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  • RMweb Gold

Sandy was also told she'd never amount to much. So three degrees later (2 Bachelors and a Masters) and going for a PhD I don't think they could have been very insightful.

Aditi was told that she didn't have the aptitude to work the till at Caters (probably long gone to retail scrapyard) supermarket when she was working there while at university. At the next vacation she got a job at Marks and Spencer. Though to be honest I think she was more upset by her family seeming to think she was a bit dim. I really don't know how they could have thought that, she had passed the 11+ in Yorkshire and was promoted a year on arrival in Nottinghamshire.

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I failed my 11+.  Why? Quite simple, during the year running up to it I contracted Whooping Cough and Measles at the same time and was off school for a very long time. Didn’t they do Home/Hospital schooling? Bit difficult when you’re semi-conscious/delirious. My mother told me that everyone expected me to die - including her.


Couple of years later we had the “Intelligence Test” (they were fond of these at the time)... The local Education Dept., could not understand why someone who had failed the 11+ managed to score the second highest in the entire area.


So I had a stream of experts visiting. First they wanted me to do the 13+ and I refused - then I left school altogether at 15.

I’m rather glad that I did not fit into their “curve”  - probably saved myself from an extremely tedious life.


Not once did they look at my attendance registry.


Not recommended for others to follow as a course of action.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Can I be very cruel and say that, at best, teachers teach, and may know about broader issues of education, outside the bounds of which many of them have never stepped, having gone from school to college/uni and then into teaching. They are thus no better qualified than the rest of us to pontificate on people's potential for life, sometimes less so.

School,uni, uni for PGCE (occasional vacation jobs; postman, DiY store assistant, machinist in aircraft parts factory)  then teaching pretty well describes me but the pontification of some colleagues used to shock me. Students/pupils soon work out whose advice is worth listening to and whose isn't.

For a few years I worked for a government sponsored project that was supposed to try to improve technical and vocational education. This was in response to various complaints from industry/commerce about the (then) ability of students entering  the workforce. The local project was fairly successful but the contribution from commerce/ industry was somewhat lacking. 

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

I was in the last year to be allowed to ride 250cc bikes at 16 and the last school year where you could leave at 15. Not many did from our school because you had to pass your 11+ to get there I never had to sit the exam the headteacher decreed I was good enough and that was it. A lack of self confidence meant I asked him where I would be going in September while we were away at Salcombe on our school holiday, to be told I was going to the grammar school was a major shock. Do I wish I had left school at 16? Probably I would be richer now had I grown up a bit sooner.....or just grown up a bit.


School farming Royal Navy Rat killer Plant fitter Polytechnic Cert Ed teacher plant fitter teacher

Edited by skipepsi
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Evening All,


Regretfully, not dead yet (although jammy knee is doing it's best). Still job hunting and last week had a telephone interview with someone who'd be a senior colleague. It went well, and I'll eventually be asking to another (to be?) senior colleague. However, I was advised this will be a slow process as the person who would be my boss has yet to be hired (the company I applied to is rapidly expanding in my therapeutic area). Apart from initial filtering and an e-mail saying we'd like you to talk to Dr X, HR won't be involved until the very end of the interview process. Odds are good: 29 applicants for 2 positions - so a 1 in 15 chance!


Will come back and talk later.


Be well.



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  • RMweb Gold

I was in the last year to be allowed to ride 250cc bikes at 16 and the last school year where you could leave at 15. Not many did from our school because you had to pass your 11+ to get there I never had to sit the exam the headteacher decreed I was good enough and that was it. A lack of self confidence meant I asked him where I would be going in September while we were away at Salcombe on our school holiday, to be told I was going to the grammar school was a major shock. Do I wish I had left school at 16? Probably I would be richer now had I grown up a bit sooner.....or just grown up a bit.


School farming Royal Navy Rat killer Plant fitter Polytechnic Cert Ed teacher plant fitter teacher

And it's people like you who have been round a different block or two before settling in the teaching game who might well be able to spot the good 'uns and the no-hopers, because you have seen life outside, have worked in multiple environments. Teachers are enormously important to society, but are not all created equal in talents, nor judgement.

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  • RMweb Premium



Life can be so stressful living the country.


* should it be a murder of cyclists ?



No cyclists or joggers were hurt in the making of my photograph of 66083 on 6L39.

Why not? :jester:

Edited by PhilJ W
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Sandy was also told she'd never amount to much. So three degrees later (2 Bachelors and a Masters) and going for a PhD I don't think they could have been very insightful.



Primary skul wos a bit of fun but most remebered for Miss Barnes, tall and leggy with a nice smile, and Mrs. English the aging widowed headmistess who told me I'd "never amount to much" after I passed the 11+ what a bi*t*ch*  lady of character...


One of the few disappointments in later life, has been the discovery that all the unhelpful/demotivating/petty/cruel and narrow-minded teachers of my early school-years are long dead and I can`t return to show them {50 years on} what I achieved...............I would have especially liked to speak to the one whom caned my palm seven times (until it bled!) for my steadfastly refusing to admit to a breach of house-protocol, in which I`d taken no part whatsoever. :angry:

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One of the few disappointments in later life, has been the discovery that all the unhelpful/demotivating/petty/cruel and narrow-minded teachers of my early school-years are long dead and I can`t return to show them {50 years on} what I achieved...............I would have especially liked to speak to the one whom caned my palm seven times (until it bled!) for my steadfastly refusing to admit to a breach of house-protocol, in which I`d taken no part whatsoever. :angry:

I concur, but having said that, my experience with all the other teachers I ever had, including the grammar school I went to after passing my 11+, were extremely supportive, encouraging, and even, yes, accurate the few who needed to explain my shortcomings in some subjects (never liked French, until we got the exchange lady teacher :)  or English Literature, which I now regret and have since tried to recify).

I found I was able to as a result, best I could, improve on those subjects I was deficient in.-->  Le chat assis sur le tapis, bon jour, c'est la vie, oui, MERDE! :jester:


The ONLY misery of the bunch was "Mrs. English" and whilst I prefer not to talk ill of anyone, especially those who can no longer defend themselves, she was surely one of the meanest old matrons I ever encountered. Seems she took great delight in making everyone feel inadequate and inferior - may she rot in hell  rest in peace.

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WOW - just noticed I'm at 100 posts, that makes me a trainee prat I guess, is that about right??

If I posted more in "real" threads instead of expounding my particular brand of drivel in here, I might be a junior prat by now, you think?? :)

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WOW - just noticed I'm at 100 posts, that makes me a trainee prat I guess, is that about right??

If I posted more in "real" threads instead of expounding my particular brand of drivel in here, I might be a junior prat by now, you think??  :)

Some are born great and others have greatness thrust upon them. Welcome to the "ton up" club. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

WOW - just noticed I'm at 100 posts, that makes me a trainee prat I guess, is that about right??

If I posted more in "real" threads instead of expounding my particular brand of drivel in here, I might be a junior prat by now, you think??  :)

Interestingly, you have a "rating" of 1000. Keep going!


EDIT : And some of us have, by dint of talking a good deal of cr*p, promoted our status to being Prize Prats!

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Premium

WOW - just noticed I'm at 100 posts, that makes me a trainee prat I guess, is that about right??

If I posted more in "real" threads instead of expounding my particular brand of drivel in here, I might be a junior prat by now, you think??  :)

You are an early riser/late sleeper ergo a fully fledged pratt.....

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Interestingly, you have a "rating" of 1000. Keep going!

Now I'll truly show my "newbiness" (there you go a new WORD created), where the heck do you see a/my "rating"? I just see the message count. Suppose I need to investigate more of the menus and profile pages?? Work,work,work - this stuff needs to become a neural connection or vulcan mind-meld available feature :)

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  • RMweb Premium

I mostly agreed initially with Ian's thoughts on teachers by my experience, but on reflection and a bit of deeper recall I think there were just good teachers, mediocre teachers and downright bad and vindictive teachers.  Most of the good ones had worked 'outside', but there were some who were products of 'Uni and back to school' who were also good.  There was one who was so abusive even our school website is rather, er, critical of him, he would be jailed nowadays, seriously.


I was a bit slow at O level standard as I had a long break from school due to a back injury with a subsequent total lack of support to catch up, but things came good later. 

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You are an early riser/late sleeper ergo a fully fledged pratt.....

This is were we need the ability to add MULTIPLE ratings for a post - I wanted to "Agree", "Informative", "Thanks" and "Funny" - maybe we can have an "all of the above"?? :)

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I mostly agreed initially with Ian's thoughts on teachers by my experience, but on reflection and a bit of deeper recall I think there were just good teachers, mediocre teachers and downright bad and vindictive teachers.  Most of the good ones had worked 'outside', but there were some who were products of 'Uni and back to school' who were also good.  There was one who was so abusive even our school website is rather, er, critical of him, he would be jailed nowadays, seriously.


I was a bit slow at O level standard as I had a long break from school due to a back injury with a subsequent total lack of support to catch up, but things came good later. 

Neil - check your email I sent one a couple of days back...

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Place the cursor on your nose click and be transported to your profile.

Cor blimey... as they say :)

Ain't technology wunnerful. Though it does say age unknown - I sure as hell know it and thought I'd set it up on here, I don't care who knows, and I better fix that so everyone knows I'm an old b*ugg*er too :senile:

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Or just hover on your screen name .

Bloody hell! THis gets better and better - sadly, I should have already seen/discovered these things, I'm in IT/technology and considered somewhat an expert - just goes to show that there's only a small gap between prat and expert.


EDIT: In fairness, I've never really taken the time to fully explore the features of the site - that's MY excuse anyway! :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

One of the few disappointments in later life, has been the discovery that all the unhelpful/demotivating/petty/cruel and narrow-minded teachers of my early school-years are long dead and I can`t return to show them {50 years on} what I achieved...............I would have especially liked to speak to the one whom caned my palm seven times (until it bled!) for my steadfastly refusing to admit to a breach of house-protocol, in which I`d taken no part whatsoever. :angry:

Matthew still remembers the year 6 teacher who said that he would be entitled to come and tell her she was wrong when he had a good degree from a university. Fortunately by the time Matthew was at school, hitting children wasn't permitted! He recently said he won't bother contacting her and he doesn't care what she thinks about him now. 

Matthew only got one detention at secondary school. His geography teacher was fond of praising his home county of Norfolk and using it as an example. One of the other year eleven lads mentioned to the teacher that he had seen him out shopping at Lakeside and wondered if the young lady with him was his sister or girlfriend. Matthew did his teacher accent impersonation "In Norfolk..." and got sent out.

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Quite a late post today, I wonder if this is the latest ER post!! A little concerned to read so many negative comments about teachers. There are some good ones out there you know! I like to think I am one of them, although that is for others to decide. I did have a nice moment yesterday. One of the children in my class brought me a gift back from their holiday. A colourful mug from Cornwall. Such gifts are very rare, and it was a thank you gift for "helping her worries" last term. She had got extremely worried about the impending change of head teacher, to the point of scratching her arms quite badly. I did my best to verbally reassure her, and ensured that I spent a few minutes each day just listening to the child read so they had a chance to share their worries with me at the same time. Nice to know the efforts are appreciated!


 Today saw another busy day. At least the second attempt at the "missing number" problems seemed to solve the issues from yesterday. A couple of the worriers even managed to raise a smile and a laugh during the lesson. Pleasing to see a child who, initially got every question wrong, completed her task with no mistakes. Result!


 The evening saw me out at the Mickleover club. Quite a productive running night. I got to test the pair of Railroad Mark 1 coaches. These were put into a 7 coach rake. Such a lengthy train has proved a challenge to some of my models in the past but my Bachmann "Witherslack Hall" and "Erlestoke Manor" both made light work of it. So too did a large Prairie and Standard 3 tank. Most impressive of all was when I stuck a 57xx Pannier on the front, thinking no chance. It pulled them easily!!!


Jinty number 24 running morning and evening passenger on my home layout again!

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