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DD's picture is a part of the scenic board on Much Wittering. You can see where he has cleverly adjusted the sleeper spacing of the Peco track. The ballasting is still a bit thin and needs bulking up to look more realistic.

I'm glad to see it's still progressing!


Bob, Your weathering on #3 photo has hidden the missing rivet. Do the others like that.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Ah, Farcebook - well anyone on here who knows of my presence on that site will also be aware of my name there, some of them are also aware of my 'birthday' shown on there which happens to be 1st April (there's  big hint in that date ;) ) and in reality the only reason i ever joined it was to keep in touch with RMweb during one of its past periodic failures, so I don't get on it very much nowadays.


By strange coincidence I also weathered a wagon yesterday although as I required a quick result I didn't bother with the underframe (used acrylics Barry - I think on a comparative basis your method might be better).  The good Doctor and I also slightly weathered a building - with 'snow' (white weathering powder) which will be seen, along with the wagon, at Taunton on Sunday.


And we've had the monsoon start here in a big way this morning - extremely heavy rain, thunder and lihghtning right overhead,  Currently peaceful but more rain is promised - just what I need (not) for the drive down the M4/M5 tomorrow to Cap'n Kernow's extravaganza on the WSR/Bath Green Park (4mm scale)/Tamerig Central (4mm scale) followed by evening nosh in The Cross Keys at Norton Fitzwarren then the fun 'exhibition'/RMweb gathering on Sunday; should be a good weekend - provided the catering confusion tomorrow doesn't turn out to be as confused as the bloke taking our orders was earlier this week :scratchhead:  :O


Have a good day one & all

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By the way, if anyone who has the capability to watch YouTube videos and is interested in the UK scene of recent (and current) memory and is NOT subscribed to Dave’s (under Beast66606) collection can I urge that you do so.

It’s building into a cool historical document for the future and as such is very valuable.

I have just two subscriptions; one to Dave’s and the other to Eastern Railroad Productions (for the USA stuff).


If anyone has  any other good quality subs, list them please.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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My findings on US weather systems differs from Ian A’s - possibly because we are quite a bit further south?

Outside of Winter and the accursed “Nor’Easters” which dump the most snow, we get rain in “clumps” rather than all day affairs (though we do get the occasional one of those too).   Most rain comes from Cold Fronts sweeping through from the West which means that it pours down for about an hour (or even just 20 minutes) and then it’s gone - it’s out of here and the Sun is back out.


The NWS website puts little graphical logos up by the day but they can be very misleading - it looks like a day long deluge when it isn’t. Being a Brit means (natch) that I’ve complained to them about this and got precisely nowhere, (of course).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Despite the tide going out sea weed is still wet here due to the forecasted mizzle.

Her indoors back,her car is now filled so early start tomorrow.

I am likely to be spending 3hours watching rain fall at cricket tomorrow :-(

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I once saw Northants play in an early season one dayer - I think it might just have been into May rather than late April. Mercifully the day remained dry, although overcast and the beers kept me pleasantly warm inside.


The next day I looked in the mirror to shave before heading off to work - my face was beetroot red. I belatedly realised that I had sat facing the wind all day and had been windburned! I got a lot of stick at work that day....

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  • RMweb Gold

Computer sorted.  Again thanks to CB.


Went to Ironbridge Gorge this morning.


Decadently we bought  some of Mr Eley's  fine pasties and sat by the ironbridge watching the river and the world drift by.


Then we came home.


I had expected lunch, but apparently that was what the pasty was: I thought that was elevenses.


Still I have now hit that horror of horrors, rising weight!


Fortunately, this has nothing to do with fluid retention or over indulging, but is a phenomenon that seems to affect me, although it probably is applicable to others as well


Since the right eye retinal surgery, I have been very careful with what I have eaten and drunk:  So I lost just over half a stone in weight in just over a fortnight.


However, my  lack of driving means my exercise rate has been increasing, albeit of a gentle nature, (bike/dog walk/etc) but after the initial weight loss, my body has now started to build up the muscle tone, so my weight starts to climb again.


I I keep the exercise levels up, eventually I will start to lose weight again.


Ian (Olddudders) has unwittingly set me a challenge: By the time I am 60, I want to be in the same size trousers I was wearing, when I was 20 years old.


Trouble is, now I feel the need for cake, not just any old cake, but special cake!

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Dull day here with a threat of rain in the air! Completed my Network Rail Assessments yesterday and have had no word yet which to me is a good thing so here's hoping! Morning was spent doing the weekly grocery shopping and now it's back to the job hunting! Onwards and upwards eh? Have a good Friday everyone and here's to the approaching weekend!

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  • RMweb Gold

Trouble is, now I feel the need for cake, not just any old cake, but special cake!


Ah- cake! My downfall too Richard. Last Saturday my eldest granddaughter Abbie made a Simnel cake :




It was absolutely delicious and I'm just about to finish it off.






PS Tomorrow morning she's making cheesecake.  Bliss!.


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Here's a method for all you dog owners to exercise the dogs and yourselves all rolled into one one routine .


 Border Collie runs through MTB trail. [VIDEO]

A certain spaniel I know would check out the woods on either side and still manage to stay ahead. I only walk but I suspect he could keep ahead anyway. Although Robbie is nearly 10 he can still run at high speed. Hiding behind a tree while he is running away results in full thunderpaws action as he returns looking for me. He can still do that "full speed turn in his own length" action too as he notices me.

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh Richard, stop setting those challenges - there is no way on this earth I'm ever going to get into trousers I wore at 20.  As an officer cadet I was run ragged and as skinny as a rake.  Now I'm somewhat circumferentially challenged at 14st.....and that seems to stay whatever I do!

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  • RMweb Premium

A certain spaniel I know would check out the woods on either side and still manage to stay ahead. I only walk but I suspect he could keep ahead anyway. Although Robbie is nearly 10 he can still run at high speed. Hiding behind a tree while he is running away results in full thunderpaws action as he returns looking for me. He can still do that "full speed turn in his own length" action too as he notices me.

Charlie the beagle was quite fond of scooting back and forth on the beach during our stay in Prerow last week!


This reminds me that I still have some photos to download from my camera...

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Whilst listening to Ch. 4 Tv. last evening I heard a continuity announcer with a vocal-tic (aka: tourettes)...."biscuit" was the tic-word.

I was struck by how the lady sounded very relaxed and professional when speaking.

Very well done to her and appreciation to Ch. 4; for hopefully these slots will help bring a little "normality" to some people`s distorted opinion of those with vocal tics!


Evidently, Channel 4 are running an Alternative Voices Project: a little research unearthed this information

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Friday is here, and we're at 6 and sunny.

As predicted, rained all day yesterday, finally stopping about 4:30-5PM - Pete, there definately is a difference based on location. When I lived in NYC (7 yrs.) the wx patterns were vastly different to my current location, and are confirmed by my daughter (commercial pilot/flight instructor and self-described "weather nut"). We are significantly influenced by the Canadian air masses over the upper middle of the continent, which are majorly responsible for our "exciting" winters - wish they also provided enjoyable summers, but all too often they result in too much heat/humidity!


Weekend becons, and the task list is primarily "sand the hardwood floor in the kitchen". This will take probably the better part of the weekend <sigh>. Such is the lot of those deciding to redo a room in the house, as all ERs seem to have run afoul of!

The kitchen project will be wonderful when completed, and it's mostly the floor that is left, but it IS a major task - I've done several in the past in a couple of places we owned. Plenty of dust and elbow grease required to hold back the beastie of a commercial floor sander under the strain of it wanting to take off like a fast freight...

I'm hoping for some time to model, but we'll see how that pans out.


Have a great weekend everyone, especially those who are a mere hour or two from starting :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Such an extreme climate would really grate upon me, I think ours is extreme enough and it isn't at all really!


(Why am I in italics like Stationmaster????  Oh, I see....I didn't click that on though, odd).


In fact Fraggle Rock has an incredibly even climate due to being surrounded by water which acts as a moderator, and not being very big at all.  I'm sure some Americans have bigger gardens.

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  • RMweb Premium

Whilst listening to Ch. 4 Tv. last evening I heard a continuity announcer with a vocal-tic (aka: tourettes)...."biscuit" was the tic-word.

I was struck by how the lady sounded very relaxed and professional when speaking.

Very well done to her and appreciation to Ch. 4; for hopefully these slots will help bring a little "normality" to some people`s distorted opinion of those with vocal tics!


Evidently, Channel 4 are running an Alternative Voices Project: a little research unearthed this information


That's a tremendous website, I have just 'invested' in some of works' time reading it.  What a remarkable lady, with a great group of peple around her.


#warm glow for Friday#  There is hope for mankind after all.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Oh is it Friday? Yum, curry night. I am all out of synch this week with the days, after the 4 day weekend.

Am all out of synch after nigh on 7 weeks of holiday...gasp..back to painting ,decorating and weathering come next Monday......

Edited by Barry O
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Such an extreme climate would really grate upon me, I think ours is extreme enough and it isn't at all really!


(Why am I in italics like Stationmaster????  Oh, I see....I didn't click that on though, odd).


In fact Fraggle Rock has an incredibly even climate due to being surrounded by water which acts as a moderator, and not being very big at all.  I'm sure some Americans have bigger gardens.

Neil - thought we went over this yesterday, we don't have "gardens" we have "yards" :)

A yard is the entire property, though often referred to more as "front yard" and "back yard", the garden is where vegetables are grown! :jester: So when someone says "I'm not going to have a garden this year", they don't mean they are abandoning their home, just they won't be growing sh*it , ahem, stuff, um, veggies :)


Depends on the location as to the size of gardens/yards. Lots of folks want to live out in the suburbs or even rural areas and get lots and lots of property space, some having acres (a lot of which is never touched/visited) anywhere from a couple to 20-30 or more! Out in the mid-west here, you don't need to go more than about 30 miles from town to find plenty of large places, and it's a short drive, but long TIME, in traffic to commute.

If you live closer to a larger city, and in an inner-ring suburb as we do, more likely you'll have a piece of property that's appropriately smaller, ours is about 155' x 165' and is a "two lot" property. Lots in our suburb as generally about 70' x 150'. Once you get into the city (mid-west, we're not talking LA, NY or the like here, different rules :) ) a city lot is more often about 50' x 100-150'.


I've always wanted to run a garden railway around our place, but time, money and the inevitable weather issues have resulted in me deciding an indoor OO is a better choice


EDIT: There, isn't it nice to have wasted more time reading this absolute nonsense, almost as nice as me writing it - per Pete's comment about a week ago, I am now also contributing to the drivel - bad boy, bad Ian, stop it now... :O  :butcher:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Oh is it Friday? Yum, curry night.  I am all out of synch this week with the days, after the 4 day weekend.

Looks like Windy weather ahead for the IoM......


Ian, I have nearly an acre here 17 miles from Times Square - it’s bloody hard work in Spring, Summer and Fall.

Then you have the wildlife..... Let’s see Coyotes, Black Bears (rare, but they are around here - I last saw one out back  about 5 years ago but the population is increasing and they feature on the news a lot), Chipmunks (love ‘em) Skunks (lovely animals, do not squirt unless seriously cornered), Woodchucks but worst of all Squirrels and White Tailed Deer. Haven’t seen a Rattler in the backyard, yet, but we do have some amazing Salamanders.


The most angry animal: North American Shrew - good job they are only 3” long....


We get a lot of America’s only marsupial, the 'possum, they all look cross-eyed to me.


Best, Pete.


Best, Pete.

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