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  • RMweb Gold

Hope everybody's spaniels are doing OK today. Weather up here is on loan from Germany I think, but it may brighten later! :)


Have a good day all!




Dave, will you be following Hampshire's example?


PC Pedal






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Morning all. Another quiet day in the boring boring borough of Bexley. Spent the last 2 working days waiting for others to catch up and do their part. At least it means I can get some proper work done with the layout while waiting. unsure.gif 15th anniversary today so its the west end tonight for a bit of celebration.


We haven't had dogs for many years but I remember our spaniels always having ear troubles. What ever was on the ground got swept up by those big flappy ears and deposited on the carpet.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Another quiet day in the boring boring borough of Bexley. Spent the last 2 working days waiting for others to catch up and do their part. At least it means I can get some proper work done with the layout while waiting. unsure.gif 15th anniversary today so its the west end tonight for a bit of celebration.


We haven't had dogs for many years but I remember our spaniels always having ear troubles. What ever was on the ground got swept up by those big flappy ears and deposited on the carpet.




When we collected Robbie I asked his breeder what to look out for as I'd read about various cocker spaniel ailments. Fortunately none seemed to apply to working type cockers. Their ears are less hairy and slightly shorter than the show type cocker spaniel. They get well ventilated when they run, "ears streaming behind like banners" describes him as well as it does Winnie the Pooh's friend Piglet. What we have needed to watch out for is grass seeds in the paw. He had one in the webbing between his "toes" and it became very inflamed requiring a visit to the vet.





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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Cloudy and dull here with rain a bit liks Scotch mist - very fine, very wet.


Apropos of Spaniel ears, the vet specialist said the worst of the lot for recurrent and hard to manage ear conditions are actually Clumber Spaniels, and American Cockers - she said she sees more than her fair share of them. But spaniels are notorious for ear problems, (as are many floppy ear breeds) and I have not had any spaniel, Cocker or Sussex, which has not needed some sort of antibiotic treatment for an ear problem! Luckily there are now some very effective ear cleaners and antibiotics available, and my general vet said that their introduction in the UK was largely down to the efforts of the specialist that we're under - so we really are in the hands of a true expert - a bit like needing advice on something to do with modelling, and getting it fron here from some of the best modellers around!

My vet told me to expect some unusual thinking from this lady, and he was right, as the drug she's using is actually an anti bacterial cream more normally used for treating severe skin infections after burns - but she told me she's had a lot of success using it as a treatment for resistant pseudomonas.

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  • RMweb Gold

At least the inside of the ears are not an area the dog can lick. When Robbie had an infected paw he kept licking it and it wasn't helping the healing. The vet gave me antiseptic scrub to put on the paw to deter him . Unfortunately he was a member of the tiny group of dogs that like the taste! I had to resort to "No" followed by a biscuit (for him not me).



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  • RMweb Gold

Just had my 6th driving lesson (is it really that many already?). Sad news at the end of the lesson though as the driving instructor retires at the end of this month after 40+ years (of driving) as his licence expires and so I'll have to find a reputable driving instructor, get used to him/her plus learn in a new car. A great shame.

Today I managed another 3 point turn, reversing round two corners plus parallel parking smile.gif


As for dogs, I'm not that keen on them (with a couple exceptions that my friend has) but we do have a cat of 14 yrs old who is lovely, although demands food like it's going out of fashion!

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  • RMweb Premium

At least the inside of the ears are not an area the dog can lick. When Robbie had an infected paw he kept licking it and it wasn't helping the healing. The vet gave me antiseptic scrub to put on the paw to deter him . Unfortunately he was a member of the tiny group of dogs that like the taste! I had to resort to "No" followed by a biscuit (for him not me).




Most dogs have some sort of odd tastes that they adore more than dinner - looks like Robbie was unfortunate in liking antiseptic - trouble is that many of the substances that would have a bitter taste that would deter would also probably cause problems with the wound itself. We found that my Paws has a liking for the taste of builder's plaster of all things - and as we've just had a load of plastering done, it was No - No - No - getting progressively louder. As she is now hearing impaired, that explains that, as she's not hearing anything under 30 dB in either ear now, and her left ear is not getting much under 50 dB - the test to do this is quite interesting, as it involves measuring the brain activity in the animal while the sounds are fed into her ears using special headphones - that's quite cutting edge stuff - far better than the vet rattling his keys, or banging the radiator (both tests I've seen in the past).

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  • RMweb Premium

Just had my 6th driving lesson (is it really that many already?). Sad news at the end of the lesson though as the driving instructor retires at the end of this month after 40+ years (of driving) as his licence expires and so I'll have to find a reputable driving instructor, get used to him/her plus learn in a new car. A great shame.


Shouldn't be too much of an issue for you, hopefully Jam, as most instuctors are up to the same standard - is your present bloke not handing off his pupils to another instructor, or at least suggesting who else around meets his approval - worth asking. Don't worry about a change of car - you'll get used to it - but again why not try to find another instructor who offers tuition in a similar vehicle - eg most Fords have a similar layout of the controls.


I was similarly affected when I learned to drive many many years ago, when the driving school I was with got rid of the cars i was used to, and replaced them with something totally different - also my instructor left at the same time, and I was handed off to his successor, which was much the same as you'tr getting - it didn't really affect my progress too much.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well at least that's reassuring, thanks!

The present bloke has looked around but none of them come recommended in his opinion! He has certainly had experience and knows his stuff so it will be a shame. He did say to ask my friends about their instructors - trouble is one of them has the same instructor, looks like I'll have to let him know as well. We'll see how it goes...

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Sorry to hear that, Jam, although as you go through life, you'll be changing cars frequently, so no harm in starting early!


Is there a BSM or AA instructor nearby? They not only have a personal reputation but a corporate one to maintain as well and generally would not be 'employed' if they did not meet the grade. Just a thought!


See you Saturday; I'll try and get to the show early, but I give anything with 'L' plates on a very wide berth! Let's face it, we were all learners once so should respect those that are currently!! (Yes - I've noticed how many drivers do not!)

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  • RMweb Gold

There may well be John, I'll have a look around.

I've been fortunate in that everyone seems to know my driving instructor and therefore knows to respect him and anyone who may be driving his car! I haven't had any idiots yet, although there's always a first time!


Look forward to meeting you...

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  • RMweb Gold

I had 9 lessons and had three instructors. The first brilliant (3 lessons) but she had to go to Australia at short notice, the second (2 lessons) complete muppet, the final 4 lessons with excellent (ex army) instructor. The middle one's car didn't even run properly. Odd thing is they were all with the same driving school.






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Afternoon one and all....Just catching up with all the news.


West Wittering was beckoning so it was a walk along the beach with my good lady and the boys, followed by a decent pub lunch at The Ship Inn, Itchenor. Got out of the car when we arrived, brilliant sunshine and very warm. Within minutes clouded over and really was noticeably cooler. Lunch was good though...smile.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

Jam - I do hope you find somebody, because when all's said and done, you are in a 1:1 relationship with your instructor, and personalities can play a very big part in that. However, I would endorse what others have said about trying one of the corporate driving schools, BSM (I think part of the RAC), AA Driving School (not part of Alcoholics Anonymous!), and I think there is a quite new corporate one (Red?).


If you don't get an instructor you like, you always have the option to vote with your feet, and move on again, and also if you go with a corporate one, you might be able to get a change without changing schools. Of course, you could try http://www.compare-driving-schools.co.uk to see what they come up with. But that might just be a price comparison site.


When I learned to drive, more years ago than I care to remember, I want with a small school, with only a handful of instructors, and even when I was with instructor A, I would occasionally get the boss, who was a lot stricter - in fact, when I took my test the first time, my pre-test lesson with with the nice guy, and I failed - the second time, I got the boss, who was quite a lot harder on me - but it was with him that I passed - so sometimes the nice guy is not the way forward - just a thought.

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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed. I've never been the most confident learner driver it has to be said. If it had been a year earlier I would have been alright. Sods law I guess.

I will certainly have a look at a corporate driving schools. Thanks for the link, although it does seem to be a price comparison site. Anyway, we'll see how it goes...


It would seem that my driving instructor has had a 94% or so pass rate which is why I'm a tad annoyed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Did I ever mention buying new clothing is a pain? I just cannot stand prolonged shopping - model railways being an exception, of course! :lol: Good thing Babylon 5's on TV tonight, as I sure need to unwind a bit.

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I think there is a quite new corporate one (Red?)


Indeed, there is Red, but I didn't mention them because I believe they operate as a franchise which anyone with the right amount of cash can buy into.

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"Foolish mortal, attempting to save. The hubris!"

Is this a famous phrase?

Part of a telegram?

A text?

A message from the Bank Manager?

Sorry things are miserable in Germany, Robert.

Should have a glimpse of Summer here today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all - who'd have a cocker spaniel? My lively little pooch, bless him, wakes us about 6 every morning - today he managed to get upstairs and woke me very enthusiastically with a nice wet nose in my face.....

Anyway, lovely sunny day here in Norf Essex, got the day off so it's just right for painting the garage door (been putting it off for ages).

Oh, and I finally get the new motor today, wooohooo!

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