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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. There should be a law against Mondays!


Jam, I can imagine what you're talking about. Such rollercoasters of emotion can be too much to bear even for the strongest of souls. Fingers crossed the new job which looks to be on the horizon will indeed materialise!

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Morning all,  first working day of a new month!  (Where did January go?)  My Stress levels can get pretty high too, Jam so you have my sympathies.


Yesterday wasnt to bad and some how without realising it I managed to walk around three and a half miles. That did though lead to a long Sunday afternoon snooze.  

Now today have to persuade a particularly ***** client that  11,000 volt electricity is something you don't mess with!  Just looking at a bit of wire strung between a hand full of    poles across his factory site does not constitute safe testing!..


Whatever you're up to today, 


Try to find something to smile about. 



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Morning All,


I too, am left wondering what happened to January.


The weather is not particularly inspiring this morning - it seems to be the normal grey that we have had for the past few weeks.  Still, at least it is dry.  It is quite cold too - but there was the first sign that the days are getting longer so that can only be a good thing!


Have a good one everybody...

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Your evening sounds like much more fun.  Just wasted an hour of my life watching Top Gear.  Even as a petrol head, TG has gone past it's sell by date….


Total garbage.


Congrats on Saturday's result.  Seems your private coaching of young Adam is working wonders…:-)

I watch Fifth Gear ocassionally over here  - only because I've become fascinated by Butler-Henderson's thighs as she changes gear, otherwise she's really not my type at all.

Top Gear lost the plot several seasons ago...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Still dark but it hasn't rained overnight.

I went into the garage and moved a few buildings around and stuffed some filler into a platform base. That at least was a start. I may go out and see if the filler has dried today!



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You did that in my garage and you'll probably end up with frost-bite.

No wonder we all have (in this area) cozy basements.


Btw you'll be pleased to hear that I've kicked the morphine habit...and I'm on E-Cigs too.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Good for you, Pete! (and it will be) Stay strong!


A lifelong smoking friend of ours from Staffs was introduced to E cigs by another friend whilst staying with us and is still using them, 18 months later!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all

Dull but dry here & 5oC, will be breezy  & cloudy with some sunny periods - possibly.

Taken tea to Chris who is not & happy bunny - more of a coughing & spluttering one & has been all night. She doesn't "do" illness so today should be fun.

I await my instructions,

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, light enough outside to see grey clouds and fluffy white ones. Been a quiet weekend really which was required because with two days out training there is going to be a lot of work crammed into the rest of the time before the holiday.

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Pete, a colleague at work took to e-cigs and by 12 weeks he had given up smoking.

I bought a nicotine mouth spray. It came in three diminishing strengths and before I had finished the first (strongest) vial I  had quit smoking altogether. This after 54 years of continual heavy (30+ a day) smoking


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I still get the nicotine "hit" but no "tar" or "smoke" and my Wife says I smell a whole lot better.....(I never smoked in the house though, I realized how stupid I was when I went out for a drag at the height of a Hurricane... Using V2's.

You did well, Don.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up everyone!


11.5 hours of cricket yesterday is taking its toll

Watched a bit of the Superbowl but gave it up as it looked one sided (and it was)

Have great week starting now everyone.

Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


After a bright and sunny day, we have another bright and sunny day! A bit of a chilly breeze - but hey it's early Feb!


Good to hear of smokers losing the habit. Never did smoke ciggies, but used to puff on small cigars in the pub, occasionally indoors. Haven't done so in a decade. Pete's mention of morphine is a bit more perplexing.


Hope your week goes well.

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  • RMweb Premium

I watch Fifth Gear ocassionally over here  - only because I've become fascinated by Butler-Henderson's thighs as she changes gear, otherwise she's really not my type at all.

Top Gear lost the plot several seasons ago...


Best, Pete.

If memory serves me right a couple of colleagues of mine once persuaded her to drape herself across their Scimitar when she was filming at our workplace ahd have her photo taken. Actually that sounds more "oo-er" than it was meant to. :O  

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  • RMweb Premium

Anyway, morning all.

A thundery day here - more related to my mood than the local weather. See "this thread" for why! 


On a cheerier note it's my daughter's birthday today. 5 minutes ago I was cuddling her whilst the midwife attended to swmbo. Where did so many years go?! I'm seeing a few heads nodding sagely at that. 


Busier at work at the moment so time to drop in and say hello is getting squeezed, for which I apologise.

The MiL is now on the last leg of her Caribbean cruise and about to transit Tafalgar, Biscay, Fitzroy. Sea state "high". Hoping she doesn't chuck up in the car when I pick her up at the docks later in the week. 


Anyway, better get on with the week. Have a good one everybody, Andy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the support everyone, I feel much calmer this morning!

Got my first cuppa of the day so until that's finished i'll be a zombie for a little while longer.

And yes, what on earth did happen to January? All I remember is the first week being busy from Christmas bookings at work, and me deciding to get back into this hobby.

Well, better fast than horribly slow I guess! Work wise it looks like a lot of shifts this week, with my day off on Friday. Let's hope I have enough time to do this logo!


As for smoking, working in a pub everybody smokes (I can't blame them, it's the way they actually get a break). I've never wanted to, and never do want to try though. I don't really see any benefit whatsoever, and when I see young people smoking at work I wonder why...

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  • RMweb Gold

When I was young there was a pub frequented by drug addicts they would be hanging around outside in all weathers taking fixes. Whenever I see smokers hanging around office doorways it reminds me so much of that pub with its junkies. I am so glad I gave up smoking years ago. Now I can see what a waste it was. My sister learned to roll cigarettes at about 12 for our grandad who had problems after a stroke but fortunately never took up smoking.



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Anyway, morning all.

A thundery day here - more related to my mood than the local weather. See "this thread" for why! 


On a cheerier note it's my daughter's birthday today. 5 minutes ago I was cuddling her whilst the midwife attended to swmbo. Where did so many years go?! I'm seeing a few heads nodding sagely at that. 


Busier at work at the moment so time to drop in and say hello is getting squeezed, for which I apologise.

The MiL is now on the last leg of her Caribbean cruise and about to transit Tafalgar, Biscay, Fitzroy. Sea state "high". Hoping she doesn't chuck up in the car when I pick her up at the docks later in the week. 


Anyway, better get on with the week. Have a good one everybody, Andy.

In the blink of an eye they are grown and gone.

Mornin all.


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