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  • RMweb Premium

I would never pass myself off as a paragon of grammar and sentence construction, but what on earth are these people teaching?  Full rant mode coming on....where's Andrew!


Only two out of 15 Ashers, gosh, presumably being the two who could tell their from there, and they're ............. disgraceful.


Did you see what I did there! :jester:


I have a colleague with an MA, and I have to say I can only presume they don't consider written standards in the awarding of these, as their standards are appalling just in simple work and note-keeping, never mind a dissertation.  Either that or someone else wrote it, of course. :butcher:

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I would never pass myself off as a paragon of grammar and sentence construction, but what on earth are these people teaching?  Full rant mode coming on....where's Andrew!


Face down in a big mug of Lemsip.

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According to some Canadian psychologists children grow up with an unrealistic view of the natural world if they are exposed to stories like Winnie the Pooh or Beatrix Potters' assorted characters. Perhaps Pooh Bear is responsible for all the obesity?

All I can say to that is a hearty "COBBLERS!!!".

I'm glad I grew up with Pooh, and so are both my kids, having enjoyed many hours of me and the Mrs reading the books to them many, many times - and none of us have an unrealistic view of the natural world - except perhaps for being very cautious of/around psychologists :) :) :butcher:  :jester:

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Wishing the best for all those ailing, or enduring the unexpected consequences of over-exuberant pets - been there done that too - make speedy recoveries please.


We're "better" than Pete today it seems, a balmy +4 here already, but dreary and overcast with rain "turning to snow" in the crystal ball weather radar/forecast...


Everything getting decidedly wet/damp with all the melting, but still plenty more to go. Enjoy the penultimate day/count-down to the weekend everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Before  a fun filled trip to Morrisons, I am pretty well ready for something a bit more leisure/pleasure, so here I am and it appears that there are many who are ailing - it seems that there are many ills at present between us and our respective partners/spouses, and I do send a widespread get well message to ALL who are affected or in the case of John, seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. 


As to hospital hours, when I was in, I was wakened at 6 every morning when the main lights to the ward were switched on,  and was handed a bowl of water, a towel, and my toiletries, and bidden to do my ablutions so that they could get on - also most nights they didn't put the lights out until about midnight - after ten days of that, they allowed me to go home, and I honestly felt that the patients were there to be fitted round the hospital regime, and not vice versa.  I also had no real advice about how to cope with being totally bed-ridden for the first six days, and when I asked, I was made to feel a bit stupid.  One staff member told me that the routines and so on were all set out in the welcome pack beside my bed - only there wasn't one, and I was only given one after a week!


Anyhows, the trip to Morrisons beckons - wow!  The only plus being that I've managed to save their vouchers, so will get a bit of a saving this week - AND they should have some saveloys.


Regards to All


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Accepted a new job today. :sungum:


Three months notice to work though.... :rtfm:  


Pleased?  Happy? You could say that. :imsohappy:  :imsohappy:  :imsohappy:


....except the notice period! :help:

Have any leave or usable sick time stored up? A chap I used to work with was basically forced out of his job (constructive dismissal) by the new CEO. He was told 6 months notice to leave. He had over 30 weeks of banked leave so he cleaned out his desk and that was that.


Congratulations by the way. Your new job isn't a beer taster perchance? If it was I'd have to kill you out of jealousy. :drink_mini:

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Good luck Neil, 'bout time we had some good news? 


Last night on the way "home"  we where passed by this lot. (dont let any one tell you Narrow gauge is slow,  we were doing 40 k /hour and it passed us like we were stood still!! ) Commuters hanging off  every available space. 


Finished doing the staff appraisals now, standard of handwriting  & written English on the whole was pretty good.


Now suppose I'd best get on with some work, though I've not slept well the last couple of nights so feeling a tad knackered (and the heat and humidity aint helping! ) ..




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Just add a blended whisky and you're nearly there

Blended whisky is the devil's wee. Single malt only for me. Trouble is it plays havoc on my stomach. Absinthe on the other hand just makes me loopy. Especially the bottle of 76% Green Fairy I have stashed away.

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My GP has advised that I join Weight Watchers or Scottish Slimmers after I've finished this part of the diet, which he believes will help maintain the weight loss.


This juicing diet is great for me because I feel replete for pretty much the whole day - and feel good because fresh vegetables and fruit are good for you. Each glass concentrates perhaps 4 or 5 different veg/fruit.


Yes, I know about the sugar in fruit and vegetables, still preferable to refined sugar, though. And yes I know that many people who diet slip back into bad habits again. The knack is to avoid that...


But you gotta try, eh?




PS Hi Andrew C - surely not a malt in Lemsip?!;-)

Edited by Purley Oaks
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Mal. malt instead of lemsip or at least a lemsip that tastes like a good Laphroig.


Jack, bud lite is even lower on the wee scale. Produced by the one of Satan's lesser minions. Simon Cowell methinks.

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  • RMweb Gold


Just back from the hospital after getting a call from my daughter asking for a lift for her and Abbie. Yesterday Abbie fell down some stairs at school and hurt her foot. This morning she could hardly walk so has spent a few hours in Casualty and now has a plaster cast and crutches!



PS. My diet is still going well so I've just had a jam doughnut to celebrate!

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Not a beer taster, no - I don't really drink much now, I kind of got out of the habit after my operation.  Alcohol and tramadol don't mix well, unless you like to blow your brains out that is.


It's......not going to be revealed yet!  One thing is for sure, it's a sight less stressful than young offenders.


Bob, Abbie sounds like a very determined girl, she will go far.

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Accepted a new job today. :sungum:


Three months notice to work though.... :rtfm:  


Pleased?  Happy? You could say that. :imsohappy:  :imsohappy:  :imsohappy:


....except the notice period! :help:

Congratulations! Now you'll find out how much your superiors understand about what your job involves when (if?) you're given your replacement to start to train. "Here's Smith, who's going to be your replacement. Can you give him a quick explanation of what you do? I know it's your last day, but there's a couple of hours before we go to the restaurant for your farewell lunch."

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  • RMweb Gold

Great news about the job Neil, 3 months will soon go more so if you have the odd sick day but probably like me you don't want to do that. Looking back wish I had lol!


Had a guy once who handed in his notice a three month period, got signed off with a bad back for 8 of the 12 weeks, we didn't follow it up with occupational health etc as it wasn't worth the effort and time apparently.


But great news and nice to see some good news on here along with those making positive progress on health related matters!

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  • RMweb Premium

Congratulations! Now you'll find out how much your superiors understand about what your job involves when (if?) you're given your replacement to start to train. "Here's Smith, who's going to be your replacement. Can you give him a quick explanation of what you do? I know it's your last day, but there's a couple of hours before we go to the restaurant for your farewell lunch."



It's close to the truth - my boss is a police Inspector, he has no idea of the detail of what I do or how I achieve it - he asks, I deliver.  It's no criticism of him, he has a lot else on his plate too so I probably take more of the load than I would in a similar team in the UK.  I do the operational detail, he does the blue sky thinking.  As you may gather, my performance management review is made up on the spot at the end of the year!  :scratchhead:    As we're a small team (11) there's no duplication or redundancy in roles, (small island - lean teams!) - so while two colleagues sort of do the basics when I'm not there, the detail and day to day running stuff is purely in my domain.  I wonder who is going to write the annual report :read:  this year....????  I know who isn't!  Unless of course, I do it on a consultancy basis at £50 an hour - now there's a thought. :mail:

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  • RMweb Premium

It's close to the truth - my boss is a police Inspector, he has no idea of the detail of what I do or how I achieve it - he asks, I deliver.  It's no criticism of him, he has a lot else on his plate too so I probably take more of the load than I would in a similar team in the UK.  I do the operational detail, he does the blue sky thinking.  As you may gather, my performance management review is made up on the spot at the end of the year!  :scratchhead:    As we're a small team (11) there's no duplication or redundancy in roles, (small island - lean teams!) - so while two colleagues sort of do the basics when I'm not there, the detail and day to day running stuff is purely in my domain.  I wonder who is going to write the annual report :read:  this year....????  I know who isn't!  Unless of course, I do it on a consultancy basis at £50 an hour - now there's a thought. :mail:

Don't sell yourself short Neil even I have got up to the dizzy heights of £120 an hour plus vat of course.

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Congratulations Neil - look forward to hearing the exploits in the new job :)


Right, "The Gas Man Cometh" (I think most of you old b*u*g*g*e*r*s will remember Flanders and Swann ;) )


We had an electric cooktop and oven in the past but have used and prefer gas for the cooktop and the new kitchen will now be so equipped.

So... we need the gas line installed since there isn't gas run to the kitchen, yet. He's just called and will be here in 30 minutes - wish me luck! :O  :help:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Mal. malt instead of lemsip or at least a lemsip that tastes like a good Laphroig.


Jack, bud lite is even lower on the wee scale. Produced by the one of Satan's lesser minions. Simon Cowell methinks.

When I was in Texas last year I noticed that anyone who dressed like a cowboy seemed to drink Bud Light

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