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The wind's rattling things round here. Sandy's just driven 8 miles to get the hair done and there's branches down but no trees.


The fruits of my book purchasing (five) have landed on the doormat in the last couple of days - two have been appropriated because of the building drawings.


On the cards today is a visit to the caravan storage to check for damage, then to the camping shop ho just happen to have an open day, then to son's.


Dog has had her last antibiotic, infection cleared.


For those who need to, a speedy recovery. For those of us modelling, hope we get some done.

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Good morning all,

Another very wet & windy night with slight ingress of water again chez GB. ...........................


Same here! Drew back the lounge curtains to find the main 'phone sitting in a puddle on the window sill! I think it has come in through the edge of the window frame as the wall looks damp, possibly due to the effects of the wind on the rain, if you follow my drift. (no snow yet!!)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all

Woken by rain battering the windows but I have decided the rain has had enough fun....

Nowt officially to do today..more paperwork to do before next Wednesday so...

Stay warm/cool,dry and safe wherever you are.


Barry o

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An inspection of the garden showed one of our concrete fence posts leaning at a rather jaunty angle. I've wedged it back upright and went next door (nice neighbours) as I wanted to ask his advice about replacing the post as I didn't want to affect their decking. My neighbour was in the middle of one of "those mornings". A man was cleaning their oven (the door hasn't fallen off yet!), three small girls were arguing about who had allowed the dog to eat one of their breakfasts, the dog looked as if it was going to be sick... My neighbour said her husband had said he would fix the fence for me when he returns from work next weekend. Tom builds garage forecourts so he has concrete demolishing tools. I only wanted his advice but I suspect he would like it done "properly".  



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Morning gang. Suffice to say we had a rather windy night but not much by way of obvious damage. By some minor miracle we still have a garden fence (at least I think we do, I haven't been behind the garage to check that bit) and we may have acquired a Jewson's bulk bag - we found it blowing around last night and none of ours seem to be out of place so it could be an intruder. It's actually quite a nice morning too with the big black clouds being blown over before they can do any damage. Unlike last night when I was standing ten meters or so from the front door at work and getting somewhat wet thanks to the rain blowing in horizontally. I hope those of you with damage are able to fix things quickly.

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Morning All,


It is very strange weather at the moment.  Nothing like the UK is experiencing, but very strange for the time of year.  If I didn't know better, I would say that it is currently April.


Oh well, time to head upstairs and stick some tiles back on the wall!


Have a good day everyone...

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Kept awake last night by the 'clattering' of the tiles on the roof. When I had some of the timbers and the felt replaced last year the roofer told me that the wind can get under the type of tiles on my house and this what was causing the clattering. A quick look with the binoculars this morning showed everything to be OK.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back in the game.  I unfollowed for a while as I couldn't keep up with the rate of post notifications.  Then the Dawlish thread put this one in the shade and I simply turned off all notifications across the site.


So - I sincerely hope everyone is safe, as dry as can be and not taking undue risks in the weather.  There's been a few interesting vids of the old village (Newlyn) looking more like Niagara Falls with huge seas pouring over the stone parapet of the lower bridge.  Flooding in the village is of itself nothing new.


It's been a week here.  Started with a superb weekend away which then required a drive home on Sunday through the middle of some rather large bush fires around the town of Morwell.  That unsettled the Good Lady far more than it did me - driving through thick brown smoke isn't a lot different to driving through thick Cornish fog and I've done that many a time.  Often with paying passengers on board as well trusting my judgement that the "swirl" just ahead was in fact fog and not a stray sheep and that I might manage to somehow also keep to the timetable.


Monday : Learned that an hour after we came through all routes via Morwell were closed as the bush fires took a hold and claimed numerous houses in their path plus a paper mill and an archery range;

Tuesday : Another acute attack of the gouty arthritis which has afflicted me in recent years and inevitably means a day on medication.  That in turn means no driving as it comes with a warning and I get the well-known side effects of dizziness and wayward co-ordination.

Wednesday : Back at work only to spit out a broken tooth during a conversation which required an early departure from the employment;

Thursday : Rang around and found a suitable dentist able to see me at shortish notice - no work as unable to speak sensibly without shredding my tongue; cancelled Valentine's Day meal.

Friday : Tooth repaired - much to my amazement as I was sure its mortal remains were scheduled for enforced removal.  Also the leg and first-born were not required in payment and only half the arm.  Impressed.  Got home to be told SWMBO had left her purse, iPad and other personalia at the restaurant she and friends had visited the previous night - it was handed in but required a 150km round trip to collect.  As soon as I felt OK to drive!  Drove into town, collected items and was promptly offered an early dinner for my trouble and on account of the date!  Valentine's Day meal reinstated as I managed soft pasta without too much drool and dribble!

Saturday : SMWBO has come down with severe cold.  I cancelled a trip out tonight ten minutes before the party itself was cancelled by the host due to his being rushed into hospital.

Sunday (tomorrow as I write) : Lunch with friends already cancelled due to the continued indisposition of SWMBO.  More domestic TLC duties for me.  Wonder what else is going to go wrong ......... 

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning, not such a bad night here after yesterday afternoon's deluge and gales.


Breezy now and dull, but no showers that have done much.  I hope to get out into the garden to fit a new waterproof socket for the koi pond pump, Mrs H managed to demolish the existing one by opening the lid too far and cracking the plastic enclosure in half.....sigh.  I suppose it had become brittle, but I'm not sure how you can break it in half!  It has an armoured cable to it so that will be a swine to make off again, I seem to recall fitting it in the first place was a job and a half.  The pond needs to be pumped out as it is overflowing like the Thames into the surrounding walled area and killing all the planting.


Off to re-write our will now, as one of the beneficiaries is no longer the person we once thought he was. :butcher:

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Afternoon, a busy morning today picking up a couple of parcels, petrol etc. Caught up with the news re the weather and it seems more is due sadly.


Shame to hear of the death of Sir Tom Finney who most people will have heard of even if they don't follow football, 91 is not a bad age though.


No damage here weather wise thank goodness.


Enjoy the day and be safe

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See my post in "Dawlish Washout" of this morning. It'll be complacent to assume that the worst is over.........two big storms leaving the East Coast this weekend. One of which looks potentially very nasty (even if it looks rather "mild" right now.


Don't take me to seriously, Tony. My entire maternal family are/were "Kentish Folk" - centred on Bredgar.


More snow today but only 4 inches hopefully - I'm going to a birthday party in Lebanon tonight................


Best, Pete.

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More snow today but only 4 inches hopefully - I'm going to a birthday party in Lebanon tonight................


Best, Pete.

Long way to go for a party isn't it Pete?

(heads for door checking Kevlar armour in place)...

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We forget about the earnings power of "older" performers (see Ian's note on Victor Borge). Which is why I always take with a pinch of salt data about today's earnings of little dweebs with no staying power.


I happen to know for a fact that a certain band from the sixties ( - I'm not naming for obvious reasons but you can guess) when their complete catalogue was finally released on CD it was outselling the entire rest of EMI's total catalogue on CD added together. That was 30 years after they broke up.


Best, Pete.

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Afternoon all,

It appears to be the calm after the storm. Garden fence survived but we seemed to lose a Jewson's bulk bag to the wind.  :jester:

The children's 6' wide trampoline went rolling down the garden at one point. 

Anyway whilst tidying up the garden this morning notice that the bluebells I planted last autumn are starting to pop shoots above the ground. The roses I planted seem to have some new leaves too. This inspired me to pot on the Sweet Peas that have been getting a bit straggly on the lounge windowsill. 


Neil, sorry to hear the action you've had to take. Must have been a painful set of circumstances that led to this. 


Anyway, it's officially "house tidying day" so have to dash. 


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MiL chat didn't last long today - but I will have to call again later. As of several months ago, her poor eyesight meant Social Services were supposed to visit one hour per day. In all honesty, this doesn't work wonderfully, because there are several visitors involved and continuity is lost. You might think she would tell them what she wants them to do each day - but her brain is now so addled that she can't remember to do that. Now the daily visits seem to be tailing off, no-one today, and when she managed to ring up, was told brightly that there would be someone on Monday. So today she had had no breakfast - couldn't find the bowl for the muesli. I wondered if it might be in the dishwasher? So she fumbled her way there - and there are 4 dirty bowls in the dishwasher, which hasn't been put on, because she can't see to do tasks like that any more. You see what I mean about continuity......

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What exactly does it look like? And are you offering a reward for its safe return  :imsohappy: :P


You'll know it when you see it. I sewed a roll of tightly wrapped £50 notes into the handles for safe keeping.  :jester:

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