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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, sunny and cool here.


Feeling a tad fragile after a grand day out at Twickenham for Army v Navy rugby yesterdsay. Every ticket sold, 80000 + squaddies and matelots plus supporters, great atmosphere, highlight in a day of highs being the singing of our National Anthem with a stadium full of people to whom it means something.


Oh..and the Army won the match, so good drills all round. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Good deed done - lawn mown, 'grass' in the lower part of the garden also mown and now thoroughly knackered.  At least tomorrow will be a day of 'rest' as the Round Table are organising a 'May Fayre' down by the river ('down the prom' we used to call it, I think it has some daft fancy name nowadays) but we have to attend as laddo has recently become the Secretary of the local branch.


I await one of their other charity events with greater anticipation as it is 350 (class 08 for you youngsters) driving on the Cholsey & Wallingford line - and is usually invitees only.


Barbecue this evening - if I can remember where I put it.  But in the meanwhile a cuppa and a toasted teacake has just been served to me at the keyboard (definitely worth cutting the lawn ;) ).

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

They wanted £6.00 each to get into the muddy and grubby looking transport fest at Llandudno.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer and I agreed this was not a good investment, so went for a walk down the prom.


We then went into a craft fair, where the OGF won a book mark on the tombola stall, willingly gave to the local RNLI crew, although I uncharacteristically declined their offer of free doughnuts, then went for an ice cream in Craig Y Don.


A really pleasant afternoon

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,

Went to a garden centre as instructed (to buy some solar lights for the garden) and nearly fainted at some of the prices on offer so then went to our local supermarket (where The Boss works) and bought virtually the same thing for about a quarter of the price! ( staff discount helps) These have been installed along with some bedding plant type stuff bought yesterday and then I decide to tackle "behind the shed". This is where all the cr#p ends up until I decide to have a clear out. Did that and it's all stacked ready for a trip (or two) to the dump. Then decided to sort out the water feature as it was a) not working and  B) looking a bit  very grotty and discovered that if you a) unblock the pump and B) give it a dose of bleach and a good hose down it actually looks and functions as it should!

Having done all that and sundry other stuff I'm now suffering from what I can only describe as "Lockbody". I've had some medication in the form of a couple pints of Pride and a couple of glasses of Shiraz and am starting to feel better but I'm not there yet. I daresay that I can do something about that as the evening progresses. :yes:

Cheers, :drinks:





Edit Why do smiley things appear when you try to follow a) with a b and a bracket?

Edited by grandadbob
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Well,  after a lunch time beer and Pizza at our "local"  which is almost under siege because of a "credible threat"  (See BBC News - Africa) , back for a snooze,  then as promised a couple of "Working Boat" Photos. These were taken around 1970 -71.   Of the Raymond & Nutfield on the GU at IIRC Stoke Bruene. These  where some of the last working boats at that time on the GU .


I do have some more from around that time  but I've not scanned them yet. 







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  • RMweb Premium

Game lasted 88 overs and both teams cracked on and managed to finish early.  No incidents of note so .. job done.


Was a trifle chilly  brass monkeys out in the middle..


Nice tea!


Tomorrow I shall mainly be umpiring in Sheffield....


Have a great Sunday evening...

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Evenin' all,

Went to a garden centre as instructed (to buy some solar lights for the garden) and nearly fainted at some of the prices on offer so then went to our local supermarket (where The Boss works) and bought virtually the same thing for about a quarter of the price! ( staff discount helps) These have been installed along with some bedding plant type stuff bought yesterday and then I decide to tackle "behind the shed". This is where all the cr#p ends up until I decide to have a clear out. Did that and it's all stacked ready for a trip (or two) to the dump. Then decided to sort out the water feature as it was a) not working and  B) looking a bit  very grotty and discovered that if you a) unblock the pump and B) give it a dose of bleach and a good hose down it actually looks and functions as it should!

Having done all that and sundry other stuff I'm now suffering from what I can only describe as "Lockbody". I've had some medication in the form of a couple pints of Pride and a couple of glasses of Shiraz and am starting to feel better but I'm not there yet. I daresay that I can do something about that as the evening progresses. :yes:

Cheers, :drinks:





Edit Why do smiley things appear when you try to follow a) with a b and a bracket?

Bob the trick is to use square brackets instead of of curved (b) also works with © [c]


Edited by laurenceb
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  • RMweb Premium

Shades on folks.....brace yourselves....today's Groudle Glen train crew!


Bill who does the shop, Jonathan who was Responsible Officer, John is driving and NHN is all dressed up as he was getting passed out as Guard today.




Despite a very dull day we were busy, I'm absolutely shattered.  We had no other helpers today as many of the regular volunteers are away for the weekend celebrating the life of a colleague who has passed away as they do every year on the anniversary.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Well I have to admit today has not exactly been a great one! A disturbed night's sleep with Amber waking up, and Sarah the waking with the beginnings of one of her migraines. Not a major one fortunately, but it knocked her back for much of the day. This meant I had to pull out of my team's vital league game this morning in order to look after the little one. I was disappointed to miss the game as we were playing our title rivals and were already short of some players. Later I heard we lost the game and they had "missed my talents in defence".


 Sarah had finished off her supply of migraine tablets last night so I went round the local ASDA to get some more for her. I thought I would pay the paper bill whilst I was out which required a quick call at the cash machine. I went to the machine, I keyed in the number, I got the card back and put it in my wallet and then answered a phone call from one of my team mates with the result. I then walked over to the paper shop arriving to find the £50 was not in my wallet. Having been distracted I had not removed it from the machine!! What an idiot!!!!!


Of course I did dash back but the money was not there, nor had it been handed in to the supermarket's customer service desk. No surprise really, somebody has got a nice gift today. I really should have been more careful.

 What is even more galling is, about a year ago, I arrived back at the multi-storey car park in Derby after a Rams home match to find a wallet lying on the floor next to my car. I picked it up to find it stuffed full of cash. I reckon there was £500 in that wallet. At the time we were really short of money had decided not to go on holiday last summer. This money would have made all the difference. What did I do? I handed it in to the office at the car park - they took my details but I never heard anything.


It certainly feels like honesty gets you nowhere these days!

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Late on parade after earlier mentioned bash! Think I got through without losing too many points. It's been months since I visited a bar and you probably won't be surprised that the prices shocked me! £6.80 for a glass of average Shiraz and a pint of Strongbow? Didn't drink too much though. I have to apologise to '45156' as my late return means that I haven't been in touch - hope to rectify that tomorrow. My doctor and friend was glowing with happiness after his wedding and, as I feel that he is largely responsible for saving SWMBO's life on a couple of occasions, I could not be happier - what a lovely lass he has wed and would you believe that they are spending their honeymoon in a mission in Mozambique!!

Have a good night all, one more day of the hols. If unlike us you haven't yet retired! Can't wait to hear how AndyP is getting along with 'Swad Lane' but that may have to wait until tomorrow,

Kind regards,


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Up at my normal work day time on a Bank holiday there is something wrong there. But Sarah's Avon order will be delivered some time around 7am and after yesterday's migraine the last thing she needs is an early start. There goes my lie in then! No plans for today, I am sure Sarah will want to go out somewhere although she doesn't know where she wants to go. Personally I am rather in favour of a day in. There is school work to do, lawns to cut and I do feel quite tired at the moment. I really need to get to bed earlier.


Goodness me I sound a miserable g i t. I still feel annoyed about yesterday's ATM incident. Friday's news that the house completion has slipped into June does not help. We really are ready to get out of the bungalow and get excited by our brand new house. The swarm of ants that have appeared in the kitchen do not help here.


Perhaps I should have bought that new loco yesterday. A brand new Hornby Sentinel reduced to £44 seemed a very good buy. Never mind at least it stops the desire to build another new layout.

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Good Morning & Happy Holiday for those that have one.  Four more sleeps and I'm outa here (well for a couple of days) It will be good to see the grandkids - not seen them since October.


Not much else to report though the forecast for here is thunderstorms and heavy rain! 


Try to enjoy the day, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Too little sleep, so only physically present, it seems. Only part of a lesson to teach today due to an exam the class has to write, which is just as well...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny, nice blue sky. I'm not sure what we are doing today, probably pottering in the garden. I don't think we will be going out except to take Robbie somewhere he can run about.  

Update, cutting the grass and washing Aditi's car are now on the things to do list.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lovely sunny start to the day and 9oC. Should stay fine most of the day but will probably cloud over later this afternoon.

After the last two day's exertions on the gardening front and the aches & pains I'm left with I have no intentions of doing the same again today. I feel that I've more than adequately atoned for last week's model purchasing crime!  However I do believe that my beloved :girldevil:  thinks differently. That could make for an interesting discussion later.  :onthequiet:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Having a cuppa before breakfast.


Nice morning and I hope everyone has a good Monday if at all possible.


Her indoors will be decorating today while I umpire.


Last time I was at the ground I was young and fit enough to be playing rugby....long time ago so I will be taking a map!

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Woke up early and had my breakfast, it's lovely and sunny.  SWMBO has now surfaced and it has been decreed that we are going to go for a walk round a local reservoir (As fas as she can manage) then ASDA and entertain the outlaws for dinner tonight.  I might even get some modelling done this afternoon.



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Morning all...


Bright and sunny in deepest Berkshire, but 'we're doing the garden today'…:-)


Toddled down to SiL's in Selsey yesterday, but was amazed at the number of Ferrari's and other exotica on the A3 yesterday mid morning.  Seems their owners had all been enjoying a full English breakfast.  


Wish I'd known as I would have gone to see some of the auto world's finest.




Coming up for nine, so any minute now I expect the call to take up weapons of my choice...

Edited by gordon s
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