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Morning All,


I have got the week off, so I am posting a little later this morning.


I've already been to the Doctor for my ten year booster jabs, and now it is off to the Supermarket to stock up on food.


Have a good day everyone!

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Morning all. Been a busy weekend and I'm feeling shattered at the start of the working week! Not a good sign! On the plus side, only 9 working days left before I've got a week off. Well, a bit more than a week thanks to the Queen's Birthday Holiday and the Spring Bank Holiday at the end of the month.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Sunny here but it seems cold.


Mike, If the Queen's official birthday is always on a Saturday does that mean you get the Saturday off work?



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Bracing walk with dog 'Poppy' at 05:35 today on Leopard Hill, Worcs, heavy dew and breath condensing in golden dawn light.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Bloomin' parky here in Lancashire, although not enough to leave a frost on the car.


Not had a lot of chance to check in here recently, as the weekend was manic, due to the need to press on with getting the house straightened, which involved a lot of little niggly jobs that didn't quite go as planned - like setting up the stereo and finding that there were problems with wiring it all up again (and also as I noticed last thing last night, putting the speakers back on their stands upside down - you'd think that I'd know by now that the maker's name is at the top, with the lettering the right way round!). One major step forward was getting the display cabinet for the rolling stock back into its new place, getting the timber stands inside put up again, some track down, and the trains all made up again, with the 4-CEP taking pride of place as it's such a lovely model. Of course, the dog had to add her four penn'orth by sitting down with her backside nestled up to the skirting board, which had recently received a coat of best Dulux gloss - now the dog smells of turps! Also had a call from the builder, who is still to come back to finish the snagging list, to say that he was stuck on another job, and couldn't get to us again until this week - but I know he's genuine here, as he has regaled us with the stories of the house that he's working on, which was "improved" by a get rich quick DIY developer, who seems to have picked up all his skills and techniques from the TV and his materials from the cheapest source possible - I am just glad that I am not going to be on the receiving end of his bill for that one!


Regards for now


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Of course, the dog had to add her four penn'orth by sitting down with her backside nestled up to the skirting board, which had recently received a coat of best Dulux gloss - now the dog smells of turps!


Old English Sheep dog, is she?

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  • RMweb Gold

I've never had to remove paint from Robbie but I did go for rapid drying products when I last decorated as he is so hairy he only has to walk into a room for hairs to fly about! Fortunately we have a vacuum cleaner that can cope. My wife was quite impressed with the Cockerpoo we met in the park recently, it seemed to act like a spaniel but had poodle fur.







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Morning all.


Sunny here but it seems cold.


Mike, If the Queen's official birthday is always on a Saturday does that mean you get the Saturday off work?



Thankfully we get the Friday off no matter what!


To match Gordon's heron photo... I either saw four herons on my way home from the western Edinburgh office or the same heron four times. Or two herons twice. Or.......


This taken very close to Murrayfield/Haymarket.


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  • RMweb Gold

I've spent most of the afternoon sorting stuff out for my couple of days away in Droitwich. I'm going up to help my brother sort through some of mum's stuff. I think he wants my opinion about what to do with certain possessions. He has done all the paperwork for probate and tax which was complicated slightly as my mum refused to leave a will but was uncomplicated as my brother had been looking after her finances since our father died.

I'm taking the netbook with me so I should be able to keep in touch with the world! By the time I return here apparently our BT exchange will have been upgraded so perhaps we will go up to faster internet than present?



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Don't know if this will be of any help to you, Tony, but when my Mum died, 10 months after my Dad, I decided to make a clean break and picked some very specific items to keep but cleared all the clothing and furniture.


Know it may sound harsh, but I haven't regretted it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't know if this will be of any help to you, Tony, but when my Mum died, 10 months after my Dad, I decided to make a clean break and picked some very specific items to keep but cleared all the clothing and furniture.


Know it may sound harsh, but I haven't regretted it!


There are a few items that my brother and I would want to keep (mainly things our Dad had made, I wish I had inherited his woodwork and engineering talent) but I think my brother really just wants my reassurance in person that he isn't committing some family heirloom (highly unlikely) off to the tip or charity shop. I realised quite a few years ago that anything we gave Mum wasn't going to get used so mainly gave presents of food or photographs of Matthew.







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Good morning all. Felt proper poorley on Sunday, so took yesterday off to see the Doc. He is sending me off for scans and other tests on Friday, so please excuse yesterday's absence.

Saturday was clear but cold. The forecast on Saturday said everywhere would be lovely but on Sunday look out for nasty weather. He was right! Yesterday was on and off showery. Seeing the doc meant peeling off layers of clothes. He was impressed by my long-johns and asked where I had got them :huh: So for me a three and a half day week!

I hope everybody is fit and fine :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all a brighter day, had a good garden fire last night youngedt daughter was the instigator surprisingly. Don I think you need to look after yourself not worry about our health.

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Morning all.....Sorry to hear you are a bit under the weather Don. Here's hoping all the test results are OK.


Thanks for not posting a pic of your goodself in your long johns before breakfast...smile.gif


Not an easy job for you Tony. I'm still dealing with the probate issues and clearing my Dad's stuff several months later. Pure coincidence, but we went to a sheltered housing complex yesterday to see if there was anything suitable to move my Mum a lot closer. I have to admit, I was quite impressed and there was a couple of apartments and a decent bungalow available, which could be a possibility.

Now we know they are reasonable, we'll take her over there to see what she thinks.


Nice picture Mike. That's some back garden you have....

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Morning All,


Rather a gloomy morning here. Fortunately, my mood is better than the weather. However, the car is currently at the garage having a service and TÃœV (MOT) - I am rather hoping that the bill at the end of this isn't going to spoil my mood!


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold



Nice sunny morning here. After breakfast I'm driving to Droitwich. My brother is also still moving his stuff from his house as he has recently moved as well so I may be able to make myself useful as my Renault Scenic is quite handy for moving things that won't fit in a standard hatchback. I know a bed won't fit though. We had to use a Ford Galaxy when moving single beds for my mother-in-law.


Don, sorry to hear you felt unwell.


Gordon. Hope your Mum likes the place you found. My mother bought a flat in a nice sheltered housing complex though she did say it was "full of old people" though I did point out many of them were 20 years younger than she was. The only real problem was that it was at the top of a hill, not really the best location for the mobility impaired.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The oktas are back! SWMBO tells me I am working from home today so the dog isn't left alone. Funny, I don't recall having a change of manager at work!


Hope the clear out goes well Tony. Not a great job to have to do. I recall having to throw tons of stuff away when clearing out my parents house as it simply was worthless to anyone except the original owners. Drawers and drawers full of photographs that my father had taken but as I had no clue who the people were or the occasions they mostly went in the skip. Oh and I do remember finding several years of Christmas and Birthday presents unused. They went to the car boot.


Don in longjohns, not an image I need with breakfast!




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Firstly Don - hope you feel a bit more chipper soon, my GP is very fond of tests for everything these days - and I've had loads, but luckily, about 90% of them come back clear. No doubt you'll get the standard advice about reducing (or eliminating) the booze and fags - that too seems to be standard doctoring - one of the partners at my GP's is to be seen most Saturdays in the pub with a few large single malts, and nipping out the back for a fag - then he goes back to work on Mondays to pontificate!


Tony - disposing of your late mum's stuff is not a lot of fun - my mum is still alive, but will see her days out in a home, and as she was in a rented house, the Association that owned it wanted it back to relet, so all three brothers had to arrange to clear 40 plus years of stuff - my brother ordered a skip, and that was where most of the stuff ended up. However, it was not an easy time at all, as there was also a lot of stuff that she had hoarded belonging to my late father. I'm pretty sure that the skip also received some stuff that should have been saved, but that's the way of the world. The one bereavenment clearance that I would have liked to be at was when my dad's cousin passed away (after nearly 50 years with LMS and BR) as he had some very interesting papers, but many of the railway congnoscenti were on hand to make sure that they were preserved, and many wound up in the NRM and other safe places.


Bright, sunny, and cold today - there was a rime of frost on the car at 07.30 when I left for work!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, biggrin.gif

Don, hope you are back to normal soon, I did wonder why you were absent yesterday.


I'm on study week this week and today geography is on the cards (literally!). My best friend and I are doing a joint effort with revision cards for geography case studies and it seems to be working well so far - it has certainly brought up one or two that I had forgotten about! Having a quick break at the moment, I've already put the washing out and I'll grab a cup of tea in a moment.


One thing that has been interesting this week is our new home energy monitor we ordered. The worst culprits for energy (unsurprisingly to me) are the power-shower and microwave oven. The immersion heater wasn't as bad as I had expected though, don't feel quite so guilty for having a bath now!


I've always been wary about turning lights off and not using them if unnecessary so that hasn't changed, but I've noticed the rest of the family are more sparing with their use of light bulbs! Can't be a bad thing.


My other best friend had a go at me because I wouldn't be going to college today, and suggested all I'd do is " 'fiddle arse' around with your Calshot thingy", quite harsh considering I was working much harder than he was yesterday, and I didn't even indulge in my hobby!


Still, I guess we have to move on and ignore it!

Now, how much energy is this kettle going to use up...?

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