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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the further info and support, folks.


I've heard back from BT in a sub continent who tell me that I should do what I've already done (back-door web through Yahoo) and that it is a known problem which will be resolved in the next few days when my browser should also be updated.

I think they mean reset.

I am pleased that they now admit to known problems. Last year half the planet seemed to be complaining about Yahoo mail but they admitted nothing.

Gordon. I use imap with Btmail. If you do have to use POP then the box to tick is "keep copy on server" which shouldachieve the result you want. I don't know how long they keep it for though!



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I have a Yahoo e-mail account, and I have had the same address for nearly 14 years - which makes me unwilling to give it up.


Having said that, the new Yahoo software is dreadful.  In fact, absolutely appalling.


Not only is it unstable, but I detest this business of grouping e-mails together into "threads" - if I wanted my e-mails grouped together, I would do it myself.  I prefer to have them grouped in date order.


It seems to me that they are trying to make their service more like a social network, but if I wanted a social network, then I would enrol with one.  I have written to them on numerous occasions, but the e-mails seem to go directly to /dev/null


I suppose you get what you pay for :sarcastichand:

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  • RMweb Premium


I took her there in a wheelchair today this morning and the branch said - sorry, new FCA regulations mean we can't give new credit cards to people over 75.


Is this a new twist on being given the runaround?






Hi, Mal,

I got a credit card for my mum earlier in the year (TSB). Took a couple of hours in the branch and a lot of time by the branch staff making calls on our behalf. But we got there. 

All we wanted to do was be able for mum to spend her hard-earned money safely online and to give her independence of others having to do her shopping or let he make purchases using our credit cards.

I have to say it wasn't easy and from memory the default response was "Computer says no!". It took a more personal approach to do the trick.

BTW, mum was 89.

To my mind 75 is a totally inappropriate age to be calling time on a person's credit. Sounds like a fob off.

If true I look forward to the FSA numbskull responsible being told 10 years after they retire they can't have credit due to the ruling they themselves introduced!


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Happy Hump Day all...


-5 and really sunny and bright, heading for +4, ahead of a "winter storm" (WAIT A MINUTE IT'S effing SPRING already <grrr>) that is going to dump 6-12 inches on us tomorrow afternoon through Friday - unlcear yet exactly how much depending on local temps. the next 24-hours!


I now have to trade in the reindeer for polar bears sounds like! We've ordered the igloo and it'll be here tomorrow :O  :scared:  :banghead:


Sounds like our planned weekend, leaving Friday morning to northern Minnesota to visit a friend and make maple syrup, may be put on hold, may not even be driveable conditions between here and there...


Minor setback on the modelling front - just received a lovely Bachmann 9F from a guy who was selling most of his stock in Canada. Was one of FIVE he had, and never been out of the box, definately true from the condition of the box/tissue and contents.

Trying to run it, the mechanism binds after about 3-4 inches movement either direction. Ended up taking it mostly apart (was going to somewhat anyway to install a decoved) and discovered the gear train (six small nylon/plastic gears) that drive the thing has one cog missing its axle! Definately a manufacturing issue, so hopefully I won't get stung too bad by Bachmann service/support when they respond to my email <sigh>. I guess I'll have to mail it back to them, as I don't want to attempt to take all the valve gear and wheels apart to fix it myself, even if they DO offer the part(s). Pity, I was looking forward to running her around the track...


Cheers for now

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I am pleased that they now admit to known problems. Last year half the planet seemed to be complaining about Yahoo mail but they admitted nothing.

Gordon. I use imap with Btmail. If you do have to use POP then the box to tick is "keep copy on server" which shouldachieve the result you want. I don't know how long they keep it for though!




BT are/have dumped Yahoo as their e.mail provider. A California-based company called 'Critical Path' will deliver BT Mail services. One of the results of this BT/Yahoo divorce is that BT customers now need a Yahoo e.mail address to use flickr (which is owned by Yahoo). Previously a BT Broadband account meant you didn't pay for a flickr Pro Account and you used your BT e.mail address.

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  • RMweb Premium

Pre-retirement course is fully booked....typical.  I presume too many people are deserting a sinking ship!  Offered me one in September - after I have retired...words fail me, I need Andrew's inspirational terms here.... ####wombles.

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  • RMweb Gold

Pre-retirement course is fully booked....typical.  I presume too many people are deserting a sinking ship!  Offered me one in September - after I have retired...words fail me, I need Andrew's inspirational terms here.... ####wombles.

Can't see you really need one Neil. I thin k you have it sorted. Besides any true modeller is not going to be lost for something to do (apparently a problem for some people!) plus the Groudle Glen full size.


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  • RMweb Gold

Pre-retirement course is fully booked....typical.  I presume too many people are deserting a sinking ship!  Offered me one in September - after I have retired...words fail me, I need Andrew's inspirational terms here.... ####wombles.

Ask for an extra weeks leave as compensation?

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  • RMweb Premium

I guess it depends on what the course is offering? Talking to some psychologists recently their view was that peoples' pre-retirement perception is that all the stresses will magically disappear on leaving the job. Apparently this isn't necessarily true and individuals can often find the stress lingers on.

Neil, ask them for a course of NLP as a leaving present!  :friends:   

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I guess it depends on what the course is offering? Talking to some psychologists recently their view was that peoples' pre-retirement perception is that all the stresses will magically disappear on leaving the job. Apparently this isn't necessarily true and individuals can often find the stress lingers on.


The organisation I worked for offered excellent pre-retirement courses, which covered things like that as well as the expected financial stuff. People on the course I was on were surprised just how interesting the 'touchy-feely' stuff actually turned out to be. We also felt parts of the course could have been useful to us 5-10 years earlier! Some of us ended up lending the documentation for those parts to younger colleagues.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


I thought one of the points of retirement was to get away from courses!  In my last big railway job I spent 6 years evading the induction course and about 5 minutes evading the so-called retirement course.


Anyway I spoke too soon about the weather - arrived Hammerfest in bright sunshine with about 4 inches of fresh snow on the ground and off we went to look at the church and the 'reconstruction Museum' (both were very good) but before we even reached the church the snow started and we emerged into a full blizzard, which accompanied us almost all the way back to the ship.  We've seen odd showers in the distance since then but a lot of the stuff which fell on the ship further north is melting away.


Due Tromsø just before mifdnight and we're off to a midnight concert in the cathedral while tomorrow afternoon we're booked for a trip in a smaller boat (ex fishing boat I think) on a 'Sea Eagle safari' in teh vicinity of Trollfjord.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

I seem to remember Mike (Stationmaster) at one stage questioning his wife buying lots of foul weather clothing and I'm sure I recall mention of an umbrella being adequate!

If we do go on the Scandinavia/Baltic cruise this summer I hope we don't need the Arctic stuff!


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  • RMweb Premium

Courses, well no I probably don't need it, but two days in their time when I have lost my mojo seemed like a good deal!  After spending all afternoon sorting out final warning cautions it seemed like good entertainment.  Never mind, maybe I'll get sent on the induction course I managed to avoid for 11 years - like Mike!


Got a nice reaction from the CEO though, 'oh sh##'.  He was nice and complimentary too, but the initial reaction was telling.  Now, about the succession policy they haven't put in place.........ha!

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Finally I have the chance to unwind after an hour of Pre School  admin; at times like this, it feels as if it's Sunday evening  and I'm preparing for a week of teaching! End of year report to the PCC done and a newspaper article to promote our Manager's plans to run in the London Marathon so all worthwhile topics really.


And this does follow a social day in which I had coffee with the Red Hat Society girls, lunch with O/H, led a  session at TOADS's Wednesday Club on "April Fools I have Known" (very well received, if measured by the amount of laughter) and a visit to the Curate's wife who has smashed her wrist after falling backwards from a chair on to concrete!


Time for a nightcap (hot chocolate, not the alcofrolic variety!) before bed.


Get well soon to all with nasty ailments and to the others - stay well!!


And congrats to those with birthdays or change of work plans.

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I seem to remember Mike (Stationmaster) at one stage questioning his wife buying lots of foul weather clothing and I'm sure I recall mention of an umbrella being adequate!

If we do go on the Scandinavia/Baltic cruise this summer I hope we don't need the Arctic stuff!


We've visited the Baltic capitals and the Norwegian fjords in August more than once and have always had clement weather, never needing more than a kagool over a light sweater and then only occasionally, even in Iceland.



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Sherry, I've been in Iceland in January several times and it was quite mild even then (compared to the northern tier of the USA) - the biggest problem for me was  Sunrise at 11:30am coupled with Sunset at 2:30pm, no wonder it is a nation of alcohol abuse, totally surreal - that and their names - did you look in the 'phone book - their family names do not compute over generations.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Daughter and SiL got back from their Indian wedding trip on Monday morning.  Got a call very late on Monday night from my daughter, that her husband had a high temperature and was shaking violently, what should she do.  Call an ambulance was my first reply knowing where they had just returned from.  They decided not to, phoned 111 and an hour later got a call from a doctor, who said take some Paracetemol and Ibuprofen and if not better in the morning, go to your GP.


He did that yesterday and within minutes was in hospital as his temperature was through the roof.  They took blood tests and await the results, but a mild form of malaria is on the cards.  They had all their jabs etc before going out, so we await the results due in a few days.


You don't have these problems with holidays in West Wittering…:-)


This foreign travel lark is not all it's cracked up to be.

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The rain has CLEARED completely. Forecast is clear for the foreseeable future. I was being pessimistic. Maybe Winter rain will only start on Good Friday, but only a max of 22C in the interval. I like 25C as a minimum temperature


I got out of bet at 5:00 to switch on the heater (so that room is warm for dressing) and on swinging round to return to bed fell flat.

No damage fortunately other than a fright.


Frequent absences of residents from the dining room for various durations are mostly attributable to falls. We are all issued with "panic buttons" to wear around our necks which connect directly to the Duty Sister's office. I do not wear mine in bed at night, but fortunately it was not needed.


HAPPY Thursday all.

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Morning All,


It is somewhat cloudy here this morning - but set to brighten up later on.


I managed to get out for a bike ride yesterday afternoon, which was a good opportunity to blow out the cobwebs.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, 


Still alive too..(I think) At least I can breath a lot easier and the tap (faucet) that was my nose is down to an irregular drip!   Not much else to report from here though, have a good hump day as you can,




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Fingers crossed for your SiL, Gordon - that sounds like anything but fun for all concerned... :O




Sherry, I've been in Iceland in January several times and it was quite mild even then (compared to the northern tier of the USA) - the biggest problem for me was  Sunrise at 11:30am coupled with Sunset at 2:30pm, no wonder it is a nation of alcohol abuse, totally surreal - that and their names - did you look in the 'phone book - their family names do not compute over generations.


Best, Pete.



Ah yes, patronymics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_name . I can see why this system didn't work out in a much larger country like Russia, though!


Sounds like a good party game - transforming one's name into the Icelandic format...

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