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Carding Mill Valley? I think I've ridden down it, on a horse called Tawny, in 1978. Our late friends, Donald and Pat Pearse, ran a sort of private riding stables in Church Stretton, and Deb was a favourite client. A decade later, Tawny passed her final years with us in Kent. Son Ian Pearse was a Bachmann rep for years, now fronts the UK operation of a US live-steam etc model manufacturer - NHN's sort of stuff.


Indeed, Ian's locos will be keeping me in a job come August, when I will be working for the busiest dealer of said wares. :senile:  :)  :)

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Pickled herring..or soused herring...a north east delicacy which I am not keen on..

Also known as rollmops here - popular in Scandic countries, Baltic states and east into Russia and south to Ukraine. Very good for vitamin D, so useful if your country gets little sunshine in winter.

Never used to like it but adore it now.


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Evening all


Following on from my post this morning. We made it to Amerton and had an enjoyable time. The railway was running, all be it diesel hauled, so I got to travel over some new track today. My little girl enjoyed the animals in the farm and the rescue area.


Sadly the tea room let the place down. The food was lovely, no complaints there, but the time it took for a waitress to come and take our order was poor. I had to go and fetch someone after waiting over 20 minutes.

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Good evening one and all - laid all our eggs in various households with exhortations from the boss that they shouldn't be opened until Sunday. I stupidly posed the question 'why then didn't we wait until Sunday', thereby losing the few brownie points I'd been clinging on to!! Still, the kids all seemed pleased with our efforts. Time for a shot of the Balvenie, (hope this isn't seen as an inappropriate ad!).

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Last night there was a film on youtube of a Russian girl that would get me banned from RMweb if I flagged it up. Basically she was drunk out of her mind and ended up dancing on a table in the middle of a busy street, naked! :O  :swoon:  :blush:  

Found it! now should I dare post it?


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Good morning to you all, and it IS. - Another lovely day. The forecast rain which was due on Monday has been put back to Tuesday.


Yes, Rollmops are popular here too, so maybe our origins of pickled fish does come from the Dutch. Our curried version is definitely of Malaysian origin however.


I hope the British long weekend encourages MUCH modelling! (Gordon is allowed to substitute golf)

Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunshine outside!


Plan for today is to head off to Stralsund for a bit of look-see. Mobile internet is a tad slow up here, so apologies for the current shortage of updates on my part!

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Morning all,  


I have also looked at the advertising thread, what a load of.... ?  Anyway work beckons...big cranes & big boxes to play with this morning. 


Then may be a bit of modeling....though I'm rapidly running out of plasticard.


Try and have a good un,



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Mornin`! :bye:


Well, yesterday`s Good Friday "Walk of Witness" went well and was well supported by all five of the town`s churches/faith-groups.......I got to carry the Churches Together banner a`loft throughout the walk; actually, very-well a`loft given my height, the poor chap holding the other end of it coped valiantly, seeing as he was at least a foot shorter than me! :mosking:



Seen stapled to the front door of the Catholic church yesterday, was a garish 'flyer' notice sheet bearing the text:


"After the intrusive disruption caused by Easter: Slimming classes will restart in the village hall (at rear) from Wednesday 23rd."


Crass on so many levels......... :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morninggggggg all,

Lovely day again, blue skies, sunshine, 6oC but possibility of some showers. There is also the possibility of chocolate if I can persuade certain people that my diet is suspended for the weekend. (Need to be a bit careful because I'm only 2lbs away from my target)

Going to collect Abbie shortly as before everyone else arrives she wants to bake a cake. (oops - diet alert again)

Later on the rest of the tribe will arrive and the two Steves (Son & SiL) have said it's been a while since we've had a few beers (oops) )and we're also having a meal to celebrate Son's birthday. I'm in charge of the steak  and Chris is making Key lime pie & Blueberry crumble. Tomorrow there is Turkey! (oops again)

Diet? What diet? Who said anything about a diet? :scratchhead:

Have a good one, :drinks:


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Bright and breezy weather here. My muscles and joints are telling me I have overdone the housework/gardening etc in preparation for today's family visit. My tasks this morning are dog related, walk and grooming to remove as much loose fur as possible. Robbie is getting suspicious, the amount of recent brushing either means visitor or vet. He finds either to be quite fun. Spaniels see everything as being fun and exciting, definitely the optimists of the canine world.

I have just been asked to retrieve a sit and ride train from the loft that our niece, Maya, liked playing on at Christmas. I can't remember where I put it so may be gone for a while. Our loft isn't very high but it is large.



Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.   Bright with a bit of haze so it's time to get off to York to see the show, try and sport ome layouts ten back home.   Hopefully should e a good day meeting old friends etc.  



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A busy week with the run of the play and preparations for the arrival of the family this afternoon. William is nearly four and Alice is 18 months so we shall be busier still, no doubt!


Last night's performance had some interesting moments, including the elderly Mrs. Hardcastle who, in a scene where she expresses her anger by saying, "My rage chokes me!" had a blank moment and said, "My rage wets me!"

Much smirking and stifled giggles all round followed by merciless joshing in the bar!


Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

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Morning all from the fragrant yet still boring borough. The office window is open and all I can smell is the lilac in full bloom. We aborted our attempt yesterday at shopping when we couldn't get anywhere near the Morrison's car park. Yikes. Instead we decided to wander about checking on a couple of the newer tap rooms. For anyone in the Tunbridge Wells area I can't rate Fugggles high enough. Great place and a great selection. We also tried out Mother Kelly's in Bethnal Green. Another great tap room and bottle shop. (no financial connection to either except for they both seriously dented my finances yesterday) Mother Kelly's is based on the one in New York and for train spotters is in a railway arch. They have also done something unique in that every table has 2 bottles of water and glasses. Absolutely brilliant idea. 1/3 pint followed by a glass of water. Slows down the drinking and prevents dehydration.


Brockley Market beacons this morning so time to get my skates on. Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A lovely looking morning which flatters to deceive. The wind is bloomin' cold!


Treading the boards does have its highs and lows, evidently. No doubt someone has done a book called "Tales from the Green Room".


Bought a new cheap electric chainsaw last night. I do have a petrol one, but feel more comfy with the electric type. The last one, same make as its replacement, had several clever safety interlocks, which appeared to be going adrift. My favourite is the auto chain brake which operates the moment you release trigger pressure. The garden shredder will get some more work to do now.


Hope the long weekend is working - and you aren't.

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re The Advert thread;

I don't get it! Have I got some secret button that I don't know about? I spend over 2 hours a day on RMWeb and the ONLY adverts I see are ALL paid for Model Railway suppliers which I am very pleased to see. (No Viagra, No Thai ladies) , Many suppliers I was totally unaware of until they started to appear at the top of a forum page (one advert only on a page).

I run XP (Yes I know it's defunct) and Firefox, with no problems.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I'm told we're off to Tesco this morning - hardly a surprise as it is Easter and we don't buy various things in Waitrose because the Tesco offering is either better or cheaper or both (but not meat, we don't touch teh Tesco stuff except for bacon).


The dining room paint saga has almost run full circle with a decision last night not to have one wall in a shade of red - which is wavering this morning as it looks different in the morning light; I'm saying nowt as my advice is continually regarded as 'unhelpful' ;)


And if I was anything at all to do with a certain place of religion in Debs' neck of the woods a certain slimming class would be looking for a new venue on a long term basis.  I'm not a particularly religious sort of person but i do try to respect those of the various branches of the Christian faith as long as they follow it in a non-hypocritical manner and I'm sorry but that notice is downright disgusting and way beyond crass or stupid.  Rant mode disengaged.


Have a nice day one & all, now where's that module for next weekend?

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  • RMweb Gold

re The Advert thread;

I don't get it! Have I got some secret button that I don't know about? I spend over 2 hours a day on RMWeb and the ONLY adverts I see are ALL paid for Model Railway suppliers which I am very pleased to see. (No Viagra, No Thai ladies) , Many suppliers I was totally unaware of until they started to appear at the top of a forum page (one advert only on a page).

I run XP (Yes I know it's defunct) and Firefox, with no problems.

I think it may be because we are overseas, and logged in as members.


Meanwhile, that thread is providing some sport. It is an ill wind....

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  • RMweb Gold


And if I was anything at all to do with a certain place of religion in Debs' neck of the woods a certain slimming class would be looking for a new venue on a long term basis.  I'm not a particularly religious sort of person but i do try to respect those of the various branches of the Christian faith as long as they follow it in a non-hypocritical manner and I'm sorry but that notice is downright disgusting and way beyond crass or stupid.  Rant mode disengaged.



That is not a rant. As Brits we live in a society where religious beliefs are free to all, and worship is "allowed" in virtually any manner that meets the law of the land. Easter is the highpoint of the Christian year, and the note is utterly offensive. For the avoidance of doubt, I am an atheist - but believe in religious (and other) freedoms of this sort, because they make other lives better.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, sunny but a cooling wind here, just painted one ceiling (study) four walls and gloss work await.


Though in reality 2 walls as other half is about to get involved!


Just gratefull it's a small room.


Always think of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre when chainsaws are mentioned!


A lethal bit of kit which I always give 100% respect to when using!!,


Enjoy your day

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Morning all, like Ian I took the electric option with a new B**ch one in order to deal with some overhanging conifers of a neighbours. Only problem is that because of the impaired condition of my pelvis (thanks to the C!) - the boss flatly refuses to let me risk climbing ladders. Suppose I'll have to rely on one of my strapping grandsons so now I'm glad we spent so much on aforementioned Easter eggs.

I feel I must mention Justin of modelrailwayscenery.com - his advert is often at the top of the home page here. He seems to be such a lovely family man, very hard working and happy to dispense advice on his web site for free! Some of you who don't receive his weekly news letter possibly don't know that his wife, Tina is fighting Cancer and ,after extensive chemo, is now in a course of radiotherapy. I really admire the way that they still manage the family and business and I feel that they deserve plaudits for their bravery!! That said, I hope to do some modelling later - transferring shapes of my first module onto a large sheet of carpet lining paper using the Peco code75 point templates. Wonder if it will fit the space?

Hope you all enjoy the rest of Easter (sounds like Sherry's play is moving towards something more akin to W. Wycherley of bawdy comedy fame!). Kind regards,


PS also an atheist but wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments Ian!

Edited by Jock67B
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