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Scarborough can be so bracing!!


Even though I grew up in Scarborough... I always thought that Skegness was so bracing!!!






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Hi All,


Just want to start something here... not sure if it is the right place but we seem to be spread all over the place so here is as good a place to start...




You've got to love the term haven't you!! I'm just being curious.... do any of you know of any loco's that are on display that ARE NOT part of a collection or a museum?


To start the ball rolling there is one here in Murray Bridge at the old wharf on the river.




Here we have an South Australian Railway Rx class 4-6-0 number 160... been on the wharf for donkeys yonks, and as you can see is in need of some TLC.

Those standing in front of it L to R... Alan Smith, Motters, Barry O, St Enodoc. (Taken at a recent meeting of the LMRS Eating and Drinking Section)


So... anyone got anything to share / tell? Would it be an idea to create a google earth file of all our findings? 


Thoughts welcome.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a misty morning it could be described as foggy at the bottom of the valley by the railway line. Not got a lot planned for today more cleaning and tidying I suspect. Have a good bank holiday if you can.

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps I'm betraying true ERs leanings in saying that the rusty loco is less interesting than the chaps in front of it! St Enodoc (those who know their Cornwall or their Betjeman will like that name) used to be Depot Engineer at Brighton, so gets my respect by right! Ok, so Barry O's legs are not what I wanted to see, but hey - thanks Motters!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Quick game yesterday as team batting second didn't hang about. We had three drops of rain at the end of the game and my colleague received a deposit on his cap from a low flying bird.


Motters..yes skegness is so bracing but trust me ...on Saturday Scarborough CC was very bracing!


Stuffed and mounted...would that be a thread in "preserved"?


Any road up have a good, calm Easter Monday. I have to collect youngest Herbert from Scarborough station and the its our turn to do tea and wads for the Bogglers.


Might be back later...



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lovely start to the day after yesterday's downpours, sunshine at present & 9oC. More rain is forecast this afternoon.

GB Towers is very quiet now after departure of all our guests. We had a fantastic weekend but all good things must come to an end. The upside is that I can convert the spare bedroom back to its proper use as a railway room! :yes:  :imsohappy:  :locomotive:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

After a slightly grey start the weather seems to improving with a rising cloudbase and the sun just starting to peep out.


Daughter now en route back to Reading, leaving early to avoid the jams that will clog the roads from late morning onwards.


Son was up early to clean his sisters car, and is now putting away all the Lego that was got out for his younger cousins visit.


He spent most of the weekend sorting it out and building it all up again so we had complete models (This was after the departure of Harry and George!!)


Gardening now beckons, but Elsa is insisting on a walk onto the Wealdmoor.


No contest really, a quick coffee and pick up the dog lead.


It is just a pity that we don't live near enough to a railway line as a passing train, even a DMU, is always worth a look.

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Good morning all, late start again as the dogs morning routine comes first or so he feels. Whisky seemed to work last night although I did see some sort of 'brushing / grading' machine at around 2.20am, which looked a bit like a v. large modified JCB with all sorts of attachments the primary purpose of which seemed to be to kick up clouds of dust! Slept through the Plasser passage but checked the new track at 8am and it looks really smart - no sign of floodlights, staff or anything else so once again they have done an impressive job. Debs, I guess today will be quieter ref. the ecclesiastical calendar but mention of Verdi's requiem the other day had me in garden, garage and kitchen performing duties whilst sporting my wonderful wireless head phones (bought as a Christmas gift by my beloved, I suspect for her own sake as much as mine!! Marvellous things by S**y that work through walls and floors and up to 100m from base.) lost in the music without outside interference! Hope you all have a good day and haven't over-indulged in chocolate consumption.

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning peoples, a Happy Easter to those who align to the Christian faith.


A little dull out this morning, and 11c which OK for a start, 17c guessed at for later with sun post meridian. Looks like a bike day.....


No railway photos I'm afraid, although I did have my camera in my pocket I was so busy there was no opportunity to deploy it!  Have a look on the Groudle website (ggr.org.uk) or the Groudle Glen Railway facebook page for up to date photos, I managed to escape the camera this time!  No, I'm not in the bunny suit......


We don't do two days in a row, it's too much for post-operative hips and knees I'm afraid. 

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Yes, I've got a pair of Sony wireless headphones that I use for telly after about half ten so as not to disturb the neighbours (if I'm still awake to put them on!). I can go to the toilet or make a cuppa and still hear what's happening.  I have to say that they are not as good as the cheap'n'cheerful ones my friend got from Lidl or Aldi.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Currently bright & sunny - but it won't last according to the Exeter seaweed with rain expected pm-ish.  Dining room clearout progressed slightly yesterday with taking out and checking of the electronic organ for which we have at least found a new home - only problem is the 'feet' (some sort of synthetic rubber) have melted, most odd especially as it has lived in a cool corner for sometime.


I hope to get a bit further with the Arctic Circle report today after yesterday's addition of many more husky pictures and sundry oddments.  The next part covers Vardo and the woman who went for a swim in the (Barents) Sea - albeit in the harbour, fortunately she got out before the blizzard started but it was still very cold.  However in the meanwhile I intend to get the module out and start the checks ready for Captain Kernow's Taunton beanfeast this coming weekend - the good Captain has another excellent weekend laid on for with loco driving on Saturday on the WSR plus his usual superb show in the hall at Staplegrove on the Sunday; all thoroughly recommended to those who live within striking distance of Taunton, and various ERs will of course be present.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Trains now running again chez GB! The only casualty is my head which is now missing some skin after crawling underneath the layout to connect the extension board to the main board.

Some gardening needs doing but that can wait - I'm enjoying myself! :locomotive:

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, dry here with cloud, after decorating the study Ive just put everything back and the other half has decided to give me a further job

it seems a couple of new door locks are required on the bathrooms!


Enjoy the day


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  • RMweb Premium

Oldudders - yes my legs bear a few war wounds....


sat in garden drinking coffee listening to the birds and grockles visitors to Robin Hoods Bay.








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Morning - as Paul said, "just another work day here"...


14 this morning going for 20 and right now rather foggy and overcast with fairly dark cloud cover.

Another weather phenomenon in this area is that when spring arrives with the drammatic changes in temperatures and still cold relative ground temperatures, BUT, with often some colder air still pushing down from Canada against warm moist air from the south/west, we can have severe thunderstorms AND it hails (no pun intended) tornado season! Sky definately looks like we may get a thunder storm brewing,but those can dissipate as fast as they appear to be building... 


Last evening managed to get some more time on the Scalescenes North Light engine shed build, slow going as I'm now working on the roof/skylights, but enjoyable nontheless.


OK, must do some work, have a good Monday off those that qualify :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from Stansted. Ryanair flight took off late, landed early. Took Matthew 45 minutes to exit immigration control. Uneventful drive home. On the way there came face to face with a pair of motorcycles going the wrong way round a roundabout. Not bad for a Holiday Monday.



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