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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunny outside, too tired inside. Cats sure can be little terrorists when they want to!



Back from a very windy 18 holes. 


Now how can I ever get that image out of my head?! :O



Yesterday afternoon, I took the little guy to the local Carnival procession.  German Carnival isn't really my thing - but it was a fairly enjoyable couple of hours. 



Neither is it my thing, Robert! Interestingly, carnival isn't all that widely spread in East Germany. I understand there will be a procession here in Leipzig, but that it won't be even remotely as big as those in Mainz, Cologne and the rest of the Rhineland.

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Morning all, 


Tried posting earlier (around 05:30 UK time)  but the 'net dropped out halfway through. But seems to be working OK  now in the office. 


Had quite a productive day modelling wise yesterday with the street car looking like it should! 


Try and have a good day today and try to find something to smile at! 





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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning,


I should have been here ages ago,  but I got held up by too many interesting items elsewhere within this forum.


DD:  Thanks for sharing!  It is obviously leaving you and arriving here.


Nothing much to report:  It would seem that my attempts at decorating have partially paid off, and the Obergrumpenfuhrer is leaving me to my own devices, providing it involves a paintbrush, tins of paint and copious amounts of protective covers.


What I do not require is a sudden change of plan regarding the colour scheme!


After breakfast, I will brave the miserable weather and mount the Robin box by the front kitchen window.


The Robin(and various descendants), have always tried to nest in the window box, which is under the window (naturally) but is cat  accessible, so I have finally given in and provided more luxurious accommodation, which will be at a more suitable altitude.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium



Heavens above Rick - Sounds like an "exciting" night.


The weather is quite cold here this morning (-1°C) but it looks like it is going to be a fairly bright day.




Just one of those things I guess.  Some people have a different sense of responsibility to the rest of us.  Just glad it wan't my car involved!  


The worst bit was trying to get back to sleep with the bedroom smelling faintly of burning car and the twin pumps and flashing lights going outside for an hour.  Then after failing to sleep and refresh having to make that call to work on a Monday morning - never the best day to go sick.


On the up-side it turned into a perfectly delightful late summer's day with sun, only a light breeze and around 24C making it ideal for sitting on the verandah with a drink and a magazine watching the birds being busy in our trees.

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Morning all




When we moved here - we agreed to buy the place 10 years ago this week - Deb's diligent searches revealed that France had new legislation covering cesspools and soakaways, and inspections were being conducted. Last May we all had a letter here to say our turn had come - and now I have a date! He won't be impressed, I'll plead poverty (two old-ish cars in the drive help!) and no doubt I'll get a letter telling me what and by when. Yawn. I have no neighbours, and the farmer across the fence, being French, spends more time putting pesticides and fertiliser on his field than any comparable farmer in Europe. Who is the polluter?


Hope your week goes well.

Thank you for that Ian.


We moved to Gruff Towers 27 years ago and found it has a Septic Tank. Although we routinely have it pumped out to de-sludge, we never thought about registration but on checking now I find the inexorable march of state intrusion also applies here so I will need to fill in an on-line form, await that being rejected and then cough up a bribe, sorry I meant fee, to yet another Quango. I must be careful as "they" may determine that Gruffalo brown and smelly stuff is more environmentally harmful than human waste or artificial fertilisers and pesticides.


Happy days, as the old joke goes "tea break over, heads down you sinners!"

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Just one of those things I guess.  Some people have a different sense of responsibility to the rest of us.  Just glad it wan't my car involved!  


Yes - it just happens like that sometimes.


Many moons ago, as a Student, I lived in Tottenham.  Despite its reputation it was actually a pretty quiet area with a tremendous community spirit, and more village-like than many villages!  One of the lads who lived in our house spent a year on an industrial placement, so we advertised for another to take his place.  We did the whole bit about it being a quiet area and he decided to move in.


The first night, the Sweeney turned up to arrest one of the neighbours from across the road - The street was filled with a variety of Police Vans, Jam Sandwiches and flashy motors.


The second night, we were awoken in the early hours by two huge crashes and a load of shouted expletives - A drunk driver had come around the corner into our road much too fast and crashed into a row of parked cars.  He then tried to make a getaway in reverse and took out the cars parked on the other side, leaving him firmly wedged until the police turned up again.


I reckon the poor bloke must have thought he'd moved into a war zone!  However, it quietened down again.

Edited by Robert
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I can only think of German carnivals in terms of Oompah Bands. Quite wrong, I'm sure.





I'm thinking of an Oompah band on Höchstädt.  But it is set in the Franconian part of Bavaria so I'm not sure.  What do Robert and Roderick think?



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  • RMweb Premium

Yes - it just happens like that sometimes.


Many moons ago, as a Student, I lived in Tottenham.



More moons ago that that, I suspect, I was just up the road in Harringay Park for a while during my own student years.  Off Green Lanes in fact.  Moved in the week before it all went off in Cyprus.  And discovered very quickly that Green Lanes was occupied on one side by Greek Cypriots and on the other by Turkish Cypriots and the white line down the middle of the road was the border.  Molotov cocktails were thrown from upstairs windows one side to the other.  If you walked into a shop on one side you'd never be served on the other.  Most "businesses" seemed to be pool halls and gambling dens masquerading as mini-cab offices but if you ever wanted a car "Sorry my friend - I got no driver two hours".


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Quite a mild morning here although cloudy so far.


Some of you might find this interesting - taken by a Facebook contact, it shows Cockington about a week ago. This is a very pictureskew village just outside Torquay, under nearly a foot of water in places.






Over the weekend there have been two accidents within 100 metres of our house. Luckily not involving our wall, in process of being repaired!


Have a good week!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Went to bed just after midnight last night. I noticed that there were no streetlights in the three streets that are visible from my upstairs window. I thought perhaps that the local council had decided to 'switch off' as an economy measure but there had been no warning. I had to get up to go to the bathroom about 5 this morning the street lights were on! There must have been some sort of power cut but I will have to wait until tonight to find out.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, seeing as no-one else has, I'm going to take credit for the onset of the nice weather widely reported on ER. :sungum:  Must be down to the gardening I did yesterday that has signalled the start of spring. I'm considering using a few square meters of a product called Meadowmat, consisting of some 34 species of British native wild flowers and grasses on the area of raised bed that I put top soil on yesterday. Slight confusion is that in their "how to" video they insist that there should be no top soil, show a man digging it all up and then state that you need a 15cm layer of finely tilled soil to plant on to. Erm, isn't that the same as the fine top soil I put on yesterday? :scratchhead:

Anyway, speed is of the essence; whilst a mini wildflower meadow may attract bees and birds, finely tilled topsoil is the undisputed king at attracting cats!    :triniti:

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  • RMweb Gold

Went to bed just after midnight last night. I noticed that there were no streetlights in the three streets that are visible from my upstairs window. I thought perhaps that the local council had decided to 'switch off' as an economy measure but there had been no warning. I had to get up to go to the bathroom about 5 this morning the street lights were on! There must have been some sort of power cut but I will have to wait until tonight to find out.

Our streetlights now go off at midnight and and come back on at 5am. This seems to be cheaper than the other proposed plan of fitting low consumption bulbs!

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Yes, a couple of us leave outside lights on at night so the road is not completely pitch black. Mine is just a low wattage type so doesn't cost much to run.

I'm not sure whether the light would put people off burgling etc or just help them to see better!



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Well, apart from being windy tomorrow, it looks set for a week of fairly sunny weather, with a few showers dotted about.  Most of those will be Tues to Thurs, 8.35am and 3.20pm.


How do I know that?  Well, that's when I will be taking and collecting the Grand-Kinder to and from school!


Still could be much worse, went to the allotment yesterday and despite it being a bit soggy the weeds haven't flourished in our absence and the leeks, broad beans, onions and garlic are doing well too.

Jane has got in enough seed potatoes to supply Walkers crisps for the whole of next year it seems.  She's volunteered to do the starting in egg-boxes bit, guess whose been volunteered to do the digging..........................


Have a good day folks!

Edited by Adams442T
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright sunshine and much attention from a particular cat who seems to be missing her Doctorness and needs reassuring attention from any handy substitute human.  Thanks for the tip iD - I doubt she'll have time for some of it as she usually 'phones late afternoon (and spoke to Mrs Stationmaster yesterday) and is in any event returning home tomorrow, and there she is staying in Vienna and what did she do yesterday - went to Bratislava for a look round!


All the talk on here of the g word is making my back ache - Mrs S did have a session in the garden on Saturday so spent yesterday radiating self-satisfied goodness and moaning about the return of the grotty weather and her aching back, such is gardening at this time of year.  But the veg seeds and seed potatoes are in stock ready for the veg patch to be suitably cultivated and reduced to a suitably fine tilth (= Dr Station Cat with a fork followed by mechanical tilling with the machine that lives in the big shed down the garden.


Have a good day folks and may the man flu soon desert the Manx.

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After three days of 50f plus temperatures we still have a foot of snow on my deck (and most of the "lawn"). Temperatures are due to plummet to sub-zero "highs" (C.) again this week - so I expect we will have daffodils out in June.

Big Atlantic storm forming Tuesday. We're hoping for just a sideswipe but who knows?

I just wish I could hibernate each winter.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A lovely sunny morning and another walk completed, 4.1 miles this time, apparently I burnt 458 calories and attained 4.5mph (on the downhill bit presumably !) I also reached the dizzy heights of 377.1 (the .1 is important) feet above sea level.

Marvellous things these apps.

This leads me nicely into my latest muse - I have access to realtime running so I can track trains if I want but I now find that power box diagrams - realtime - are also available on line so I've registered for a site which gives me access to 25 (yes) power boxes. I'm currently doing my day job and at the same time "watching" trains moving around the Knottingley area, unusually there's not a single freight on the area ! There are even "cams" at some locations so I don't have to move from my desk to see the trains - 20 years ago I would have killed (metaphorically....  well mostly) to even know in advance that something unusual was around, now I can use all the information to enable me to see what I want to see - brilliant. (Of course I now also know what I have missed)


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, a couple of us leave outside lights on at night so the road is not completely pitch black. Mine is just a low wattage type so doesn't cost much to run.

I'm not sure whether the light would put people off burgling etc or just help them to see better!



Talking to a policeman friend of mine he tells me that the one thing burglars don't like is "risk". 

So, if you have a side gate they start to wonder what is behind the gate - will there be something that will raise the risk of them being detected. A thing they really don't like is if you put a row of milk or wine bottles behind the gate. So, if they chose to climb over then they will knock over the bottles and cause a disturbance, alerting the homeowner. Anything you can do to increase the risk to them being discovered or disturbed will make them decide to move on to easier targets. Yes, that means your neighbours may be softer targets, but they too can take precautions if they wish.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Bleah, I HATE being ill, I'm not good at it.   Thanks for all the hearts, I have taken almost as many flu remedy things, as many as I dare without trashing my liver but feel like trash.  Polite version.  Why now, it's almost spring.....bah.


My head feels like it's full of cement, can't concentrate so not even worth trying to do any modelling, e mailing instructions to work is about it.


Back to bed I think - boiiinngggg.  ( you have to be a certain age for that).

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  • RMweb Gold


Back to bed I think - boiiinngggg.  ( you have to be a certain age for that).

My Deb used to refer to Zebedee time! 'Flu is not a heavy cold, which some people try to suggest. 'Flu does indeed knock you out for a few days, so working is frankly impossible. Bed and lots of drinks - appetite may be seriously reduced - is the only real option. Hope you pull round soon.

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I once heard it said, that if you are ill, and someone were to tell you that your wallet is laying outside on the pavement and you don't care - that's 'flu.


I wasn't sure I believed it, until I actually caught 'flu!


You have my sympathies Neil - I hope you feel better soon.

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