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  • RMweb Premium

The only place that I can keep my layout is the garage. It is normally bone dry in the garage, in fact my biggest concern was dust, the garage being brick built with a concrete slab roof. This morning when I checked it I found water had penetrated the garage and dripped onto the layout, which was stored at least 2 feet away from the nearest wall which is shared with the adjoining garage. There was no sign  of an entry point for the water and there was no evidence on the ceiling of the garage of water entry and the water was nowhere near the walls. I checked the roofs of the garages, mine was dry but the adjoining garages had standing water on them so I assume that was the source. Fortunately the water only fell on the underside of the layout and the extreme end and not too near any electrics, only a buffer stop and some plastic buildings were made damp.

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  • RMweb Gold

My layout is in the garage and I wasn't convinced the original felted half of the roof (it is a semi integral garage) was going to last much longer so I had it replaced with a membrane type covering. It seems OK.

My parents had an outbuilding, originally an outside WC and coal store that had a shared concrete slab roof. Their neighbour did something to his roof and all the water came through onto my parents side. My Dad was more or less bedridden then with cancer so when we visited I popped next door to very politely explain that his DiY was causing problems for my parents. He seemed very agreeable about dealing with it but as soon as I was gone went round and complained about my attitude. My uncles came round and "sorted" the roof. Strangely enough the neighbour never complained about their attitude. Perhaps it was Uncle Robert's big sledgehammer (he was a builder), or that Uncle Robert was so big he made the sledgehammer look small.


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  • RMweb Gold

I thought you were going to say they had "sorted" the neighbour!

They did "have a word" about him bothering their sister while her husband was ill. I'm sure they were polite and reasonable. It was "mad" Granddad on the paternal side of the family that was prone to violence, though by then he was long gone!

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  • RMweb Gold

They did "have a word" about him bothering their sister while her husband was ill. I'm sure they were polite and reasonable. It was "mad" Granddad on the paternal side of the family that was prone to violence, though by then he was long gone!

I hope Aditi was made aware of the colourful set of in-laws she was getting, before she agreed to marry you!

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  • RMweb Gold

I hope Aditi was made aware of the colourful set of in-laws she was getting, before she agreed to marry you!

My parents really liked her and made her very welcome which was very different to the reception I got from Aditi's lot! My father (although his Dad was prone to outbreaks of agression )came from a family that considered themselves to be at the respectable end of the working class. My father had originally been married to someone they thought was perfect but she died young of TB. When after a few years he met my mother at the factory they didn't approve of his marrying into a family of builders. Odd because they were all really skilled craftsmen and there were similar people in Dad's family anyway. I think I mentioned before that Dad was the shop steward and had been responsible for getting Mum and the other inspection team a pay rise. In China they would have made an opera about such a workers romance!


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  • RMweb Premium

According to a local builder friend there's been any amount of water penetrating brickwork in recent weeks. Apparently brickwork can stand about 3 days of driving rain before it starts to break through. He's had many customers phoning asking him to "instantly" fix their damp problems. First of all he informs them that he can't do anything until the bricks have dried and second, in some cases, reminds them he has repeatedly told them to fix their pointing, advice which they ignored! 

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Evening here so I thought I'd get a head start on your ER folks as you'll be here long before I am again...


I wanted to share a song that two of the local artists performed at our concert Sunday night.

A lovely female singer Sophia Shorai and keyboardist Tommy Barbarella perform together and also have a great CD of standard with her vocals and his piano...


Anyway they performed this moving number and in response to requests (as they haven't recorded it themselves YET) pointed us to their favourite performer/rendition.


I give you Jessie WInchester singing Sham-A-Ling-D-ong-Ding - I hope it will brighten your day and move you - Happy Thursday :friends:




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Good morning Ian,

         WE LOST BADLY! by 245 runs.


On a more cheerful note it's another clear Sunny day with a promised max of a comfortable 26C


I hope the day treats you well.

Just one more day to the weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Foggy outside. Glad we're over the hump for this week!


Was quite pleased with how my first lesson in another of our 10th classes went on Tuesday and will be holding another one today. To round off the fun, we'll be getting the third timetable revision for this year today, which'll be valid from next Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold

It's dark outside!


The only evidence of weather is a distinct lack of raindrops slithering down the window.


For some reason i woke up with sore eyes, a very dry throat and feeling very stuffed up. 


Perhaps it is an allergic reaction to painting and decorating, or some other currently un-diagnosed bout of hypochondria?


A cup of tea is helping, although today, when I could do with a return to bed, it's an early start.


This involves working in the ditch at the front of the house, it's not big enough to be called a moat, picking up all the broken off bits of crack willow that have come down over the past few weeks.


Since all the trees at the front of the property are subject to a TPO (Tree Preservation Order), the removal of anything other than dead wood or stuff that has fallen off, requires planning permission.


I would have done it earlier, but crack willow is aptly named, as it has a habit of dropping stuff quite suddenly in high winds.


When I was  a bit younger and not so knowledgeable about this bad habit, I had a complete bough fall into the ditch just behind where i was working.



Still it's adding a little bit of excitement to an otherwise mundane task.


Still no sign of the sun, so I'll wander off into some of the lesser visited pages on the forum.


Have a lovely day




edit for spelling

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning All,


We have a rather chilly -1°C this morning, and quite a frost - so I guess we are in the grip of Winter's last gasp.


I am not really awake either - so I guess it is time for a cup of tea!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start and milder at 6oC - sunshine is forecast for most of the day.

Deposited Chris at work - she seems happier today as I mentioned the possibility of going to Basingstoke on Saturday and she didn't bite even though we're expecting visitors in the evening so of course the whole house will need tidying, cleaning, redecorating & possibly even rebuilding in honour of the occasion! (She may possibly twitch a bit when she realises that there's also a weekend of 6 Nations Rugby ahead) :threaten:  :girldevil:

Track now relaid and stuck down and all seems to be working OK but I'm not counting any chickens yet. Might start ballasting again today but also will have to go out to collect herself and assist with the weekly stores replenishment.

Have a good one,

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My eyes don`t seem to be working properly this morning, things seem blurrier (is that a real word?) :scratchhead: .........a 2nd. cup of coffee might help.


Beach walkies to follow.............


Wishing you all, a smashing day. :good:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a dry Leeds...

Been very busy this week before we go on a trip on Saturday. Wallpaper being removed, furniture moved, washing done, sound chip fitted and loco weathered, parcels sent.....


Watched a bit of the SA v oz game yesterday.. Umpires lost it.... Bowling beamers at internat level should mean you are warned and off straight away....


Have a great Thursday as tgtf!

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An overcast start here with widespread drear to follow! I'm glad we made the most of yesterday's sunshine with a walk along Babbacombe Downs. We also led Wednesday Club at The Little Theatre, where members brought or described the most unusual or inappropriate gift they'd ever received. Such discussions enable us to find out interesting snippets about each other.


Glad some folk seem to have the gift of sunshine today! Enjoy!

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Morning all. I had a lie-in today which is most unusual for me. A couple of you have mentioned tea and as much as I like my tea, it's a post-11am drink for me. I'm definitely a coffee person in the morning. I make half a jug of "proper" coffee as soon as I wake up (2-3 cups) and I've done that for as long as I can remember! I don't think I'd ever wake up properly without it. By mid-morning though, it's definitely tea for me. So much, in fact, that my mum used to call me a "tea-jenny"... has anyone else ever heard of that expression or was it peculiar to just my earlier life? Have a great day. Pete.

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Hey, no. Back to the usual of grey and damp.


Morning all.


Into work for a couple of meetings today, so trying to get back into the swing of things. One of them will determine what I'm doing for the next couple of years as it's all about the move to a new campus, and I'm part of the team who's doing the move.


Have a good one, whatever you're doing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It doesn't seem as sunny as it was earlier but I have been told by the very local weather person that it will be a nice day today.

I stayed in all day yesterday waiting for my neighbours tyres to be delivered but they didn't arrive. I've got to go out today though as we are nearly out of tea-bags!



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members brought or described the most unusual or inappropriate gift they'd ever received. 



When I was young, a Great Uncle gave me a gift which turned out to be a large blue plastic rabbit.

It had a rubber bulb attached which made the rabbit hop when squeezed.


It was for my 16th birthday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Very dull and misty here, what light there is seems to be getting sucked back up.


Total enthusiasm failure for work here.


As for tea - hate the stuff.  Mrs H too dislikes it, we have to have a special teabag at home for when we have a visitor.  I don't even like the smell of it, making tea at work is a trial for me.  A young colleague likes her tea so strong the bag is left in, and it brews to a sort of tarmacadam consistency - that really turns my stomach!  Seems odd, she's very 'girly' with most things (but is a formidable probation officer) but drinks tea so strong a builder would blanche!  All part of life's rich tapestry.

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