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  • RMweb Gold

Oh no!...........Schotty; get well soonest, big-Lad. :friends:

Robbie had a few paw/pad injuries when he was younger but even seems immune to the grass-seed in the webbing between his toes now. He has never had his claws trimmed so whatever surface he runs about on must be the equivalent of a pedicure (or peticure?). Our road never gets salt applied and I think the gritting lorries have only been out once in South Essex this winter. Litter/rubbish in the park is the most likely source of injury on our walks.

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I must admit that posties perhaps get an undeserved bad press, when they are often only responding to local management pressures.  We used to have a fantastic postie who whizzed around on his bike, but knew everyone and went out of his way to make sure mail was safely delivered.  Then our local office had  'substantial improvement and restructuring' and of course things got far, far, worse.  Mail arrives anytime from 8.45am to 2pm, different postie every day almost, but no sign of our original stalwart.


Best service I've had recently has been from DPD.  Clean, smart, vans and drivers, an email a day or so before telling me when the parcel will be delivered, and one on the day giving me a window of an hour for delivery.  The email also contains map information showing where the driver is and refining the delivery time.  Superb!   And sadly something Parcel Force should have done.

Morning all


A couple of years ago our local Royal Mail delivery office asked local streets what to do with parcels if we were out (leave with neighbour or put behind wheelie bin and so on) which worked well and they will now usually leave with a neighbour and put a card through the door telling us where it is. 


As Peter says, DPD do a good job but I wonder if it would be as good if they had the same volume of parcels (perhaps they do, I haven't a clue). A bit cheesed off a couple of weeks ago when I had to dash out urgently for 20 minutes during the DPD delivery hour - they called, of course, and took the book back to their depot. I wondered why they couldn't just slip it through the letter box as the postie does.


Another beautiful bright day here looking north across the Firth of Forth. Hope it's as good for you all.



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  • RMweb Gold

You have my sympathy ID although a dog that will leave the dressing alone is a real bonus. Some years ago when our Alsationxcollie bitch trod on a scythe I had stupidly placed on the ground for a moment  she had almost completly severed the large pad off one foot. A weekend evenin g I phoned the vet who agreed to meet me at the surgery. He said he would need help with the operation so I offered to assist rahter than call someone else in. So I was holding the foot while he stiched round and then put the needle right through the centre and out the top of the foot, explaining that if the centre of the pad did not make good contact necrosis could occur. Fortunately all went well.

Your comments about the symbiosis are spot on. However when I have jobs to do outside on a cold wet day and the dogs are stretched out in comfort I do wonder who tamed who.


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  • RMweb Premium

morning .. a genteel drizzle is issuing from the sky here..


off umpiring all day - should be good games. 


Hope Sunderland enjoy Wembley and that City have an off day!


this time next week we shall be somewhere hot and sandy en route to somewhere far, far away.....


enjoy Sunday folks..

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  • RMweb Gold

Some years ago while restoring (rebuilding ) and old cottage I took the job of a local postie (more daylight house to work on the house). There were six of us working out of an office at the back of Much Wenlock PO. The others were local and new everyone. If I was on the town round and came back with any parcels I would get comments like 'Your should have taken it to her sister three doors down' or 'He works at the Garage we take it there' the aim was to empty the office daily. The rounds included driving rounds in the hills around at one isolate cottage I could get no answer but a small window was open I slipped the parcel through the open window only to here a splash. Small parcel seat left up.

In that rural community Posties were part of the community. On cold days a nice cuppa and a warm by the kitchen Aga, chatting to elderly folk who might not see another person that day. Passing on messages etc.ollecting pensions for people. It was a far cry from the service today.


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Morning all.


Here is another Canadian free house move. http://calgary.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=298972 The original owner had planned on demolishing it in order to build something more modern. A lot of inner city lots in Calgary are quite big. This one would be around 75' by 120'. These days they split the lots and build "in-fills". Anyhoo, after all the flooding last June they decided to give the house away to someone who had lost theirs in the flooding. Its been moved about 70km from its original location.


Yesterday's post office visit was productive. The queue was massive and credit to the one guy at the counter, he was moving at warp speed to get everyone served. I mentioned to him about the problems and he called the manager from the back. He took the details and was very apologetic. I gathered I wasn't the only one who had complained this week and the postie was a temp. Incident recorded, regular postman back next week anyway, Sorted.


Quiet again in the boring borough. Bird feeder moved to accommodate the new pathway. BBQ cleaned and primed ready for spring. Patio and furniture cleaned and ready to go. Bring on the warm weather. Today will be mostly housework and in door spring cleaning.


Have a good on all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A successful - mostly - day yesterday, I'm off out to try and find the work site as there are half a dozen trains around the area.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Weather grey and miserable, rain promised; Stationmaster miserable - no proper job breakfast today; off to tesco in a while for some 'papers and then probably a trip to Costco before our membership expires, must check the printer cartridge stockpile.


Have a good day one & all.

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[EDIT] As does a list of books thoughtfully provided next to my PC for me to buy for Sandy. She claims it's a hint.


I like that and only wish my wife were as subtle.

Wanting something from the Argos catalogue last Christmas, she left the catalogue open at the correct page, posted a sticky note to the PC with page number, item number and price. I found out later that she'd even bookmarked the correct webpage and put the postcode of the nearest store into the satnav...

Having succumbed to her "not so subtle" hints, the gadget in question sits unopened in a kitchen drawer 2 months later! I give up, I really do...

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

I like that and only wish my wife were as subtle.

Wanting something from the Argos catalogue last Christmas, she left the catalogue open at the correct page, posted a sticky note to the PC with page number, item number and price. I found out later that she'd even bookmarked the correct webpage and put the postcode of the nearest store into the satnav...

Having succumbed to her "not so subtle" hints, the gadget in question sits unopened in a kitchen drawer 2 months later! I give up, I really do...

Just see it as so many RMwebbers might - as equivalent to an item in the pile of unbuilt kits!

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  • RMweb Gold


Having succumbed to her "not so subtle" hints, the gadget in question sits unopened in a kitchen drawer 2 months later! I give up, I really do...

Perhaps you are supposed to prepare something with the gadget?

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi celebrates my birthday by buying something she would like for herself! I'm sure there is some kind of logic there. We don't really buy each other presents though Aditi does like a nice card!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all. Sunny outside. So good to be able to open those windows!


Flavio, fingers crossed that your canine companion will be on the mend soon! Not a nice thing to see pets in such discomfort indeed...

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  • RMweb Premium

Went to the toy fair at Rayleigh this morning. In a box marked 'all £1' I found unopened a) Southern Pride etched coach sides for BR Mk. 2 FK, b.) S.P. again Mk. 2a TSO sides, c) Hurst models etched sides for Super BG and d) Fox transfers for Freightliner class 57 and 86. All for £4. :derisive:  :imsohappy:

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning/Afternoon from the sunshine, the Royal Mail postings have made me smile as I have had the same experiences.


Have to say I'm not one for sun worshipping etc but I can say it is a great thing to see it for a few days in a row and to feel warmth in your bones. sign I'm getting on in life I think.

Have another two weeks here then home to tackle spring jobs and start the lawn mowing season.

Not to mention the modeling stuff to sort I ordered before I left.


Enjoy what's left of the weekend folks



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  • RMweb Premium

Agree with Debs about the tide - it was lapping over the quaysides here at lunchtime.


Only spent an hour at Grumble Groudle Glen due to still being off-colour, but had to tidy some bits up I had left strewn on the bench before they all get lost.  We're away from Friday for a fortnight and that's a long time to leave things on a communal bench!


Raining here once more after a nice day yesterday, our lawn has needed cutting for weeks (they grow all year around here) but the mower would sink in up to the handle - the ground is very wet. It does look very good considering, we have been having some professional treatments on it and it hasn't looked this good since we sowed it 11 years ago.  Usually by this time of year it looks like a bog of weed and moss but still looks green and healthy.

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Morning/Afternoon from the sunshine, the Royal Mail postings have made me smile as I have had the same experiences.


Have to say I'm not one for sun worshipping etc but I can say it is a great thing to see it for a few days in a row and to feel warmth in your bones. sign I'm getting on in life I think.

Have another two weeks here then home to tackle spring jobs and start the lawn mowing season.

Not to mention the modeling stuff to sort I ordered before I left.


Enjoy what's left of the weekend folks

Alan, are you on the "panhandle" of Florida?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our lawn grows all year round too, but fortunately very slowly in winter. I think our daffodils may have drowned but we have lots of crocus and snowdrops. I have been asked to move the agapanthus out of its winter home (the summerhouse) sometime this week. 

I may make some more trees and shrubs later for the trainset. Fortunately it doesn't need thousands like some of the layouts I've seen in Model Railroader. I used to think that the lodgepole pines on many North American layouts didn't look very realistic until I went to Canada and saw the real thing!



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  • RMweb Gold

Alan, are you on the "panhandle" of Florida?


Best, Pete.

Until I looked carefully at the bird I thought it was Southend. We get little egrets here and their beaks are different!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Alan, are you on the "panhandle" of Florida?


Best, Pete.

Hi Pete, Yes in Naples south west Florida , numerous refugees from the cold north down here, telling me tales of snow etc but I already knew due to you guys on here.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Pleased to hear, Il Dottore, that there is a diagnosis for the dog's lameness - it always looks bad when a dog is hobbling around on three legs, even though often it is not so bad/serious.


Again got a raft of home related jobs that we had to tackle, and we are progressively getting there. 


Not a lot more to report here, so

Regards to All


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