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  • RMweb Premium

I do orchestration arrangements now Ian - in fact I take a lot of my inspiration from old Alexander Korda films. It's cheaper now, a large orchestra lives in my Imac and they don't require beer breaks - if you've ever been in the bar at Abbey Road when the LPO have a ten minute break you'll understand the meaning of trampled underfoot....


I too enjoyed that little movie - it's like it was a different world entirely back then, of course.


Best, Pete.



try the bar in the Victoria Commercial Hotel round the back of Leeds Town Hall when the Black Dyke Band finish their concert...  no prisoners are taken and the beer is consumed prestissimo  ( her indoors musical training is very useful.... and for the non musical among us it means ,,,, Very Fast)

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Had a busy day demonstrating at Bolton show (Association of Larger Scale Railway Modellers)  today - lots of hands on - at one point had two people weathering at once.....


Then out for a proper curry - the ones with no rice lots of meat/veg and.... a roti .. yummy!  


Have a good week everyone... 

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  • RMweb Premium

The metal was much thicker in those days. We bought a "bitser" mini from a neighbour, who had done it up. The registration was 808MKJ, but at 20 years old the metal was thick and healthy everywhere.

I had an early mini, 8763 MT. The previous owner had fitted a new clutch, the problem was he had omitted to replace the lock washer to the flywheel. It was not long before the flywheel parted company with the transmission and destroying the bell housing in the process. For those not familiar with minis the clutch was fitted between the engine and the flywheel, this was to enable the drive to be taken down to the gearbox in the sump. The car was eventually passed to the local technical college for the trainee motor mechanics to practice on.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.

A day of sunshine - just right for painting the goods shed for Camel Quay.

Managed to watch a bit of the winter Olympics and FA Cup match.

And just about managed to catch up on here, too.

Pretty good day, then.


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try the bar in the Victoria Commercial Hotel round the back of Leeds Town Hall when the Black Dyke Band finish their concert...  no prisoners are taken and the beer is consumed prestissimo  ( her indoors musical training is very useful.... and for the non musical among us it means ,,,, Very Fast)




try the bar in the Victoria Commercial Hotel round the back of Leeds Town Hall when the Black Dyke Band finish their concert...  no prisoners are taken and the beer is consumed prestissimo  ( her indoors musical training is very useful.... and for the non musical among us it means ,,,, Very Fast)

AHH ! ! ! brass bands and beer. . .Durham Big Meeting . . .


Good musicians marching onto the race-course . . .Total rubbish coming off ! ! ! !

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Morning All,

A confusing day ahead, perhaps. Depending upon which iPAD/iPhone app I use, the weather here today will either be nice and sunny OR overcast with drizzle. Making planning today's walks with Schotty a "challenge".


Anyway, off now to walk the HM, then back for breakfast for two (me and dog) and a snooze (also me and dog).


Have a good'un



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  • RMweb Premium


the Black Dyke Band



NOW we're talking brass!


And we're talking a champion band who gained their name long before it had any other connotations.  If they started today there'd be a couple of significant social groups I can think of who might object!

Edited by Gwiwer
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Good morning all, 


Seems like weekends are getting shorter?   But at least I did manage to get a bit of modelling done, 


Lets hope the weather is kind to all this coming week. 


Try to find something to smile at, 






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Cloudy with traces of sunshine, which is nice. Kittens just got breakfast and are through their morning round of playing. They seem to take great delight in jumping off from us humans with their claws extended!

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I've strayed into the car park a few times to grab a sly photo or two Pete, does that count...? ;)



The security guy "lives" behind the window to the right of the front door when looking up the steps. If you then turn to the right - the old house immediately to the right houses 5 rather nice apartments owned by the group. I lived in one of them for a while - which is handy because food is available at Abbey Road nearly 24 hours (good, too) and then the bar is way more interesting to hang out at.

One late evening when I was there there were two of us drinking. The other guy was liberally covered in grease and I assumed he was one of the janitorial staff. It turned out that his Ferrari had broken down earlier that day on Tower Bridge - which is how he got filthy - it was Dave Gilmour.


Happy times...  Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning All,


Yes Trev, I agree - weekends appear to be getting shorter!


The weather is rather cold and foggy this morning, with the temperature hovering around freezing.  We had a very strange afternoon of weather yesterday - bright sunshine interspersed with torrential rain showers and a very strange yellowish light, which usually signifies hail - but we didn't have any.  There was a hail storm nearby though, because it caused a pile up on the motorway.


Today looks like a day of testing and meetings - followed by a trip to the Dentist this afternoon.  What joy!


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning

Today I shall mainly be doing..domestics..her indoors is on half term hold..so first up ..drop her car off at garage for servicing..

Take her shopping

Pump out garden

Do some modelling...

Collect car

Meet my mentee

Find out who Sunderland will play in the FA cup



As the meerkats say...simples....

Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, of the grey and mizzly type on FR.  Only gentle precipitation, that counts as sunny these days.  Mind you, it was genuinely sunny most of yesterday when I was down the Glen, however it started raining as we walked back to the car park (No vehicular access to the business end).


Started the day with Mrs H poorly, chest infection, barking away all night, then when I got to work I 'improved' matters by spilling milk all over the office and myself, not a great beginning to the day.  If there's a smell later you know who it is.


Seems funny seeing folk talk about South Shields show and me not having been showing/taking part in it!  12 years.....  I'm going back there next month for a few days, it will have been 8 years since I ventured 'home'.  No ties there now bar a few friends.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, yes the weekend does fly by even when your retired!

Spent yesterday sorting/ordering stuff for the layout which will be here when I return from holiday(more on that later) dry at the moment with rain forecast, hardly a surprise.


Enjoy the day

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Some blue sky pictures for a wet Monday morning, taken on our recent Caribbean Cruise:-


Barbados Quay



Parliament Building



They still have Woolies in Barbados!



Sunrise: Barbados



Ventura at Barbados



More later, you lucky people!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well Sherry's pics are certainly sunny - as it is here. Only about 6 degrees so far, but we may see double figures later. I even took Varian's rug off in anticipation of the sun, so she's bound to have a good old roll in all that mud during the day. I will need to pay close attention when brushing here tonight.


Still beavering away building bents for the trestle. I think I can now get to just over 8'. The prototype was 476' long, so in quarter-inch scale that's almost 10', which I think will be a bit unwieldy for a sectional layout. I shall not quite reach the same height, either - a scale 60' instead of 96'. I'll be posting something as a new thread soon.


Hope your week goes well.

Edited by Oldddudders
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I did warn you....


This was one of the best days of the holiday for me when we travelled on the St Kitts Railway:-



The conductor



The view from the train



Schoolchildren waving to the passengers



A bridge which we'd already crossed











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  • RMweb Premium

NOW we're talking brass!


And we're talking a champion band who gained their name long before it had any other connotations.  If they started today there'd be a couple of significant social groups I can think of who might object!

They had protests when they visited the USA IIRC.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back to normal after a rather trying weekend.


i was meant to be working on the ranges at the British Shooting Show this weekend, and after a very successful day on Friday I was up at sparrow's f*rt to get onto site before the punters arrived.


As I was driving down the A46, I started seeing flashing lights.


No it was not the police, but my right eye, and the flashes were occurring when I moved my head.


I also got a flurry of 'floaters' into my right eye.


Having been advised by my ophthalmologist to seek medical attention should this ever happen,  I turned around and presented myself to A&E at University hospital, Coventry.


My concern was that I  was in the process of detaching the retina, but fortunately this was not the case, and after four hours of having prods, pokes and ever increasingly strong doses of dilatory drugs being put into the eyes, plus being escalated through various members of the quackery until I  finally reached the Consultant.


He was satisfied that I had suffered a Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) where the jelly like substance in the eye detaches from the back of the eye.  The floaters being debris from the detachment, and the flashes because the retina is, naturally, very sensitive to light and sudden changes.  but the whole process does closely resemble the much more serious retinal detachment.


This has now happened to both eyes, the first being in 2010, when my eye problems started, hence the slightly concerned/ verging on panic mode i adopted.  and it took the left eye around 2 years before the floaters broke down enough to be unnoticable.


PVD is not uncommon in those with severe short sight, and is not a very serious condition, so I only report this to other ERs just in case it happens to any of you.


Of course the down side was losing two days on the range and the eyes being so full of dilatory drugs that I had to organize both wife and son to drive from Telford to Coventry to collect me and the car.


There was no way I could drive as everything was definitely a blur, and it lasted well over 24 hours, which was pretty boring as everything was out of focus so reading, using machinery or even watching the television was out of the question.  Thank goodness for radio.


Of course I'm fighting fit this morning, my only wish being that I could capture some of the floaters and reproduce them as paintings/drawings, as they would be worth a fortune to a collector of serious modern art!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,it looks grey outside and a bit chilly. After snake wrangling yesterday fluffies today. I was excessively brave yesterday and turfed the false water cobra out of its smelly pit and gave it a good clean, it didn't 'hood' at me so it must have been in a good mood. Going to Winchester on wednesday to pick up their owner hopefully without flooding.

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