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  • RMweb Gold

If I was living in such low temperatures I would have been a grumpy old man as a teenager!

I think that may have been why I headed south. It obviously wasn't as cold in the West Midlands as parts of north North America but it seemed cold and damp inside the house for months during autumn, winter and spring. Then if we were lucky we would go on holiday to somewhere wet like Wales, Cornwall or Scotland during the summer.


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  • RMweb Premium

I live near to a busy commuter railway station. We now have residents parking permits but before then the local streets were choked with parked cars. One of my then neighbours was disabled and had a special parking bay marked out, one morning some selfish idiot parked in the clearly marked bay and when my neighbours wife pointed it out to him he tossed her the keys and told her "Move it if its in the way." As the lady did not drive I moved it for her. When the bloke returned in the evening he wasn't too pleased despite my moving his car to a place right outside the station with those pretty double yellow lines, there's no pleasing some people. :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Gold

While I was a postie one of my colleagues (an ex guard on the wenlock line) drove down the long access drive to one of the farms on to meet the farmer's wife just leaving despite being in sight of the yard she shouted to hime to reverse back a quarter of a mile to the main road. At that point the Milk tanker pulled up behind him. If he had been asked to reverse it would probably have meant no milk collection. She then asked my colleague to reverse her car for her as she couldn't do so. He could hardly believe it.


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One of the favourites I saw (California I think) was W**A**N**K**E**R as that also is missed here but becoming slightly recognised/understood now. Not that it would be sensible to have that on one's own car - maybe I can pay to have it put on one of the Soccer Mom SUVs! :)

Far as the vanity plates go, many states only allow folks to have them for a finite period of time, used to be 5-years I think here, but now far as I know you can keep them forever so long as you pay the added value cost to the DMV every time it's due.

The only specialty plates they won't allow you to own/transfer are "ham radio callsign". I know this as the Mrs father was an avid radio ham, started before they invented radio best I can tell, and had a very unique callsign "W0HB". Unique because it was obviously very old due to being just 4-characters and the ZERO apparently. We wanted to keep it registered when he died for one of the family cars, but you're not allowed to <sigh>. We've got the paltes of course, but the kids thought it'd be nice if they could have had it for one of their cars...oh well.


4:40PM here and going on at -13 still - we are promised it'll be -2 or warmer by Friday, but I'm not starting to clear the runway for the pigs just yet.... :stinker:


Off for a walk around the Mall then some modelling tonight I hope/think/pray!

Edited by Ian Abel
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Morning all,  Realised a lot earlier this morning that the "Trolley" I'm building is the first vehicle of that type I've built. Built Tram Loco's but never tram cars.  Hmmm.  


Also been looking at the new LMS garratt  thread. I can just remember these on the Midland (London extension) as a very small lad. But am I going to spend money  on one..................tempting.  (Mind you theres still an unmade Kitmaster kit knocking around somewhere !)  


Oh well 'spose I'd best get on. 



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Morning All,


It is another chilly one in this part of the world - but currently the sun is shining and the sky is blue.  Long may it last!


Have a good day everyone...

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Debs, Do you only craft to variants of O Gauge?


Yes Pete, although there is some 4 mm. scale application/custom with regards to slip-gauges.........and the soon to be released DebSquare is designed for use modelling in any scale/gauge.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start ,1C earlier and had to defrost windscreen when I took Chris to work. She's been on holiday for the past week so was not her normal happy early morning self. As expected after last week's celebrations I managed to put on a couple of pounds so some extra sessions on the exercise bike are called for.

Sun now shining and the sky is blue so that's good.

New workstation arrived & built (no thanks to the instructions which almost needed a microscope to read see the pictures) and it fits quite nicely in the railway room.

A visit to the dump is on the agenda this morning and then some modelling. Some ER's may remember that I've been attempting to building an extension to the layout for the past couple of months or so. Two points have been causing problems so even though I've started ballasting yesterday I'd had enough and ripped up that part for the third time and am relaying it.

Later today grandchildren will be here as usual after school so there may will be  lots of noise & laughter.

Have a good one,


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A sunny start here without but not within.


Interfering offspring I do not need! I fear there is a degree of role reversal here with no 1 daughter thinking she has the right to monitor my behaviour and admonish my perceived shortcomings.


Now, where did I put that will.........?!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

A sunny start here on the edge of Exmoor but there is more rain promised. However there are plenty of jobs to do inside and out so little risk of doing any modelling.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


A bright but frosty start to the day. Apparently no rain forecast for hereabouts until Friday and temperatures rising too?  Has Spring sprung?


Ordered all the materials for the garage fit-out. Not entirely sure when they are due for delivery as the confirmation email said "Within the next 7 days". Quite exciting to think there will be a comfortable, warm, dry place to host my upcoming layout! 


Late to enter the debate on parking, but I notice that one parent who picks up from school has got into the habit of parking across a white line which denotes where all the children have to cross the road. So, blocking access, making it unsafe to cross the road behind a parked car. The last person who did this made the mistake of leaving her nearside window open. She was quite surprised (literally) when my head and shoulders popped through explaining that "May I just say this is the most stupid, irresponsible place imaginable. Don't do it again!" Sadly this seems to just leave a gap for the next moron to do it. This time I may have to resort to simply climbing over the bonnet to make the point. GRRRRRR! or I could perhaps leave a post it note on the rear windscreen with a helpful suggestion on why it isn't the best place to park. 


...and breathe deeply. In ...5,6,7, out 8,9,10,11,12.... 

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Morning All

....Late to enter the debate on parking, but I notice that one parent who picks up from school has got into the habit of parking across a white line which denotes where all the children have to cross the road. So, blocking access, making it unsafe to cross the road behind a parked car. The last person who did this made the mistake of leaving her nearside window open. She was quite surprised (literally) when my head and shoulders popped through explaining that "May I just say this is the most stupid, irresponsible place imaginable. Don't do it again!".... 

Hmm, perhaps a little trick I've seen practiced may not go amiss.


Many years ago, I had a chum who was an officer in the London Fire Brigade, one evening we met up for drinks after his gym session, whilst crossing a zebra crossing some pillock stopped with his wheels ON the crossing just as the London crowd starting crossing. My chum Pete used his soft, but heavy, sports bag to give the offending vehicle an almighty thump on the sheet metal. Of course, this caused no damage but frightened the life out of the prat driving the car - who for a moment thought he had hit a pedestrian. I am pretty certain the driver thought twice in the future about braking at the last minute fo zebra crossings.


One of our ER LEOs (law enforcement officers) mused on why his colleagues did not "nick" the offending parties (if I may use the vernacular), perhaps if the council were to make it an offence with an immediately payable on-spot-fine, those who allocate law enforcement priorities would come to see the "cash-cow" opportunities in the combination of SUVs, "yummy mummies" and the daily school runs.... or am I being too cynical?


Regarding Ash's dilemma, mentioning that a will has been written favouring "The Home for Distressed Elderly Railway Modellers" (but one that could be changed at some later timepoint) is likely to result in some filial piety and obedience.


Ah well... Tea Break Over, off to work again



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Good sunny week ahead, in Slapding at least!  


Made a start yesterday on attacking some shrubs that have leered at me since I moved here 4 years ago.  They'll be going through the Bosch 'Uber-shredder' soon, then added to the mulch boxes for later spreading. Garden plans are underway to transform my boring back garden into something like my old place with seating area, paths and sweeping beds, which, thanks to Jane's help, now seem worth tackling.


Hope the sun is shining on you today wherever you are!

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Late to enter the debate on parking, but I notice that one parent who picks up from school has got into the habit of parking across a white line which denotes where all the children have to cross the road. So, blocking access, making it unsafe to cross the road behind a parked car. The last person who did this made the mistake of leaving her nearside window open. She was quite surprised (literally) when my head and shoulders popped through explaining that "May I just say this is the most stupid, irresponsible place imaginable. Don't do it again!" Sadly this seems to just leave a gap for the next moron to do it. This time I may have to resort to simply climbing over the bonnet to make the point. GRRRRRR! or I could perhaps leave a post it note on the rear windscreen with a helpful suggestion on why it isn't the best place to park.


This might make me sound like a complete Victor Meldrew, but we had the same thing in Essex. Children were having to cross the road between parked cars (which is obviously extremely dangerous for them) because of people parking exactly where the kids were meant to cross.

Now this being Essex, any attempt to point out to them their error would usually result in me learning a few new swear words, so I got into the habit of carrying a pocket camera on my way to collect youngest. I found that if you pretend to take a picture which includes the car's number plate and the zig-zag, white line, yellow line or whatever... they would get the message. I never once actually took a picture, but I think the veiled threat of me emailing it to the local constabulary was enough...

I guess we're all guilty of parking briefly somewhere we perhaps shouldn't, but after 3 years living opposite that school and seeing kids playing chicken with traffic just to get across the road, it really got up my nose. At least once a week there was a near miss.

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