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Morning all…Your weekend sounds a little like mine.  Hard labour…:-)


Spent the most of the morning completely stripping and cleaning my pond filter after the winter.  One of those jobs when you need some sun as a high pressure hose and gallons of water means you will get soaked.  Over the years the bed it was mounted on had started to subside and 750 gallons of water weighs around 3.3 tons so the whole filter was starting to lean like the leaning tower.  Once the water was drained and the tanks cleaned it was a matter of jacking up the whole lot to allow bricks and hardcore to be wedged underneath.  Thankfully it did it's job and everything is now back on the level.  Bit of a bodge I know, but doing it properly would mean disassembly of all the electrics and pipework with everything having to be resealed with silicone to protect against the elements and prevent leaks.


Final job was was to wash and polish my car to ready it for sale.  A convertible was fun, but didn't really suit my lifestyle with family pick ups and golf equipment etc, so I've waited for the sun to appear before advertising.  I'm a little nervous about selling privately, but have read as much as I can re security and fraud etc, so ready for any problems.  The one down side is that two seats limit you to taking along anyone else and the whole test drive issue.  Not only the insurance aspect, but a car like this could end up in a ditch with an inexperienced driver.  I guess I'll just play it by ear on the day.  The starting point will be knowing exactly who you are dealing with...


Happy St Patricks Day!



Edited by gordon s
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What's wrong with you bunch?


                               HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY


It's still perfect Autumn weather. A really lovely day. 24C Max forecast.


I've got a septic middle toe on my left foot. Doc will see it today, hopefully!

And to you and everyone else. Someone wished me the same by email halfway through Sunday. The joys of having friends in every different time zone......


Sorry to hear about your toe. I know that can be very painful.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start and 7oC with the sun making an appearance. Should be sunny for a few hours then clouding over with sunny spells.

Had a great day out yesterday - first at Standen which is lovely old Victorian house well worth a visit. We then managed a flying visit to the East Grinstead show. Not a bad little show although Chris did comment on the lack of action on one or two layouts but she seems to think that something should be running continuously. I'd have spent a bit longer there but she was getting impatient and as I'd done well to get her to go in the first place and my knees were starting to play up I decided not to push my luck!

Talking of aching parts of the body I watched Harry's South Pole Heroes last night - rather puts my little problems into perspective.

I'm visiting the dental mechanic for my (overdue) 6 monthly MOT this morning - shouldn't be a problem.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy but dry here.

Some shopping, some tidying, some putting washing out/away seem to be the major tasks today. I shall leave the shopping until City Link have called, not a train purchase, something for the garden.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, got a hacking cough today coincidently the same hacking cough I sent a colleague home for last week.... Also looking forward to having my broken tooth removed it is starting to twinge which usually means an infection developing.A regular moanday morning.Gordon that should sell the car anyway, one thing you can do is go to the local garage and put some fuel in cctv should then record your 'buyer' for you. I am sure I will feel better tomorrow have a good day everyone.

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 I shall leave the shopping until City Link have called, not a train purchase, something for the garden.



Gnome, gnome on the range Tony?


Bob: Always enjoy the East Grinstead show. Missed it the past 2 years though. The first time we went was 10 years ago. Didn't even know it was on. We'd taken the train down to get a bus to the Bluebell for the day. Got hijacked by a bloke with a mini-bus at the station who was ferrying people to and from the exhibition. Worked out perfect and they got us back to the station just in time to catch the Bluebell bus to Horsted Keynes.


Morning all. Quiet here in the boing borough. T'was sunny but now clouding over. According to the weather hobbyist down the road today marks 13 days without measurable precipitation. The soil I dug up yesterday was still very wet and heavy. Just shows how much the water table here has risen. Most of the little streams coming off the springs on Shooters hill are still doing their thing. Normally you only see a lot of water drainage for a day or 2 after a good rain. I won't bore you with too much of the local geology but the area to the east of Shooters hill is full of springs. That's how Welling got its name from the Romans. Welling was a stopping point along the Roman road from London to Dover. The springs themselves are full of Epsom salts, so it was a good place for the weary centurion of the day to rest. Later the road around what is now the high street had several coaching inns. I guess in the past it wasn't the boring place it is today.


Very stiff and sore this morning. Don't think I'll be putting down any more bricks for a while. It is starting to look good even if I do say so myself.


Really thinking I should get into the shed this week and do some modelling. There has been a serious lack of train mojo around here and nothing has been done for over a month. I have an excuse to not do any heavy work in the garden for a few days, so maybe, just maybe......


Work will be interesting today. a last minute change of delivery date for this project has now seen us lose 2 of the remaining 11 working days, and a whole weekend which would have been used for testing. Oops. Project "Death Spiral" has just accelerated. 9 working days, 1 weekend, and a project timeline requiring 15 days of linear effort. Oops again. Operation CYA has begun to ensure I'm protected once the blamestorming begins. Gotta love living the Dilbert lifestyle.


that she be all for now. Have a great day. As for St Paddy, where is my orange shirt? :nono:

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Good morning, all!


Another week begins. Time really does fly when you're having fun in retirement!


Did anyone else see a BBC2 programme entitled "Collectaholics" yesterday at 1630? It featured one chap (Stuart?) who is a retired Southern Railway signal man. He has an immense collection of railway memorabilia and has even built a replica station complete with buffet in his back garden! Perhaps he's a member on here?

If you have access to iPlayer, it's worth viewing.


Have a good week, whatever you're doing!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Ahhh... dentists. Never used to bother me until around the age of 25 when during some root canal, the dentist muttered the fateful words "oh sh*t"... Asked if everything was ok, she replied "yes, fine". Roll on 10 years, absesses and infections galore, an xray revealed a length of snapped drill bit embedded in my gum/jaw happily corroding away. She'd just filled over the snapped bit. Thanks for that. Needed a day-stay in a cottage hospital to get that mess removed under anesthetic. Now I have this irrational morbid fear of dentists and all things dental. If I need work, I go to Norwich and get some rather nice "happy fluid" injected into the back of my hand. I'm such a wimp!

Nice idea about the petrol station CCTV. I too tend to worry about large private sale transactions, but judging by your car, it's worth exponentially more than any of the buckets I've ever sold! Good luck with that, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gnome, gnome on the range Tony?


  . That's how Welling got its name from the Romans. Welling was a stopping point along the Roman road from London to Dover. The springs themselves are full of Epsom salts, so it was a good place for the weary centurion of the day to rest. Later the road around what is now the high street had several coaching inns. I guess in the past it wasn't the boring place it is today.


No gnomes here. There is a concrete hedgehog that Matthew bought for Aditi as a Mother's Day present many many years ago. The garden object is a boring device.


If Welling got its name from the Romans wouldn't it be Pozzo now?

Edited by Tony_S
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St Patrick's Day 2014 


Would have been my mum's 100th birthday.


But it is our Irish Stray's eleventh 'official' birthday - she was about 4 when we had her in March 2007 - and from Ireland - so she had to have an official celebration (are we nuts or what?). And this is her posing at Long Rock last summer.




Off into work later. 


Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Premium

I too had an unpleasant experience with a dentist, that was 40 years ago and I have never been back to a dentist since. Despite that I have kept all my teeth except for a couple that had already been lost. The dentist injected the anesthetic into the wrong side of my mouth and then proceeding to drill through a nerve. That dentist was later struck off for claiming the costs of anesthetists when he was not qualified to administer anesthetics but not until after a patient had died in his chair. I have kept my teeth in good condition by regular cleaning (twice a day) and other maintenance.

Edited by PhilJ W
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St Patrick's Day 2014 


Would have been my mum's 100th birthday.


But it is our Irish Stray's eleventh 'official' birthday - she was about 4 when we had her in March 2007 - and from Ireland - so she had to have an official celebration (are we nuts or what?). And this is her posing at Long Rock last summer.




Off into work later. 


Have a good one.

Another "water dog" (it would seem that another commonality amongst many ERs [apart from railways: both prototype and model] is ownership of dogs that love water)


What a lovely girl. Is she as sweet natured as her picture suggests?

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Pete, sorry to read your dental horror story. I think most people have at least one and can empathise. Lets just say mine put me off going anywhere near a dentist for nearly 25 years until a broken tooth forced the issue.  

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Another "water dog" (it would seem that another commonality amongst many ERs [apart from railways: both prototype and model] is ownership of dogs that love water)


What a lovely girl. Is she as sweet natured as her picture suggests?





The Irish Stray is now called Kerry.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

I think the only remaining part of Aditi's former "No Pets" policy is now "no pets on the furniture". Last time I left Robbie at a friend's house the first thing he did was jump up on her sofa and make himself comfortable. He gave me a very hard stare as my friend explained he was allowed on her furniture and that was Robbie's seat when he was watching football (or any TV actually) with her husband!

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  • RMweb Gold

As for St Paddy, where is my orange shirt? :nono:

I think Sherry's late father may have had a passion for orange.


Cloudy start, and I think there may have been a few drops of rain - the first for ages. Sunny later, they say.


A busy sort of day, as I am tying everything up for a few days away. The horses need the fence-line moved, as they will need some more pasture, and there are sundry other tasks, too.


Unless I post on ERs later today, this will be it for the next 10 days, all being well.


Hope everyone has a good week, weekend, etc., etc..

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Pete, sorry to read your dental horror story. I think most people have at least one and can empathise. Lets just say mine put me off going anywhere near a dentist for nearly 25 years until a broken tooth forced the issue.  


Yeah, I agree. Like PhilJW as well, it's all it takes to make me want to stay away... For anyone that's had a bad experience or is dental-phobic, just ask your dentist to refer you to a dental hospital or clinic for any treatment needed, there's usually one in most large towns. St James in Norwich are excellent, and the nurse even helps to pour me semi-concious into the car afterwards. My wife now makes me sit in the back for the journey home after I dribbled all over the front passenger seat... :dontknow:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Very pretty motor Gordon - just watch out if offered a bank draft, reportedly just as dodgy as rubber cheques nowadays and regular motor dealers won't take them (they prefer plastic!!); shame I haven't got the garage space - let alone the readies.  And yes Sherry - that guy's collection was fabulous although I missed yesterday's repeat,  what he has there could buy Gordon's Jag several times over with enough left over for a round-the-world cruise and in some ways I'm surprised that he allowed it to be filmed as some private museums won't even allow photography.   And like DD I got the impression that Mrs beer can collector was on a fairly short fuse.


Which reminds me - Gordon (and others?) might be interested to hear that Sir William's little place at Fawley will be open for a fete again this year - I'll check the date with Mrs Stationmaster as she has been asked to help out on one of the charity stalls (I wonder if that means I get a car pass to take her up there?)


Weather looks somewhat less bright today but at least that will help keep the grockles at bay.  Have a  good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A nice sunny start to the day - I managed to catch a 37 + 47 + 90 + 2 x Mk 3s refurbishment move earlier, very nice.


Talking of dentists, my partner went for a crown last week - they scanned her mouth and 10 minutes later the computer had made the perfect fitting crown.


Off out again soon to catch a stone and some condensate.


Have a good day all.

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Morning All,


Just!  It's already afternoon here.


I didn't get on first thing this morning.  Having taken the little guy to school, I headed to work and then we had to pick up a pool car for the run down to Karlsruhe, where I will be spending the early part of the week.  We are fortunate that the company has some very nice BMW 5 Series estates which make excellent Autobahn cruisers, but we had to wait for the chap to come down and fill the car up with Ad Blue.  To be honest, I didn't even know that some cars used Ad Blue - I thought it was limited to trucks.


I am glad that the dentist horror stories have emerged after I had my fillings last week!  It just goes to prove how valuable a good dentist is.


Have a good day everyone...

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Further to my dental visit one filling is required so will have to return tomorrow. I've had the same dentist for over 20 years and am pleased to say that I have no horror stories to report!

Edited by grandadbob
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