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The interweb is a busy place with streaming and on-demand being on the up, `though such 'throttling' is (evidently) "only done to preserve the good browsing experience of the majority". :beee:

Was informed yesterday that a third of all domestic internet traffic in the States is for NetFlix.

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I agree with that and once you get past 20Mbps I don't really notice any difference..... I wonder why? It must be as fast as my brain functions.... :mail:


Best, Pete.

20 MBPs!  I wish!  Being in  'remote' West Cumbria, I am lucky to see much over 1 MBPS.  74 just seems like an impossible pipe dream from my viewpoint.


Not a good day today - I left my glasses at home and am struggling to cope with computer etc at work.  I had to change the screen resolution so I can just about make out the characters on the screen.  Must leave an old pair at work in future!

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  • RMweb Gold

Well the panic regarding the earlier comments from management ("Look at the state of the house, we've got visitors coming"  etc etc) is over as I've now done a survey and all that it needed was a couple of hours elbow grease by guess who? & then Bob's your grandad and therefore there will be a cessation of hostilities for the foreseeable future next few hours.

I can now move on to more important tasks like visiting here & making a small shopping list for the show tomorrow!

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20 MBPs!  I wish!  Being in  'remote' West Cumbria, I am lucky to see much over 1 MBPS.  74 just seems like an impossible pipe dream from my viewpoint.


Actually I was referring to the "upload" speed, the "down load" is considerably faster.


Clocks "spring" forward tomorrow night. First time it has happened in the 20 years I've been in this house with knee deep snow in parts of the garden...


Best, Pete.

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Well tried quite a few speed testers and getting pretty consistent results at 74Mbps download and 16Mbps upload.  Is it 10 times faster to load pages than the 7.5Mbps I was on this morning?  


Not really.  It does seems a bit faster, but nothing like 10 times more.  Maybe 1.5-2.5 times faster, but definitely not a factor of 10.


I suspect we're now getting into the access limitations of individual websites themselves, although as an IT luddite, I'm just guessing. 


No doubt someone will know the answer to the smoke and mirrors trick…:-)

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Well tried quite a few speed testers and getting pretty consistent results at 74Mbps download and 16Mbps upload.  Is it 10 times faster to load pages than the 7.5Mbps I was on this morning?  


Not really.  It does seems a bit faster, but nothing like 10 times more.  Maybe 1.5-2.5 times faster, but definitely not a factor of 10.


I suspect we're now getting into the access limitations of individual websites themselves, although as an IT luddite, I'm just guessing. 


No doubt someone will know the answer to the smoke and mirrors trick…:-)

There is a lot more to things than just raw speed when it comes to loading web site pages. The download is usually only around 15% 20% of the time needed to request a page and it gets rendered in your browser. (not including pages with massive image or video files embedded) The only time you really notice faster speeds is when you are shifting larger files around or have a lot of devices plugged into the network all wanting a piece of your bandwidth.


In my case I've got 120Mbit with 150 promised by that nice Mr Branson coming in a few weeks. Trouble is until I get around to upgrading my ancient wifi router I can only get 100Mbit cabled and 55Mbit wifi. All of the rest of my network is now up to 1Gbit so its just a case of getting my digital finger out. Normally we've got around 18 devices active so for me the speed is noticeable. Very true when I'm working remotely and the offspring is downloading multiple movies and games from Netflix and Xbox live.

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Actually I was referring to the "upload" speed, the "down load" is considerably faster.



Now that makes me feel even more fed up! :yes:   My Upload speed is about 0.4 MBPS, but as I dont upload vast amounts of data, it doesnt affect me too much if I am honest. 

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I have noticed that the headline figure isn`t the full story: "traffic-shaping" (and they`re all at it; despite protestations to the contrary by some of the big players) especially at certain times of the day, can make things seem quite slow in reality.


The interweb is a busy place with streaming and on-demand being on the up, `though such 'throttling' is (evidently) "only done to preserve the good browsing experience of the majority". :beee:

As Andrew said  it is noticeable when shifting large files around. I'm often sending large pieces of music that are twice CD quality (put simplistically).

That's when you need it. Otherwise you don't notice it using something like RMWeb, really (so long as RMWeb is running optimally).


Best, Pete.

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"raw" - I think, I've never trusted lossless compression, tell me more. Though I take the view that if it works don't knock it, I'll have to ask the wife she is the expert for me.

Frankly I usually send it how "they" request it......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Having heard a bumble bee buzzing earlier in the day this afternoon's trip to the surgery for eye-testing was rewarded with the sighting of the first butterfly of the year  And sorry but when you've had drops in the eyes to dilate the pupils all this sunshine stuff is not too welcome, even with sunglasses on.

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Having heard a bumble bee buzzing earlier in the day...


My son ventured out into the garden earlier this week. His trip lasted all of ten seconds. He complained of being "harassed by a bee the size of a golf ball", before retreating to the darkened confines of his bedroom. Typical teenager. I for one am cautiously grateful for the first signs of spring.

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Pete, flac and shn (shorten) have been around for quite a while. Since flac is a freebie I suggest you try playing with compressing the odd file and see how it goes from there. I've got a number of legally traded concert tapes that are in shn which I'm slowly converting to flac for long term storage and to wav for listening. Makes a big difference to storage. The concerts in flac take about 120Gb for just under 4000 files. The uncompressed wav files are about 230Gb.

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Late morning - +1 and haze, whooppee. going to be +5 to +7 next couple of days. Expecting some serious tawing here, AND we'll be using thousands of gallons of washer fluid to allow us to see whilst driving - always a bonus! :)


Learning about our company revised benefits plan(s) as a result of Affordable care etc., changes here. Wonderfully, older folks get to may much higher premiums than they did before, aren't I lucky!


Nice to see the weekend approaching - enjoy it everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

...No doubt someone will know the answer to the smoke and mirrors trick…:-)

Ping time is the key factor and it varies from site to site and it varies on each step of the journey between you and your desired web page. Your "guaranteed" speed is only between your router and your provider generally. After that it can all go mammaries up very easily.




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Just given the lawn grass its first cut of the year!



Green Thumb gave ours its first treatment of the year today. Moss apparently a problem with everyone's lawn...hardly surprising.Cwm Honda thus heard for the second time this year on Wed.Just got in ahead of yesterday's deluge. Well worth having it treated.The sun ! Emerging from a long tunnel of gloomy grey. Chatsworth Park like this is a tonic for the spirits after the merciless sogginess of yesterday. Time to graze the Farm Shop,which,perversly,has the best fresh fish counter within a 40 mile radius,considering it really prides itself on its meat products.They too are vey fine. Excellence,however,comes at a premium Considering it's a Friday,not too many punters out in the sun,as if we need convincing that,yes,it has stopped raining and it's safe to leave our caves at last.Just a few walkers.Must be dire underfoot. Won't be tempted until the ground has dried out a bit.

Edited by Ian Hargrave
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We used to have a moss problem but canine action seems to remove it! I can't let Robbie loose on the front lawn as it is unfenced. 


Edit I mean all the running about, scarification with claws action

Edited by Tony_S
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In my case I've got 120Mbit with 150 promised by that nice Mr Branson coming in a few weeks. Trouble is until I get around to upgrading my ancient wifi router I can only get 100Mbit cabled and 55Mbit wifi. All of the rest of my network is now up to 1Gbit so its just a case of getting my digital finger out.



The first dialup connection I used at work was 256 bps - not 256 Mb, not 256Kb, just 256b!


Thank you for reminding me I'm old!

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Anyone seen the new variation of Eggheads on BBC2?  What a heap of tripe…..


Bring back Kevin, Daphne and crew, all is forgiven.


I watched it at a friend's house the other day. I enjoyed it because the big-head egg-head CJ got beaten.



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Been in hospital today for another angiogram. The good news is no real deterioration since last time and the stents appear to be working.

Problem is there is no obvious reason why I get so short of breath so quickly, so-next stop is the breathing doctors!


Interesting report out this week about the effects of passive smoking whilst growing up. Dad was on 40+ a day, Mum on around 20. She died with cancer and emphycema (almost certainly due to the fags), Dad died because he fell and broke his hip and didn't want to live any more, as he was stuck in hospital where he couldn't drink, smoke or drive.



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  • RMweb Premium

Lovely afternoon, so I went for a walk in the country park. Came across a fresh bunch of flowers and a cuddly toy tied to a tree. And a note in child's writing: "dear daddy, I have got a place at the school you and mummy wanted me to go to. love from sophie".


Still feeling gutted. How can life be so unfair?



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