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My Wife drove my daughter 220miles to Ithaca yesterday to check out a University programme - they spent four hours there - drove back 220mils and was home by 3;00pm. Remarkable, really.

Have a nice day.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The alarm was set for 06:30 (even though I watched the Deerhunter until 00:45, so I was a bit yawny this morning), I monitored the ballasts, no sign of movement, eventually I got up at 07:30 and had soem breakfast, still no movement. I made a cup of tea for myself and the boss, took hers up, checked again - shooot the first one was already at Wymondham, which is only 10 minutes away at best, so my tea was left and off I went, I beat it, but only just. I hung around and the next two ballasts both left more or less on time so 2 x GBRF and 1 x DBS/EWS trains photographed and back home by 09:00. The sun was in the wrong place but was most hazy so tolerable, but I record things, not go for magazine shots.


I have an ECS later - 2 x 47s on that and then mid afternoon the white 66 is booked through ... the sun should be around nicely by then so should get a nice shot, then even later there's a chance of a final ballast, but it's close to dark when it's booked through so I need it to leave early.


Here's one of the sparkies I took yesterday, I'm quite pleased with the result, especially considering the speed it was going.




Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

My Wife drove my daughter 220miles to Ithaca yesterday to check out a University programme - they spent four hours there - drove back 220mils and was home by 3;00pm. Remarkable, really.

Have a nice day.


Best, Pete.

Always worth visiting a university. It  really enabled Matthew to narrow his choices down to two. Though we never managed to get back by 3pm. Fortunately he didn't feel the need for a visit to Calgary to check it out before his year there. He has been offered a place at the LSE for a Masters next year and hasn't been there either.

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Morning all, surprisingly sunny start in Clacton which is just as well as I have to take the 'boss' to the cemetery where she has inherited the task of gravestone cleaner from MiL, who passed away some years ago - fresh flowers every week on mum and dad's grave and a wipe down of the memorial bench whilst Archie the Westie looks on. Poor girl has her younger sister and nephew buried nearby; both of whom died young, falling to pancreatic cancer. We propose the ashes and scatter method fur ourselves in order that we don't leave the same chore for our children who live locally! Still, bright side, delays the patio set frame painting a bit longer!

Anyone who doubts Ian Abel's comments on how cold it gets in MN should take note of an article in this mornings electronic Guardian/Observer - apparently, there is a new film on release called 'Kumiko the Treasurehunter' which stars a Japanese lady who actually freezes to death while searching for a fictitious buried treasure (a comedy?) - now that is cold!! We don't even experience it that hard in my homeland Scotland!

Ian, the disappointment you must feel from being unable to garden is almost tangible - might have to settle for some modelling? Barry O, we had our skirtings replaced with UPVC ones after a similar event, and the walls made good all by a local chap for surprisingly little! Great move as now all they need is a wipe with a damp cloth - I used to loathe painting them!

Have the best day you can,

Kind regards,


PS Have you picked those tickets up yet Ian?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, 'orrible 'ere....thank goodness it's a seven day weekend for us pensioners.


Quite a sombre mood around here today, news from overseas has had a large impact on a family member involved in the same line of work at the same place. A stark reminder that this life is transitory and today is all we've got.

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It was worth it because they discovered that it was unsuitable for her requirements. It’s still looking like the University of Delaware - though she will be visiting two in Providence and two in Mass.

The Miskatonic, perhaps?


Best, Pete.

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Morning all, 'orrible 'ere....thank goodness it's a seven day weekend for us pensioners.


Quite a sombre mood around here today, news from overseas has had a large impact on a family member involved in the same line of work at the same place. A stark reminder that this life is transitory and today is all we've got.

Do they know definitively what happened yet?



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  • RMweb Gold

Do they know definitively what happened yet?




Not sure...a briefing for them is to take place shortly, replacements will have to be selected etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Jock - yes, I picked the tickets up on Wednesday afternoon. Took in my letter, they clicked on the barcode, the tickets were printed in a trice.


I am currently engaged in making this end of the house habitable for the guest I hope will be here for a few days from next Monday. This takes more doing than you can imagine! I need to find hidey-holes for lots of modelling material and kits which are currently strewn liberally about the place - I need to make the right impression if I ever hope to make her mine!


PhilH - clearly something horrid has happened, but I haven't twigged what or where. Sorry, whatever.

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Morning all


A brief update on my 60-day juicing diet which finished yesterday. Overall I managed to lose 49lbs (3.5stone), so am pleased with that - and so is Mrs PO - started off at 21 stone, now 17.5 but to reach my maximum BMI (I'm just under 6'4") need to shift another 35-42lbs.


In case anyone's interested I did the Joe Cross diet - you can find his film Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead online (or purchase the dvd which I did). The film is really encouraging, and he's the first person I've heard say that fat is energy stored, so I immediately felt better about being, er, fat.


His book, Reboot with Joe Juice Diet is good, too. The main outlay is for a good sturdy juicer that can manage hard vegetables with ease. Now I'll need to eat and drink sensibly to maintain the current weight before I try to gradually lose the rest.


When I started the diet forgot that we'd be going to Berlin and Paris this week - and Germans love their carbs - then catching the ferry from Cherbourg to Poole to spend a few days on Brownsea. Flying to Berlin, train to Paris and Cherbourg, btw. We're really looking forward to the break.


Have a good week or two



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Jock, I agree that temps in Scotland not being as hard as people may think! I remember when I first went on a date with Mrs CC who is from New Jersey. We met in New York and went for a carriage ride around Central Park in February! I haven't been as cold as that in my life!! She couldn't understand why I was shivering so much and said but isn't it cold in Scotland? After having been here a good number of years now she understands! lol!


Good morning all, have a great Sunday!




P.S. Why doesn't my post count go up. Been stuck at 33 for a while!

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