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  • RMweb Gold

Been a bit quiet for three days - no wifi available. Made it to Caiden's christening well the reception part at least. Does wonders for me having three beautiful women throw their arms round me ( my two nieces and my nephew's wife). And my cousin's lad Jack has the right idea he has 00 in the loft. Caiden is growing up in a good spot, a walk down the nearby canal takes you to the Churnet Valley railway.  Trains , Canals and good walks I could live there myself.

Hope all are well.


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  • RMweb Premium

Tried that, gave it up as a lost cause... in fairness, they're pretty good with emulsion and a roller!



I'm on reasonably good terms with my own mixer thankfully... below is the back of the house as bought with rotten windows and big clumps of render falling off, render removed and finally re-rendered and painted with new windows. Inside on the top floor is pretty much all that's left to do but as you can see, no plaster on the walls and no ceilings either...

If anyone's in Sheringham in the very near future, bring old clothes and a trowel... :whistle:





Reminds me of 'Homes under the Hammer'.. I'd be hard put nowadays to build the Superquick buildings in the opening sequence. Mind you I wouldn't mind some of those banknotes that rack up the numbers. :smoke:  I received a letter from my bank a couple of months ago saying that I had not taken £20 from an ATM, in 2008! I don't recall such an incident but as the bank credited it to my account plus an extra £5 who am I to argue.

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On our walk in the park we met a Great Western Labrador.


Was cream, but had been in the pond, and is now chocolate and cream.


Trouble was our golden one decided to join in the fun, so did a black and white spaniel.


So we have the lab, ours and the spaniel all shades of murky brown.


Bath time for dog when it came home.

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  • RMweb Gold



Bath time for dog when it came home.

Robbie doesn't mind being hosed down, or towelled, he gets a bit grumpy about the brushing to remove twigs, pondweed etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just finished reading Terry Pratchetts latest discworld novel, Raising Steam. At the end of the book he thanks members of the watercress line for their help. Wonder if anyone on here met him???

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Well today did not turn out so bad after all. I called the bank this morning and the gentleman said that it was "very likely" the money would have been taken back into the machine. He suggest waiting another 48 hours as that is the sort of time before the money would be automatically credited back into my account. Time will tell of course!


There were no plans this morning. Sarah was keen to go out somewhere, but didn't know where. I was not really in the mood for an outing after yesterday and had some school work to do as well as the lawns to cut. But I did the dutiful husbandly thing and reeled off a few suggestions - Matlock Bath, Chatsworth, Crich Tramway, Bakewall, Midland Railway Butterley, GCR and various garden centres. To my surprise she said "why don't we take Amber on the steam train at Loughborough?"


Well that was music to the ears. As a working member I have visited the line many times each year. I do recall one pre-volunteer visit many years ago. In those days there was a wag who worked at Loughborough Central who became famed for his comments on the white chalk "A board" which used to stand on the pavement outside the main entrance. On this particular occasion the railway turned out "Duchess of Hamilton" and "Sir Nigel Gresley" on a standard operating weekend. This particular gentleman had chalked the now legendary


"A Duchess and an A4 on a standard operating weekend - lesser railways would call it a gala"


Today certainly could fall into the above category too. A 45 minute service frequency with three engines in steam:

777 "Sir Lamiel"

70013 "Oliver Cromwell"

92214 9F (ex Cock O the North)


I was like a pig in the you know what! A wonderful day was had, complete with a nice pint of "Tiger" bitter on the train as 70013 made plenty of sound up front. Heaven!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

We went to the May Fair having first called in at the local quilting and sewing supplies establishment and in respect of the latter I can quite see why the wife of one RMweb member is more than happy to cross half the width of England to get to it, an amazing place and we might have found NMrs stationmaster a possible constructive hobby instead of dining room redecoration (some hope).


By contrast the May Fair wasn't anything special but the Round table made about £2,000 after expenses to add to their charity fund and it was busy.  More interestingly and contrary to all indications from litter bins and passing people, we found the chippy was open so enjoyed a (shared) bag of chips on the way home.

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  • RMweb Premium

Game finished early - some great bowling and fielding but the batting wasn't brilliant!

When the  team batting second were 5-5 (chasing 108) looked like a very early finish but.. they managed 58....


Now raining so getting ready for  carpet fitter tomorrow ...

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Evening all, tired from levelling the weed patch(aka lawn!) but really buoyed by news of the return of the'Don' - hope it wasn't anything serious that kept you from us mate, and that all is well now! Got a lovely supportive PM from Pete (BurscoughCurves) whose blog on shed inspection pits was seriously good and I hope one day to copy it. What a tremendous bunch we have on RMweb!! I will make time to have a dialogue with 'Newmilns' Stewart, 45156 tomorrow! This illness of mine can make you really weary some days but I hope to move a bit further on the modelling front this week. I've made an actual size plan of the coaling stage and, by using the Peco point templates and an old yard of SMP Scaleway code 80 flexi., I hope to get closer to an actual size plan on carpet lining paper. At least I'll know if it all fits!

Sleep well if you are still with us, hope it isn't too stressful for those of you who have to go back to work tomorrow.

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Talking of trains.

Road train (Cromar White) parked with Caernarfon Castle in the background.




Easter week and the Ffestiniog/Welsh Highland Railways in Porthmadog, Garrett NG No. 138 heads out onto the short road section along the A497 on it's way to Caernarfon from Platform 2



while Earl of Merioneth waits on the other side of the new extended Platform for Blaenau Ffestiniog



and the track team shift the track back a tad from the platform edge to stop the bottom of the carriages carving up the curve. 




Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Bit of a dull, damp, dismal, dreary start to the day and 11oC. Should dry out with sunny spells for a few hours but there may be some showers this afternoon.

After starting yesterday with no absolutely no intentions of gardening (and surprisingly no pressure from management) I went mad and started moving about a yd(or 0.8m3 if you prefer) of topsoil from a small raised bed and redistributed it. Amazingly this has actually loosened me up and I'm firing on all cylinders.( for now).

I think that I will have a break today so a visit to the railway room is on the cards then later on the grandchildren will be here for a brief visit after school so that's something else to look forward to.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a nice bright sunny morning here - a little on the chilly side, but no more than can be expected for the beginning of May.


It looks like it is going to be another fairly busy day today.  However, it is good to have lots to do!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good Morning all,  just had a building shakin thunderstorm here, so with the accompanying heavy rain should make the journey to the office "fun" this morning..


What ever you're up to today, remember to try and find something to smile about!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all

Lots to do..sitting room to be painted this week..then only one small room to go.....for now anyway.

Lots of weathering to do as well so a 48hour day or two wouldn't go amiss.


Have a great Tuesday ladies and gents.


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Morning all. I awoke to the cat being sick and the sound of heavy rain at just before 5am. That is less than 5 hours sleep and today is a long one at work due to parent's evening. I think I may need at least one bottle of real ale when I crawl in later. Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny start to the day after overnight rain good job I mowed the lawns perhaps a waste of time to swill the car down with the pressure washer. Back to work today I have heard nothing about the job I applied for so I think I failed the short list. Cleaning the inside of the car after a trip to the tip I found my MP3 player but I suspect it has a terminally ill battery so a bit of poking and prodding maybe in order. Have the best day you can.

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Thanks Baz for letting me know me it's Tuesday when I woke around 7ish convinced it was Monday. I should have remembered it was a bank holiday yesterday thanks to the Bond film on TV...! Have a good day all.

Edited by Pete 75C
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Morning all from a boring and damp borough. Dull, overcast, and drizzle. Managed to actually get around 25' of track painted and weathered yesterday. Wasn't in the mood to wield the branding soldering iron so the wiring can wait for another day. Most of the day was spent playing Sherpa in the garden again. I ache all over. I really dislike these Tuesdays that have the same feeling as a Monday. Blech!


The offspring starts his 5 day weeks and SWMBO is back to work, leaving me alone apart from the 4 psychotic cats. They will settle down and sleep most of the day so in about an hour I shall have blessed peace and quiet for several hour.


Apart from that all is quiet.


Dead jealous of those holiday snaps on the Ffestiniog. Keep meaning to go back there but haven't managed it for almost 7 years now.


Have a great day everyone.


edit: to correct crap grammer or grammar or granny, whatever.

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, raining here but I have been reliably informed it will brighten up soon.

Aditi returned to work too this morning. On Sunday she decided she would hand her notice in and retire but had changed her mind today.


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