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  • RMweb Premium

I didn't see anyone who looked like your avatar. Next time we must arrange a meeting point.

I did actually make some purchases. I bought a Morris Traveller, a milk float and a Royal Mail van from the stand selling die-cast and I bought a Stratford Blue bus from the museum shop. Thanks to the parking arrangements I now know where the Canvey football ground is too. 

I didn't see anyone who looked like your avatar either. I should have said just ask anyone on Dinas Madwy or Aldwych to point me out as those layouts are from my club. Failing that I was the scruffy one hobbling about on a stick.

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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't see anyone who looked like your avatar either. I should have said just ask anyone on Dinas Madwy or Aldwych to point me out as those layouts are from my club. Failing that I was the scruffy one hobbling about on a stick.

I was the 60 something with white hair. That should  mark me out at a railway exhibition.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


A busy day at Groudle, we had the boiler inspector doing the steam tests, safety valves etc, all ready for next weekend which is our second busiest of the year, after Christmas.


So little in the way of little trains, other than an hour in the garage tidying up - it still looks as if a bomb has g0ne off in there, I really must get some jobs finished.

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  • RMweb Premium

interesting day.. first to Barnsley for the pre season umpires meeting... proper meat and tatty pie, mushy peas with mint sauce) and chips...


Meeting finished went to watch a pre season cricket game and ended up umpiring ..boy it was cold!



but nearly time to get some modelling done...

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  • RMweb Premium

Having been to Scalefour north and seen Croft Yard I have a cunning plan for layout 4....... So thats 1 key haven changed buildings DCC control of ponits scary stuff etc. 2 is 4x2 shunty plank in 00 metcalfe buildings etc 3 is H0 Winsconsin Central short line on a couple of shelves and 4 will be p4 4x1ft6 ply box L&Y sorted now if I just cancel Dad's taxi work, Carlisle tomorrow, Winchester Wednesday it may get started before next week..... or before I retire whichever is sooner

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Weird day. I feel the need to share this with you.....


A Palm Sunday Service should be an uplifting celebratory occasion in the church's year but tinged wth great sadness today as a much loved and gifted member of our church (also one of the first women to be ordained in the Anglican church) is in a local hospice where she is likely to die within hours/days. During the short time that we have been members of St. Matthias (just over 2.5 years) she has inspired me hugely, not least because of her considerable musical talent which she has employed tirelessly with a mediocre Choir, of which I am a member. Up until Christmas, she was an active member of the church, organising a successful Carol Service (which included some of her own compositions) and preaching regularly. Last year, her long term partner was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and is now in a care home. Oh, and I forgot to mention - my talented friend is 81 years old!


I am so glad to have visited her three times in the past month and now I hope for a peaceful departure with little suffering.......

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  • RMweb Gold

Phew finally caught up !


I'll not every try next week as Jill and I are going away Tuesday and will arrive at the York show on Good Friday, there I will be on Widnes and Jill is one of Mally stewards for the weekend, and we finally get home on Easter Monday evening so there will be a lot of catching up. Did I mention we are going for railway photography ? - nearly 3 full days of "heaven" for Jill !


Here's something I posted on my facebook so some of you will have already seen this


(Apologies to any who do support the religion / beliefs)


So there we were, relaxing on a Saturday afternoon when "ding donng" the doorbell goes. 
"That'll be the Jehovas witnesses" said Jill
"I'll get the door then" ...
So I answered the door and sure enough there was a youngish guy and a young lady there, with some form of religious leaflet in their hands
"Is that something to do with railways?" asked the guy, pointing at the signal repeater we have in the porch.
20 minutes later they made their apologies and left ...
I'd managed to keep *them* talking, I briefly mentioned that I was not religious and certainly didn't support some of their beliefs but that was but a brief hiccup in my railway discussion.

The guy went away happy, having learnt about a friendly on-line forum he could join, how to program his sound chips for his new loco and exactly what the repeater was used for when it was in the signal box. The young lady looked bored but was trying to maintain her polite smile !


I also dropped into the conversation that my Internet presence was generally "beast66606"
I doubt we'll be troubled again.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have spent most of yesterday on the bed looking up at the ceiling.


Now I know why ladies must get bored in the bedroom,


A cobweb in the corner is the ultimate in excitement.


I can't sleep at present, so my prediction for yesterday morning has finally come true.


Perhaps it's because I've always been a bit slow!

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A break in the hot weather. Only 21C forecast, but it doesn't feel like it. It's 18C right now but tonight's low promises 13C.

I know a lot of you would love some hot weather and I certainly do not want any of your cold,so I'l be content with what we get.

I hope the new week brings each of you much model railway joy.

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Morning all, two short weeks ahead..! (for some)  did manage to dodge the showers enough to get over to the Sheraton (about a 15 minute walk)  hair cut for the first time this year,  then Pizza - and beer for lunch.  After the rain stopped strolled back in time for a long Sunday afternoon snooze! 


Though I did manage to get a bit of modeling done in the evening. 


Try to survive the day, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Bright and breezy here. Aditi is still on holiday. I'm not sure what we will be doing today though I did suggest it was now warm enough to swap the tyres on Aditi's car.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the top of the hill in Leeds!

Beautiful blue sky so its back to decorating....might get a trip to see some cricket for some fresh air later.


Hope you all have an excellent day, don't work too hard!

Best regards


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The guy went away happy, having learnt about a friendly on-line forum he could join, how to program his sound chips for his new loco and exactly what the repeater was used for when it was in the signal box. The young lady looked bored but was trying to maintain her polite smile !

I can picture the scene next Saturday. Throngs of thousands outside Beast Manor, many holding aloft their unchipped locos looking for a miracle cure. Blessed be cv29 they chant. All waiting for Brian of Nazareth the DCC messiah to come to the window.


Morning all from the majestic Rocky Mountains of the boring borough. Many majestic animals like the black bear and moose have roamed freely through the homestead. Well the neighbour's cat and a couple of small foxes to be truthful.  A very quiet and relaxing weekend was enjoyed. The calm before the storm. A new short term work project starts today. This one being run by people I know and trust. Should be interesting but happily assclown free.


A bit over 2 1/2 weeks until the swarm of annual tourists start. At least this year we aren't being converted into a B&B for all and sundry. Only a few will stay by taking over the lone single bed in the office. With the offspring now permanently encamped in what was the spare room and the old fold-a-Swede couch no longer able to unfold we don't have space for more than one at a time. The rest will be staying in hotels. Cousin's kid and her bf arrive in a little over 2 weeks, followed by a brief stop of the FiL at the start of their round Britain cruise. Younger brother the following weekend, then FiL again at the end of their cruise. That's 4 weekends in a row starting May 3. Mid June sees the ex and her new husband visiting the offspring for 3 weeks. A maybe from older brother in August. Younger brother again in Sept. To top it all off MiL for 4 weeks at Christmas. Can anyone suggest a cheap way of installing plumbing and a toilet in a garden shed. (no galvanised portable waste transport systems please)


Tony: with a nice sunny day like this, how about a wander around Hall Place?


Time to run SWMBO to the station. Have a great Monday everyone. Just remember its a short working week for most people.

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Ah! J. Witnesses (other callers are available).

In our last house, we had a 300m drive through a field and across a cattle grid.

One day a dapper gentleman with a briefcase arrived in the front garden.

"How did you get here?" I asked and he pointed to the cattle grid.

"How are you going to get out?" I enquired, "There's a bull in that field".

Some callers are better at scampering than others.


It should be noted that the bull's name was Billy and normally very placid - until one day an escaped bull from another farm broke through the fencing and Billy entered the fray and lifted it back over the fence on its horns.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry, sunshine & blue skies again, 9oC and looks like we're in for another nice day.

Tea taken to Her Bossness who seems to be a good mood but requires transportation to Sainsbury's emporium. After that the garden beckons but as usual there is a lack of enthusiasm on my part. However it must be done as my shed needs a clear out and there is the small matter of a mouse hunt as my neighbour's shed which is only a few feet away has had visitors.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly morning here today.  I am also somewhat later on parade having first taken the little guy to his holiday camp.  He is going to be spending the week doing various sporting activities, which is good, given that he seems to have boundless energy!


The weekend passed by rather quickly.  The summer tyres were put on the cars, I finished off the new garden shed, and got one step closer to finishing off the tiling in the bathroom.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, it was nice and sunny and relaxed, until I got to work when what would appear to be one of AndrewC's c*ckwombles sent an e mail asking for the annual report to be sent to him.  14 days after the year end....right. :butcher:   My reply was less rude than it might have been, but as I'm in the 'no-come-backs' zone :declare:  it was rather terse and to the point.  I explained in words of one syllable it has to go via the CEO and the Minister for Home Affairs before he gets his lowly, grubby little mitts on it. :beee:   Some people, honestly.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Reading about all the other ER activities has been enough exercise for me! I have received confirmation that taking the Fiesta for a tyre swap would be appreciated. I don't think Aditi is planning anything too strenuous either. Pottering in garden probably, she did a lot of digging yesterday. 



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