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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start and 8oC. Forecast is for a bright sunny warm morning with possibly some showers this afternoon.

It would appear that we need to go shopping today, tomorrow and possibly Friday for reasons known only to management (although we do have quite a few visitors coming Saturday) I shall just drive and push the supermarket trolley as usual and try to see how many "goodies" I can slip in before we reach the checkout and they're noticed! (and a discussion takes place about how essential they are to my wellbeing) This will inevitably bring up the question of my diet which could be a problem as last week I managed to put on 4lbs.

Because of said visitors Saturday it looks like I'll have to wait until Sunday to go to the Epsom show which was the first one I visited about 5 years ago and always seems to be a good one.

Have a great day,


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It is definitely Autumn and even beginning to feel Wintery.  A maximum of only 20 forecast for today and it feels like it was only days ago that I was complaining of daily temps in the 30s.

N O rain as yet, so my expectation of Winter rains starting on Good Friday was (happily) false.

Happy hump day all!


DD Is the interest in Conway Castle possibly connected to model building plans?

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Morning all,  - it's hump day already!  Not much going on here to report...temperature still  expected to be in the low 30's...and heavy rain forecast for later. 

No modelling last night though was just too knackered,  may be tonight though. 


What ever you're up to today, try and remember to smile!



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Morning All,


It is quite a nice sunny morning here - definitely better than yesterday was.  It is also supposed to get quite warm later on.


Outlook is proving to work quite well.  The only significant problem is that we still need to work with the old tool (Lotus Notes) because it isn't possible to migrate all of the functionality to Outlook.


As far as unmarked police cars go, most of the ones that I have seen here seem to be dark blue or black and they are usually quite large performance cars (BMW 5er etc)


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite pleasant though cloudy here.

Aditi returns to work today. I think she may be looking forward to the summer holiday. Matthew will be writing all day. 

Nothing specific is planned for today, I suspect I will be keeping the washing machine busy though.



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Happy St George's Day!  Whilst the other countries that make up the UK seem to have a big celebration on their Saints day, the English keep a very low profile.  You'd be hard pushed to see or hear it mentioned anywhere...


Off golfing again today, but have still been doing bits on ET.  Onward and upward.


Hope your day promises peace and happiness.


I suspect say David Moyes is relaxing now...


MU lose their manager, pay him £5m, the share price goes up 6% and increases the value of MU by £100m.  Seems a long way from the kick about in the local park…:-)

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  • RMweb Premium

Forsooth Happy Birthday to Mr Shakespeare (William, not Tetleys).


A sunny day here today and first thing is a handwriting lesson at school to understand how the youngest's class is being taught. My own handwriting is terrible so I'm probably in more need than my children! 


Kitchen units arrive tomorrow so hopefully the garage will be neat and tidy by the end of the weekend. Exciting stuff.


A proud moment last night - my son's Beaver's lodge has a mascot which the best behaved child gets to take home and look after. He'd been desperate to be noticed for weeks and last night he was


A neighbour learnt yesterday that he'd beaten a cancer scare. Apparently 1 in 40 gents get good news based on his test results.  Doesn't mean he won't get it in the future (his dad was lost to it)...but not this time. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Congratulations on Andy's Beaver becoming mascot keeper for the week.

I presume that the mascot isn't a beaver. What is it?

Well done. I hope the mascot-sitting is happy and successful.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Congratulations on Andy's Beaver becoming mascot keeper for the week.

I presume that the mascot isn't a beaver. What is it?

Well done. I hope the mascot-sitting is happy and successful.


It's a beaver, Don! And the idea is that it has to have adventures during its sojourn with the winner of the week. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and isn't it about time we have St Georges Day as a holiday in the UK?


Brightening up here so may venture out to the NYMR to see some steam trains... 


Have a great Wednesday good people!


And here is one of my new friends from Melbourne Zoo..



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  • RMweb Gold

It's a beaver, Don! And the idea is that it has to have adventures during its sojourn with the winner of the week. 


There was a newspaper article recently about competitive parents photographing their offspring's good behaviour mascot in affluent lifestyle situations; "Teddy accompanied us for a weekend on our yacht", "Teddy dining with ...".

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Morning all - have to endorse the fact that so far we've avoided 'beaver' jokes (but give it time!). Seriously, congratulations are in order to the wee fellow ; I understand from my grandson that it is a great honour. We do have one cross of St George flag waving in our street - probably left over from an England cup run! I think the Irish are possibly the most committed when it comes to celebrating their saints day (and that from a Scot!).

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

My son was never a Beaver, but he did go to cubs, scouts etc.  He is now an adult leader.


Not long after he started with the cubs they had an event to which parents were invited.


When we arrived, there was quite a bit of bedlam going on, so I politely asked who was in charge, to see if I could render any assistance. (Having been to the old Guards depot at Pirbright on a drill course, I do have a very loud voice when required)


A large (hefty even) and rather officious lady said: 'I am!'


So I introduced myself and then asked of whom I had the pleasure of addressing.


'I', she said puffing herself up with pride, to even more gargantuan proportion, 'I, am Brown Beaver!'


'I'm sure you are' I replied


Then I turned away trying hard not to die laughing............as did quite a few other assembled parents.


Have a great day wherever and whatever you are doing


(There we are Jock:  Just for you, but amazingly true.)

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

There was a newspaper article recently about competitive parents photographing their offspring's good behaviour mascot in affluent lifestyle situations; "Teddy accompanied us for a weekend on our yacht", "Teddy dining with ...".

Haha, thought someone might mention that.

In our case the mascot will be going to Lidl. 

Actually it may also end up going to Nanna's to make her a cup of tea, go to a swimming lesson and to the St George's Day parade too. 

If it'd waited a week or two it might have gone to a wedding in the Loire or a significant birthday trip to Rome. Tough luck mascot!

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We booked our summer holiday today. Just for Aditi and myself, as Matthew will be in Australia. Aditi didn't want to go anywhere too warm so we are off to the Baltic by ship starting and finishing in Southampton.


It may be quite hot in the Baltic this Summer.


Happy St. George’s Day everyone...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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A large (hefty even) and rather officious lady said: 'I am!'


So I introduced myself and then asked of whom I had the pleasure of addressing.


'I', she said puffing herself up with pride, to even more gargantuan proportion, 'I, am Brown Beaver!'


Damn you Hippo. Now I have an ear worm.


So If I suffer, you all suffer.




Morning all from the sunny paradise of the boring borough. All quiet here. Little to report. Work continues with no signs of any idiots or assclowns. Refreshing actually to not have any stress.


Have a great hump day.

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Premium

Tony_S. In reply to your post on another thread about ads on Facebook. Last night due to server problems my Facebook account was erased and I will now have to rejoin and re-establish my groups and find my friends and contacts. I have deliberately omitted my marriage status (single) as I kept getting ads for dating agencies, I don't mind so much but I'm nearly 66 years old and hobble about with the aid of a stick.

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Bit of a bright start but clouding over a little.


Front moss patch lawn is cut prior to the recyclers tomorrow, Back dandelion patch lawn still; to do.


So glad I'm now allowed to do something instead of having to take care as much.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Damn you Hippo. Now I have an ear worm.


So If I suffer, you all suffer.




Morning all from the sunny paradise of the boring borough. All quiet here. Little to report. Work continues with no signs of any idiots or assclowns. Refreshing actually to not have any stress.


Have a great hump day.


See you, and raise you one earworm for another 


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


National diary entries worked and I got my morning cuppa without a knife in my back (23 April has another significance in this household - one which it pays not to forget ;) ).


Last year Mrs Stationmaster and the good Doctor took with them to Scandinavia & Prague a teddy bear dressed in military uniform who had to be photographed in various places for, I think, the British Legion or possibly Help for Heroes  so it's nice to hear of the Beaver facing a similar sort of adventure - hope it includes the unit tops in the (former) garage; all rather like the gnome in 'Amelie'.


Reasonably bright out there at present but indoor duties have been listed as friends might visit plus we're off the Mill At Sonning this evening - according to its website it is the only dinner theatre in the UK, and it's local  :sungum:


Have a  good day folks

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A bit late on parade, having taken Alison to the Mamers Bricomarche so she could help me choose plants for the hanging baskets - just as Deb used to do. Quite a nice morning here, but rain forecast for later. I didn't get to Le Mans yesterday, but spent several hours with chainsaw and shredder demolishing dead bushes again. Therapeutic!


I got in some trouble on Facebook a few months ago. One of those silly quizzes to decide what animal you most resemble etc had returned a verdict of "beaver" on a friend, which she had proudly posted. When I commented that a friendly beaver is nice to find, daughters were up in arms, and we were accused of flirting - oh, the shame! Interestingly, another mature and happily married lady who I've never met thought it fun and "liked" my remark. Perhaps the younger generation are a bit puritanical  - at least where mum and dad are concerned!


Hope your week is proceeding in an orderly fashion.

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