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Yesterday I said

  • Sorted loads of kits - discovered that I have 54 unbuilt, partially built or to be modified wagons, coaches and locos.

This morning, poking round in a box, discovered three more.


It's a Heinz number!


But I still don't have enough vans, Or cattle wagons. :)




Today's the last of my 'home alone' sessions. They're coming back this evening.


Better get cleared up, then.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all less rain overnight than expected but the wind is picking up now. Today's fencing work may be suspended, it is not as easy task as the ground is wet sticky clay. One benefit of having a stream at th top of the garden is I can walk up step into the stream and brush the mud of me wellies. Must remember not to tr it when the stream is in full flood.


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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday I stripped a door of multiple layers of paint, varnish and various other sticky substances.


Today I will reapply similar, but to a higher standard of finish (I hope).


I hasten to add that the door was dismounted and taken outside before the stripping took place.


It will now be painted whilst horizontal, which is the best way for me to paint a door, as the paint has nowhere to fall!


The weather here this morning is definitely 50 shades of grey, and getting darker towards the south west.


The SEAT that lived in our garage for over a year whilst my son 'worked' on it has now passed it's VOSA (MoT) test and I'm hoping to see the back of it in the near future.


All I need now is for the collection of chainsaws, hydraulic breaker packs and various petrol driven water pumps to be finished off and disposed of. (Perhaps we ought to keep a water pump.!!)


Then I will be able to fill the garage with all sorts of MY junk


I sympathise with John, (Coombe Barton).  My modelling crate is full of unstarted and unfinished projects.


Yet 'stuff' continues to arrive in dribs and drabs, mainly courtesy of Ebay, although the Blue Hymek (Heljan) I get from there was far less than the 4mm version currently on sale for £282.32!.


And this one is neither sound fitted nor 'Pro weathered' with what looks like a wet Weetabix slurry. (When I first saw it I thought it was the 'O' gauge version).


Breakfast calls, followed by a coat of undercoat:- On the door not me!


Have a great day

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. We'll be off for a trip to the Kyffhäuser Mountains within the hour!


All this talk about Indian cuisine is making me hungry... There are a couple of good Indian restaurants here in Leipzig, thankfully.

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  • RMweb Gold

Beware , artist at work...


I have to be secretive for now as this is a commission for a birthday present but I will share the end result after it has been delivered


Well, the customer collected their cakes on Friday and will have presented them to her dad yesterday. It's safe to share. Emma never posts pictures of her work until she's sure the recipient has had them, for fear of ruining any surprises along the way. If anyone is interested more examples can be seen at www.delovelies.co.uk








Edited by colin penfold
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Yesterday's sunshine has been replaced by 'wet & windy' but it is allegedly going to improve - to 'Low Cloud', which probably means it will still be wet only a different sort of wet.  Dr Station Cat advised her safe arrival in hotel in Wien yesterday - nice hotel and she has a good view of the dustbins out the back; well whaddya expect from a bargain break in a 4* hotel?


I am promised some sort of proper breakfast - which is rather nice as both offspring are out (laddo has gone to footie in Norwich).


Have a good day one and all and hope you don't suffer from the return of the less pleasant weather.

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Well it's grey and though it's about 11C the wind is about 26mph so no cycling today.   Less wind from tomorrow but back to rain again, so it'll be waterproofs and the MTB to get round the circuit I think.


Still I can make a restart on my NLR 440T, which had stalled a bit til the recent arrival of sundry nickel and brass lengths from Eileen's Emporium.  But not til after breakfast!  Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on toasted muffins with an espresso coffee chaser I think!


Hope the weekend is going well wherever you are. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Will there be pictures, Mike?

I hope so, although 'On The Beautiful Blue Wheelie bin' doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

Perhaps they will be doing the Tritsch Trash Polka.

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  • RMweb Premium

MOrning - no, afternoon all.


A very windy rock today (expernal - the curry didn't do much damage), force 9 - 10 but dry currently despite rain forecast.


Mrs H looking at changing the hob in the campervan, which will mean changing the basin, which will mean changing the worktop........oh dear, it's only 3 years old and she wants to tear it apart.  Not sure what to use for a new worktop, usual kitchen stuff is too thick and heavy.  Not a job I'm looking forward to.


Haven't gone to Groudle as I am now coughing in sympathy with Mrs H and it's inspection stations at work next week again so thought I had better not risk making it any worse.


Having said it was dry it is now raining horizontally.  Man cave time I think.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Sorry I've not been around, due to other matters of all sorts that have taken all of my attention - so sorry that I've not had any time at all to get caught up since my last visit - however, a quick scan of who's here doesn't seem to be missing anybody, so I'll just offer general ERs wide wishes for everything (including health) and best wishes for any good news that I've missed - I remember when a four day catch up only meant reading a couple of dozen posts - my how things have changed.


Finally got the fridge fixed with two new doors and three new drawers - and as I've got insurance, I suspect that this will be the last major repair, as the cost of the parts and labour on this occasion are certain to be more than the cost of the machine.  However, a single payment of about fifty quid this year has resulted in a repair valued at probably £200 plus, so I'm not complaining.


Korma's in the oven now, as I'm on leftover dinners duty, and there's a timer going somewhere so I need to see what's what.


Regards to All


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I was watching a fight on TV and a game of ice hockey broke out

Not in Olympic hockey you weren't! Penalty for fighting there is to be tossed from the game. What I find so remarkable about hockey is that the players have to master another sport (skating) to a high level before they can start on hockey skills.

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