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So Baz is in Oz.


Amongst the toothache inducing beer...


Oh, dear...


Also Door to Door people are suffering today in ER. Good.




PS How remarkable was Ian Bairnson's guitar solo at the end of Wuthering Heights? Answer: Very..... not considering he was a member of "Pilot" at the time...if Eric Clapton had played it would still be spoken of with awe...


The problem is that no radio station played it - they faded the record out too early.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Despite the rather cold blustery wind it felt very springlike in Seleworthy Woods today, celendine, primrose, violets, milkmaids and perrywinkle all in flower and tiny lambs in the nearby fields. Then this afternoon the rain came and it grew colder winter is not giving up yet. Tonight as I went out the door with the dogs,  a badger ran out of the footpath along the road and down the next part of the footpath. Monty was all for giving chase but I held on tight to his lead.


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  • RMweb Gold

I find it odd that there should be so much concern about people frittering away their pension pots much more concern than the fact that some pension companies seem to have eaten up quite a large share in 'management fees' before you get it. I used the quotes because it seems more like missmanagement to me. I rather feel that if someone wants to go on hollidays etc while they still have their health and are prepared to exist on the basic pension in later life, that's their choice. However I do hope that is they have blown their money and then strart bleating about how poor they are they get the appropriate response ( F off sunshine would be my response).

The alternative is to buy an anuity where the actuary has worked out that if you live for the average life span they will still make a nice profit. It is rather like a bet the company bets you will die before it costs them too much.


Quite agree Don - and I find the proof of the pudding to be in the fairly heavy dumping today of shares in the companies which flog annuities; if someone reckons these companies are going to be less profitable in future it suggests to me that until now they have been taking as 'profit' too big a slice of monies that were being traded for annuities.  Oh dear what a pity.

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You're not kidding Don. just heard we may have a major Snow Storm next week - again!  Still Saturday we are expecting 63f but windy.


Don't worry, as I said to Mike recently we'll soon be complaining about the heat and historically New York had it's worst snow storm ever at the tail end of March during the 1880's (I think).


And in August we'll be applauding the cool 80f dry air coming down from Canada.


Best, Pete.

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Still coolish. I get up at 5:00 to switch on the heater to warm the room for 5:45 when I actually get up. (I have always been a morning person). The sky is still clear with a max of 26C but rain is forecast for Sunday through to Wednesday.

It doesn't effect me but today is a Public Holiday: Freedon Day, commemorating the first Democratic Election in 1994.


Happy Friday to you working stiffs.

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Well thats another week all but over,  had the wheel re-inventors  squabbling among themselves yesterday.......that was fun! (dont blame me for sowing the seeds!)  Now I'm just waiting for some one to come back to me, so I can  say  "told you so"...


Try and find something to smile at today,



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Morning All,


It is another nice sunny morning here - but according to the forecast it is set to rain later.


It looks like Spring is finally here, but I still think it is too early to put the summer tyres back on the car.  I think I will leave that for another week or so.


The Devonian weather can be very fickle.  Dartmoor is one of my favourite parts of the world, and I have everything from weeks of "complete sunshine and ideal temperatures" (as we did last year), to "far too hot to do anything" and "a week of cold and wet".  On one occasion it never stopped raining and we had to cut our weeks holiday short because we had nothing left that was dry - despite wet weather gear.  Still, that's what you get with Camping!


A weekend of pottering in the garden and relaxing sounds like a good idea Mick.  Hopefully you will have good weather for it. 


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky appearing and 7oC. Should be bright and sunny during the morning then clouding over with possible heavy showers and risk of hail and thunder.

Nothing planned today except an appointment at the bank later so might get (a bit) more ballasting done. Bearing in mind the board I'm doing is only 1800mmx550mm with half a dozen sidings I don't know why it's taking so long. Oh yes I do - I'm spending too much time here! At this rate HS2 will be built before I'm done! :yes:

Have a good one,


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Morning all. Cool cloudy après rain in the boring borough this morning. TFIF and TFIPD. (thank f its pay day) Considering the Ally Pally scrum tomorrow. At least it won't snow like last year. Hoping to meet up with Mr Roundhouse for the consumption of fermented grain beverages at some point Sat evening as well. Sunday is going to be interesting since I've been invited to participate in the Blackheath Beer Council. This is a tasting and judging evening where the council's chosen beers become the pub's tap list for the next month.


Work is quiet. Too quiet, I'm expecting an ambush now. Either that or they lost the stick I threw on Tuesday. :no:  Oh well, if the prerequisites aren't completed by the end of today someone is going to get shot out of a cannon and it won't be me. The usual seagull management style seems to be in force on this project. However I've learned from the past and now carry a rather large umbrella.


I'm hoping to finish up early today and get the shopping in before the masses descend on the shops like badly dressed locusts. Once that is done I have a hankering for some train running. Time to properly test out the relaid track at the west end of Essex yard.


Have a most excellent Friday and enjoy your weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It has been raining  but it is forecast to stop soon.

I am expecting a visitor today, someone from the bank is coming to collect some documents but that shouldn't take long.

It has also been suggested that I should get my hair cut. It would appear that  Aditi thinks I should look tidy as I am going to Ally Pally tomorrow. 


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all,


A non-work weekday again, alas.... (I'm still hoping to get back to full time employment)


Unfortunately, due to a wildcat strike by my gastrointestinal micro flora (as the cannibal said "I ate someone who disagreed with me"), I've had a rough night. Very much a case of "one out, all out". So I'm feeling rather grumpy...


As ERs are a tolerant and forgiving lot, I will grump on-line....


1. Why do women insist on being "unreasonably reasonable"? What's wrong with not seeing the other person's point of view?

2. Why is it that If I were to tell the Stationmaster that either he gives me 40% of his earning or I'd "do him" it's "demanding money with menaces", but when the Goverment does it, it is "fair and equitable taxation"?

3 The Darwin Awards should come with a cash prize (for the next of kin), thus encouraging the genetically unsuitable to exit the gene pool.

4 The PC brigade complain that the model railway fraternity is overwhelmingly white, male and over 40. So what? If you really want to see a more diverse model railway fraternity you need to encourage boys and girls of all backgrounds to be interested in science, engineering, mechanics and not waste their time making them think that "show biz", "sport" and "fame" are the only things that matter.

5 The law should be changed so that anyone wanting to be a politician MUST first [a] have had a job outside the realm of politics - so something other than consultant or advisor, have been fired/made redundant, [c] have lived - not just passed through - somewhere outside of London [d] have shown public spirited behaviour through volunteerism and [e] agree to receive a flat salary as an MP and one which is linked to the country's median or mean income.


Thank you for your indulgence, I return you to your usual programming.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, nice and sunny here but due to change mid morning to heavy showers apparently and going colder. Hoping to get some gardening/modelling jobs done this weekend.


Yesterdays trip to the dentist turned out fine with nothing needed so that is that for six months.


Have a good day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all; nice sunny day here in Shenfield. Car has been dropped off at garage for annual service/MOT. Plans for a days modelling have been disrupted by SWMBO managing to break one of the taps on the bathroom basin. Replacement purchased yesterday evening, so a day of fiddling around behind and under the basin to fit it. Stopping for coffee before I start.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A non-work weekday again, alas.... (I'm still hoping to get back to full time employment)


Unfortunately, due to a wildcat strike by my gastrointestinal micro flora (as the cannibal said "I ate someone who disagreed with me"), I've had a rough night. Very much a case of "one out, all out". So I'm feeling rather grumpy...


As ERs are a tolerant and forgiving lot, I will grump on-line....


1. Why do women insist on being "unreasonably reasonable"? What's wrong with not seeing the other person's point of view?

2. Why is it that If I were to tell the Stationmaster that either he gives me 40% of his earning or I'd "do him" it's "demanding money with menaces", but when the Goverment does it, it is "fair and equitable taxation"?

3 The Darwin Awards should come with a cash prize (for the next of kin), thus encouraging the genetically unsuitable to exit the gene pool.

4 The PC brigade complain that the model railway fraternity is overwhelmingly white, male and over 40. So what? If you really want to see a more diverse model railway fraternity you need to encourage boys and girls of all backgrounds to be interested in science, engineering, mechanics and not waste their time making them think that "show biz", "sport" and "fame" are the only things that matter.

5 The law should be changed so that anyone wanting to be a politician MUST first [a] have had a job outside the realm of politics - so something other than consultant or advisor, have been fired/made redundant, [c] have lived - not just passed through - somewhere outside of London [d] have shown public spirited behaviour through volunteerism and [e] agree to receive a flat salary as an MP and one which is linked to the country's median or mean income.


Thank you for your indulgence, I return you to your usual programming.



I thought that was ERs' usual programming.....

Edited by PhilH
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all; nice sunny day here in Shenfield. Car has been dropped off at garage for annual service/MOT. Plans for a days modelling have been disrupted by SWMBO managing to break one of the taps on the bathroom basin. Replacement purchased yesterday evening, so a day of fiddling around behind and under the basin to fit it. Stopping for coffee before I start.

Not much help to you today, but when I decided to start replacing taps in our house, I took the time to fit isolating valves to both the hot and cold pipes leading to all the sinks.


It saves a lot of time wasting and effort , especially for minor repairs.


It is a blue and breezy day today, so a dog walk with Elsa is next on the to do list: She didn't get one yesterday due to some sudden inclemency in the weather.


Then it will be a re-start on some painting upstairs, although I have been instructed by the Obergrumpenfuhrer to wear goggles.


As if I'd get paint in my eye! Although knowing my luck, it would be both eyes, and I'd end up looking like 'Master' from the cult series 'Kung Fu'.


'When do you know when to stop painting Master?'


'When your eyes get like mine Grasshopper, when your eyes get like mine.'

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Hippo,


There are isolating valves in the supply pipes which as you say is a great help. I thought the securing nut and plate had rusted solid, but a socket wrench shifted them. Stuck at the moment; can't find the spanners for the compression fittings! Haven't got the car so unable to venture out and buy some more. They will of course reappear once the job is done.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all; nice sunny day here in Shenfield. Car has been dropped off at garage for annual service/MOT. Plans for a days modelling have been disrupted by SWMBO managing to break one of the taps on the bathroom basin. Replacement purchased yesterday evening, so a day of fiddling around behind and under the basin to fit it. Stopping for coffee before I start.

can you actually stop before you start minister?


THANK YOU Bernard!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


My car has gone off for it's 50k service, since I became home based last November my mileage has plunged it was on 48k back then - it's taken this long to get another 2k on the clock meaning it's now creeping back to being an average mileage car


A lovely sunny start to the day in my bit of Norfolk (and good)  but my sore throat and general "cold" (blocked nose etc) feeling is back - I wonder if the pollens are out and about due to the mild weather and that's the cause of the problems.


Off to Bristol next week until I get, and no jealousy please, the chance to drive home from there, on a Friday night, leaving around 17:00 - that sounds like it's going to be "fun" especially with the road works on the M25 - my SatNav has active traffic so hopefully it will guide me around major issues, hopefully.


This morning I discovered that Kate Bush (I've been a fan since she started and have all her albums / singles) is to perform some UK (well London) dates later this year but I don't hold out much hope for a ticket - they go on sale whilst I'm away - ho hum.


Have a good day all.

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