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  • RMweb Gold

Brilliant weather this morning, but now Elsa needs her walk and the clouds are tumbling in and the wind is picking up: No doubt a hot wind generated by the lucky dogs at the Taunton fest both yesterday and today.


Worse is to come as I have to go to Llandudno next weekend with the Obergrumpenfuhrer(good), and stay with her mother (why have I been punished so Lord?)


Still on the bright side I can trip off down the Conwy valley to see a friend, he has been muttering about watching the K1 at Porthmadog that same weekend.  Then there is the Llandudno rip off the tourist Victorian Extravaganza on over the same weekend, so I can escape down there for a few hours on the Sunday.


Morgan has volunteered to stay at home and look after Elsa, so with any luck, lots of gardening tasks will get done whilst we are away.


Now if I can just be persuaded to stop at LLangollen for a long lunch and a stroll on the way up to the N Wales coast, things will begin to look up.

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  • RMweb Gold

So far all trains captured on pixel - including the white 66, which ran nearly 4 hours early but I was ready ...


Pity about the sun, it would have been perfect if it had been on time !




I'm writing a macro in Excel to simplify one of my documentation steps, it prompts for a value and then creates that many sheets (I store info about each trains working on a sheet) using a standard blank as the start, I haven't put any error checking in yet and without thinking I've typed 121212 as the number of sheets to create - so far Excel is doing it's best to create them - I'm awaiting the crash and burn moment, hopefully the nascent code was saved. Lucky I don't work in IT, I'd be dangerous.

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  • RMweb Premium

HAway the Lads!!  Miracles can happen....


Holes in skirting boards fixed using 4" 8 4" piece of wood held in place with No more N&ils... just needs to dry, sand down then paint.... Carpet removed (off to the dump) and work to be complete in dining room this week despite 2 lots of sister drac and her apprentice  and an MRI scan.. I volunteered for this - hopefully it will be OK.



and, just for beast as he missed some of the Baz on tour in Oz shots...



and a birdie..






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I'm writing a macro in Excel to simplify one of my documentation steps, it prompts for a value and then creates that many sheets (I store info about each trains working on a sheet) using a standard blank as the start, I haven't put any error checking in yet and without thinking I've typed 121212 as the number of sheets to create - so far Excel is doing it's best to create them - I'm awaiting the crash and burn moment, hopefully the nascent code was saved.


Say again please; in English. :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good news - the macro stopped and I recovered the situation, in fact I finished the complete thing and to say I'm pleased is an understatement.


For example.


Barneby last week - 72 trains, each one requires a sheet in my Excel document which I use to record the photos, so that means copying the standard sheet 72 times (actually not that many as I decided that 30 was a good mid point) and then each sheet needs to be renamed to the reporting code of the train.


Time taken then - 15 minutes.




Press Ctrl+W (my choice of shortcut) and a couple of seconds later - done. And it works on any number of trains entered so totally flexible.


Going from 15 minutes (probably more to be honest) to a couple of seconds is a great time saver for me - and it removes the chance of typos.


Now off to modify some other software I've written to see if I can simply another step in documenting my photos down to a copy and paste - currently a copy/paste, a separate copy/paste and then a final copy/paste

In the middle my software spots the paste buffer changing, reads it, reformats it (if it's the correct data, it ignores anything else) and puts the new version back, so in the time it takes me from typing Ctrl+A (select all) and Ctrl+C on the web page to switching to Excel, the data is already there waiting, a Ctrl + V to paste and it's done. Currently it only works for a third of the data but that's what I'm going to enhance now.


PS - If anyone sees 6T64 start moving give me a shout, although another "Skippy utility" I've written is also monitoring it !

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  • RMweb Gold
PS - If anyone sees 6T64 start moving give me a shout, although another "Skippy utility" I've written is also monitoring it !


All Skippy utilities in the world don't help when the first update on Trust is too late for me to beat the train to anywhere ! ho hum - at least I got the white one. (It's just popped up running 4 hours early)

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  • RMweb Gold

Back home after delivering Matthew to Leicester. Back for 4pm which wasn't bad. I didn't stay long as Matthew wanted to unpack and then go to the library. 


I'm not planning on doing much else today.


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  • RMweb Gold

No sadly her and her mother had to be driven to the shops....multiple shops

But did they find any shoes? Aditi will take me with her if she is choosing clothes but has decided it would be cruel to take me if she is shoe shopping as whatever I (or anyone else for that  matter) say is "wrong". She has small, broad feet and shoe designers only design "sensible" footwear in her size. She has no trouble with trainers or walking boots just shoes. At least this year if she wants any posh frocks for the cruise it won't be at the last minute as it was on the last one we went on in 2012. 



Edited by Tony_S
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...Anyone who doubts Ian Abel's comments on how cold it gets in MN should take note of an article in this mornings electronic Guardian/Observer - apparently, there is a new film on release called 'Kumiko the Treasurehunter' which stars a Japanese lady who actually freezes to death while searching for a fictitious buried treasure (a comedy?) - now that is cold!! We don't even experience it that hard in my homeland Scotland!...


  Sadly it's not only in fiction. We had a couple of people freeze to death this winter, and they were not out in the wilds, but near homes, at back doors etc.. Mostly due to mis-adventure and alcohol was involved, but I don't judge anyone who freezes to death on their own doorstep because they apparently didn't have the key, and were incapacitate :(


On to lighter subjects;

The weather continues to be "mid-western". We're stuck with cooler than usual termperatures as the jet-stream remains further south than it usually is, result is we are at 4 with heavy rain and thunderstorms, expecting rains for the next couple of days and max temps between 6-9 only. Several degrees lower than average. Again, it'll likely rain all day, has been constant downpour since the early hours. If the temperature takes a slight dip south later in the week we could even get snow!!! WHAT!!! GOOD GRIEF!!!


The floor is now sanded and I'm awaiting the Mrs final "inspection and pre-finishing prep" then I'm off to paint the thing with wood finish :) Wish I could use the bloody air-brush, but will have to settle for the approved lambswool applicator.


Enjoy the waning few hours of your weekend folks - I've still got about 10 to go, although that WILL include putting three coats of finish on the floor, with about a 3 hour gap between each one...

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all (can only say that for 59 more sleeps....not that I'm counting....).


Busy day ay Grumble Glen, chainsawing a fallen tree this morning, then driving the works train to load the wood into cars, changed the gearbox oil in the Steamplex, steamed it with it's owner for the CEO to set the safeties, had a drive up the line with said owner, disposed of the loco, went home.  Shattered.  It was nice and sunny all day too, the glen is coming to life with bluebells everywhere as the daffs are done now.


Shame it's a work day tomorrow, it's going to be hard to get up in the morning.  Mrs H is off all week too.....humbug.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nunc est bibendum, but I fear the wurst is yet to come! :jester:


There was nothing for the steakholders on tonight's menu indeed, but we were treated to a rather edifying salmon instead. :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Just don't talk to me about frock shopping. With an upcoming wedding just 13 days away both gals are in full swing re cloths and accessories shopping. 

I'm off to the pub to recover. 

I may be some time. As always. 


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