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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny here - it's getting quite a habit.  :sungum:   Until Sunday, anyway.

Holiday time so, hopefully, plenty of time to fit in at least one train ride [and some catching up on ERs - or even posting].


Have a good Easter weekend.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a sunny RHB

Off to collect eldest Herbert from Scarborough

Twp games scheduled fpr the weekend. Saturday on Scarborough then off tp Clayton west to watch the rain fall on Sunday.


Have a great good Friday. ..fish and chips for tea..yummy! !

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Beautiful start to the day, blue sky, sunshine & 7oC. Should be mainly sunny all day.

Woken by management with a cup of tea at 7.00am and the chilling statement "Come on - we've  got lots to do today!"  I suspect this means that I have lots to do on the domestic front rearranging furniture etc to accommodate our weekend guests. This also means that the railway room will have to become a bedroom again for a couple of days.

On a different subject has anyone heard from Tony (Gruffalo) as he doesn't seem to have posted since March?

Hope you all enjoy the weekend,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Bright but chilly.

I have to get the table out of the summerhouse (aka biggest shed) and put it in the dining room to act as an extension to the dining table so we can seat everyone tomorrow at lunchtime. The grass needs cutting and I volunteered for vacuuming. 

I am most definitely not making any jokey comments like "shall I paint the dining room too?"  as the answer would probably be "Yes".


I think Matthew is going from Helsinki to Tallinn today. I'll send him a text to enquire soon. He should be up, I think Finland is a couple of hours ahead of the UK. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, haven't been out yet but bright and sunny. Had a bit of trouble with those tiny black flies in the house, the problem is that before you take aim with the fly spray they've gone, I found the best thing to deal with them is an old vacuum cleaner.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


"It's Good Friday!" "It's good every day!" Ahem. The old ones first, eh? And of course France doesn't "do" Good Friday, and the kids were off to skool this morning.


A grey start, and temperatures unlikely to approach the 20+ that we enjoyed yesterday. I have started to tan a bit these last few days, not least sitting in Sheena's yard while the dogs enjoy a little lunchtime freedom. The good news is that her cervical surgery has gone well, and she will be home by ambulance within the hour. I must be there ahead of her, to lock the dogs in her van while she gets indoors and out of their boisterous way. Once she's settled and the ambulance has gone they can be released to go and see her. They are quite happy in the van, by the way, and sometimes opt to get in there if the back door is open. I expect to be "on call" for Sheena for a few days if she needs help, but her fierce independence tells me she won't make much use of me.


When I joined RMweb 5 years ago, Andy Y was running it from his own pocket, with contributions from some of us as and when. That he is now trying to make a little more money for the present owners by trialling Google Ads seems to be an outrageous innovation to some members, who are threatening to leave. They know what RMweb is worth to them. I know it's still free.


Hope you all have a great Easter.

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A sunny good morning to all. Ian, I bet that Sheena, independent or not, knows how lucky she is to have such a good neighbour! I admire and fully concur with your support for Andy Y - well said. I wonder Debs if it is a vigil for you today? Hope all of those that have to drive today stay safe from the bank holiday madness. At the seaside we expect swarms of trippers and so our car will spend most of the weekend locked on the drive other, of course, apart from the Easter egg delivery round to grand and great-grandchildren.

Kind regards,


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Morning all. The sun is shining here too. Hopefully it will stay that way. After a bright start, yesterday became grey and overcast from about 11am. Plans to spend my free day on a railway disappeared and I ended up back at home mowing the lawn, hoovering the house and cleaning the kitchen interspersed with a couple of bursts on the PS4. The model railway remained sadly untouched.


A couple of pints of real ale in a local pub last night did reduce the disappointment of a "wasted" free day.


Back on husband and daddy duties today so we are off to Amerton to do the garden centre and farm. Sadly, according to the website, the railway does not appear to be running today.

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When I joined RMweb 5 years ago, Andy Y was running it from his own pocket, with contributions from some of us as and when. That he is now trying to make a little more money for the present owners by trialling Google Ads seems to be an outrageous innovation to some members, who are threatening to leave. They know what RMweb is worth to them. I know it's still free.



How sad.

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Have a great good Friday. ..fish and chips for tea..yummy! !


Just had grilled flounder and chips for dinner... a real treat... not often I can get the missus to eat fish if it isn't battered!



Edited by Motters
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A little anecdote from the land of thespians!


Last night, our Director, a petite, feisty lady in her sixties, was sitting as usual near the back of the auditorium. A new recruit to the Front of House team sat nearby. During the interval, she approached the Director and enquired, "Are you enjoying the play?"


"Oh, yes," was the reply.


The new steward ploughed on,"Mind you, they have a long way to go to match the costumes in 'Downton Abbey'!"




Our Director was a professional actress in the past and is very knowledgeable about period costume. "She Stoops To Conquer" is a Restoration Comedy so it somewhat predates 'Downton Abbey' !!


Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Morning all,   we just having a terrific thunder storm here suns gone  its as dark as night  and blowing a hoolley...but at least the temperature has dropped below 30c.  But still no work today and may get a bit of modeling done. (Working tomorrow & Sunday though)


Try to enjoy whatever you're up to,



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  • RMweb Gold

I got the spare table out of the shed and the gateleg support fell off. Now waiting for glue to dry. Shouldn't take too long as it is now pleasantly warm.


Some of the advert critics do seem to be a bit melodramatic! I had to log off and change browser to see the famous railway sleeper ad!

I find the targeted ads  on Facebook mildly amusing. Most of mine seem to be for funerals or NHS care, lots of "how long have you been coughing?" and "have you got any lumps?".

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

A sunny Good Friday to you all wherever you are.

Garage refurb is nearly complete now as I spent the last day or so putting the floor in. A few bits to finish off before the kitchen storage cupboards go in and layout building can commence. 

Just being summoned to go out for an Easter weekend walk, so catch you all later. 




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Nice and sunny here, today will be spent at home away from the crowds preparing the study for redecoration tomorrow ie move everything out!


The "advert saga" is a good read with some melodrama in my opinion, why leave when you can block ads if they bother you that much?


Each to there own though


Still awaiting an ad for Russian or Thai Ladies to appear!


Have a good day

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (just all,


Waitrose duly visited - total shambles as they didn't have any decent leg of lamb (only New Zealand stuff) and it won't be in until 1500 today - they hope.  What a way to run a business, on a Good Friday of all days!  then some loony in a large black Ford pick-up trick tried to collide with me, and anyone who got in his way (on the their side of the road, not his) so his number and a description of his rather dangerous driving was duly passed to the police mind you he will probably have sobered up/got the whatever it was out if his system before they lay their hands on him, regrettably.  Meanwhile better news from the foreign front as laddo is now in paris and has just arrived in our 'usual' restaurant where he is placing his order for the 16 Euro 3 course lunch, nice sunny day there too according to his report.


And a nice sunny day so far here; yet another paint sample of yet another shade of red, the fourth so far, has been obtained for the dining room wall in order to keep the management amused but the the new curtain material has been ordered which is a much more serious threat.


The advert thread is little short of hilarious with some flouncing on a scale not too often seen nowadays in our little corner of the 'net so i have suggested that if someone doesn't like it here, or on the various alternatives which already exist, they could always set up a site of their own - and pay for it out of their own pockets.  I sometimes wonder about some other folk!


Have a nice day one & all. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I hate to spoil Alan's day, but the Thai "ladies" that have been referred to are not only potentially easy in virtue, but may be - how can I put it - not made as other ladies.....


Tony's "have you got any lumps?" reminds me of a vintage BBC sitcom called The Rag Trade. This consisted of a harassed Peter Jones trying to get garments made by a corps of idle vixens. He had a private office, of course, and so they knew when he was leaving it, and could appear to be busy, they'd place a tin tray against the the door, thus making a lovely clatter when he opened the door. In one episode the ladies were discussing how they preferred their tea - and one lady said "I'm weak, with two lumps!"


Loved Sherry's tale of the innocent steward, and am happy to match it with a foot-in-mouth one of my own! When I left Network SouthEast in 1990, I had the inevitable drink-up after hours, and even the Director, Chris Green turned up. Before he did so I was talking to one of the temps, who was new, and I was saying what a decent organisation it was, and how Chris himself was a smashing chap. It was only the next day I found out the temp, Carol, was his daughter......


EDIT - Sheena duly home and safely installed in her kitchen, while two dogs go absolutely mad at having mum back. Job done.

Edited by Oldddudders
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Yes, I'm finding the advertising thread quite a hoot. I particularly liked the comment on the first page suggesting Andy put all the annoying ads somewhere "less useful" like Wheeltappers... Honestly, you'd think no serious discussion ever takes place here...


Edit: I've checked back through ER and there was some serious discussion here, but it was a long long time ago...  :ohmyclear: 

Edited by Pete 75C
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Incredible how things can kick off when you're not looking at a particular thread, or haven't been on the forum much of late - I've just had a shuftie at the 'to advertise or not to advertise' stuff and have come to the conclusion that if things do get too roudy I'll have to send my Dad round to sort it all out... watch it, he's hard!




Er (cough)... mind you, the above pic was taken fifty two years ago.


As you were!





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