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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, damp with rain forecast as seems to be the norm these days.


See a cruise ship in the Caribbean is struck with some sort of virus again and is docking for a deep clean, feel sorry for those on board being ill when the sun is shining.


Re showers yep the plasterboards as we called them now available are waterproof resistant, no plaster in them  still "tanked" the board though.


Another dry morning in the conservatory so that leak seems sorted.


A free day at the moment until I have a chat with the other half then something will come up, of that I'm sure.


Enjoy your day

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  • RMweb Gold

See a cruise ship in the Caribbean is struck with some sort of virus again and is docking for a deep clean, feel sorry for those on board being ill when the sun is shining.



As of yesterday, no problems reported by Ashcombe! Not her ship, but visiting similar locations.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not wishing to be a harbinger of doom, but I see that A Royal Caribbean cruise liner has had to divert to Puerto Rico for 'deep cleansing' after 300 passengers fell ill.


One presumes they actually mean they have some form of gastro-enteritis.


I hope that this is not the ship that Ashers is currently embarked upon.




And as I typed the original, others were coming to the same conclusion and quickly posted.


I'm getting too slow in my dotage!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Dracula's daughter has done her worst - tablets for me(!)  - Its genetic says she.. so me (putting engineering head on) asks - so is any one looking at fixing this at source as it means it can go only get worse.....  ehmm just take the tablets.....


Have a great day - off to pump the garden out...

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Here's a shot out of the sixth floor apartment window downtown - two blocks away the main line crosses from Minnesota, just to the left of the picture out of shot, into North Dakota here, and to the right about 1/2 mile away is the main freight yard, barely see the loco crossing and it's not even "bad" in town here!!


attachicon.gifGrandForks Blizzard.jpg



Could it be this block Ian ? Taken in much better weather though .



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


More on the cruise ship here for those who are interested, looks like lots of stable door shutting is going on but at least it isn't Carnival Group this time round (and just as well for Ashers of course, good to here her ship is ok) -





We currently have sunshine but I suspect it will be no more than a brief interlude before rain returns but I'm going to be indoors anyway I suspect as after a jaunt round this part of the world it will be back to the Rule Book as it has to go back to my oppo today.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. A bright day here. For once! 


Interesting to hear yet another cruise ship has been stricken by a sicky bug.

The MiL tells me that Fred O line has crew members posted at the door to the dining room with sanitising gel. if you don't spray you don't eat. 

But, of course how do they enforce that level of hygiene when the passengers get off the boat to visit one of the cruise destinations. They probably pick up the bug and bring it back on board.


Talking of cruises I've received a wedding invite from a family friend who is getting hitched in the Loire valley (sounds painful!).

So, I'm looking at an overnight ferry crossing to St Malo, visit an old work colleague, wedding and then back to Blighty. Not quite on the scale of the cruise that Ashers and the MiL have undertaken, but the children are excited about going on a boat.


Also, just booked a trip to Rome to celebrate a significant birthday in the summer. In my mind I'm still at junior school, goofing off to the woods to build dens, go swimming, 11+ yet to come....!

Have a pleasant day everyone. Andy

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Thank you for the 26 'hearts' concerning family problems.

Not quite sure how to respond to Jamie who thought it was funny.

Maybe it was a case of hitting the wrong icon.


In a strange way MiL is in a better environment at present but will probably be discharged shortly.

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  • RMweb Premium

There may be no answers to family problems but there is always RMweb to share and vent.


Not without due consideration do I refer (away from SWMBO's hearing) to the Dragon-in-Law.  

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  • RMweb Gold

We are grateful that MiL has quite good health and is very astute financially. However she does like to be the centre of attention and she considers that if she wants something it takes priority over everything and everyone no matter how unreasonable! Aditi said her Dad often appeared to be inflexible but it was probably a way of coping! Matthew said he thinks his Gran is like a 7 year old with massive purchasing power.

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  • RMweb Premium

There may be no answers to family problems but there is always RMweb to share and vent.


Not without due consideration do I refer (away from SWMBO's hearing) to the Dragon-in-Law.  


Mmm, my wife has a step-dragon, I wonder if they may be related! :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


I'm all up to speed here - and hopefully I've not missed anything too important.  Am on dinner duty today, and hey what do you know, I found ALL the ingredients for a 45156 korma - some day I'm going to learn a new dish to serve up.


Regards to All



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  • RMweb Premium

alas I lost the DoB (Daft old Bat) some time ago but she was the best MiL I could have asked for..


Being an ex school teacher/head / advisor she had  "hens bum" expression which silenced most people but not me so we got on really well...


Thanks for the support good people now onwards (and upwards...as these pills have one nasty side affect....)


Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

alas I lost the DoB (Daft old Bat) some time ago but she was the best MiL I could have asked for..


Being an ex school teacher/head / advisor she had  "hens bum" expression which silenced most people but not me so we got on really well...


Thanks for the support good people now onwards (and upwards...as these pills have one nasty side affect....)


Barry O

What pills are you being put onto Barry?

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  • RMweb Premium

So, the oven door fell in half (again) yesterday. 

For those who weren't left permanetly scarred (hopefully that's all of you) by the story of the oven cleaning company who wrecked my oven shortly before the Christmas turkey was due to meet it's grisley end...an oven cleaning company did so much damage to the door and handle of the oven that it would no longer fit the oven. We managed to fix it - we thought - but this now appears to only have been a stop gap measure. The inner door fits to 2 brackets on the outer door using 2 very short self tapping screws. What appears to have happened is that the hole they screw in to has widened enough so there's no purchase on them any more. Hence the inner and outer doors parted company. 

We've ordered another inner door - the last one that we ordered was allegedly compatible, apart from the small matter of it being narrower and taller than the oven. £15 to return it. SWMBO has taken over the ordering process! 

This does mean my calorie intake has gone down but my blood pressure has gone up. 

The end result is that it's hob cooking tonight. I'm thinking pot roast lamb with boiled potatoes and a red wine sauce....

Local news - there's a large tree down blocking the road by the railway bridge next to the brewery in Alton. Now, if we all modeled that scenario then stationary cars on our layouts would look perfectly natural! 

Seeya later everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

So, the oven door fell in half (again) yesterday. 

For those who weren't left permanetly scarred (hopefully that's all of you) by the story of the oven cleaning company who wrecked my oven shortly before the Christmas turkey was due to meet it's grisley end...an oven cleaning company did so much damage to the door and handle of the oven that it would no longer fit the oven. We managed to fix it - we thought - but this now appears to only have been a stop gap measure. The inner door fits to 2 brackets on the outer door using 2 very short self tapping screws. What appears to have happened is that the hole they screw in to has widened enough so there's no purchase on them any more. Hence the inner and outer doors parted company. 

 ... Andy

If the holes that the self tappers fit into are on the outer door is it possible that you may need the next size up (in diameter) of self tapping screw anyway?

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  • RMweb Gold



Nip down to Tesco and get some of their indigestion relief tablets(generic and cheaper that the branded ones) - the bloody things make you burp and give you indigestion - ask me how I know!

Aditi mentioned some intestinal problems after she had been on Metformin for a while and her GP put her on a slow release version of the medication. Problem solved!

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  • RMweb Premium

With the millions spent on drugs why is it the Pharmaceutical industry can't fix a problem without giving you another?? 


As an engineer its a bit like me saying ... "well I can stop the vibrations in the turret by removing teh tracks... of course then you won't be able to move so..."


just think of the song "Theres' a hole in my bucket"



Anyway - I will take anything if it can help... well almost anything.....well most things....

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