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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all! Been a busy few days for me! One more day in the office, one day out in the field, then 11 days of break from work, thank goodness!




Will you be going on holiday?

We were planning a summer holiday in USA/Canada but if the ash clouds are going to disrupt stuff we are thinking of ferry / drive to somewhere in Europe. I notice that Stena from Harwich are having a dogs cats and ferrets travel free offer at the moment. I wouldn't drag Robbie round Europe on a touring holiday though and haven't had him rabies inoculated. Now my wife is asking if we go on one of our continental jaunts do we need a newer car? I may not be allowed to choose though as I suggested a Renault Kangoo would probably suit us quite nicely.





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  • RMweb Premium

You could eliminate the "reboot after power restore" option from the BIOS temporarily and see if it still does it. ATX type power supplies seem to have a mind of their own about on and off. I'd be concerned about the lamp switch and the PC and would try to see if other devices cause the PC to behave this way.



I just checked and this option actually wasn't enabled; neither was the wake on LAN option. In any case, I now connected the lamp to another outlet and the computer no longer boots up when turning the lamp on. Aside from that, turning other devices connected to the same outlet as the computer on and off did not have any similar effect. Odd indeed, but well, that's computers for you, I guess.

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  • RMweb Gold

I just checked and this option actually wasn't enabled; neither was the wake on LAN option. In any case, I now connected the lamp to another outlet and the computer no longer boots up when turning the lamp on. Aside from that, turning other devices connected to the same outlet as the computer on and off did not have any similar effect. Odd indeed, but well, that's computers for you, I guess.


The lamp sounds suspiciously suspicious unless of course as your dad leaned over to switch the light on he always rested on the PC power button but that is fairly unlikely. Though when we had our first computer (a BBC model B) my wife managed to keep getting a keyboard buffer error (lots of beeping). After careful observation I suggested she sat a little further away from the keyboard to solve the problem.






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Morning All,


Rather cloudy here this morning - but not raining at present.


Dominik - the lamp does sound a little suspicious. However, I would try the same configuration (lamp and computer) in a different power socket and see if it has the same effect. It could be a fault on the socket concerned (slightly dodgy neutral for example). There isn't a lot in a lamp to go wrong after all!


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Forecast says something about rain today; it is still dry at this time, though. As for the computer thing - plugging the lamp into another outlet seems to have solved the problem. Before, the computer and the lamp were connected to one power strip - perhaps that was the actual cause of this odd behaviour.


Have a nice day! :)

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Morning all! Welcome aboard ERs, John.


Last deskbound day till June 1st! One more working day tomorrow but it involves a drive around East Lothian and wandering around some fields so I can't complain. I'll just be glad when today's over, I'm not looking forward to this morning's meeting...


Wonder if I'll get any railway modelling done during my week off? I've not had much motivation lately to do it, but I think that's partially because of living in a small top floor flat - everything's in the way, there's nowhere to cut wood that doesn't make a huge mess, and nowhere to put decent equipment like a workbench or a bench saw...


Still, looking forward to Sunday - I'm in Durham over this weekend so I'm planning to go to see Durham Dynamos vs Leicestershire Foxes at the Riverside. :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.


Lovely morning here. I've already been for a walk (to put the recycling out) and I'm off for a drive down to the station. My wife is having a day's leave to go up to London and meet with her supervising professors who need to review her progress.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Still a fair few oktas in view. I think I will have to venture into the office today as I have a meeting to attend. Luckily it's only an invention group meeting so I won't actually have to do any work just dream up crazy ideas! Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

I just read how an airline pilot once made the following cabin announcement during a flight over the Yugoslav war zone in the early 90s:


"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are currently over Yugoslavia. Please do not worry if you should see any flashes on the ground while looking out of the windows, as the enemy missiles cannot reach our altitude. We wish you a pleasant flight."


I bet that one cheered them passengers up!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Long day yesterday, as I left home early, and a good job I did, as motorway was fine, but even with AA driving directions I was struggling, as some of the references to roundabouts and intersections had the name of the junction, but I couldn't see it on any signs! Also I was trying to drive, navigate, read the instructions, and watch the dog all at the same time! Got there on time, vet was late, but she was left there for about five hours while the tests and washing of the ears was done, so I had a lot of time to kill in St Helens, and spent a most enjoyable afternoon at the glass museum, which is actually better than its name might suggest.


The specialist was very good indeed, and I came home with some lovely pictures of the inside of the dog's ears - but the picture was not really pretty, and she's contrived to present with a different infection in each ear - so that means two different treatment regimes. Bill was as expected, but I've got insurance, so hopefully they'll pick up the fees. Finally got home with her about half eight last night as ... you've guessed, the specialist was running late, and my 5.30 appointment didn't actually start until about 6.10! Still was worth it, as the vet is confident that we can get somewhere with the drugs that she's suggested.


Up here today, cloudy and a bit dull with the prospect of rain later.


I've no ideas on the computer problems, I fear....

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Stewart, glad the vet is confident about the treatment. Sounds about right for a spaniel to have a different infection in each ear! Robbie's daily dip in the local ditches probably kills any infection. I'm not sure what bacteria could survive in that water!



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Tony - this lady is the tops, but different infections in both ears was even unusual for her.


If your spaniel ever picks up any nasties in the ear department, and it is beyond your vet's capabilities, I think she takes referrals from anywhere in the country - feel free to PM me if you ever need her details - though I am pretty sure that your vet will know of her, as she is pretty famous in the veterinary world, apparently.

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Morning All,


I am surprised to be the first one here this morning! I'm not! Mick posted while I was writing :rolleyes: I had terrible trouble getting out of bed this morning, and consequently I am in the office a bit later than usual.


It is raining here... Again... I think it is the third day of rain now.


Oh well - less danger of a water shortage this summer!


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Yup, grey and wet outside indeed... However, I just read it is supposed to finally become warmer from the weekend onwards - if that should be any consolation for you, Robert :D .


Have a nice day all!

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Morning all! Full set of oktas but they look like they could be persuaded to leave.


I'm sure PhilH would tell us you can have the wettest winter/spring ever and still end up with a hosepipe ban in the summer!


Off to tramp around some farmland and go look at some flying sheep today. Then a week off, hooray!

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  • RMweb Premium

... Not just lambs that go boing boing?


Shouldn't that be Boeing Boeing?


Morning All, Full set of oktas in evidence. That's enough of an excuse for me to work from home!




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Guest Max Stafford

Hope everybody's spaniels are doing OK today. Weather up here is on loan from Germany I think, but it may brighten later! :)


Have a good day all!



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