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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny ONE is the operative word!


It's tomorrow by all accounts, so I have taken the day off to boil water under pressure and use it to turn wheels.....

Seems a good plan to me....... jealous much? YES I AM!

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  • RMweb Premium

Hopefully photos tomorrow - new compact camera to try out too.  Ballast specials, the line needs a lot of repair after a year and a half of enforced neglect.


Oh, rostered locos, Colonial Fowler 0-6-2 ' Hermione Prumble' and Kerr Stuart 0-4--2st 'Doona' if we need a banker.  I should get away with the photos as Doona is named after a friend's collie.....= dark maiden in Manx.  Yes, it's black.....

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Surely this is covered under the sale of goods act - unfit for purpose, and also warranty

That is what I am hoping.  However, the story gets worse!  After my son pays the £75 for the repair to the laptop, D*ll promise to send the engineer to fix it tomorrow.  Then they contact him and say that there are no parts in stock and no delivery date, despite them taking the money!  Email now hopefully sent to Michael D*ll, copy to local manager.  The local Dell people suggest that my son must have dropped the laptop, and that it wouldn't be faulty.  My reply was unprintable!  I have told my son to go to his nearest Citizens Advice Bureau and seek their advice on claiming via the Small Claims Court.  All very well, but it still doesn't get him a working laptop, which he needs urgently for his Uni final year essays.  I have bought D*ll stuff before, but never again after this complete fiasco.

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Simon. a bit of horse barn door closed oh b*gger, but in 25 years of IT I've worked with 7 companies that have removed D*ell from their hardware suite of suppliers. wouldn't touch them with the proverbial barge pole. Enterprise wise for laptops that make the cut in large corporate environments its Toshiba, Lenovo, Fujitsu, and Apple.

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Morning All,


It is a fairly reasonable morning here - but I am not sure how the day is going to pan out. It was quite chilly yesterday evening.


The little guy is at work with me today, as it the first day of the Easter holidays. He seems quite excited, but then he also thinks that I sit around all day playing computer games!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny here this morning.
Shopping to do
A bit of ceiling painting
Then...off to the LGI to have my diabetic eye screening...which I have already had done at the eye specialist....linked databases? No lets just waste more NHS money and time.....rant over....apologies
Have a stupendously good day everyone!

Carpe diem!


Edited by Barry O
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Morning one and all,  


Never mind Don, it's bound to cool down at some point? Have a look at some of Mike the Station Masters photos from the far North,    One of the  "wheel - re-inventors" got a big slap down yesterday.....dont show your ignorance in an email that you send to every one from the top down!  


Never mind, next big project preliminary meeting this morning - should keep me out of mischief for the end of this year!


Have a good day as you can, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy at the moment, not cold though. It is supposed to be sunny and dry later.

I may spend some time in the garage. I am doing some messy modelling  carving and glueing lumps of styrofoam into scenic features. 


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Morning all,

Bright sunny day here looking across the Forth to Fife.

Some may recall the problems my 89-year old mum had recently at the Bank of Scotland trying to get a credit card. Excuses - FCA has a rule that no one over 75 can get a credit card (which, thinking about it, is against the law here), and asking whether I had a credit card (yes, I said) so why couldn't I pay "for her", which allows my mum no freedom or integrity.

Anyway, after that we went on the Bank of Scotland online site and applied for a card. This was the same site where the bank clerk said the no over-75 rule was - btw there is no such rule.

She was accepted and has just received the card.

Bananas all round.


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Morning all from the slightly hazy fjords of the boring borough. Its Friday!!! Antibiotics from the quack yesterday, finally. Rest of the man flu has gone apart from the swollen glands and sore throat. Seems that I'm the only one working this morning so it should (touch mdf) be a quiet day. Hoping for an equally quiet weekend. Will likely go offline for a few days.


Have a good one, and a great weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but overcast and 11oC.  Should brighten up with some sunny spells then clouding over this afternoon with chance of the odd light shower.

Not sure what I'm doing today but I'll wager the love of my life has some plans .......and I'm now being summoned .....I may (or may not) return later.

Have a good one,


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Morning all!  Hope all is well in ER land.  Been sunning myself for the last three days, doing battle with Stoke by Nayland golf course, deep in rural Suffolk, but just a few miles from where I lived back in the 70's.  It was nice to go back in time and see my old haunts.  Needless to say with 28 guys on board, far too much wine and late nights took their toll.


Question for those electronically minded.  I have a laser rangefinder which stopped working yesterday.  Completely dead.  When I finished the round, I went to the pro shop and swapped the battery, all fixed, so a dead battery, even though this one had only lasted a four weeks out of a supposed 1 year life.


Got home last night and checked my battery on a voltmeter.  2.6v from a 3v CR2 lithium cell.  Tried it again, still completely dead.  How can a device work with one battery and not another?  Tried all the obvious things like cleaning all the contact points etc, but can't get my head round why it doesn't work.  Surely the operating voltage can't be that sensitive that 2.6v is dead and 3v works?


Any ideas?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overcast so far, may cheer up later, I hope. Have been hearing the cuckoo for a couple of days now - always a significant event.


Sheena due a little later to complete fencing - I hope


Hope your week ends on a high note.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning - sunny!  Cold though, may wait an hour before venturing to the garage.


Funny Trev should mention copying crap e mails to senior staff - our 'black sheep' did that this week, though they would be clever and involve the higher echelons in a squabble and undermine line management - but the result was the 'echelon' asked if we wanted to discipline the individual!  Tempted.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright sunny day here office is warm too warm. Waiting to see if the head of service will let me go on secondment for a year more cash but more paper work and precise tested in tribunal paper work but if you don't try you never know what you can do. Hoping to go to scalefour north it is being held at my old school in Wakefield so a few memories to look at...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, grey but with a hint of blue between the clouds...'enough blue to make some matelots trousers' as my old granny used to say (I didn't understand it either, but she did come from Pompey so one way or another that explains it I guess.)


I'm off to Eastleigh in a mo, mainly to stock up on Poundland reading glasses. Luckily I can get by with them for 95% of what I need them for - I get those because for the second time I bought a pukka pair from the opticians for £95, had them for a week then trod on them and completely mullered them.

Of course the Poundland ones always lead a charmed life, I usually lose them rather than break them. Hope they've got a sale on, might be able to get them for 99p.....


Take care, enjoy the day, it's another one closer to daisy pushing time!

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Simon. a bit of horse barn door closed oh b*gger, but in 25 years of IT I've worked with 7 companies that have removed D*ell from their hardware suite of suppliers. wouldn't touch them with the proverbial barge pole. Enterprise wise for laptops that make the cut in large corporate environments its Toshiba, Lenovo, Fujitsu, and Apple.


Guess what make the local NHS seem to use exclusively?



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Another sunny morn and the workmen have finally returned to paint the wall that was damaged by a drunken motorist in December, 2013. This is the final stage in a job begun in mid February.


Paying them in full before completion probably wasn't our cleverest move. On the other hand, the wall was completely dry ahead of being painted. And the cost was covered by the motorist's Insurance Company.


Have a great weekend. I'm treading the boards in "She Stoops To Conquer", starting with a charity performance tonight. Amongst other minor roles (including wearing a bum roll under a posh frock for a stately dance!) I have yet another trans gender part - as a landlady, originally scripted by Goldsmith as a landlord!


With only one major scene plus several scene changes to execute, I have plenty of time to quietly socialise in the wings, giving me the buzz of performing without too much pressure.

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  • RMweb Gold


If the battery was the original one it may have had some time "on the shelf" and therefore a shorter life. The low voltage you are reading would have quite likely been enough to stop your device working. The discharged cell will have a high internal resistance. 


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