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  • RMweb Gold

I went out to the garage and connected my new turntable to the fiddle-yard. Loco trundles up to turntable and stops! Short circuit. Fortunately I had read the manual and mentioned that if that happened swap over the red and blue wires. Wires swapped over and all works. The turntable has its own dedicated control box but the manual mentioned it could be controlled from a DCC handset. Reading on the interwebs indicated this was difficult but I just followed the instructions and it worked! Though I was using a Roco Multimaus which does make accessory control very simple.

Time for a walk in the park now. Robbie is pacing expectantly!



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... A big part of the process is to try and rip apart the design to find any flaws or omissions. One of the reasons they hired me was due to my straight talking....

a much misunderstood approach. I tell my colleagues when I am critical of their documentation that there are people out there - either working for, or hirable by, the potential client/customer/partner - who are MUCH more cynical and mistrusting than I could ever be who will take apart the documentation especially IF the contract/sale/partnership involves very large sums of money. The people who sign the very big cheques may not know all the details of subject X, but they WILL hire those who do (and who will scrutinise material very carefully) before the money men's pens are put to paper! Having done "due diligence" for a deal worth.... let's just say a lot of money... I made sure that in my document review every single potential pitfall for "the deal" was flagged and properly addressed.


So, why spell properly and write grammatically?


1) sloppy writing = sloppy thinking in many people's minds. Not the impression you want to give if you are working in area where "serious thinking" is required

2) sloppy writing suggests you can't be ars*d. Leading the client/customer/potential partner or employer to ask themselves if someone can't be ars*d to write properly, will they be ars*d enough to properly do the job you want them to?


3) good writing skills are power. Writing, say, "Bachby's 92XX has a rough jerky gearbox" conveys a very different impression than "Bachby's 92XX's gearbox could be smoother" and the impression made can mean the difference between a sale or a no-sale. And much as I don't like writing meeting minutes, I do it because I can shape people's recollections (and thus opinions) by the wording used.


Its amasing wot i learn at skule, innit!?

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

I was just reading how a pickpocket in Dortmund first stole an expensive, new smartphone from a young woman, then – oblivious to how his victim had looked – to offer it for sale to the very same woman he had stolen it from. He was subsequently arrested.


The mind boggles!

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Morning <grumble>, sorry, best I can offer. Good grief, it's -6 and BLOODY SNOWING again! I think someone moved Minnesota to the North Pole over the weekend :(


Eagerly awaiting the contractor to start tearing out the part of the kitchen we're removing, AND, the IKEA delivery van, both due in the next hour or so.

Tonight will see me constructing the cabinet frames for the island so we can then play with them in the space (hopefully all the demolishion will be done by this evening), and Mrs and I can get a "final" on position/placement of the island.


Sunday modelling was NOT to be - all I got time for was to wire droppers to ONE of the single-slips, and set it in place - how pathetic is that <sigh>


Monday glooms looms and modelling is far on the horizon right now...

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A Mega-Storm will be leaving the Canadian Maritimes on Wednesday - with low pressure lower than many barometers can handle - doesn't bode well for a decent weekend in the UK, forthcoming.



Not till Wednesday? hmmm. Must be stuck in customs. US immigration is getting slower and slower. :sungum:

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So then weather forecasters, should I leave the Ford Fiesta's winter tyres on for another week?


Well, according to the BBC Weather it should be mostly dry, light cloud, and low wind for the next week........So yes, I'd definitely leave them on!!!


Having said that it's been a beautiful sunny day here, frost on the car this sparrow's, but apart from that lovely.   May even venture out on the bike later once the Monstrous Regimen of Women finish batting around on the school run.  Layout planning this evening as Jane is going out to an 'event' with her younger sister.  Was asked if I wanted to go but, even at my advanced seniority, wedding planning events make me nervous...........................

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So then weather forecasters, should I leave the Ford Fiesta's winter tyres on for another week?


Seeing Trisonics comment about the Mega-low leaving the Canadian Maritimes later this week - I'd suggest that leaving them on might not be a bad idea - Guess who changed the duvet to a lighter one a week ago?

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  • RMweb Premium



 Layout planning this evening as Jane is going out to an 'event' with her younger sister.  Was asked if I wanted to go but, even at my advanced seniority, wedding planning events make me nervous...........................


But if it was an Ann Summers party .......................................    ?????

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


I'm afraid I'd go down like  lead balloon at Aditi's place of employment as along with the fact that I cannot tolerate fools (gladly or otherwise)  I utterly despise those in the education trade who resent proper use of our written language.  The good Doctor was commended on her excellent use of the language in her thesis and on her high standard of punctuation and i like to think that the latter owed something to my explanations of the difference in usage and meaning of commas, dashes, and brackets and so on; plus that fact that I checked it and I know the difference between a semi colon and a colon.  So sorry to repeat myself Tony but if she's working with imbeciles like that I suggest she retires before her blood pressure reaches dangerous levels.


Thanks for the weather report Pete, seems some of it is heading fir the Norwegian Sea but not too bad in the eastern part thereof.  Only problem with going away is that Mrs Stationmaster has just cut the first offerings of the purple sprouting broccoli crop which looks excellent and will be in our dinner tonight - hope the rest of it lasts until our return.

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But if it was an Ann Summers party .......................................    ?????


It was an Ann Summer's party that got me into this position in the first place..............so to speak............................... :angel:

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I utterly despise those in the education trade who resent proper use of our written language.


I have to wholeheartedly agree with that. My 10 year old daughter has come home from school upset and the reason? A substitute English teacher has spent most of this afternoon teaching the class how to abbreviate words into so-called "text-speak". The lesson ended with the teacher going around the class asking individual pupils to add a word of their own. My daughter didn't know any and was chastised by the teacher to much laughter from classmates. By the time I found this out, the school office had closed but I will take my daughter to school tomorrow and demand an explanation. I really don't care if I come across as Victor Meldrew's younger brother but I'm absolutely furious about this. What on earth does teaching a child to butcher the English language achieve?

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?... What on earth does teaching a child to butcher the English language achieve?

if I may be cynical here, it's all part of making lessons and subjects "relevant" and "meaningful" (sic).


And if one were to be even more incredibly cynical, I would see it as a way to keep a large number of children poorly or semi-educated and thus not be (future) competition to those whose parents can afford/are able to send them to schools where lessons are proper lessons and not social experiments in making lessons "relevant" or "meaningful".


Curious, isn't it, how the children of those who advocate such "relevance" in education do not subject their own children to it. A bit like those architects whose "award winning" housing designs for "the people" are unlivable in, but who themselves live in Grade II listed buildings


Good luck with tomorrow's expedition (and perhaps if they give you "lip" you should ask them bluntly "would you want YOUR child to have such a lesson"?)

Edited by iL Dottore
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Quick afternoon update - the kitchen is being smashed to piece as we speak :) and IKEA just delivered about 1000lbs. of flat-pack, oven/hood and miscellaneous hardware!

Now for an evening of pictogram assembly - oh joy :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

I know about colons: they introduce lists and separate two clauses. Some understand semi colons; I'm not so sure about them.


Raining down 'ere in dat der Brizzle so no photography tonight, to compensate I did have a pleasant "All you can eat" Mexican at the Brewers Fayre next door. Musing over going out early tomorrow but then I've noticed the Colas timber may run on Wednesday so I might wait until then depends what I feel like in the morning, I may do both - or neither !


Have a good evening all.

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Ian, I "disagree" as you mentioned the joy of assembly that you are anticipating...


To which I can only say, poor, deluded, fool



p.s. sorry, no smileys, the iPad doesn't do them...

Understood ;) The "oh joy" was definately meant sarcastically...then again, I'm sure I've been deemed a poor deluded fool more than once :scared:

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A p.s. for LifeboatMan, I think that your daughter (and yourself) may enjoy Eats, shoots and leaves by Lynne Truss, everything you need to know about punctuation in one slim, handy and amusing volume.


That is one of the MOST enjoyable books I've ever read/owned. It's a MUST for anyone who wants to laugh at the currect state of written english, especially.

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  • RMweb Premium

I must be odd - I have no problems at all with IKEA destructions, I find them totally logical.  Careful observation is the clue - it's all in there if you look!  The subtle differences of some parts in the drawings bear close observation though.

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I must be odd - I have no problems at all with IKEA destructions, I find them totally logical.  Careful observation is the clue - it's all in there if you look!  The subtle differences of some parts in the drawings bear close observation though.


  In truth I usually find them extremely straighforward also, but judging by others (friends. work associates etc.,) I'd have to count both you and me as "odd" in that case. It seems there are an extraordinary number of folks who can't put these things together - probably the same folks that have been found pouring oil in the coolant filler and vice versa in their cars <sigh>

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

We have been out this evening which is quite unusual, as Aditi thought it would be nice to see her Mum and other visiting family. We arrived in time to see our niece before she went to bed and then ate about a weeks worth of food. Aditi's Mum managed to stay awake until about 8pm but having returned from Delhi late last night I think she was entitled to an early night.

Aditi didn't end up on the naughty step as a result of the meeting at work this afternoon. Their manager couldn't see what was wrong with Aditi's email and was more concerned at the colleagues over reaction and accusations made about her. So she needn't have spent all weekend worrying. I'm sure it is going to be taken further though. I don't think Aditi really cares any more though. Her biggest concern at work tomorrow is about whether it will be raining  when she has to walk to some college annex where they want to know all about setting up a degree course for their more advanced students.



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