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Early Risers.


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Even All, 


Couple of pics from today,  


The little lizzardy thing (around 8 inches long) is nearly tame....well it was quite happy to snaffel a few bread crumbs today!  Then the moon tonight is pretty bright too. 


And one of the wheel re-inventors is off on leave tomorrow!  Having spent several hours this afternoon explaining that a 50 tonne crane wont pick up a 38tonne load and place it  20 feet away to him I'll be glad of a rest!! 


Be good tonight....





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Had a bad trip back from Winchester some bright spark in the highways dept couldn't split one side of a dual carrageway, no people leaving Winchester on the Andover road had to go 25miles on a detour round every bloody hedge end in ampshire (still didn't see PhilH) before rejoining the Andover road a mile further on.... After that stop start traffic from before Oxford to getting off the M40 at junction 10 and a bit up the A43..... the trip to Carlisle was much better. Enough whining the Zafira never missed a beat and moved to 42.7 mpg overall 54000 miles worth. The new car we are expecting any month now claims 70mpg we will see....

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Theres nowt wrong wi folk from Barnsley unless they try to ride a bicycle.......

I didn't like to ask Baz whether the whole family (from Barnsley)  re-modelled his bumper into P4 or what?


Barnsley is twinned with the town of Horvlika, Ukraine - I believe we are justified in sending in the Russian Spetsnaz....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Good morning all,

Dry and 7oC - should be fine and warm this morning then clouding over later with a chance of light rain.

Chris taken to work, will need collecting later and then we are shopping. Lots to get as we have a houseful at the weekend.

I still haven't caught any mice but my neighbour has so far got five so perhaps they're living next door and only visiting me on day trips.

What does annoy me that we both get visits from at least four neighbourhood cats (and also foxes) who use both our gardens as a convenience but they are not paying for the privilege by controlling the little pests.

Have a good one,

Grandad "Mousehunter" Bob.

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Dawned clear and bright.

    I have just been transported back 60 plus years. The radio is playing the "Urchin's chorus" from Carmen. I was one on the Urchins in an Italian Company's production of Carmen in the local Opera House in 1951.

All is well on this 'Holy Thursday'

With Easter imminent I am reminded of my brother. He had 5 closely spaced children  As soon as Easter Eggs appeared in the shops he would buy a large supply so as not to be caught short. By the time Easter actually arrived, he would have eaten the lot himself and thus be force to a last minute dash to find a shop with Easter eggs still in stock.

Enjoy the day.

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Morning all,  another day ahead....?  Well never mind I've managed to get some sleep & modelling time planned for tomorrow. Question raised the other day...."you know all about steam raising, dont you".... 


So now planning yet another  project...



Try and survive



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Forget to mention earlier that yesterday we visited our friend who is now home from hospital after suffering two mini strokes. She had an operation on her carotid artery and seems to be recovering well with no apparent lasting effects so a big thank you to the NHS.

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Morning all, I admit 7am may not be considered early but daughter woke me up an hour or so ago, she has obviously not considered the fact I am on holiday. So while she watches the Mr Men on tv and waits for Thomas and Friends I am browsing RMWeb on my Kindle Fire. Wife and daughter off to visit her mum later so I have a free day so wondering what to do with myself. Modelling? Chores? Model Railway running? Preserved railway visit?

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Good being on when everybody else is asleep....


Wake up Gordon S. your time has come:



Best, Pete.


Thanks Pete!  Loved it...


It's winging it's way to all my golfing pals as we speak.  Off to do battle once again in the sun.  Hopefully the pockets may be swelled by a few quid...

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Morning all.

A very pleasant morning here and forecast to be quite warm and sunny later.

Aditi is planning another assault on the garden today. I cleared the patio yesterday and then spent some time doing some planting near the rather bare fence panel (post still lot replaced following tree fall at Christmas). After a busy day in the garden Aditi then thought we should do the shopping for the weekend, which was probably sensible as Tesco was quiet last night.


I think I may just about cope with some "waiting for a parcel" activity today.



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Morning all, I admit 7am may not be considered early but daughter woke me up an hour or so ago, she has obviously not considered the fact I am on holiday. So while she watches the Mr Men on tv and waits for Thomas and Friends I am browsing RMWeb on my Kindle Fire. Wife and daughter off to visit her mum later so I have a free day so wondering what to do with myself. Modelling? Chores? Model Railway running? Preserved railway visit?


I had a similar wife and kids-free day on Tuesday. House to myself between 9am and 6pm. What did I choose to do with my freedom? I caught up on a load of TV. I'm soooooo ashamed!

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Morning All,


It is another nice sunny day here today - still chilly, but definitely bright.


I must admit that I am looking forward to the long weekend!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning, windy and grey at the moment, no shopping required today all done yesterday much to my delight.


Just had a good laugh reading the thread about adverts appearing on RMWeb of a non railway nature more so the ones which are from ladies in Thailand.


Hilarious, well it made me laugh and that is always a good start to the day.


Enjoy the day folks

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Morning all, wife to doctors again I am thinking of asking for our own parking spot. A cooler start to today a promise of sunshine but not yet after the doctors the lawn more dandelions than grass needs cutting maybe I will get it done before they collect the green bin maybe not.... Need to sort my job application today see if after 17 years in the same job I can write an application letter. Today I will be mostly not driving for which the world may relax and be thankful. Have a good day if you can. 

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Just watched Thomas and Friends with my daughter. I could hear this strange noise - it was Rev Wilbert Awdry turning in his grave. Sun out here too. Definitely don't want a tv day. I wonder if there is steam at Butterley as I will dropping wife off nearby.

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Weird day. I feel the need to share this with you.....


A Palm Sunday Service should be an uplifting celebratory occasion in the church's year but tinged wth great sadness today as a much loved and gifted member of our church (also one of the first women to be ordained in the Anglican church) is in a local hospice where she is likely to die within hours/days. During the short time that we have been members of St. Matthias (just over 2.5 years) she has inspired me hugely, not least because of her considerable musical talent which she has employed tirelessly with a mediocre Choir, of which I am a member. Up until Christmas, she was an active member of the church, organising a successful Carol Service (which included some of her own compositions) and preaching regularly. Last year, her long term partner was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and is now in a care home. Oh, and I forgot to mention - my talented friend is 81 years old!


I am so glad to have visited her three times in the past month and now I hope for a peaceful departure with little suffering.......

The suffering of my talented friend is over: she died on Tuesday evening.


Thank you to the many folk on here for your support.

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Morning all from the noisy boring borough. Idiot neighbours seem to have b*ggered off at 05:50 this morning leaving their 2 yappy rat-on-a-rope dogs outside barking like mad barking things. Appropriate calls to the council will be made shortly. douchecanoes the lot of them. Their cumulative IQ may reach a single digit to the left of the decimal point, but only if they include the dogs. As a result I'm now in a foul p*ssy mood as I had planned on sleeping in until 7:30 having been up late last night.


Its a magic Thursday that is also a Friday. Perhaps we could petition that nice Mr Cameron to have one of these every week.


On that note I feel a rant (non political so don't panic) coming on. Is anyone else getting fed up of the constant emails, texts, etc from do gooders trying to guilt you into signing petition after petition? Its getting ridiculous now. Apart from being annoying, it's reaching the point where legitimate concerns are being overwhelmed by the trivial and sometimes dangerous ones. Yes we can all feel good about signing our names to a petition to end yak abuse in Outer Nowhereistan. Does it do any actual good though? Other ones can be dangerous. There is one request from a serial petition muppet I received the other day to have an MP thrown out for some alleged discretion. The petition originator has already tried and convicted the person based on a couple of news media stories. What happened to due process? We've now got an instant digital lynch mob. All Torys are scum (other scummy parties are available) because one party member did something naughty. By that logic everyone in the NHS should be hung because of Shipman. Or every school caretaker should have his squishy bits chopped off due to Huntley. Everything is black and white, there is no grey, there is no balance. Everyone seems to want to be a victim and is looking for a single scapegoat for whatever is wrong with their lives. AAARRRGGGHHH. Just got another one in my email. Oh joy unbound. The 20th at least one calling for the banning of shark finning. Sorry dude, they haven't paid any attention to the previous 19, what makes you think your petition is any different. I agree with the sentiment but its become counterproductive. I can see a backlash to these social people power petitions coming. Sadly, one day a legitimate concern will be thrown in the shredder because too many idiots want their instant gratification of pound of flesh. If you've got a legitimate concern that should be addressed, then yes I'll be happy read and possibly sign and support. If you are just looking to crucify someone before they've been tried, or just want a feel good moment then please Foxtrot Oscar.


Now back to our regularly scheduled grumpiness.


Have a great Easter weekend.

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Indeed, a sad time, but she is at peace now.


Good morning ER's, a  cooler day on Fraggle Rock, with showers promised/guessed at/seaweed twirled at.


Quiet day so far, unlike next Tuesday when I will be dealing with the fallout of the local youths over-indulgence over the 4 day weekend.  Court 5 Bench prepared and ready....#sigh#


Still, Groudle Glen on Sunday to look forward too, I'm rostered as a brakesman this week on our replica Victorian stock, no continuous brakes you see, and a 1 in 30. Two train weekend so lots going on, staff and ticket working I still need to brush up on too.  Not doing Monday in the hope it won't rain and we can get out on the bikes.  Ha, Some chance.

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Morning all


Q : Which ER member posted this on Facebook today? ""Please don't tell my parents I work in the oil patch. They think I'm a piano player in a whore house."


A rather cold morning as I walked down to Sheena's at 7.30, with some ground-frost here and there. Lovely bright day though now. I have left Varian's rug on pro-tem, will remove it shortly.


Things you find in your gateway, #257




Yes, the road is no doubt closed as Colas are here. There was a man with a push wheel some weeks ago , then yesterday there were fresh orange scribings everywhere on the road. And on my return from Sheena's a Colas van was parked in the entrance to Maisons Neuves. Within minutes other stuff turned up. I hope Alison can get here this afternoon!


Hope Maundy Thursday finds you on form.



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