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  • RMweb Gold

Evening or Afternoon, thought I would catch up before venturing out for a walk on the beach this afternoon, tried to include some pics from the iPad but they don't seem to appear, will figure it out I guess.


Filled the hire car up with petrol,at an exchange rate of one pound equals 1.66 US dollars one can work out that a gallon of petrol at 3.98 dollars at the pump petrol is some what cheaper here! ie £2.36 a gallon or 51p a litre.


Oh well never mind, just had a nice lunch of baby back ribs,the sun is shining could be a lot worse.


Thing that struck me about Vienna was everyone smoking in the cafes etc although that was 4 years ago! might be different now.


Enjoy what's left of the day

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  • RMweb Premium

Filled the hire car up with petrol,at an exchange rate of one pound equals 1.66 US dollars one can work out that a gallon of petrol at 3.98 dollars at the pump petrol is some what cheaper here! ie £2.36 a gallon or 51p a litre.

Just check out the octane number - when I was their regularly the "petrol" was water with a touch of petrol added,,,,,


Have fun in Florida - probably the best time of year to visit.


Preparing for more painting and decorating. An umpiring colleague happens to be a retired master plasterer so he is going to skim the walls in a few rooms for us while we jet off somewhere else....Just need to empty rooms and strip wall paper...

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  • RMweb Gold


I got the thing about the free mavericks upgrade (for my IMac). How can I tell if the hardware is suitable? The Apple page says 2007 onwards but I can''t find a date on it? I know my current OSX is fine it's 10.6.8........


best, Pete.

You would appear to be running Snow Leopard (2009 release) which is the version that was replaced by Lion which was the original OS on my  Mac. Lion and its successors don't support 32 bit processors. If the processor in your Mac is 64 bit it should be OK. A user friendly operating system should tell you if something can't happen. I didn't bother upgrading from Lion to Mountain Lion. I just did the Mavericks upgrade as it was free rather than charged.


I don't know what other software you have but there are things  like Office 2004 that the Apple help site states don't work if you upgrade beyond Snow Leopard so you really need to find out especially if you have some specialised software. My Mac is used for strictly non-critical stuff (it makes my TV smart ).



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One of the questions that Aditi was asked at her appraisal today was "What would you like to be doing in 10 years time?" Her answer "Gardening".



Where are the multiple "love this post" and "I wish" buttons?


It actually stayed dry this afternoon. Managed to get around 100 bricks down on the pathway. Now my knee feels like #### err poo and I'm ready for a hot bath. Appraisal in the morning and hoping the waste of time meeting scheduled for the afternoon is cancelled. If so, I'm off to the Welsh beer fest at the Rake in Borough market. mmmm beeeeeeerrrrrr. If Things go to plan I'll be able to dig out the second half of the pathway this weekend and tamp in the ballast & sand. I'm hoping to have it finished so that SWMBO doesn't have to navigate the swamp that is our back garden next week.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have been somewhat hors de combat these last couple of days. While erecting fencing against our neighbours hedge in order to contain the dogs within our garden. One of the beech buds caught me in the eye scratching the cornea by the feel of it. I suppose it is my own fault for not wearing safety glasses. However feeling much better this evening.


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I have been somewhat hors de combat these last couple of days. While erecting fencing against our neighbours hedge in order to contain the dogs within our garden. One of the beech buds caught me in the eye scratching the cornea by the feel of it. I suppose it is my own fault for not wearing safety glasses. However feeling much better this evening.



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It's fully overcast and raining!!!!!!!

As it is still early the rising sun is below cloud level and there is some sunlight.

The Second cricket Test against Australia starts here (Cape Town) tomorrow. The rain is forecast to have cleared by then but a possibility of returning tomorrow afternoon. However it is generally forecast to remain clear.

Australia won the first test, we won the second so this is the decider.


Happy Friday you working stiffs!


Wishing a rapid recovery to DonW and Neil.

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Morning all, 


Well it seems that my story of yesterdays 'phone call brought a smile to a few of you....I wonder what I'll get today?  I have witnessed a couple of quite dodgy instances were ex-pats have got involved with local ladies.


Still tis Friday (as Don rightly pointed out) , try and have a good un,




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Morning all.


I haven't had a chance to catch up on yesterdays posts, but thought I would call in and say good morning as I am expecting a busy day at work.


The weather is quite mild, so maybe we have escaped Winter this year!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Woken up to see a nice frost here..hopefully it will kill the bugs.


Shopping,decorating prep then a bit more modelling scheduled....

Have a really good Friday everyone..wherever you are!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very chilly and clear overnight but it started raining just as I let Robbie out to the garden.

I didn't see any Northern Lights last night but I was looking south when I went out in to the garden last night to look at the stars.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

4oC  and raining. Today there will be rain followed by rain with occasional outbreaks of rain which just possibly may turn to sleet. Nice.

Railway parcel didn't arrive yesterday but I live in hope. However what did arrive was a new spring for the dishwasher soap dispenser. This little piece of metal (worth about 5p) cost me £13 (including £2.95 p&p) but at least only took about 30 seconds to fit so that was some consolation.

Sounds like the Boss is stirring so I better make her some tea.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

4oC  and raining. Today there will be rain followed by rain with occasional outbreaks of rain which just possibly may turn to sleet. Nice.

Railway parcel didn't arrive yesterday but I live in hope. However what did arrive was a new spring for the dishwasher soap dispenser. This little piece of metal (worth about 5p) cost me £13 (including £2.95 p&p) but at least only took about 30 seconds to fit so that was some consolation.

Sounds like the Boss is stirring so I better make her some tea.

Have a good one,


We are fortunate here to have a retailer locally who sells (and repairs) all kinds of domestic appliances so I rarely have to send away for any bits. 

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Up at 6am this morning. Dry, cool and bright here in North Norfolk.

Suspicions of a collapsed sewer sadly confirmed (old salt-glazed type). Have worried this might be the case for a week or two.

Tarpaulins all over drive, will spend today digging a big hole and then hoping Jewson have the correct-sized pipe and couplings!

Not working 'til Wednesday next week, so today's hopes of a little light decorating put on hold and that Ratio footbridge will have to wait to be built and painted!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Still barking more than the various dogs around the forum!  Was feeling better yesterday evening, only to have a rough night - what gives?


I suspect my next appraisal might be interesting, in terms of the 'where do you want to be' question.  I may just make the decision on my future at that point, which won't go down too well.  There is a certain lack of succession planning in our organisation.  Like none.  Nice to think about for a while, as the lack of support from that direction in the last 8 years wrankles somewhat.  Odd that the support I do get comes from one of the partner organisations, not my own.  Am I getting like Andrew?  /rant.


Frosty start here, only about the third or fourth time this winter.  Very still and crisp, worth a walk around the village I think, it may be do or die for my chest!


I'm also still wondering where the three centre cars of my Brighton Belle are, I know I bought them.....but they seem to have vapourised.  We live in a small two bed bungalow, they can't be far away....but can I find them?  Don't see them in the garage/layout room either.  I keep my stock in large plastic tubs with lids, everything else is in them, but no pullmans or a Royal Mail car either.  Odd.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from sunny Hampshire where it rained overnight. 

The new meadow turf has not died yet - I may be getting the hang of this gardening lark.

And talking of larks there's a blackbird on the new turf doing exactly what the instructions said they would - picking out bits of dead foliage and building a nest. 

I think I may adopt a smug expression for a few minutes. 


Forecast looks ok for the weekend so I'm going to see if we can do some of the long-planned work in the garage.

Carpae diem everyone!

Best, Andy 

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My weekend will be spent in preparing for a further 12"+ of snow.........................standing snow on the ground (not counting "berms" of old snow) actually went below 12" yesterday mostly through sublimation as the temps didn't get near 0C.


You don't know how lucky you are.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

My weekend will be spent in preparing for a further 12"+ of snow.........................standing snow on the ground (not counting "berms" of old snow) actually went below 12" yesterday mostly through sublimation as the temps didn't get near 0C.


You don't know how lucky you are.


Best, Pete.

|i always understod that a little snow never worried folks over there :jester:

There is plenty of time to get enough snow to put us all in a pickle



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  • RMweb Premium

Trying to avoid tidying the  modelling room which is overflowing onto the landing and thus earache from SWMBO.  However I've got to go and buy some bolts etc for horse tram work so tnat should put it off for an hour or two.


Grey overcast skies here south ogf Leeds but north of the M62.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning  all,


The rain has eased off a bit for now, the village idiots garage are so far uncommunicative - if I get a feedback form this time it will make interesting reading for someone.  Fortunately I no longer get involved in proper performance reviews but as I occasionally give advice via my pal I do have an annual 'professional competency' assessment and my Linked In page also includes some fascinating things such as expertise in warehousing (no, I didn't put it on there!).  Remarkably on the big railway I as near as achieved my stated career goal as made no difference - I was asked at a training scheme interview where I hoped to get and albeit in a very changed railway landscape I finished up as the deputy and regular seat sitter for the equivalent role (which I found quite amusing when ever I bothered to think about it) in a train operating company but it was by then a very different railway.


Ah well back to the mundane and hopefully collect car, visit nearest branch of Waitrose and then home unless we go to Tesco to stock up the wine store.  Abrail tomorrow for Dr Station Cat and me and as I trype this son is somewhere on CTRL/HS1 heading for Brussel enroute to a small town in Germany (no, not Bonn).

Edited by The Stationmaster
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