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Early Risers.


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Good Sunday morning.

As forecast it's raining. Cloud ceiling at about 2000 ft but it's totally closed in. NO Sun.

I'm up, dressed and ready for the day but it's really a day for staying in bed.

Now if I still had a layout it would be an ideal ay for working on it. Oh well!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning Don and all.


Can't you have any sort of diorama or small shunting plank Don. After all that good work you did for Thabu?? (was that his name?) surely a small corner can be found for something similar.

You deserve no less. Damn it man, we'll even sneak in the tools and equipment baked in cakes if necessary.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Headache, painkiller taken.


Been off to Magdeburg for a birthday dinner last night. Futhermore, Trude the rabbit had to have surgery on Friday but looks to be recovering well. The main concern for us had been for her to continue eating, but after we got her some carrots with greens she seemed to be delighted!


Have a good one, everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely sunny morning here, quite cold but like yesterday it may rain later.

I slept well last night, must have been all the exercise getting on and off buses and trains.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Nice bright start to the day and 4oC. It seems that it will remain fairly cool and we'll have a day of sunny periods and scattered showers.

I didn't sleep well due to aching joints but never mind - no walking is planned today.

This morning I will be fitting a decoder into my new purchase and playing with it ascertaining that it functions correctly and is fit for purpose.

Later on we're visiting our best friends for drinks and dinner so there will be no dieting today. (Wasn't any yesterday either because of the beer)

Have a good one,

Hobbling of Sutton.

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Morning all. An absolutely glorious morning here. I don't often lie in and Sundays are not usually an exception. Having woken up at around 6am, I thought I'd do something useful and have done the washing. Just realised I forgot to add the fabric softener so SWMBO will be complaining all week about sandpaper undergarments... Slightly disturbed by the sight of two dead birds right in the middle of my lawn... I can't begin to imagine a cause of death. There are no marks on them and they're lying about a foot apart. That can be the mystery for today. Not sure whether to redo the washing or just hang it out and plead ignorance...

Edited by Pete 75C
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Hi BoD thanks for the thought, but it is impracticable. The working surface I could have is divided between my bar fridge and the keyboard and monitor, with a four inch  space in front of the keyboard on which I can write. My bedside table has a reading lamp, alarm clock telephone and torch, my chair-side table holds the current book, the TV remotes and a glass (there's room for a plate of biscuits/cake/whatever) the chest of drawers surface has the radio/cd-player & speakers, another clock and sundry papers and mail.

There's also a heater, built-in-cupboard, standing fan and wash hand basin.. The bed sticks out into the middle of the room, with the headboard against the wall. It sounds more crowded than it looks or is. There's room for one or two guests, but nowhere to model or put a finished model, not even a signal box or lamp shed. Nefertheless I'm happy!


By the way, Thabo still keeps in touch.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

A damp and miserable day here today.


The lawn, started on Friday before the first onslaught of rain, remains partially shorn.


Big whoops yesterday:


Having harangued my son about his failure to provide gifts or even a card for birthdays and various other celebratory occasions,  I went out and ensured he got stuff for Mothering Sunday.  With all the hype in the shops it had to be soon, and I had already dealt with my mother's stuff when I was in S Wales last weekend.


Anyway, I concluded our trip out by buying a very nice bunch of flowers...................


When I got home, I presented these to the Obergrumpenfuhrer, declaring that they were really for tomorrow (today, if you get my drift).


She then pointed out that MS is NEXT weekend!


My son just sat in the corner sniggering.


I'd best start on the Christmas presents mext!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning all,   


Quite warm again temps already over thirty © and rising.  Trouble is I need to go restock the biscuit tin and the tea caddy! so best do that as soon as the store opens.  


Did manage yesterday to get quite a bit done on the trolley. Now just the rest of the hand rails and some weathering. Plus some details. 



Try to enjoy as much as you can today, 




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, slept while 9.00 again but work to do water started appearing on the kitchen floor last night so the washer was checked passed OK so then the adventure into the under sink cupboard right at the very back left hand side is the cold fill for the washer the pipe had worked loose over time. Tightened up and a test wash then left overnight with a jug under it success. Now all thats needed is a tetris master or Rubiks cube wizard to get everything back under the sink.....  Still sunny at the moment some gardening may happen yet. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, the sun came out here eventually, so Elsa and I went out.


at the most exposed point of our walk, the dark clouds arrived out of nowhere, and then it started to hail.


So we did a quick about  turn and headed home before we were beaten to death.


By the time I'd got us both dry and I'd changed into something a little less damp, the sun was out again!


I don't think painting is an option, as, with my luck so far this weekend, I'll probably kick the tin over.


Vegetating is becoming a serious option.

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Morning all,


Raining here at the moment


I concur. It may have been a glorious morning in Norfolk 3 hours ago but having spent an age hanging the washing out at around 9am, I've just spent another age taking it all back in again. Thank God for tumble driers...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bedroom blind fell down this morning, only one small piece of china damaged and nothing to do with me guv as Mrs Stationmaster had replaced it after her decorating stint.  But there was need for quick thinking because after I had been instructed to roll it I was accused of unrolling it instead of rolling it up so I rapidly explained that I was unrolling it to get rid of the slack before re-rolling it (which was correct anyway). This is the sort of thinking Hippos need for incorrectly dated presentation of decorative flora 'I thought it would brighten things up dear and these will last until you receive some more next weekend' is the sort of quickly thought out wording for such situations.


Mrs Stationmaster knows she will receive no flowers next Sunday - I think we'll be nearer to Tromso than Tesco.


Hope the rest of the weekend goes well for all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, dry and sunny here at the moment but like yesterday a couple of showers will appear at some point!


Managed to get a lot sorted in the garden yesterday between showers, water butts cleaned and reset etc. Our flagged areas at the back of the house are really dirty this year, the jet washer will get an outing very soon. Wonder if I should clean these twice a year ie spring and autumn.

Have tried numerous apply by watering can and leave products but they don't seem to make much difference.


A lazy day today after yesterdays efforts is planned.


Enjoy the day folks


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Just as the weather-guessers predicted - this morning we had a brief flurry of the cold white stuff up here in the Northern Marches- we are currently back to blue skies with a cold wind -far to cold to be ouytside doing silly things like gardening, I'm pleased to say!  :sungum:

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