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Weeding anniversary started well - until I started knocking things to the floor and other places. Now I'm not allowed out without adult supervision.


Toast, coffee for her, choc for me, sunny and bright - some of that was weather, some breakfast, in case you hadn't noticed. Dogs have had their customary three breakfasts, biscuits, dental chew and the remains of our toast.


Now preparing to go collect the serviced caravan, go shopping for catch up bits and then be home for lunch. Some hope!

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I did manage to spend some time filling in the big hole on the layout and I now have a powered turntable that turns. It doesn't have any track going to it yet but that shouldn't be as difficult as programming the thing. I'm sure it isn't really complicated but I need to sit quietly and read the manual when I'm not tired. I always wanted a turntable! Matthew had the Hornby one on his trainset but I didn't steal it for mine.

I'm going to get my stuff ready for my trip to Alexandra Palace tomorrow. As well as the paint purchase I will be collecting a couple of coaches (carmine and cream Mark 1s) purchased through RMweb classifieds so I had better take a carrier bag. It will be handy for lunch carrying.


Enjoy Ally Pally, those of you who are going/gone.  No way out of North Wales by train today (line closed) so weekend at home making teas and coffees for Ray to keep him sane happy while he finishes off the point rodding on the layout.  Just as well, as he's also struggling with man flu.


Have a good weekend.


(Nurse) Polly

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Greetings groovy protoplasms. It was a sunny Saturday but the clouds are rolling in. What was going to be a quiet day has changed into one of those run around like headless poultry days. Sadly that means no Ally Pally this year. Still hoping to meet up with Mr Roundhouse and his band of reprobates this evening though. For now its off to the uncharted wilds of Plumstead to swap an empty for full tank of propane for the bbq, then Brockley for the Saturday market at Lewisham college. I've been told if I behave we may even get to the pub for lunch. After that, its a visit or 2 to the recycling centre in Crayford to get rid of a closet full of plastic and other crap. I get to visit all the beauty spots of SE London in one day. :sungum:


What ever you are doing today, have fun and enjoy yourselves.

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Morning all,  


seemed that last evenings rain & thunder cleared the air....but didnt do anything for the heat & humidity......slept through till way past nine! 


Managed yesterday to get some "Flat Back" spray paint,  so some of that ended up on the trolley.  


Enjoy Ally Pally those that are going, I have exhibited there a couple of times in the distant past. But I think my exhibiting days are now over too. Though the last layout (0e / 0) is still in storage. 


Have a good day all, 


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Morning all. Saturday lie in of two hours so I am starting the day rested. Windy but still sunny here I am not sure how long that will last.Have a good weekend and if you go to the show take some pictures, speaking of which did Debs take the photo or can Collies take selfies?

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A mixture of rain and hail in West Cumbria, so I cant carry on with the gardening and wood chopping as ordered requested by SWMBO.  What a shame!  However, I suspect she will get her revenge this afternoon when we go the metropolis of Workington in search of a new front door and surround.

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Morning, rain showers on Fraggle Rock, interspersed with hints of spring.


Still a bit tired after our two weeks away, but having lunch with friends should brighten me up.


Debs, seeing that photo makes me realise we saw an awful lot of dogs on that beach by the lighthouse two weeks ago as we chugged past on the 'B-M-C' - the chances of one group of them being your crowd must have been reasonable! 


On the railway front, I just tried out a re-blown sound chip done by 'Legomanbiffo', a Peak (or class 45 to the younger element), which sounds superb.  Locos have to sound absolutely correct for me to like sounbd chips, and this one is spot on.

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I expect everyone is panic buying Mllk  and Bread.

It's ok, we stocked up last week when we heard that Spring was on its way.

Decided to lock the car away and get the snow shoes out.

You can never be too careful when the temperature is due to fall back to single figures you know.

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Fun this morning. Picked up the caravan and found that the jockey wheel clamp was a bit non-clampy - so a bit of engineering to get it back to the storage. And now a visit to the caravan shop for a replacement. Ho hum!

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Afternoon All,


Enjoy Ally Pally, all of you who are visiting.  I never managed to get there - despite it being pretty close to my previous manor.


I didn't manage to get on earlier, despite being up at the crack of dawn (at least from a weekend point of view).


The weather isn't too good today - it is currently dry, but has been raining and looks like it might do again in the not too distant future!


Have a good day everyone...

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Neil, A Vacation is supposed to make you feel better......

On your bike with you!


Best, Pete.


Well I do feel better for my rest, but it was a rough crossing yesterday afternoon/evening, force 7-8, then slept badly last night for some reason.  Some numbty :angel:  had also left the alarm on from going away at 04.45 hrs 2 weeks ago, which was not helpful.  I got into trouble for that one...... :nono: ...oh yeah.


 However some life changing decisions were made while chilling out on holiday/vacation/dossing about, which will kick in later in the year if all goes to plan. :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:

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Good day all.


I decided to give Jill a treat and take her to see the top and tail 47s working "The Short Set" - stand in during unit shortages. The lucky girl went to Reedham with me.


Here's a rear view of the Swing Bridge signal box




But what's that by the height gauge ?




It's Alex the Seal - as sung about by the GoGos and Fun Boy Three.


Here's the 47s on a Lowestoft - Norwich run - Alex is just off to the right behind the brick building.




Have a good day all.


Tomorrow - Bristol !

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Evenin all,


Looks like I'm the first to report in about our endeavours at Ally Pally.. Grandadbob found me and the good Doctor on the platform at KX so we travelled together to the hall ('bus up the hill for us) and we spent some time going round mob-handed until he went off on a secret shopper expedition.  The Doc and myself then came across by chance a group of individuals who were apparently the RMweb meet - so we duly joined TonyS, Chrisf and Baby Deltic but no one else appeared although Bill Bishop turned up after we followed Chris's suggestion to go and stand near the organ.  Seems whatever meet had been arranged we were the only ones to partake, or 'the others' had even less idea than us about where it was supposed to take place!  Anyway pleasant chat all round before we went our separate ways again.


We subsequently came across Bob (or he came across us?) as we were thinking of leaving and so we travelled back down the hill together - another 'bus ride as various joints among us older chaps were tiring by then.  Then we came across Tony again on the platform so all travelled back to KX on the train together - during which trip my social inadequacies were laid bare as I had neglected to introduce Bob & Tony to each other.  Anyway I think that shortcoming was overlooked due to our journey being illuminated by the ramblings of a raving idiot seated near us who was regaling anyone who couldn't avoid him with his life story and sundry other nonsense - very much a case of us asking 'wheres 81C when we need him?'


All that apart it was a very good show although Tony made a very pertinent comment about the venue which I'm sure he'll repeat here - he was right.  But all in all Ally Pally is a far better venue than the NEC in my view and that does make a difference to enjoying the day.  Some nice layouts and plenty of trade making a fairly good mix and some top notch layouts.  Unlike certain other members of this ER parish I did not come away with anything in boxes so I had a reasonably economical day.  Nice company, good show - what more could one want on a day out? 

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Back from Ally Pally.

As I was feeling well this time I enjoyed it more than some exhibition visits.


I did get my tin of paint and also some 13 ton coal wagons (I'm slowly building up a supply for my Garratt, due May). I was reassured seeing Andy York's demo of the Garratt including seeing it being removed from the track.


The train back to King's Cross had a group of ERs and I agree we were "entertained" by a fellow passenger all the way to King's Cross. 



Edited by Tony_S
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Evenin all, 


The "Birds" are back...I reckon they are around  12 - 14 inches head to tail. (going by the size of the local pigeons) They had their backs to me this evening.  So photos not to good as the light was going and the wind was starting to get up too. 


Off to bed now, 




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9:45PM here and just got back from IKEA - blimey you can go through cash fast in there when you start in on kitchen cabinets, ovens, vent hoods and sundry parts :scared:....

I feel your pain. I too am amazed at how much a "veneer over MDF D-I-Y box" costs. No wonder the founder and owner of IKEA is a billionaire. As for the kitchen equipment, one of the great revelations to me of recent years is how very little more professional equipment costs compared with "domestic" equipment. Unfortunately, such a revelation came too late to be applied to my own kitchen (and I suspect Mrs iD would NOT have approved of a stainless steel "pro" kitchen). Still, I'm slowly replacing domestic with pro, wherever and whenever I can.


Have you assembled IKEA furniture before? Apart from deciphering the pictograms, another major problem is that not every hole (for bolt, screw and retaining clip [not sure of term, but it's like a very thick button with a slot on the side. Clip goes into hole, bolt goes into slot in clip, clip is turned to lock bolt in place]) is properly drilled/cut, although this usually easy to fix/clean up.


I've also found, through bitter experience, that when assembling the sides of the boxes, you need to support all parts until ALL retaining screws/clips have been tightened down. I didn't do this once and whilst tightening the second of eight retaining screws, the side that was vertical and being locked into place on the floor piece tilted off the vertical - ripping out the one retaining clip that HAD been tightened down and tearing off a chunk of veneer in the process (fortunately, a rubber mallet, wood glue and patience allowed me to salvage the piece of furniture). MDF (at least I think its some type of MDF) is a peculiar beast to work with, both immensely robust and fragile and friable.



Indeed - "all of the above"!!


I've put more of these together than I care to think about actually - a few years back when I was laid-off for a while we tried our hand at a few house-remodel/flips (don't believe the folks that tell you it'll make you rich, it just makes you tired !!), and the most cost-effective AND good looking cabinetry for the kitchens is IKEA, we've also had a couple of rentals houses we kitted out the same way.

I actually like the stuff for the most part, certainly can live with it much easier than the cost of custom cabinets, at least over here in the US.

That said, I have ALWAYS found one new-to-me cabinet component that'll give you fits trying to make out what the little men want you do do <ggrrr>>


On with the day:

By now all the Ally Pally crowd seem to be home and have mixed feelings it seems, pity <sigh>

It's 4PM here now, not surprisingly wasn't here to post earlier - but we DO have the entire kitchen prepped for the Monday start, and I'm not too tired even now :)


Tonight we're over to friends for a dinner and chat - they just returned from a cruise - so a calm end of the day.


Looking forward to possible modelling time Sunday - after a required trip to the DIY places in search of some additional lighting solutions for the kitchen - it never ends!


Sleep well al those closer to the prime meridian, stay warm

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Evening all,

Bit late reporting back but a couple of other things cropped up.

Well I had a splendid day at Ally Pally meeting up with Mike & Dr Cat who are great company and it was nice to meet Tony S for the first time as well as our leader Mr Y. As a relative newcomer to the world of model railways this was my first visit there so can't compare it to previous shows but I would certainly go again particularly after finding out how easy it is to get there by bus & train. 

I stated earlier that I'd see how long I could resist parting with my cash - took about 55 minutes! After that I felt better so as Mike stated went on a small shopping trip and eventually came away with a few "essential" bits & pieces including a nice little Bachmann loco for a very reasonable price. Needless to say that management wasn't over impressed when I got home because I'd previously said I wasn't going to buy anything. She didn't believe me at the time but at least she had the satisfaction of saying "I told you so!"

Knees were hurting like hell by the time I hobbled in the front door but after a couple of pints felt a lot bitter better!  Now going to have a nightcap so .........


Cheers :drinks:


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