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However other expenses may increase as it's getting to the stage when some new clothes may be required although I have found some old "retired" apparel that hasn't fitted for a long time!


A friend of mine once went on a long and succesful diet. However, the longer it went, the more out of fashion he became, as he started to fit back into the clothes he'd kept 'just in case' as he'd put on weight!


Stick with it, Bob! I took off 17 pounds 7 years ago, and have managed to keep all but 3 pounds of it off since then. You'll feel the benefit.

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Morning All,


It is a bright morning here today.  I am also now back from Karlsruhe and have the job of filling out the necessary forms to claim my travel expenses back.


We got one piece of good news last night - Thomas has been accepted in the school that is our (and his!) first choice.  He has also been accepted into the bilingual option which means that he will be getting some of his classes in English.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bit of a chilly wind persisting through the night. I think you should ask for more Gordon, Simon Cowell might have bought it as a reserve for his £650,000 updated Etype.I will be happy to see the back of this week it has not done me much good and I can always hope next week will be better.

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Morning all. Sunny and quiet once again in the boring borough. more political types at the door last evening. I politely informed them that I tell lies to people with clipboards. They went away shaking their heads. No doubt our address now has "nutter" against it on their list. :locomotive:


Have a great Thursday.

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  • RMweb Premium

We got one piece of good news last night - Thomas has been accepted in the school that is our (and his!) first choice.  He has also been accepted into the bilingual option which means that he will be getting some of his classes in English. Have a good day everyone...

Which school would that be, Robert? I'm trying to make up my mind as to which schools in the Rhine-Main region offer "Bili" classes, as I remember it being called among teachers...

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I expect I'm alone in a lack of understanding of the new Pension proposals although I've not had time to research it.

As far as I'm concerned, any monies I've put into a 'Pot' are mine anyway and I've already paid tax on it and any interest/dividend accrued.

Must do some reading on the matter.

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To continue on from Pete's post. Many, many years ago I worked as a volunteer EMT (like a paramedic) in the US and spent more than a few nights in unpleasant conditions taking care of/cleaning up after the unfortunate, unlucky and the down right stupid. Much was attributable to alcohol (DWI) and IIRC in the area where I lived there were plans to make attendance at a postmortem of a car accident victim a mandatory part of the sentence of first time drunk drivers. I don't recall what happened to this initiative, but watching such an autopsy is a sobering experience - in more ways than one. I know that in some states, this sort of programme exists and is quite effective, but I suppose this sort of punishment would never occur in the UK because of "yooman rites". Nonetheless, having drunk and reckless drivers forced to confront the potential (if not actual) consequences of their actions, I think can only benefit society.


One initiative the Police do here (with the approval of the township) is to put spectacular remains of cars involved in  fatal accidents (due to DUI mainly) on the front lawn of the local High School. I'm not sure how effective this is, though....


By the way I may get some insights into how the local Department think over the next few weeks - as after my positive vetting by Homeland Security I'm now employed (part time) by the local Police Department, Traffic Division. A bit of "giving back" to the community...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

A load of jackdaws have just arrived in the oak tree at the bottom of the garden.


Something I've not seen here before, at least not in such numbers.


After nearly 50 years of wearing glasses, it is very amusing, or so I am reliably informed, to see me trying to push non existing glasses back up my nose, and then hold reading material or a time piece close to my face and then watch as it retreats away until it is at arms length, and I can finally focus on it.


Mobile phones are just impossible, especially as some maliciously minded family members keep sending me texts just to see my physical and facial contortions.


Still I have had my partial revenge, and have acquired a pair of Oakley(apparently quite good) wraparound sunglasses, from one of my tormentors.  This asset has not been missed by the aforesaid individual, so I await a plaintive wail sometime this weekend!


No sign of any more lambs yet at the farm,so Elsa, I and the Oakleys  must away to find out the latest news, as well as any local gossip, although the talk of the village is a pub about 5 miles away burning down.


Fortunately no one was hurt, although they got out in their night clothes and have been left with nothing.


The pity is it was a thriving and well liked business, and it must be devastating for the family, as they have worked so hard to build up their trade.


I have just been told by the Obergrumpenfuhrer that today is a cleaning and tidying day:  I have pointed out I cannot do any dusting or vacuuming.


Regrettably, sorting out piles of railway magazines, cuttings and books in the office does not constitute 'tidying'.




edit for Blind Pugh spelling error

Edited by Happy Hippo
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I expect I'm alone in a lack of understanding of the new Pension proposals although I've not had time to research it.

As far as I'm concerned, any monies I've put into a 'Pot' are mine anyway and I've already paid tax on it and any interest/dividend accrued.

Must do some reading on the matter.


That's not quite true. You have had tax relief on money going into a pension. I think it's good that you don't have to take out an annuity, because the rates are so poor, but am concerned (as I said earlier) that the less responsible members of society will dispose of it foolishly-me, I'd buy Gordon's Jag like a shot!



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I expect I'm alone in a lack of understanding of the new Pension proposals although I've not had time to research it.

As far as I'm concerned, any monies I've put into a 'Pot' are mine anyway and I've already paid tax on it and any interest/dividend accrued.

Must do some reading on the matter.

While I agree that the monies in your 'Pot' should be yours, the pension companies seem to take a different view, ie it is theirs and they might give you a pittance from it if you are lucky!  Take the current annuity rates - if you take out an annuity aged 60-65, you will need to live to about 85-90 just to get all the money in your Pot back, never mind all the interest/accruals etc over that 25/30 year period.  This explains why the share prices of these companies nose-dived on the budget announcement yesterday!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from not-so-sunny 'ampshire.

The recent sunny weather has given way to windy conditions. So, the neighbours seem to be trying to plant a tree. 

I'm due to go "oop North" shortly,but going to stick around to watch this tree parade up an down behind my fence. 

Painful elbow so taking a a couple of days break from the garage refurb. Still on track to get some track laid by Easter though.  :imsohappy:

If I've missed any crises, highs, lows over the last couple of days, then apologies. 

All the best. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


My man flu appears to be in recession, only a minor dryness of my throat this morning and my general feeling is improving although having suffered bad cramps yesterday I'm now limping around due to strained muscles, so I'm still not able to get back out in the wilds for my walk.


It's a lovely sunny day at the moment but the clouds are arriving.


A week in Bristol looms.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Sunny and quiet once again in the boring borough. more political types at the door last evening. I politely informed them that I tell lies to people with clipboards. They went away shaking their heads. No doubt our address now has "nutter" against it on their list. :locomotive:


Have a great Thursday.

I quite like the political types calling. But for some reason they seem to walk past my house now. 


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Eviscerating them for pleasure on the doorstep was always going to be a big No-No, Tony...


They don't call here either after I took the stance of complaining that "it's not been the same since 1776..."


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Eviscerating them for pleasure on the doorstep was always going to be a big No-No, Tony...


They don't call here either after I took the stance of complaining that "it's not been the same since 1776..."


Best, Pete.

Thats a pity. :butcher:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Go for the first one Dom, rather nice I think!


The last canvasser who called on our doorstep during a Parliamentary election (actually a By-Election) was Theresa May - I'm glad it was Mrs Stationmaster wjho asked if we could take a picture of her shoes and not me who asked or I'd be getting even more 'friendly' overtures from the Tory Party.  The By-Election was great fun as the politicos had nothing else to do so I accosted Lembit Opik in  the street when the LibDems were looking to convince to vote for their newly arrived in the constituency candidate and asked Lembit how he managed to pull such attractive totty and had his charm worked on both of them? He didn't seem to understand the question.  Labour of course don't even bother to canvas round here - which means one area of fun is lost at election time.  All in all some fun can be had as it's the one time when the politicos have no choice but to smile however much fun you poke at them.


Anyway today we are going to the garden centre - need to stock up on compost for our coming absence 'in the north' in case the Under-Gardener (the good Doctor) has to top up the spuds (in containers) plus litter tray liners for our daft cats who do venture outdoors but come indoors to use the litter tray in order to answer a call of nature, and then go out again :scratchhead:


Have a good day folks

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Eviscerating them for pleasure on the doorstep was always going to be a big No-No, Tony...



I just think they can't cope with informed debate. For some reason at our former house the Jehovah's Witness lady used to walk past our house after consulting her little book. We seem to be back on their list at this house though. I think the sound of Robbie trying to get out into the hallway tends to prevent informed debate too. Although he is small and very friendly he sounds huge and fierce.


The latest group of callers seem to be solar panel salespeople. I keep trying to have a conversation with them about inverter efficiency and other techie stuff but they seem to lose interest.


Matthew helped with some political canvassing in Leicester recently and only had one threat of violence for calling. He said otherwise most people weren't unhappy at being called on.

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After nearly 50 years of wearing glasses, it is very amusing, or so I am reliably informed, to see me trying to push non existing glasses back up my nose, and then hold reading material or a time piece close to my face and then watch as it retreats away until it is at arms length, and I can finally focus on it.


Mobile phones are just impossible, especially as some maliciously minded family members keep sending me texts just to see my physical and facial contortions.


Still I have had my partial revenge, and have acquired a pair of Oakley(apparently quite good) wraparound sunglasses, from one of my tormentors.  This asset has not been missed by the aforesaid individual, so I await a plaintive wail sometime this weekend!

Oh yes, and trying to take them off before going to bed!

Mobile phones - Bah! Humbug! - Fortunately I never learned thumb twiddling so texts don't get read - never mind answered - Mine is only on when I want to use it!

I invested in a pair of Foster Grants for outside brightness!

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I just think they can't cope with informed debate. For some reason at our former house the Jehovah's Witness lady used to walk past our house after consulting her little book. We seem to be back on their list at this house though. I think the sound of Robbie trying to get out into the hallway tends to prevent informed debate too. Although he is small and very friendly he sounds huge and fierce.


The latest group of callers seem to be solar panel salespeople. I keep trying to have a conversation with them about inverter efficiency and other techie stuff but they seem to lose interest.


Matthew helped with some political canvassing in Leicester recently and only had one threat of violence for calling. He said otherwise most people weren't unhappy at being called on.

We've found that a pentagram drawn on the front path in goat's blood works well to keep the religious whack jobs from the door.


For some reason we tend to get all sorts of strange sales weasels around these parts. Solar, double glazing, roofing, landscaping, etc. Not to mention the surveys and general nusiances. Considering getting a custom neon sign for the transom window that flashes F### OFF in bright pink.

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  • RMweb Gold

We've found that a pentagram drawn on the front path in goat's blood works well to keep the religious whack jobs from the door.


For some reason we tend to get all sorts of strange sales weasels around these parts. Solar, double glazing, roofing, landscaping, etc. Not to mention the surveys and general nusiances. Considering getting a custom neon sign for the transom window that flashes F### OFF in bright pink.

The "blood" effect certainly worked once with a couple of Seventh Day Adventist callers. They were very polite but went when Aditi appeared at the door (wondering to whom I was talking). She was somewhat stained and holding a bowl with a big knife. The ladies looked a bit shocked and didn't hang around to hear my explanation that it was just red fruit.


One of our more memorable callers did amuse us. We were actually interested in having the rotten wood on our soffits and fascias replaced at the old house. The salesman (young lad in a big suit, I think we may have been his first customers) was telling us about how advanced the company was and how they were using a new method to calculate the length of the fascia panel. In answer to my genuine question he told me it was called piefaggeruss.

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