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  • RMweb Gold


Baz, You lost me on the footpaths/streetlights/Essex thing.... I was famous amongst friends by being able to turn off certain streetlights by simply walking under them, I have no idea why.....Similarly EMI's Swindon CD plant banned me from certain areas when I visited by my uncanny ability to make automatic machinery go haywire when I entered the room(s). No they didn't know why either, they just knew that it happened.



I once organised a weekend IT course in a nice country house for some sixth form students and staff. One of the teachers who was helping me set up said he didn't have much luck with computers, they always seemed to go wrong near him. I said I knew my father couldn't wear a wrist watch as they always seemed to stop but I thought PCs should be OK. I suggested he stood near the server and even with my scepticism turned up high I did see the server refuse to boot. Now this may have just been a coincidence but I sent him away (nicely, he was a deputy headteacher) and it started. Fortunately everything survived the weekend!

I think Barry's comment was due to his visit to somewhere in Essex without streetlights or pavements. I think a lot of people are surprised at how rural Essex is.


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  • RMweb Gold

And what about all the cakes you munch at the Model Railway shows!!!. :dontknow:

My resident diet "expert" doesn't seem to count cakes eaten at garden centres, theatres, shopping expeditions, on holiday etc so I suppose model railway shows come into that category too.

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  • RMweb Premium

Little Baddow in Essex seems to have limited footpaths and street lighting... Its a nice village ..if not a tad expensive when it comes to house prices...


Her indoors has an aunt who lives there...

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

 I think a lot of people are surprised at how rural Essex is.


Parts of Essex are really lovely, of course. Finchingfield comes to mind, but there are many, many other places, too. The stereotypical Essex Girl of now-passé humour wasn't likely to be from there, of course.


Q : How do you know when an Essex Girl is having an orgasm?

A : She drops her fish and chips!

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  • RMweb Premium

Taking bunkers?


No Debs (good guess though), we were doing a ship-to-ship transfer, propane then butane IIRC, the Staffordshire was an LPG tanker.  It was a complex procedure, as we carried the cargo frozen (with onboard re-liquefaction -32c IIRC) and the coaster was a pressurised vessel, so we had to heat the cargo as we transferred it in a heat exchanger, using sea water to heat to gas then they compressed it, this is all a bit hazy as it was 1979!  Luckily I wasn't a cargo engineer - we carried a specialised officer for that, I was just a fiver then - but it involved having a superintendent  on board from 'the company' and a lot of work from everybody!


This was in Thailand, the coaster was on a three day turnaround going up some river to discharge, we were there 7 weeks! 

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Q : How do you know when an Essex Girl is having an orgasm?

A : She drops her fish and chips!

Don't ask what happened to the Savaloy......


Sadly "Fish and Chip" shops seem to have vanished from the Brentwood area - and there were a couple of very good ones too (NOT "The Chariot").


Baz, I once broke down in Little Baddow just after the pubs closed, so I went and knocked on the door of the local to ask for the use of their phone (you can tell this was back in the early eighties). A man opened the door and advised me to "F@#k Orf!"


The pretty parts of Essex are kept secret by the locals. Finchingfield is just a poster girl.

Much of John Constable's better works were of the Essex countryside - and I remember finding one of them in the nineties with my father and it was totally recognisable, once we found the angle from which he painted it.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold


The pretty parts of Essex are kept secret by the locals. Finchingfield is just a poster girl.


Benfleet is one of those secret places according to some...

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  • RMweb Gold

  I once broke down in Little Baddow just after the pubs closed, 


Best, Pete.

My Cortina once failed in Ford End (another village near Chelmsford) which was mildly amusing.

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My Cortina once failed in Ford End (another village near Chelmsford) which was mildly amusing.

I wasn't amused much at the time..................I'd slid off the road (on wet leaves) into a ditch and broken my front passenger-side steering linkage. My one and only road "accident" - i.e. it was entirely my own fault.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, as I have not been around for a few days congratulations/commiserations as appropriate to those concerned during my absence.


In short health issues with the father in law who at 87 is as stubborn as a mule in more ways than one but at least we got him to the hospital and he is sorted now thankfully!


A few pictures to bring a smile! and I will now attempt to catch up on the comings and goings over the last three days!




Edited by Shedman5
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A friend of mine tried to microwave an egg, it cost him a new microwave.


When we got our first microwave, one of our kids did that within 5 minutes of the thing being plugged in! It (and he!) survived, though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Went out on the bikes to blow the cobwebs off, as the sun had made an appearance - had a nice ride doing about 70 miles, that little CRF has some go in it for it's size, saw 90 a couple of times trying to keep up with Mrs NHN on her beemer.  That has blown the cobwebs off indeed, but probably heralds another night of hip hell.  Such is life, it was worth it.


Note to pedants - there is no national speed limit in THIS country!

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  • RMweb Gold

I wasn't amused much at the time..................I'd slid off the road (on wet leaves) into a ditch and broken my front passenger-side steering linkage. My one and only road "accident" - i.e. it was entirely my own fault.


Best, Pete.

I think the only time my brother had an accident that was his fault was when he was out testing his Suzuki GT500. He went round a corner on a country lane and slid off. He ended up in a ditch with the bike on top of him and the gear pedal had punctured his boot, amazingly between his big-toe and the adjacent toe. I think it counts as his fault as he should have smelt what was all over the road before he got there. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Sunday evenings are really pleasant when you are not fretting over your plans for work on Monday.

I have done absolutely no planning or marking this weekend and am really enjoying it.


I'm starting to look forward to retirement. I'm not at the stage of counting days yet, not even weeks but it's on the not too distant horizon - providing that they don't change the rules again. I must admit to not being one of those who say they want to continue working because they would be bored. I have too many interests and things that I want to do.

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