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  • RMweb Gold

I thought Bugatti cars (way before VW bought the name) were French. I am sure I had a model of a Bugatti in French Racing Blue once upon a time. I think Mr Bugatti was originally Italian though. We went to Alsace some years ago and I'm sure there was a Bugatti connection publicised there. Though Alsace did tend to change whether it was French or German fairly frequently.



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Don't worry, as an owner of many Alfas, I'm well aware that things can go wrong on an Italian car if you so much as look at it oddly. The one thing I wouldn't buy is a new Italian car, I've always bought used cars as my thinking goes along the lines of "at 70k miles, if something broke in the past, it would have been fixed and if it hasn't broken yet, maybe it won't"... Method in my madness, and to date we've been pretty lucky. I doubt Louise will have this one too long, I'm sure the fuel economy (or lack of) will get tiresome and once we have a little more cash to spare, she'll probably trade it for something Teutonic. I'm planning to make the most of it while it's still working, because my, does it shift! Haven't got a clue what half the gadgets are, though... have a great day wherever you are and whatever you've got planned. Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


Today is Friday - it must be because we've been to Waitrose (the real Friday being devoted to a diabetic eye tests so no driving afterwards for a few too many hours).


Really sorry to hear about Aditi's leave problem - basically the sign of an incompetent management and it wouldn't surprise me if a so-called 'HR professional' or boil-in-the-bag on uni course' non-manager is at the back of it.  I'm sorry (and admit to bias) but managers need to learn and develop their skills through jobs where they can't do much harm, and where their superiors can guide them, and build their experience before they get into posts where they can wreak havoc.  The modern fashion for so called HR 'professionals' - who often lack any other sort of experience, doesn't help either in my view plus they seem to be unable to understand they are really only there as advisors to the proper managers - they're not there to manage anything beyond their own staff, the pay process, and so on.


If someone made a mistake granting Aditi leave that is their fault, not Aditi's - if it were me and I'd had somebody try to cancel my leave in that way it would be two fingers raised towards the dumbo and I'd be off on my hols which were booked in good faith.  In some respects it's a shame that Aditi is so polite and she has my deepest sympathy that she is at the beck & call of people who aren't really fit for a job beyond cleaning the toilets or picking-up litter.  And I don't think it's a ploy to force her retirement - they sound far too stupid to manage that. 

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  • RMweb Premium

G'day all, SNIP<


.  The modern fashion for so called HR 'professionals' ..........they seem to be unable to understand they are really only there as advisors to the proper managers - they're not there to manage anything beyond their own staff, the pay process, and so on.




You are quite correct.  But it's not always like that.....


Back when I was an HR Professional (NHS) the issue was getting some managers to actually make the decision themselves, and accept what we had to say was advice only!  They always wanted us to make their decisions for them, so later they could claim it was all HR's fault.  Ended up in a tribunal were they tried that one on - to their discredit.   Quite some time had elapsed since the original advice, thankfully we were always told to keep our notes and diaries for 10 years.  Evidence. :sungum:


Not long afterwards the CEO was, er, 'hoist by his own petard', as the saying goes. Shame..... :no:

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  • RMweb Gold

 .  And I don't think it's a ploy to force her retirement - they sound far too stupid to manage that. 

Definitely not trying to force her retirement! That is my task!

Even if the section she works in is closed by the new acting Principal (who in fact used to be the Principal before the one who has just departed) there is plenty of work available in the Higher Education section where she also works. Or of course she could retire. I think she wants the 40/80ths pension rather than the 39/80ths though. I think it is just because she thinks it is a neater number!

She did actually start teaching in a tech college when she was 21 and she was younger than many students. She was a year ahead of most people at university. It must be due to the excellent Yorkshire primary school system. She started at age 6 not speaking English, passed the 11+ but on moving to Nottinghamshire got bumped up a year in the secondary school system

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Sorry Debs. . . my last posting was one of yours which you used regarding your cannine friends....


But, then again,   Immitaion, they say, is the sincerest form of philatterly .



Wish I cud find the spool chick

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Sorry to hear about Aditi and the management/holiday issues - I've run into similar sutuations in the way past, they're never a fun exercise. Thankfully, the company I work for now is a small/private one that values employees and they show it.

I'm amazed that higher education doesn't see itself as a more compassionate environment than it seems to portray - my best wishes and thanks to everyone in education, it's the future of the world they are moulding!


On car electrics;

   Never had an Italian job (pun intended), so no personal comment, but a buddy had an older Lambo years ago, and always said the most important thing you needed if you owned one, was a chauffeur in a backup car following you everywhere you went :) most all his issues were electrics!

   Here in the US - I'm sure Pete and other have heard the same - ANY british car, most notably older MG/Jag etc. but even newer/new Range Rovers, are panned by the locals as having dreadful electrics, and they all think Lucas is a nightmare. My only personal experiences with an MBG and an E-type, were that I never had/saw electrics issues and in fact the cars were quite enjoyable. I did have a rental Peugeot in Spain once, and whilst I'd always tended to avoid them, it was excellent (luck??).


On weather (why do I bother)!!;

  Things are looking up, driving in today we had clear skies, sun and it's only -10 headed for -6. Tomorrow, WAIT FOR IT, they're threatening +1 or +2 and by early next week as much as +5 and some moderate thawing.


On choral activities;

  Ash Wednesday becons and the choir sing at a service tonight 7PM, rehearse tomorrow at 7PM, and sing at TWO services this Sunday 9AM and 11AM - busy schedule...


On modelling:

  A very big "SOD IT ALL and B*U*G*G*E*R" - had some time last night so started connecting up some droppers to the last very LONG bus I ran, NOW have a short somewhere :(


Live long and prosper - and if you can't do that have a bloody good time whilst you can, none of us get out of this alive <sigh>


Teas all round the canteen - (to quote a plod from "The Good Life")...

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Immitaion, they say, is the sincerest form of philatterly.....


With that post; you have my stamp of approval! :laugh:



But do remember: "philately will get you nowhere!" :no:

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Premium

I guess my Buggatti experience was before it went bust and was sold on. My Ford Escort didn't exactly enhance the look of their car park, though! 

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  • RMweb Gold

I guess my Buggatti experience was before it went bust and was sold on. My Ford Escort didn't exactly enhance the look of their car park, though! 

We have quite enjoyed the "having the tattiest car in the car park". We once stayed in a rather smart hotel in Italy and apart from the Renault 5 we had hired the car park was full of highly expensive vehicles. It was funny seeing people who thought there was a space and finding our car there. The nice hotel we have stayed in Austria often had some exotic cars (and whatever we had hired) in their underground bunker car park. 

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  • RMweb Premium

So Rebekah Brooks' assistant confused MI5 with MFI. Well all I can say is that when I ordered a bookcase two very nice men from the KGB came and assembled it in no time.

Albeit the resulting bookcase leaned distinctly to the left! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Only just got around to reading of Tony and Aditi's problem with getting leave cancelled.


That happened to me once, so I told them I was going on leave regardless of their demands and threats, and if they wanted to argue the point, they could do it first with the GMB union rep, and if that didn't convince them the industrial tribunal that would inevitably follow.


'Who's the GMB rep here?' they asked




I got my leave.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

To Manage you really need to understand the work otherwise you are just an office boy. I have seen degree entry managers who come in with no idea of the actual work. The smart ones listen to those already there and try to gain an understanding of what is entailed. The others usually will not listen as any suggestions are received as though a threat to their authority. I found as a project manager having had enough practical experience to be able to grasp the work involved in the whole job made an enormous difference.

One example on a project to implement a system for a purchasing unit using software developed by them they were insisting they needed a more powerful network to speed up their software. I got their project initiator to sit with me whilst we checked network useage running their software made minimal difference to network useage and proved it was poor software design. The alternative of charging them more for a network they didn't need which wouldn't have solved the problem was not my style.


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Aditi must be a very patient woman......

I would have taken a leaf out of AndrewC's book if something like that had happened to me. What a bunch of Assclowns! Doesn't she have a vat of "I told you so" in her office?

In fact if I was you I'd suggest that she hires Andrew as her "representative". If so please tell her to video the meeting with the old Iphone.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi must be a very patient woman......

I would have taken a leaf out of AndrewC's book if something like that had happened to me. What a bunch of Assclowns! Doesn't she have a vat of "I told you so" in her office?

In fact if I was you I'd suggest that she hires Andrew as her "representative". If so please tell her to video the meeting with the old Iphone.


Best, Pete.

She is calm and patient. Aditi has met Andrew and would probably prefer to continue a conversation about gardens than work!

At work she thinks that you should always remain "professional" but although she is a nice person she never forgets and claims never to forgive but just tolerate. 



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Evenin all, 


Dont talk to me about "managers" who know nowt about the job and wont listen........... then try to reinvent the wheel.  I did tell one the other day to carry on and do it his way.....then dont come back and ask me to  sort it out....


However on a brighter note, I did speak to my daughter yesterday as it was her birthday, and she had just got news that No.1 granddaughter has got in to a very good school in Bristol come September. 


Now going to do a bit of modelling, 



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  • RMweb Premium

just reading ERs when a surreal occurrence happened...an egg broke on one of the front windows.. no one in sight so it must have come from a car???  

Is it me or is the world we live in getting worse? 


Tony... we can't help on teh holiday front but that would be a good one to raise if a compromise agreement is every required... shame you aren't in Leeds I know a cracking HR lawyer...

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