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Early Risers.


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Morning All,


Rather gloomy here this morning - grey skies and threatening rain.


I think today is going to be a car-centered day. I now have two knackered cars in my garage :angry:


My everyday driver has been making strange noises while turning left in the past couple of days, so I jacked it up last night to have a look and found one of the ball joints is seriously worn. More Money - Grrrr :(


Oh well - better than me not finding out and having it let go I suppose.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello. Dull, grey and damp here would be a good description of the weather. I may be dull and grey but at least I'm not damp. I'll be doing a little shopping later to get the stuff that was omitted from yesterday's list. Apparently the goulash meatballs won't be the same without red peppers.



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  • RMweb Gold

Ah the joys of living with a wife and daughter.

Spider in the bath.

I'm surprised you didn't hear the screams where you are.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah the joys of living with a wife and daughter.

Spider in the bath.

I'm surprised you didn't hear the screams where you are.




I never knew spiders could scream.



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  • RMweb Premium

I never knew spiders could scream.


Wonder if spiders would squash humans if only they were large enough? :lol:


Turned out to be sunny over here - nice :) . I do feel how all this meteorological up and down gets to my blood pressure, though - feeling somewhat dozy right now.

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  • RMweb Gold

The wind is from the North East today - and flippin' cold it is too.


Makes the daily stroll interesting though.....










Less than half a mile away a 'local league' cricket match was in full swing. Brrrrr.

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Another bout of insomnia. Can't be arsed to go out to the shed to grab a kit and the modelling tool box. I think I'll just surf on this new fangled interweb thingy.

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Woken by a cuckoo this morning, which must be fairly close judging by the volume. Certainly beats the leaf blowers of the golf course...


Another busy day in prospect. F1 and then the final games of the Premiership...


Nice pics BoD....(thumbs up)


We had another visitor yesterday......(Cue Jaws music)



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Overcast outside, but does not look like rain - at least yet. We're invited for dinner tonight, too. Did I mention I'm still half asleep? :lol:



We had another visitor yesterday......(Cue Jaws music)


*screams bloodchillingly*

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Morning All,


Another slightly grey morning here. Hopefully it will brighten up later, like it did yesterday.


Gordon - that certainly isn't the sort of visitor that you want. I bet I know what he was after!


BoD - lovely pictures. They make me feel homesick. Having been born at the coast, I never really get used to living so far from the sea.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Wind has dropped a bit which means that it is raining.

I work with a Mr Heron. When we start talking about the football results he invariably disappears (he's from Darlington). Might be worth a try Gordon.

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The pic I really wanted was where that big b*gger had limboed his way under the wires and was eyeing up his dinner. Even then he'd have a hard job as all the fish go down to the bottom in the deep end. tongue.gif


This is the first time I've actually been able to catch one on camera as they are acutely aware of any movement, both in and out of the house. The slightest change of lighting or shadow and they're away.


The dead giveaway in the morning is the sound of the crows. It's quite entertaining seeing a heron stood on the roof of next door being dive bombed by crows. The heron will keep ducking his head as the crows get closer and closer, but will eventually give up and fly off.


Early morning or late evening are the danger hours...


I'll try chatting to them about football next time and see if that works..smile.gif

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  • RMweb Gold



No herons here. We used to see them when our neighbour had a fishpond but since he filled it in the birds go elsewhere for breakfast. Weather seems to be a repeat of yesterday, dull and damp. Nearest thing to anything bird related though was my wife asking me to sort out her Thunderbird (email not car!) problem this morning.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, some nice pics around the forum today. I think it's going to be a slow Sunday for me too, it was a slow Saturday so no point in doing anything and killing the ambience. I might have a go at a 7mm point, but I might not. My next big thing should be arriving soon, after some research I have a Celestron 4.5" reflecting telescope coming - I've had a mild interest in astronomy for most of my life and have always wanted to take a reasonably detailed photo of the moon. Given that I have a halfway decent camera and Photoshop adding this could be the means to do that. We shall see, anyway its an end of range Ebay shop bargain so for the price I paid for it it's an absolute steal, shouldn't have any trouble getting my money back if it doesn't work out. I'm trying to get my toys up together before I retire as I don't think I'll be able to afford them when I do, mind you I think I'll have to get a bigger house soon....


The wind is from the North East today - and flippin' cold it is too


Mine is directly from north to south today, and warm...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all bright and sunny here Matthew might look at his pond site,at present it is covered by oilseed rape and dandelions so it is the most colourful bit of the builders yard/bombsite that is the back garden.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Too many oktas for my liking. Was well behaved(!) yesterday and avoided going to the Reading large scale exhibition which would almost certainly have put a dent in my wallet. Spent the day trying to create convincing looking trees and bushes in N gauge which means I now have a banging headache this morning. Some garden duties to sort out before I can do any more modelling. Better get on with it I suppose.


Good to see you are limiting yourself to the essentials Phil. :)




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Three oktas in the sky, but I have a feeling that the weather's not sure what to do with itself yet. I do hope it'll get a bit better eventually, as I would like to do a little photo trip some time this week as time allows.


See you later, chaps! :)

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