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Ian my like above was for the cat taking an interest in your loco not your Ebay problem



  No problem - actually the eBay problem deserves a like/funny and all kinds of things besides <sigh>

If it wasn't for the fact I really WANTED the loco in the first place I'd not be so generally annoyed by the whole process - I bought the thing back on December, and I'd just like my money back so I can go buy something else !!! $!@$!@$!@$ !   !#@$!@$!@$!@$   !@$!@$!@$!@$   and words to that effect...


As an aside, I'm probably going to post in the classifieds, but anyone who has or knows of someone selling a Hornby "City of Wells" or "Winston Churchill" have them contact me!

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  • RMweb Gold

Do you know just how long it takes to dry your trousers under a warm air hand dryer..............................


But I won't go into any detail here lest I offend any sensitivities.

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It's forecast to go down to minus 7C here tonight, feeling like minus 16C with the windchill. What's that all about?? This is Vancouver!!

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  • RMweb Premium


Do you know just how long it takes to dry your trousers under a warm air hand dryer..............................

................... in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur



Funnily enough .......... errrrrrr ......... yes.  Having stepped off the Dubai flight from Melbourne for a 90-minute refuelling of both aircraft and lungs.  Nice little garden in the middle of the terminal buildings rather a la Singapore airport but lacking the finesse.  Both in tropical heat and humidity of course but at KL there were sprays and fountains of water directed less than accurately towards the ground resulting in embarrassingly wet patches to the clothing.


And with precious little time to spare before resuming the wait in the departure lounge at which point it might have been considered inappropriate to display moist groinal patches. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Talking of wet patches it's been raining again but is warmer at 8oC. Forecast today is starting out with some bright spells then getting very wet & windy towards noon.

My forecast about Chris not returning to work was wrong - at 4.45 she was up as usual & you wouldn't know that for the last 3 days she's been unwell. Also wrong about the kids not coming after school - they are! - so it's back to normal in my little corner of the universe.

Nothing much planned for this morning so I may do some ballasting.

Many thanks to BoD for the apple pie - I think I've put a couple of pounds back on just thinking about it! :crazy:

Have a good one,


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It appears from reports coming in that the entire population of trees in Cornwall has decided overnight that horizontal, rather than vertical, is their preferred orientation.  Friends currently cut off on the outskirts of Penzance as their lane is blocked by several very large specimens and that's the only access.    Many buses and trains not running in the south west.


If you must go out take care and expect disruption.

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  • RMweb Premium


Up early as her indoors is off for her pre school swim.

Car in for service/not today.

Lots to do but hpe to be back later with some photographs.

Have a good day!

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Morning all , the site seemed to be down earlier... any way it's hump day!  


Just seen the UK weather !!!!!  Then my  "Snow Bird" GF is moaning that the Florida East coast is covered in fog.... here it's just HOT!


Stay safe and try to stay dry today folks, 



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Good morning, London weekend away was good, train travel excellent. The only downside was that Nordicana (Nordic Noir festival) was very poor. We should have guessed that something was amiss when the doors didn't open at 9.30 as specified, we got in past 10. Too may tickets had been sold (the 3rd party ticketing agency was blamed for selling at least 400 tickets too many), yet they were still selling on the door. Health and safety was severely compromised - a fast evacuation for fire would have been very difficult. The rows of seats were jammed too tightly together - when someone wanted to get by you had to stand on your plastic seat. Disability access poor and disabled loo not signed - it was backstage. Women's loos had no paper I'm told. There were sound and vision problems. Good to see Sidse and Pilau from Borgen, and Kim and Sofia from The Bridge, though. The whole event felt like a jumble sale organised by sixth formers (apologies to wonderful 6th form event organisers). I and many others have requested a refund but who knows when, if ever.

A shame because Nordic Noir was supposed to banish winter blues (Edinburgh is as far north as Malmo, further north than Copenhagen).

So a good weekend spoiled.

Nice day today, though!



Sorry to hear that Mal.  Having read your first post, Mrs S and I were very close to buying tickets for Sunday, but eventually other commitments meant it was not to be.  Sounds like we didn't miss much. Saddened for you though having travelled so far...


Breakfast wise, I'm a creature of habit.  Just cereal and orange juice plus the various pills that medical science have dictated I need...


Quite bleary eyed this morning as our house alarm went off at 2.45am.  It takes a few seconds to get your bearings once you are woken from a deep sleep and the noise is deafening.  First reaction is to run blindly downstairs to switch it off and hope you haven't woken all the neighbours, but halfway down the reality kicks in and what if it isn't a false alarm...


Thankfully it was, but I have yet to discover the cause.  It can be something as small as a spider crawling over a PIR sensor, but I'm guessing this was a door contact on the garage.  I was out there yesterday and may not have shut the up and over door 100% and with the wind last night it was sufficient just to take the door contacts out of magnetic range and bingo.  Of course it then takes a while for your body to settle after your heart has been pounding.


Alarms can be reassuring, but they can be unnerving in the middle of the night.  My dear lady was always relieved that it never went off when I used to be away on business and she was on her own...

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Morning All,


It is another grey and chilly morning here, but that was made up for by the fact that it was a beautiful clear evening yesterday, with a very good view of the stars.  Jupiter is extremely bright at the moment.


I am currently suffering from a dose of man 'flu.  Sore throat, stuffed up nose and mild cough.  However, my Girlfriend has got it worse than me - she's at home in bed with an extremely nasty case of pharyngitis.


Roll on Spring!  (He says, once again)


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a blustery day here in Hampshire. 

Power dipped a couple of times in the night.


With the MiL off the NE corner of Spain I note that the sea state for Fitzroy and Biscay is "high to phenomenal". Phenomenal isn't a word the Met Office used on the outbound leg. :fie: They are creeping along at 11 knots. ETA may have been pushed back a day, too. 


Coughs and colds abound but as Mick points out the days are drawing out. My Sweet Peas are all growing as are most of the chillis. No sign of the Naga Jolokia germinating though - perhaps that is for the best.  :devil:


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Feeling ghastly this morning: third night "on the trot" that senior dog has suffered noctural tummy troubles......mercifully there`s been no mess or anything beastly; just her asking to go out for relief.........rudely awoken 6 times during last night, so appearing cheery today might be a bit of a struggle. :lazy:

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Sorry to hear that Mal.  Having read your first post, Mrs S and I were very close to buying tickets for Sunday, but eventually other commitments meant it was not to be.  Sounds like we didn't miss much. Saddened for you though having travelled so far...

Morning, thanks for your message, Gordon. Some good news on this front - Arrow Films emailed very late last night to say that they would be refunding within 48 hours. I hope they do more Nordicana events but ensure they're organised properly. Arrow sub-contracted to an events organiser (who usually do music & film premieres) who sub-contracted ticket sales to an online firm based in San Francisco.

A little wet and windy here but nowhere near as bad as in the south west.

Have a good day


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Sorry to hear that Debs - hope that senior Dog recovers soon.


With the MiL off the NE corner of Spain I note that the sea state for Fitzroy and Biscay is "high to phenomenal". Phenomenal isn't a word the Met Office used on the outbound leg. :fie: They are creeping along at 11 knots. ETA may have been pushed back a day, too. 


I am glad I am not in the middle of the Bay of Biscay!  Looking at marine traffic, the buoy at Phare NE - North West of Ouessant is reporting 45 knot winds - That's Force 9 :O

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, getting lighter in the mornings now as well as staying light after 5.00pm. I always feel better when there is some sunshine. Happy hump day.


Sorry to hear that Debs - hope that senior Dog recovers soon.



I am glad I am not in the middle of the Bay of Biscay!  Looking at marine traffic, the buoy at Phare NE - North West of Ouessant is reporting 45 knot winds - That's Force 9 :O

...with 11m waves. The draft of the ship is 7m. 

Spoke to the shipping line travel centre and they've pushed back ETA by 12 hours. 

Come to think of it when they left I asked if they could bring back a doggy bag from the ship's midnight curry club. Better text her and remind her of that - sure she'll be wanting to think about food at the moment. LOL. 

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Sorry to hear about your poor pooch this morning Debs.  I thought we had a tough night, but yours sounds much worse.  Fingers crossed the old fella improves quickly.


Glad to hear you got a refund Mal.  Had I known that Sidse was going to be there, that would have tipped the balance.  We finished the first series of Borgen last night, with series 2 and 3 arriving today.  At the rate we're watching these programmes they'll be gone in no time.  I saw there is a new Belgian series 'Salamander' starting in the 9pm slot on Saturday on BBC4.  No doubt we'll give it a try, but trailers would suggest it will fall short of the Danish standards of excellence...


Never watched so much TV.

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