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  • RMweb Gold

I was rather disapointed to miss the SWAG event this year. I had made a note of the date but we have too much to get done before going off on Friday to attend a family christening. This is just the sort of thing where you have no say in the date. My niece had a second son last year and it will be his christening on Sunday. The poor little one was born with a cleft palate and had difficulty in feeding at first but is much better after a major op. After that we will make our way to Henley for the ALSRM SHOW at Reading. I was mulling over whether to use the train or bus to get to the show, however the bus goes over Caversham Bridge I think (would Mike know does he ever go by Bus?) and would save a walk from the station or more pertinantly save a walk back carrying any goodies.


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Good late evening folks, my little bit of silliness with Omar Khyaam this morning led to me re-reading the first edition version given to me by my parents in 1973 - much to the disgust of the management! Raised a smile when I reached the verse that my father loved to quote:

'' Ah, my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears

To-day of past Regrets and future Fears-

To-morrow? - Why, To-morrow I may be

Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years.''

Now you know my excuse for the night cap! Have a good night all and if fed up, shift your thoughts to what the family of that poor teacher are going through (as mentioned by 'andyram' above). It would appear that there is always someone worse off than you! Hope tomorrow brings what you wish for, kind regards,


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It’s not 7:00pm here, Jock.......


Mike, you could always tell which one was Marianne - because she really, really liked MARS Bars..........

Olivia has a smaller place in Hawaii, er also New York, LA and London. Rome maybe too.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another dull start and 10oC. Once again the forecast is for some sunny intervals with heavy showers, possibly with some thunder. That  probably  rules out gardening.(I am strictly a fair weather gardener unlike my Dad who would find something to do in a blizzard!)

Chris taken to work at 5.30 and no instructions have been left for domestic stuff so it appears that I'm free to do my own thing today.

Have a good one,



P.S. Good luck Dominik!

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning All,


It is a rather wet morning here - not that I am complaining because the Garden really needs the rain.


After two days of testing, I am hoping for a quieter day that will allow me to get a few of my other tasks sorted.  Fingers crossed for few meetings!


Hope your first lesson goes well Dominik!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Good morning all, 


Well in case you didn't know apparently yesterday was " World day for Safety and health at work. " hence a week of  Corporate Cr*p meetings.  Unfortunately I have to attend - (most of  them...) today is apparently "how to manage stress in the workplace".... among others!  I think I'm going to have to find some excuse.....


Try and make the best of what life throws at you today, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A rainy start to the day. 


SWMBO worked late into the night - again and was up at 6 to start again. I'm told this is because there is a peak in the workload. This peak seems to be more of a plateau at higher ground and has been going on for many weeks now.  Her boss is pleased as he says it proves there's plenty of work "out there".  :angry:

"Candle+both ends" springs to mind. 


Difficult to justify cracking on with projects like the garage refurb - mainly for my hobby - when she is slaving away all hours and barely has time to sleep. 


Best. Andy

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Haven't seen fog like this for a while and with the tired commuters shambling through it on their way to the station it looks like the zombie apocalypse has arrived! lol! Have a good one today folks whatever you're up to or what life brings you!

Edited by CathcartCircle
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Looks rather gloomy here. Perhaps it will brighten up when the forecast rain appears. I have a shopping list. I haven't seen it yet but I suspect it will require a visit to Tesco.

Aditi left early today as she needed to allow extra time in case there is extra traffic (Tube strike). She is observing a lesson somewhere in Forest Gate at one of the college's other sites. 




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a gloomy looking day out there but relatively warm. Good luck Dom it will be fine. Yesterdays news from Leeds was awful which is probably given the age of the child is probably all that can be said. Gruffalo has been missing for about a month now I sent a pm but I havent had a reply and now Don is missing too.....

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Morning all, Pleasant here in Swad and just a run to the Hospital with Mum later for another check up and then a bit of modelling between coffee breaks and Club tonight.


See you all later,

Have a nice day

No hate that saying, but you know what I mean.

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Morning Folks!


Back from a few days attacking the allotment, where I'm beginning to think we may be winning.  Always a dangerous thing though as the dreaded Bindweed always seems ready to take up the challenge! 


A dry day though a bit dull, so no excuse for not cutting the grass today, though I think some fortifying egg & bacon, toast and coffee first.  Just to build up my strength for the task ahead you understand...............


Take care all, and have a good day if you possibly can.

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Well in case you didn't know apparently yesterday was " World day for Safety and health at work. " hence a week of  Corporate Cr*p meetings.  Unfortunately I have to attend - (most of  them...) today is apparently "how to manage stress in the workplace".... among others!  I think I'm going to have to find some excuse.....


That passed me by - and I am a Health & Safety Manager!  Just as well I didnt get too stressed about missing it!


Beautiful morning today - shame I am stuck inside at work.

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  • RMweb Premium



Upside down weather today, thick fog at nothing above sea level at home, and glorious up on the mountain.  Inversion layer or something.


Good luck for today Dominik, I don't have the patience to teach.  Then again, how do I do what pays the wages currently...hmm....maybe I do have the patience, but not the relevant aptitude.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Yesterday's threatened hailstorms failed to appear, and it was a pretty enough evening. This morning we have damping - rain so fine it isn't really visible, but increasing as the day goes on. Better weather later in the week, maybe.


Hope Dom finds his new skool more to his style. Frankly, Dom, if all else fails, your marvellous written English must make you an attractive employee for a multinational.


May the sun shine on you all today.

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Evening all.  Been over Mike's way today with a summer league match against Badgemore Park in Henley.  I had a vague recollection George Harrison lived there, but was surprised to find his place just down the road.  Whilst surfing this evening to find out a bit more about Friar Park, I stumbled across this on Youtube with the three remaining Beatles jamming in George's studio.  Having grown up with the Beatles, it's a long way from their music of the 60's, but quite nostalgic just the same..


Big house to live in.  Apparently his wife Olivia still lives there.  Must rattle around a bit in a 120 room mansion...





Good to see Ringo didn't lose his touch! What was it John said? Not even the best drummer in the Beatles.  Still, it would be nice to see that gig now. I always hoped the survivors would play with John's son Julian, I think his voice sounded a lot like John.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, all and good luck to Dominik.


Nice and sunny in the far nor' west. Just right for morning coffee outside, today, methinks.  Must remember to (get Ray to) rescue the bench from its winter storage in the garage.   Ah.  That means I've got to clear its parking space.... Now, where can I put.... :scratchhead: er...um...that could go....that means I'll have to shift.....and tidy that bit up and....


C'mon. It's only a bench... 5 minute job.... er...maybe 10....I'll let you know.  :D


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Premium


Back from a few days attacking the allotment, where I'm beginning to think we may be winning.  Always a dangerous thing though as the dreaded Bindweed always seems ready to take up the challenge! 




Doh. Now you've mentioned bindweed it'll get everywhere. 

I was looking at my bindweed collection the other day and thinking instead of fighting it I should embrace it? 

One of my white-flowering clematis plants is looking a bit feeble - why not simply cultivate the white-flowering bindweed up over the rose arch instead? Same colour flowers, leaf shape isn't so different....


Anyone got a bindweed treatment / cure that works? 

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