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My wristwatch stopped at 2:20 during the night! Tim has been requested to take it to the watch shop for a replacement battery but in the mean time, what is the time? I have a display clock. an alarm clock whose second hand has fallen off and of course the display on the computer monitor, but still usually rely on my wrist to tell me at what time to head to the dining room.

I have conflicting max temp reports. The radio said 24C but the Weather bureau via internet says 27C. I think I'll believe the latter.

Rain forecast for Easter Monday,

Happy Hump Day

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Morning all, 

 well my "long weekend" is now a working one...all that changed in the early hours of yesterday morning when the CEO of one of our clients who'd be prevaricating about an installation decided that it would start this weekend. !!! So yesterday was spent trying to organise cranes trucks & staff to work Friday / Saturday / Sunday! 

Such is life (here) , try and have a productive Hump day, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Bright but rather chilly though forecast to be sunny and warm later.

I think I may be patio clearing today. Clearing is more appropriate than cleaning as there are a lot of weeds growing through.


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Morning all from the boring borough. Bright sunny start to the day. Just about to run SWMBO to the hospital for her 4 week post knee fiddling checkup. Other than that, not much happening.


On the subject of rocks and geology. With about 100kg of rocks from around 6000' up in the Montana Rockies in our garden, some post civilisation geologist is going to be very confused one day. They'll either theorise that rocks are migratory, or that the British Isles were originally carved out of the Flathead valley. :jester:


Have a good one. Off to brave the uncharted wilds of Orpington.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all

Another lovely day in prospect after a coldish start earlier when I took Chris to work. There was even a little bit of frost on the windscreen.

This morning I've got a little taxi job taking Joe to his friend's father's house and then ferrying them to visit her mother. Such a shame when parents split up when their kids are still young but better that I suppose than constant conflict in front of them.

After that I'm a free man because yesterday I wasn't "feeling lucky" so dealt with the domestic tasks that had been mentioned by The Boss. (and earned  quite a few Brownie points in the process)

Need to check my mouse traps as yesterday the bait had disappeared from one of them but nothing was caught - crafty little blighter! Perhaps I need a Plan B. :hunter:

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


Another chilly start to the day here - we had a frost this morning - but the temperature is now rising, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.


Thanks for the suggestion about the nematodes, Tony.  We will probably try that if the spraying fails.


I loved the picture of Paris from yesterday - it reminds me of one that I took when I was last there:




Paris is a nice city, but some parts of it are extremely grotty.  Still, I suppose that goes for just about every city!


Crikey DD - he's a big bull!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Good morning all, my day is mapped out already - run No.1 grandsons partner to local hospital for antenatal consultation then amuse her son (not quite 3 but very precocious) whilst said appointment proceeds! Then return home with both whereupon Freddie (great grandson) has decreed that he will assist Grumps (me) in cutting the grass now that it is so sunny and all excuses have been exhausted. Seriously, it is enervating to have such lovely family members who really want to be with us. SWMBO naturally spoils them of course which might be one reason, but their hugs and kisses are all the reward we need. How long do you hope to retain the brownie points Bob, I seem to lose mine quite quickly!! Hope you all have as lovely a day as we will,

Kind regards,


PS - Keep your chin up Ashcombe - thinking of you.

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  • RMweb Gold


The most interesting parts of Central Park are the gneiss and schist outcroppings that have been scoured by glaciers.

Ahh! Schist! [ Not to be confused with "Ohh! Schist!", which approximates to something some of us say quite often!] I recall a tale from a skool geography field trip in the South West, where the resident guru pointed to a piece of rock and asked what it was called. "Let's call it Arthur!" piped up one boy. Apparently it was schist.


An early-ish start, so I was showered and down at Sheena's by 7.50. Bright and sunny, but a mite chilly. I do need to let the dogs have a decent roam around the place, so was there about half an hour. I had driven - 1st time in 5 visits this week - but then dropped the car at the garage and walked back home, which took 25 minutes, the 2 km post being just by my garden. Alison arrived soon after, loaded down with freshly-butchered pork in various forms, so I now have a couple of dozen sausages in the freezer, as well as holding some meat for her pending other stuff in her freezer being used to make pate. Alison is now busily weeding the bed opposite the house, and will then make use of the shredded woodchips I produced the other day. I suggested that I would like to put an acer in the area she's clearing. There is one close by that Deb planted, which has flourished, and I'd like another in her memory.


Hope midweek treats you well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning peoples, and another bright sunny one on Fraggle Rock.  This can't last, although maybe the late Easter has conned the weather into thinking it has passed and it is saving the rain for May bank holiday.


Despite some showers predicted tomorrow Friday is forecast dry and sunny - bike time!

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Morning Oldddudders, that is a lovely idea - no doubt it will bring back memories of happier times! Makes me feel that I am very lucky ; although stricken by the dread disease which was diagnosed 1yr ago yesterday, I realise that I am now in a considerably better condition than I was then, thanks to the much maligned NHS and their new 'wonder' drug. How did you ever find time to work as you seem to lead a very busy life? I always wanted to move to France, particularly Normandy what with my love of Cider and Calvados as well as Livarot (how can anything smell so bad yet taste so good?). Got as far as contacting agents etc. when we learned that first grandchild was due at which point SWMBO quashed the whole plan!! Have a good day,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

That could be useful if we want to re-enact the end of the ice-age. All we need now is a pond and some ice cubes.

I absolutely forbid you to fill my wallow hollow with Ice Cubes or any other gangsta rapper type chappie!


There wouldn't be enough room for him and Flanders and Swann

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Totally agree with you Jock about having lovely family who want to be with you - ours are all coming and staying Saturday for Easter so really looking forward to that.

As for retention of Brownie points - that's in the lap of the Gods or more importantly "She Who". :girldevil: Could last for 2 minutes or  2 hours but unlikely to be more than 2 days. I'll not be holding my breath - I'll just enjoy it while I can!

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  • RMweb Premium

More evidence that NJ is to the US what Essex is to the UK. The glacier got about as far south as the A13. I mentioned this to a class once and some inattentive child went home and told his parents that the ice was coming and they needed to move.

Essex is quite interesting geologically, the south east of the county consists of several ridges running east west, these ridges are the result of the various ice ages. The Thames once used to flow north east and reached the sea near Mersea Island and was diverted by the glaciers to its present course, cutting through a chalk 'finger' at Grays.

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......... I always wanted to move to France, particularly Normandy what with my love of Cider and Calvados as well as Livarot (how can anything smell so bad yet taste so good?). Got as far as contacting agents etc. when we learned that first grandchild was due at which point SWMBO quashed the whole plan!! Have a good day,

Kind regards,



I like to think that we have the best of both worlds, with our main home being in the English Riviera (!) and a holiday (mobile) home on a beautiful, quiet site in a picturesque part of Basse Normandy, near Lassay les Châteaux. It's called Parc Mayenne and prices for second hand homes are under £20k. Our grandchildren are in Australia and Crewe so when we see them, it tends to be for longer visits rather than a little and often.


Hope you have the beautiful sunshine which is shining over Torbay at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny out there and one bin emptied, two to go - but at least there's one now empty for more 'garden waste'.  Hints dropped instructions issued about 'cleaning' the library which I'm told needs dusting and all my boxes will have to be moved out, dusted, and then moved back among discussions about their contents, then there are continuing murmurings about the dining room; I think I need a holiday!


'Phonecall earlier from somewhat miserable son who is enroute from Copenhagen to Hamburg to report that passengers had been turfed off the train in Denmark onto a coach because of a problem with the ferry linkspan - and the very point of his trip was to travel on the Rodby - Puttgarden ferry on an ICE.  He seemed to think he would be due a refund for having his planned journey spilt but somehow I doubt DB are likely to do that.


Have a good day one and all and hope you've all got up to speed with the story of Bamse, the seadog ;)  (His  name was not pronounced exactly as it is spelt but I suspect net nanny or whatever the censor is called won't let me write b*msy in full.)

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