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  • RMweb Gold

I know I really shouldn't be posting this link, but given the apparent workplace problems many ERs have, at least they should get a few laughs out of it. (On the other hand, some of them may be too close to the truth!)



I really like the "Underachievement" penguin poster!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


A wet night in la Sarthe.


For reasons that I cannot explain here, I'm holding back a bit on the details of recent days, save for this. Late on Saturday night, a drunken child (36) made a phone call to her father that effectively dropped the bottom out of his life. Since she almost certainly loves him, her motivation is unclear, but some sort of revenge on mum is probably behind it. Her message was in effect a detonation of the smoking bomb she has been holding for 10 years, since she discovered mum had misbehaved. Dad is a thoroughly decent man, if a little rather completely bland, and he obviously needed to discuss the facts with mum - who was away for a few days. When he finally did so she revealed that the affair 10 years ago had never stopped, nor even faltered, and that the other man remained enormously important to her. So mum has got the 10-year monkey off her back, and dad, to his considerable credit, is inclined to let her see the other man more often - without the cloak and dagger stuff. It goes without saying that I am the other man - and I could not be happier, simply because the lady in question is off-the-scale important to me, too. Oh - and my late Deb knew all about this from Day 1, and no-one who met her for more than 22 seconds would think she'd accept anything that didn't quite suit her in some way.


I am aware that ERs includes people who probably won't "like" this. All I can say is that life isn't always that straightforward.....

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All I can say Ian is that life (and love) is a damn sight more complex and complicated than many would admit to (or want to to admit to) - as you have quite rightly alluded to. Judeo-Christian morality and ethics may be widespread (thanks to European empires and influence), but it ain't the only game plan out there. Your situation may ruffle the feathers of traditionalists (moralists?) in this part of the world, but elsewhere on the planet it may be a bit "ho hum".


Anyway, good luck with this rather complicated state of affairs, may you [ALL be happy and content



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I am aware that ERs includes people who probably won't "like" this. All I can say is that life isn't always that straightforward.....

Ian, If you two are happy; I'm happy.

Besides, I've been there too.....


Here's some of my tools that I missed photographing last year (two more still not here with me):





The black guitar on the left is a 1981 Les Paul Custom. Middle is a Pettingill "Cruiser" Steel Guitar made for me by Tom Pettingill. Right is a '52 Fender Telecaster.


I recently found an old thread on The Steel Guitar Forum started by Tom detailing my guitar before it was sent to me - it says why he made it the way he did for what I wanted.


I don't think he mentions that the shape was inspired by a '57 Chevrolet tailfin...


If you're interested take a look.




Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dropping in to say "Hi" and hope all is well with the Early Rising regulars.  I'll have this topic on Read-Only mode in future as the volume of reply notifications swamped my inbox and a cache of 2462 pages takes a while to load on the mobile.


There are a few bumps on the road here at present which are also diverting my time and attention away from the computer.  Nothing of real consequence - just real life getting in the way of a good story ;)


I'm always only a PM away if wanted.

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Morning all, 


Welcome back Ian, as others have said, it's your life so be happy.  I was invited out last night to a local (other side of the city) bar... problem is just as we left there was a major cloud burst! Journey that should have taken 30 minutes took 90!  But otherwise was OK - if too noisy (loud music) to my taste.

Well it's POETS day so ' spose  I'd best get on.


Lets all try and survive what ever life throws at us?



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The situation described by Ian is probably more common than we realise.

It's absolutely none of my business but I'd like to express my sincere hope that all four of the persons involved come to terms with the reality and that the inevitable hurt generated will dissipate in time.

Whatever the motives of the whistle blower, that bullet can't be used again.

I'm sure the revelation will come as a relief in some ways to the lady concerned who must have struggled with the secret for some time.

Good luck to all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ian, may I just second the wish that now that everything's in the open, you will be able to go ahead without any burden to hold you back, and that an understanding will be reached with those who may feel hurt right now. I don't think I am entitled to judge on this kind of tricky situation, regardless of whom it may concern. But, I guess I'll be speaking for at least many on here when I say, please do let us know if you might like to hear our thoughts on anything related to your situation. I for one don't like to have any loose ends and I would think that neither do you.

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Morning All,


Nice to see you back Ian!


It is a nice sunny morning in this part of the world.


I am currently drinking a cup of tea, and contemplating the day ahead.


Have a good one everybody...

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Ian, if you're looking to be judged harshly on RMWeb, upload some pictures of a Thomas layout to one of the finescale sub-forums, otherwise I don't think it's likely! Life is never less than complicated and as others older and much wiser than I have said, be happy. Have a great day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, I'm with the others, you have my support and hopes that it all gets resolved for the best.


It's Friday, my last day in Bristol and boy am I ready to go home - except the 220 mile drive down the M4 / M25 / M11 on a Friday evening is not something I'm looking forward to.


Hopefully my next report will be from Norfolk.

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Welcome back Ian. I just hope everything goes well for all parties involved.


Morning all. A dull foggy day in the boring borough. Man flu well and truly established. I feel like someone is beating me with a stick from the inside. 


Warning: work rant coming on. Project Zombie just won't roll over and go away. The mass panic from the middle management has reached epic proportions. This lot couldn't organise an at Max Clifford's place. It has now become a full fledged three ring assclown circus complete with trapeze artist and stunt elephants. After a 12 hour day of Seagull management yesterday, my umbrella needs a good rinse. The result was the work that should have been completed 2 weeks ago may be done by the end of today. The big stunt elephant in the room is the fact there is only one person who can do the actual system provisioning. Guess who that is? So from the multitude of waste of time tele-conferences yesterday, some douchecanoe  has assumed that I'm happy to spend 20 hours at least this weekend putting this thing together. However, nobody has actually asked me. Nobody has formally requested my time though the proper channels. Nobody has checked to see if I actually have building access. Nobody followed up the request from 2 months ago to get the necessary remote access. And nobody has a fecking clue as to what they are doing. Today is going to be interesting to say the least. If the c*ckwombles think I'm going to spend that kind of time standing in a cold datacentre doing this directly on the servers they can stick their heads up their arses until they see their own tonsils. To quote Clark W Griswold "Holy sh*t, where's the Tylenol?"


My only glimmer of light is knowing in the current multiverse quantum theory that somewhere in a parallel universe a giant flying bear has just done a 10kg dump from on high directly on these idiot's heads.


On that note, more coffee. Have a great day and an equally great weekend.

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