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  • RMweb Gold

Canals have a serenity that so much of life has lost - or at least they had that nearly 40 years ago on my last trip! My first trip in 1968 was a sort of grand circle, starting and ending near Sheet Stores Junction, via the Birmingham & Fazeley and the Coventry, then up the Grand Union, I think. With three other chaps it went well apart from a flat battery (beast to note!) on Day 2, replaced within a couple of hours by the boatyard with van. Our trip up the Erewash Canal on the last day - wasting time, really - nearly proved fatal as some rebar got caught on the prop so we suffered brake failure approaching a closed lock gate..... We turned round after mopping up the tomato soup in the galley!


Deb and I had a trip on the South Oxford about a decade later. She fell off at one point (sober) and was seen swimming. I suggested she put her feet down and wade! Helpful chap on a moored boat observed "I think your crew's just abandoned ship!"


Anent beast's battery, I am amazed cellphones can draw that much current. I wonder if there's something else? The Facebook comment about leaving the interior light on while dogging was just so - er - below the belt!

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Morning all,   this reminiscing of canal trips remind me of a couple that a group of us  (Festiniog & Leighton Buzzard  volunteers) did in the late 60's - early 70's... The Oxford, then somehow got on the river Severn  Worcester - Stourport.  The Grand Union  up and around the black country. 

The boats I seem to recall where converted working boats... Slightly different tack the RR dealer  I worked for in Hemel Hempstead in the mid 70's  backed on to the  GU. Rose's were still having lime juice delivered by narrow boat.  I'll see if I can find the photos.


Try to enjoy the day

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  • RMweb Premium

In other news, we booked a few days of vacation to London this summer. Inbound trip will be by train via Hanover, Cologne and Brussels, return trip by plane. Looking rather forward to checking out the Eurostar! :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian (Abel), you could always go to Falkirk and use the amazing Falkirk wheel - if you haven't seen it, type it into Google and enjoy a marvellous piece of engineering! (One of my old customers daughter was involved on the engineering side and mum is fiercely proud as any 'Fifer' would be!). Whatever you choose, enjoy and remember which way is up!!

Kind regards,



I have used the wheel  on a canal boat, truly an amazing piece of engineering and a great experience.


At the moment we are having to put a plastic bag on each of my wife's car mirrors whilst on the drive, we have a blue tit who sees their reflection in the mirror and gets excited which then results in bird poop down the door.

My mirrors fortunately fold back on locking so my car is left alone.


Grey here and the lawn is sufficiently wet for me to postpone mowing today, so time will be spent modeling instead or I hope it will.


Have a good day folks

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Morning all, sunny, so it looks as if, after helping the boss with her graveyard duties, the dandelions will have to be beheaded (along with some grass!).

DDolfelin, Living near the seaside is bad enough in terms of 'bird-strike', but we have an industrial unit on the other side of the railway tracks with a flat roof which has become a gull roost (they even had some young there last season!). They appear to use our driveway to line up for their practice bombing runs as I'm forever soaking piles of poo on the car to avoid marks on the lacquer. Didn't see 'ideal gull bomb aiming platform' in the brochure spec. for the Citroen C3 Picasso!!

Ian, I guess that Alison will discover that 'leopards never change their spots!' When is the VIP due by the way, in order that we might all wish for good weather for you. Just an idea, but if it's bad, you'll simply have to stay indoors, so start working on plan'B' now!

John, although a confirmed atheist, I love visiting old ecclesiastical buildings, as much for the architecture as anything. There isn't much of the old Cistercian Abbey left at Hailes but it is a beautiful part of the Cotswolds. Claims were made, I understand, that they held as a relic - a drop of Christ's blood! Hope you enjoy and the weather holds.

Enjoy the remains of the weekend,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny so I think a barbecue is in mind although we are short of sausages.  Lad has gone off to 'football' which will more likely be some sort of major warfare re-enactment as 'his' team are beaten massacred by Chelsea, ah well at least he's realistic about the coming defeat.  Last night's dinner out went well and laddo drove so I imbibed - that's the way to do it, plus we still have some birthday cake remaining which came home with us so another slice today.


On a broader front the Falkirk wheel is well worth seeing - I had the pleasure if popping in for a look at it when I was subb'ing for another consultant on a new station assessment near Stirling; he suggested we go and as he was paying me who was I to object?


As far as adventures on the cut are concerned I was lucky in my last big railway job of being part of a team in which two of my compatriots were part owners of a narrow boat so we seemed to have regular 'team building days' out on the cut, made a change from having them on the GCR (Great Cockrow Railway) or in Lille - especially the latter as one of my lads was rather keen on eating snails for lunch and it was good to avoid having to watch that!


The saga of the dining room advances with major inspiration yesterday that a second wall should be painted red - it too has now been daubed in various places and in fact should look quite good.  The new curtains are here and one has been trial hung - as a consequence of which I would advise anybody buying curtains from Laura Ashley to very closely the study the weave of the material first - much thinner than expected.


And notwithstanding the sunshine I expect at least part of today will be spent further delving though various Ian Allan ABCs from the 1940s deciding which ones will go plus filtering various magazines from that period for useful info before they're lined up for auction.  Anyone for a technical paper about the Paget loco, fully illustrated vgc?


Have a good day one & all.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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"My mirrors fortunately fold back"


I think mine do, too.

Haven't found the correct button yet.

(brainwave) I suppose it could be the button which adjusts the mirrors?



"although a confirmed atheist"


That was a waste of time then.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

I finished the garage floor off yesterday and set straight to putting the kitchen units together. 


As with any fitted kitchen on the planet one box came with broken and wrong components. 

The wrong components being 2 x  right-hand cupboard ends. No matter which way you flip it upside down, backwards there's no way it's going to work.

So, first thing on Tuesday I'm going to be one the phone to the manufacturer. 


All the detritus is back in the garage and it still looks chocker; so, there'll have to be a serious thinning out of what can be kept and stored before too long.


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  • RMweb Gold

We are just far enough from the estuary not to be bothered by gull strikes but when I lived in Westcliff my motorbike engine/gearbox alloy was rather etched due to guano. 

The mirrors park automatically when the car is locked  on my car but pressing the L and R buttons together will make them fold / unfold if required. Our Volvo mirrors only used to fold if something hit them.



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As long as they fold them in the right direction there is no problem. Unfortunately there are elements in society who take delight in folding wing mirrors the "wrong" way thus ruining the things. My old Mitsubishi Lancer had wing mirrors that folded either way, so I was quite happy parking it with the mirrors out. Newer models with electrical adjustment, indicator repeaters, and even small cameras are too expensive to replace to take a chance on nobody playing silly devils with them. 


Other than that, afternoon all, have a great day.

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  • RMweb Gold

We had to go shopping for WWotN this morning.


Expecting to brave the seething masses at Mostyn Champneys in Llandudno, it was bit of a surprise to find the place deserted.


Obviously the local populace had decided to avoid the influx of touroidds, whilst the 'roidds had yet to make an appearance.


This afternoon we will venture out to Bodafon Fields to view the Transport fest, whilst the WW uses the potions that we got her this morning to concoct another set of wicked spells.


I don't expect to see any trains this afternoon after yesterdays extravaganza at P'madog

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Just been reminded that mowing is a no-no! Our GP is getting married today and we are going to the evening bash and so must preserve strength for some heavy pint lifting. It's his second sentence beginning so I hope he will be as happy and close as we are - over 30 years with this one now and married 25 of those. We are so lucky as we both had disastrous first attempts, but have discovered that, if anything, we are now closer than ever. Whether it is anything to do with my illness, I don't know, but we think the same things at the same time - uncanny! I like the comments on confirmation ; hate to disappoint you all but I wasn't christened either, though I did sing in the school choir and got an 'A' at 'O' level in RI if that counts. That and studying Latin at school in Scotland has led me into many discussions on religion over the years! The lovely vicar of the old wooden church at Greensted near Ongar in Essex used to be a regular visitor to the cottage I leased nearby(he had a particular fondness for single malt!). We had many in depth discussions but to end one I remember : he asked me what I would do if I was proven wrong and came to meet the maker, I replied that I would simply say 'I'm sorry' because your good book tells me He is all forgiving. No answer was the reply!

I mean no offence to anyone with deep feelings and must declare that I have always seen it as a 'right of man' to follow his or indeed her own path with my full support.

This evenings post may be a bit garbled due to the above but as said doctor has become a family friend over 25 years I think it would be rude not to help him celebrate!!

Kind regards


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Decided to do a car boot today - checked the weather, and the rain was forecast at various times as none/light/none/heavy/light yesterday, then it rained at half four when I got up to get cracking, so I went back to bed - checked the forecast at seven, and it was predicting no rain again, so decided to visit as a buyer rather than standing (car boot parlance for selling, apparently), and one sale that I was planning had six sellers, and almost no buyers, and I spoke to the organiser, who was in touch with the organiser of the other that we sell at, and that was no better - so probably would have been a waste of time.


And yes, today's allegedly cloudy day has been like a bit of car sandpaper - wet and dry. 


Also visited the local Scarecrow Fair at Wray (about six miles from here) - an abosolute hoot. 


Regards to All


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I think I had better just stick with SWMBO.

I have to agree with BoD on this one - the alternative posted "WWotN" is FAR too incendiary to use in case it is seen by those who shouldn't :O not sure I'd do much modelling after using that epithet!


So, we all slept well and no recurrence of the brush fires so far... partly sunny/cloudy here and 12, chance of showers later possibly.

Heading for our mini-road trip in about 30 minutes - off to the middle of Michigan (and by the look of the map and explanation from my MiL truly the "middle of nowhere"!!) to see the village cemetery where her parents are buried. Was the place her grandparents farmed in the late 1800's apparently...


Thanks to everyone for comments/suggestions about the canals, much food for thought and a lot of help/useful information, very appreciated. I'll add my own small "excitement" from our trip years ago when I have time.


Enjoy your Sunday - model and relax, have a beer or favourite beverage for me :)


Those facing the arduous challenge of "having to have another day off" tomorrow, I feel for you :beee:  :jester: I'll have the day off too, but then again, I WILL be facing an 8 hour drive back home with MiL in the car...

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An “El Nino” year. So hopefully our Summer will be a little cooler this year - still we have a run in the 70’s fahrenheit starting next Friday which will be nice.

The southern UK looks rather dismal with cloudy skies and light am rain for a week starting on this Tuesday. temps remaining in the low 60’s fahrenheit. Dreary probably being the better word.

Don’t shoot the messenger...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

What is WWotN please?

Refers to my MiL aka Wicked Witch of the North as mentioned in full during my last few posts.


Board rubber flies length of classroom and strikes with unerring accuracy:


'Clonk!' It went


'Wake up BoD!'


The rest of Form ER snigger at the misfortunate one.

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