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  • RMweb Gold

Cake! Cake! Glorious cake,


There is naught better that I like to bake.


And I like to wallow, in the mud of my hollow,


Surrounded by acres of glorious cake..............................


Getting a bit confused methinks.......................... Best go for a lie down!


Meanwhile in a non hippo world, it was rain overnight, followed by a blue start to the morning, with the sun trying to peep around a bank of high cloud.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer has finished on her exercise bike and is now marshalling the contents of her breakfast.


It is an early start today as she is off to see her mother in Llandudno, so I am once again left in charge.


However, I'm under strict instructions to carry on with painting and decorating duties, so no peace for the wicked, although I can foresee a short session in the workshop, as the lathe needs its weekly maintenance!

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Nice "Green Cargo" loco from D. The one thing I don't like about these latest locos is that I'm seeing a generic loco design that you can spot in Europe, in the USA (on commuter runs) and soon in the UK. It's all getting a bit samey and boring...


Found out yesterday from a local cop that I passed a positive vetting by the Feds Homeland Security. I'll let you know why in a couple of weeks - yesterday I seemed to have passed a medical.....surprised me....(nothing to do with Immigration, btw).


Bleeding cold here - is the new technical term   - very apt.


Best, Pete.

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 Morning all!   Damp here in Slapding, but not windy and promises to dry out later, hopefully in time to walk No1 Dort's dog without having to wear my hiking boots.


No  2 grandson arranged this plaintive message yesterday, at least from the apostrophe in "haven't" his English is going OK!



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  • RMweb Premium


Found out yesterday from a local cop that I passed a positive vetting by the Feds Homeland Security. I'll let you know why in a couple of weeks - yesterday I seemed to have passed a medical.....surprised me....(nothing to do with Immigration, btw).




Vetting? Think they must be thinking of hiring Pete


Agree about Pete's thoughts on the sameness of modern traction....says the man that loves the uniform and dull BR blue livery! Seriously though the thing I like most about the Green Cargo logo is that it is different. Perhaps we just get a bit jaded with endless tubes of EMUs shuffling around the country with little to distinguish one from the other. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning folks, another night of coughing up old nuts and bolts behind me, I am telling myself I'm beginning to fell better but not entriely convinced.  It would help if I was better at being ill but I'm not - there's folk on here with life threatening illnesses and I'm whinging on about bronchitis, I should get a grip!


Sunny here after a very wet night, but very windy still.  Debs, I'm sure Diane mentioned snow on the weather last night!  Her accent reminds me of 'old home'.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A horrible morning here, it's been raining since at least 06:30 when I got up, forecast to clear away later and the sun may make an appearance but the rain won't stop me going out to photograph the stone train in a couple of hours - work permitting. Although I've just looked up and it's raining even heavier outside.


I didn't recount my tale of train chasing yesterday.


DBS have several locos in their "peach" livery but so far two have eluded me - 66001 and 66185, yesterday 66185 was allocated to work the 4L45 Wakefield to Felixstowe intermodal, passing Ely just after 14:00. At this time of year the evenings are out, no light, so the only option was to catch it between Ely and Ipswich. I checked with the SatNav and worked out if I left when it left Ely I could get to Thurston station before it and still be back home with 1 1/4 hours so work would have nothing to moan about (my lunch break is in theory 1 hour, in practice I rarely get or take that, that's always forgotten of course on the very odd occasion I go slightly over the hour), all was going to plan as the train trundled across the Fens but there was dirty work afoot. For reasons I didn't look into the 13:45 Cambridge - Ipswich which goes through Dullingham and nowhere near Ely was today (obviously!) starting from Ely and it would occupy the single line to Soham in the path of 4L45 meaning 185 would be late - no worries it's still predictable, the actual time is irrelevant. It duly left Ely at 14:12 and I duly headed off to Thurston. I made good time and got there are 14:48 about 10-15 minutes before I was expecting L45. Thurston has a strange car park - for a quiet Suffolk village - with lots of clamping notices around, I've been there once before and parked down the road and walked back - about 10 minutes in all. I stopped in the car park and wandered on to the station for a "reccy" - nothing around but .... why is the signal at green so far in advance of the train ? Last time it only cleared when the train was near. Getting a mobile signal is difficult there but I wandered along the platform and picked one up - a refresh of the train running and it was now running on time - meaning it had passed Bury St Edmunds. For those who don't know the geography, that's only a few miles away - and it runs at 60mph on that stretch. PANIC !!! - I ran to the car, moved it to a less "block everyone in" position, grabbed the camera and ran back onto the station. There is a foot crossing with miniature red/greens so that needs respect, stop - check the lights - green, check for trains, yes - there's one in the distance WHAT ! - that's it !! - over the crossing (it was safe to cross) and ran to the end of the platform, I managed to get one video setup and it was on me - the driver whistling happily and waving. I packed up and went home - I'd driven for roughly 30 mins, spent about 1-2 mins on the station and drove home for another roughly 30mins - oh, the joys of trainspotting !


Here's one of the shots


66185, DP World London Gateway, on 4L45, , Wakefield Europorte - Felixstowe South - intermodal


26 February 2014



Now I've finally photographed it, it will no doubt plague me for months to come.




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  • RMweb Premium

Nice "Green Cargo" loco from D. The one thing I don't like about these latest locos is that I'm seeing a generic loco design that you can spot in Europe, in the USA (on commuter runs) and soon in the UK. It's all getting a bit samey and boring...



Pete, I suppose you're talking about the ALP-46s and ALP-46As?




I rather like the appearance of these fellows – especially their livery which does stand out compared to that of some European TOCs. They're indeed cousins to the European Bombardier TRAXX locos but were originally derived from the German class 101.


Most recently, Siemens have also made an entry to the North American scene with their ACS-64, as I'm sure you'll know:




I do keep noticing how some of the more recent loco designs tend to have a more aggressive look to them than in previous times – much like many contemporary cars. I guess the ACS-64's a good example for that, as a matter of fact!

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Greggs Bakery issue profit warning! ! ! ! any correlation between this and them displaying calorific content of their produce ? ? ? ?


NHN. . . .You can always pop 'Yem' for a visit. . . couple of shows coming up in march . . . . but then . . . the fog on the tyne won't do your 'CHIST' much good


have a ggood un everyone . . . .



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  • RMweb Gold

Just as I finished the tidying, dusting, polishing and vacuuming the bank manager phoned to say he had been summoned to a conference this afternoon and he'd see me next week. 


Aditi must be having her appraisal just now, unless it has been cancelled again. She still hasn't had a return to work interview after her illness in January (not that she is bothered). She expects to be told she isn't assertive enough and not take on other people's problems. Unfortunately the people saying this are the people who yesterday ask her to attend an assessment board at 5 minutes notice and "by the way, you are chairing it". That actually went well as the other people were relieved that it was Aditi. One of her skills is managing meetings (I know this from when we worked together for a while when she was seconded to be an advisory teacher to support IT for history and geography.)

However the afternoon didn't go well for her. After the board meeting she was informed she had to attend the second half of a meeting. She duly arrived, there was no paperwork or prior information and they weren't actually discussing anything she was involved in. I think it would have been OK except she was "instructed" by a colleague to sort out a room for the next meeting. From what Aditi told me (from the car park before driving home, talking to me is "calming") they may drop the "you are not assertive enough" from today's appraisal.


I did suggest she could retire!



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  • RMweb Premium

Yes - snow forecast here for tomorrow.

Plague of frogs on Saturday.

Boils on Sunday.


Rain(hill), as in 'Trials,' Saturday and Sunday for us - taking the Summer with us (aka Camel Quay).

The last thing we want for loading and unloading is the wet stuff.


Sunny here, no gales, strong winds, or locusts.



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  • RMweb Premium

Greggs Bakery issue profit warning! ! ! ! any correlation between this and them displaying calorific content of their produce ? ? ? ?


NHN. . . .You can always pop 'Yem' for a visit. . . couple of shows coming up in march . . . . but then . . . the fog on the tyne won't do your 'CHIST' much good


have a ggood un everyone . . . .




Aye, wa stayin wiv friends like, neyah Maasden in Sooth Sheels.


What shows please, John? I just may.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from supermarket with stores replenishment. It's amazing how much cheaper the bill is because of my diet. I think it might be it's all the booze that's not being bought! Have you noticed that over the past few weeks Sainsbury's shares have dropped in price!

Window cleaner has just been - he's another shorts all the year round enthusiast. The only shorts I get near in winter come in 70cl bottles from Scotland, Ireland or France.

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Morning all. Rain again so no progress on the path. The weather gods are toying with me as just as I typed that the sun came out for a moment.


All quiet again in the boring borough.


Work is about the same. The rush, panic, end of the universe, emergency, do it yesterday project has stalled again. It stalls more than my old Datsun 510 did. Tomorrow is my annual appraisal. Must remember to not use words like assclown, asshat, numpty, Id10T, moron, ####, ####, ####, #######, ####nugget, or douchecanoe. (self censored btw)


Speaking of calorific labels. Twas in the Victoria Wetherspoon's on Monday. Decided on breakfast. Took one look at the 1400+ calorie count on their big brekkie, and ordered a small omelette instead. Yikes.


Tony, hope Aditi's appraisal goes well. Yes you are calming to talk to. Sort of like aural valium. :sungum:  Meant to ask if you are going to the Chelsea Flower show this year?

Bob, my younger brother is one of those shorts all year round types. I think his limit is around -20c though if he has to go outside for more than 5 minutes.


Going back to batteries and their lack of longevity. Both of our new smoke detectors have started chirping this morning. Battery life of 6 weeks. :butcher:


Have a good one all. Remember tomorrow is Friday. For all you retired people out there I say: pffffffffffffffft :beee:

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Aural Valium? Tony, you must come and visit..........I need a large dose. Andrew always cheers me.


Dominick, Yes - but they do differ in details, of course. Those newish double-decker NJT coaches are quite remarkable....

I was trying to work out where in New Jersey those two shots are from?


best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold


Tony, hope Aditi's appraisal goes well. Yes you are calming to talk to. Sort of like aural valium. :sungum:  Meant to ask if you are going to the Chelsea Flower show this year?


I used to think I survived in the classroom by wowing the students with my wit and wisdom but I probably put them to sleep. Though certain topics in IT are guaranteed to "OK, today we are going to look at the fascinating topic of hashing algorithms..."

I don't know what we are doing about flower shows. I'll ask Aditi. We haven't been together to Chelsea for a long time. We were chatting to Matthew at the weekend and he was pleased that we had gone to Tate Modern. He thinks we should go out and do more at the weekends like we did when he was little. 


Last summer our friends from the US were supposed to come but they had to cancel as one needed substantial back surgery. We said come this year but her recovery wasn't going well and they discovered cancer in her hip bone, brain and lungs. Roxanne has responded really well to the cancer treatment but still has the bad back. We are keeping what we do this summer very open until we are told that we are going to be visited or not.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning folks, another night of coughing up old nuts and bolts behind me, I am telling myself I'm beginning to fell better but not entriely convinced.  It would help if I was better at being ill but I'm not - there's folk on here with life threatening illnesses and I'm whinging on about bronchitis, I should get a grip!



A mater of mine who works at a hospice and says this. "Doesn't matter if one person is gravely ill and another person is technically less ill. It's not how ill you are, it's how ill you personally feel that matters."


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