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  • RMweb Premium

I'll take the blame for the weather, I had the car washed and valeted yesterday. :nono: Wouldn't have made a lot of difference anyway as the window cleaners four weekly visit is due on Tuesday so it was bound to start raining as soon as he had finished. :dontknow:  

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  • RMweb Gold

Lots of very short-haired Americans out there, at present.....

I’ve always wanted to visit there too.

How went the lunch?


Best, Pete.

The lunch yesterday went very well. Aditi's mother and brother, Emma(brother's wife) and not quite 2years old Maya (appointed as entertainments officer with Robbie as assistant) arrived really early. Aditi's sister and her two sons arrived eventually. The original two people who we had invited arrived on time! The food at lunch was very popular. Lots of vegetarians present so one Mediterranean roast vegetable and one butternut squash lasagne. There was a small meat lasagne for Maya who is on a special diet, though my nephew helped her finish it. Aditi's mother seemed very happy and liked all the food too even though Aditi had ignored all her recipe suggestions.

Indian food has been prepared today though ready for Matthew coming home. He likes Indian vegetarian food but will be getting chicken curry which he also likes!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Can we all be invited to the next one Tony?

We have also been taking in washing this week (Aditi's sister's washing machine died, the new replacement sprayed water everywhere, new, new one not coming until Friday). 

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  • RMweb Gold

After a slow start to the day, I had a very pleasant walk with the dog.


Then I prepared for a gentle session in the garden.


I went out, and it started to rain. So I retreated into the dry.


It stopped raining so I advanced to take up my former tactical position.


Then it started to rain again.


This has continued throughout the day. The only evidence of my gardening exploits being a visible track from back door to forward flower bed.


When the ObergrumpenfUhrer gets home she will obviously want to know why the gardening has not been done, as she will have been in a rain shadow.


Door opening: Incoming!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

For those who might be interested the latest part of our adventures in Norway have just been added - with more pictures of the huskies than I posted here.


Oh, and it's raining (and unlike Hippoland it has not been in stop-start mode here, it's just kept going, and going, and .... well you know).

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh, and it's raining (and unlike Hippoland it has not been in stop-start mode here, it's just kept going, and going, and .... well you know).

Fortunate that it isn't raining continuously in Hippoland. Hippos can't float and they are somewhere between very poor and non-swimming.

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Evening all,  


Got pretty wet through this afternoon,  even at 26c rain is darned cold... mind you we had a singing companion (who sensibly stayed under the roof.  )  for a couple of hours. 


The locals hate getting wet so muggins went out in the rain (more of a down pour) on the basis  " lets get job done...else we'll be here all night.  Soon as we finished we can all go home"  . Two hours later and wet through we were on our way out the gate.  


Have a good evening , 





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  • RMweb Gold

A fairly iffy day weatherwise, with the odd shower, resolved into a lovely evening with a gorgeous sunset. Sadly the temperature had never got much above about 12, and by dusk it was rather less than that, so sitting out was not an option. Having had a decent cooked lunch, a snacky dinner seemed sensible, so mackerel on toast was knocked up, with black olives and cherry tomatoes. Oh, and some gherkins, the brand rejoicing - on today of all days - in the name of Charles Christ!

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  • RMweb Gold

All the hippos in that trailer were especially trained by George the stunt hippo (animal trainer to the stars) aided with a rather large bottle of helium.


I'm sure we've all seen the youtube video of the resulting flatulence.

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Someone forgot to tell the local sports centre that today was Easter Sunday, so my five a side team found themselves with a league game scheduled for this morning. At least we won although we ended up hanging on to a 3-2 lead in the last minute after I had gone off after injuring myself whilst making a goal saving clearance!


The rest of the day was spent catching up with both sets of family. Sadly I forgot to take my Bachmann Jubilee with me to the inlaws so I missed out on the kind offer to run it in on my father in law's layout!


I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

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  • RMweb Premium

Wow, busy day.


Went to Groudle to sign on at 0830, shunted two trains as guard, cleaned coaches as gopher, ran a staff special as guard, issued staff ticket in traffic for the first time, ran passenger train all day as head brakesman, uncoupled and ran around and coupled more times than I can recall until dizzy. Signed off 17.30, knackered.  Over 800 passengers carried, entire railway staff exhausted.  No failures, no hassle, one rain heavy shower.....when I didn't have my greatcoat on the train, I was in shirt sleeves and waistcoat.......soaked. 


Loved it.

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Evening all (as Sgt. Dixon would have said), 'the Balvenie' time is here again all too soon! Just seen the Plasser Tamping machine pass the bottom of the garden as tidying up from last weeks new track work begins. Took a bigger nip tonight as the Westie guard dog 'Archie' will probably take umbrage at the noise some time in the night! Must say that Railtrack have done a great job minimising the nuisance and have kept us informed by letter at every stage. Sorry to disappoint Tony-S, but hippos can move faster than you think through the water - if you are daft enough to go near when they have young, as I have seen for myself on the Chobe river in Botswana and the Zambezi in Zambia. Several people have lost their lives by those incredibly large jaws, we were lucky to canoe with experienced guides but aghast to learn from the Times on our return from holiday that one of them had an arm bitten off trying to fend off an angry one to protect his charges!! Hope you've had the best Easter possible despite the good old British bank holiday weather today. Thought for tonight - doesn't rainwater run off a steam engine better than a diesel? Should start some comment!! Kind regards,


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What an excellent day! By now most all of you are tucked up in bed and dreaming forward to the fourth day off, but I figured I'd post anyway.


It was bright and sunny early this morning as I drove over to make the first of our two choir performances, and the weather never looked back! We hit 23 at the high point, and it was sunny with a light breeze all day. Both choir performances were wonderful, especially with the presence of our long-time gospel singer in attendance, he's stunning.

Most rousing morning with everyone full of spring and happiness.


Son came over around 1PM and we all went for a walk as the weather was so nice - just a delight to be out IN SHORTS and t-shirt finally - YAY!

Great conversations with both kids and them reminiscing a lot about their early years (not sure what started it, they just flowed), followed by a very enjoyable dinner.


Definately all tired, but with son headed back to his apartment as he has to work early tomorrow - can't say I envy the time teachers have to be up and at 'em - my daughter and Mrs are watching "Jesus Christ Superstar", a tradition for them every Easter. I get to model and babble on here instead :) :senile:  :jester:


Have a good bank holiday Monday all those that get one - I'll be back at my desk in the AM and checking in on the fun things you've found to do - better be some good reports of riding the rails from a few, maybe with pictures too??

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Caught myself a cold while on the coast, so last night was spent with nasal irrigation and a hot inhalation. Things do seem better this a.m., though!


Bank holiday over here, too!

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A clear Sunny Easter Monday here with some high cloud, at a cool 24C. Chances of rain reduced to some overnight tonight and early tomorrow morning.

I hope you get lots of modelling done.

Tony, did baby/toddler and Robbie interact, to proide the comedy?


I live in Africa, we even have a wild hippo in a local wetland and I just thought that being largely aquatic that they could swim. The vast breadth of knowledge displayed by the RMWeb membership is breathtaking!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Last night's balmy evening has given way to a dreary overcast, with occasional showers forecast. Bank holidays can be rotten here, too! I was amazed to note the local supermarket had been open yesterday morning - having been convinced Easter Day was devotions only here. Perhaps retail liberation beckons at last!


The hippo talk (BBC etc) has gone slightly over my head - other than Jock's vivid tales, of course - but suspect Beast might produce a pic of a different sort of hippo if asked nicely. The "A Nod To Brent" thread has been majoring on rhinos recently, so extra large mammals are RMweb just now.


Hope you manage to find some Bank Holiday cheer!

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The day is still making up its mind here but it's not raining yet.


Yesterday morning, our church was the fullest I've ever seen it: 300+! We sang a piece of music, composed by our late MD just before the cancer struck, which she had never heard performed. Her memory will live on through her many compositions.


This was followed by an Easter Egg hunt around the Church Centre. I had planned one to take place in our garden for William (3) and Alice (18mths) but the rain had other ideas. Indoors worked equally as well. They were both excited to have seen rabbits (Easter bunnies!) in the adjoining field before breakfast.


Today's agenda might include Occombe Farm and Coleton Fishacre (NT) followed by a walk around Brixham.


Hope your Bank Hol plans come to fruition.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It looks like it will be quite pleasant today. I'll be looking for the best route to Stansted avoiding day-tripper traffic. Matthew is heading home today. 


Don, yes Robbie did provide Maya with lots of entertainment. He was running round the garden with a big plant pot which she thought was hilarious. He was rather disappointed not to get as much food on the floor now that Maya is a neater eater than on earlier visits.



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