as perfectly reasonable. The rainwater drains all go into soakaways which will not cope with a real flood but there was an old gully for the sink connected to the drains this has been left connected to the driveway type drainage between the house wall and the patio. Seeing as we were being charge water rates for rainwater I decided they could hardly object and the cost or possible saving if I stuck to soakaways is only £22  per anum.

The council would be on a bit of a loser anyway. If we all raised the sides of the stream it would probably fail to go through the culvert under the next road. All the streams seems to go into culverts that join up under the town to go out to sea however in heavy storms the biggest one overflows into the main streets through the town. 


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Went into the loft above what was the garage for the first time in nearly three years today to find an awful lot of stuff I had forgotten I owned. Lots of ice cream tubs with bits of brass in some K's oldtime locos in white metal and some large logo diesels as well as an 08.... Happy bunny now.  


Still havent found what I was looking for (sounds familiar) a yellow and black box containing wagon kits.......

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Gold

The weather was quite kind to us today and we walked all round Carsington Water 8.5 miles plus at least half a mile to and from the campsite and the start of the walk. The small terrier Holly seemed no more tired than the rest of us. We stopped for a cuppa and a pasty at the visitor centre the dogs had a sausage roll. Having worked up a good appetite Holly did try to see if any of Monty's sausage roll was up for grabs but was given short shrift with a growl.


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Evening all, just saw on the news that our 'boys' are back home with full honours. Won't get on my soap box now but - how many more?

Son Stuart is coming to lunch on Sunday, he now lives in London with an exceptionally good job running an exclusive Swiss watch shop. We understand that his girlfriend, whom we have yet to meet, is to accompany him - something to look forward to if the pictures are anything to go by. I already have my instructions on appropriate behaviour!! Nice pics. Neil, we are lucky that our house slopes down to the rear garden which in turn is 6 or 8ft above the railway. The ground is stony and well drained which is a bonus, as is living on top of a hill when you see what happened to those poor devils in Somerset! Mick, I've got to do the loft thing at the weekend myself in the hopes that I can dig out an 'N' gauge layout and stock etc. that I built for said son c.1979! The idea I have is that, with renovation and a new simple controller, it might do for great grandson Freddie when he's old enough. If not, you might see it in the items for sale column, barely used etc. etc.! Hope the day has been good to you all, kind regards,


PS, love the 'chuffers' Neil!

Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Life is so much simpler with magnolia!

But everything's better with Bluetooth!


Morning all. Seminar day, so change of pace today. Will report back later when awake(ish).

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and 11oC. Sunny periods forecast with isolated showers getting heavier as the day progresses.

Waiting in today for a couple of deliveries - nothing exciting (ie non railway!)

Steve is visiting tonight for dinner which is great as we haven't seen him for a couple of weeks and is rather handy as I have a couple of minor computer glitches which he'll probably sort in about 3 minutes.

Looking at my dual fuel bill this morning as my energy supplier has told me that I could save money for the next year by switching again to another of their umpteen tariffs. Why the #### can't they just have one bl##dy rate and stop p#ssing about! :scratchhead:  :banghead:  :angry:  

And breathe!

Have a good one,


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Good Morning folks,  


Not yet light here and it might rain or it might not, but it will be the wrong side of thirty ©!  Nor much else to report from this part of the dark continent - roll on Friday!


Try and have a good one, happy Hump day,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...midweek already..


Another busy day scheduled finishing with a T20 game later.


Had the opportunity to umpire 3 games today. Everyone must be on holiday.

Downhill from now to the weekend so enjoy the day


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Morning All,


It is a rather damp morning here, there was a thick mist hanging over the forest and it has rained heavily overnight - although the cloud seems to be breaking now.


I sympathise with Bob - the wretched energy suppliers are an absolute pain.  I am waiting for the company that rewards loyalty, so I don't have to keep changing every blessed year.  Thankfully, dual fuel tariffs aren't that popular over here.  The cheapest way to get energy is to pay for a year up front - but I avoid doing that.  My neighbours son did it, and the company went out of business after eight months.  Looking on the bright side, he only lost three months money, it could have been a lot worse!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

A very pleasant sunny morning here. 

Aditi was looking at off peak holidays (in September/October) last night but I think this was just part of a pros and cons of retirement exercise!

I'm not sure what I'm doing today but it may involve a visit to a garden centre.


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Morning all, sun is shining again so all is well. Examining goodies from the loft was pleasent but also a reminder of how my wage has shrunk over the last 7 years.I look like getting some forklift driving in this summer with all being well two kids at uni in September. Looking at the figures it will not be long before some universities shut up shop ever higher hall fees that exceed the maintenance loan can only lead to falling numbers able to pay. It is as Trev noted hump day so down hill to the weekend.

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Lovely dawn here, a morning beach-walkies beckons! :sungum:


I`ve just half-heard a weather forecast on the radio, which I think made mention of a band of severe-weather (with tornado risk) in Germany and France :O ...........so here`s hoping our continental-correspondents remain safe today. :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Despite only 4 hours sleep I got through the day despite the parents evening after school. Fortunately the appointments ran to time, aided by one parent that did not show up, and I was not home too late. In fact I got home in time to help put Amber to bed before rewarding myself with a Chinese meal and a pint of real ale.


 All of this talk of garage uses has got me thinking. The move into our new house may not be as close as first thought, but is not far away. It includes a nice brick built garage with an apex roof. Now, those beams in the roof look perfect for placing some baseboards on!!!

What we did was to put a mezzanine level into our garage with a trap door. Loads of extra storage which seemed to get filled with what are described as "memory items", namely clothing the children wore as babies etc. 


For us this was a retro fit as there was already a layout in place in the garage. But if you have a clean sheet it'd be a lot easier and could easily be done in a weekend if you have a helper. PM me, Andy, if you'd like details.  

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Awake at 4 thinking about work. 

Dozed off again around 6.

Phone call from a paramedic at 6.30 who was attending my mum who'd had a fall in the night. Thankfully she had her panic button on. 

I'm thinking the day may get busy with a GP house call and a hospital checkup on the cards. 

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Morning all.

Hope you mum is ok, Andy.  Keep us posted on how she is.


Cloudy with occasional sun.

Nothing planned so see what happens.


Happy hump day.



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Moving Camp to Warwick today. The site is in the Racecourse plenty of space to walk the dogs. But if we have time the walk up to Hatton Locks is interesting.


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Read someware that keeing a car in a garage shortens its life by years because it doesnt get a chance to dry out properly



I put mine away at the moment because the birds are using it for bombing practice, but generally it lives outside.

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I put mine away at the moment because the birds are using it for bombing practice, but generally it lives outside.


Pidgeon (or is it pigeon?) s**t does appear to be one of the most corrosive substances known to exist. Years ago, my brother washed and dried his Alfadogsud before putting it in a garage under a sheet for about 5 years pending a half-hearted attempt at restoration. Between drying the car and sheeting it, a pidgeon had left its mark on the roof. 5 or so years later, that "mark" had burned clean through the steel roof... mind you that could be because the Alfa was built from steel that had more in common with cardboard...

Edited by Pete 75C
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I'm not sure that Aditi believes me when I say that leaving the oily grime covering the car (seems to be something peculiar to A13 commuting) helps protect against bird poo.

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