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Evening all,


A quiet and profitable day, today. Mrs iD and the HM are in the mountains for a week for a winter break (Schotty adores snow...) and I have been able to finish the pub today (see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/81491-all-done-but-the-making-good-the-brunel-pub/) to the point I only have 4 grills to install and a little "making good" (Oy Vey. For you, let's call it done...). I also started tidying up the workshop.


As I have been cast as Sir Toby Belch in a semi-professional production of Twelfth Night, I will be hitting the folio and starting to learn my lines after I finish my quiet glass of Cider...


I wish you all a pleasant and (dare I say it?) productive modelling evening.



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Afternoon from Grand Forks, North Dakota! -18C now with blowing snow 40-50 mph winds, blizzard warning in effect, visibility approx 1/8 mile no travel advised, both main interstates are CLOSED - they actually have barriers on the entrance ramps and they're down...


Interesting driving around town for a few "store" items, blowing snow at this speed is rather bizarre up and down city streets that act like corridors and funnel the wind and blowing snow.


Other than "that", enjoying the visit with our daughter.


Did get to the local model railroad club yesterday, was nice to see a large working layout, albeit not BR style - they even volunteered to have me run some of my trains if I want to bring them next time I come, so may well just do that.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,



As I have been cast as Sir Toby Belch in a semi-professional production of Twelfth Night, I will be hitting the folio and starting to learn my lines after I finish my quiet glass of Cider...


What language will the production be in?

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Here's a shot out of the sixth floor apartment window downtown - two blocks away the main line crosses from Minnesota, just to the left of the picture out of shot, into North Dakota here, and to the right about 1/2 mile away is the main freight yard, barely see the loco crossing and it's not even "bad" in town here!!



Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Awoken at sparrow-fart by the hens squawking loudly.  That either means they're hungry, it's about to be a warm sunny day or there's a pest in the coup.  Items 1 and 2 applied.


Today I shall be mostly gardening followed by patching a small spot of ceiling where rain found its way through in the spring storms.  Then a trip to the beach (the 12" : 1' scale version ;) ) for a cooling swim.  BBQ and beer for tea tonight again, methinks.


Keep safe in the snows, wets, and winds of winter up there.

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  • RMweb Premium

Been a busy day...


got up early to go and fetch my computer and camera from "Grantham".. back for lunch then indoor cricket..


cream crackered so off to bed as I have to see Draculas side kick (the nurse) to early tomorrow...


Have a good Monday folks..

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I've just watched an amazing meteorological process. I looked out of the window and thought I was seeing smoke from a fire - a white stream a couple of hundred feet in the air, moving quickly west to east across the view. The start of it was hidden behind a tree. I moved across to see what was causing it. It wasn't smoke - it was a fog bank, streaming away from a specific point in midair. The wind is coming in off the ocean - it must be very moist and something at that point is causing the moisture to drop out.


(In the time it took me to type that, the process has stopped, and the fog bank, which was pretty thick, is almost all gone.)

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to hear of your shower problems Robert. I fitted quite a few while working as a plumber. These were the things I belived mattered.


A good base

Fill any gaps between the tray and the walls (cement works ok)

Use a proper waterproof adhesive not fix and grout

Spread a continous coat using a float then using the toothed side raise slight ridges but do not scrape back to the wall. Then fix the tiles. That way even if the grouting cracks there is no where for the water to go.

Leave until dry (three days is good especially of non prorous surfaces.)

Then grout use a decent grouting powder and mix your own. Ideaaly using a grouting float to press it in.

Wipe the excess of the tiles try not to wipe the joins. The leave to dry.

An old towel will clean the tiles off once dry.


Also these days they use a water resistant grade of plasterboard not actually plaster I think, in shower areas.


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  • RMweb Premium

Found the cause of the chicken disturbance.


At morning coffee the cat came in following a scuffling outside though without any inter-species contact.  It seems one of our Brushtail Possums had become firmly wedged between the fence and the trellis fixed to it.  They're nocturnal beasts so it's hard to know if he had decided that was bed for the night or was really stuck.


Either way he wasn't staying there as it offers a theoretical point of entry to the house via the cat flap.  Cats and possums also should not meet so we keep this part of the backyard as a normally secure cat run.  Possums are notoriously destructive in some situations and I have a lot of modelling kit in addition to the normal household furnishings and kitchenalia ..... ;)


"I'm a celebrity - get me out of here"




The usual lure to move a possum is peanut butter.  Not a natural food of theirs but they find it irresistible and it doesn't seem to harm them




Cute and furry they might be with huge beady eyes but this is why you don't pick them up.  Particularly when they're teasy and growling at you!




An hour later and with a small part of the trellis opened up to assist the process Poss was finally encouraged on his way :)



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It's going to be another hot one!

I can't remember when last I slept under a blanket.

Currently/recently I have been going to bed/sleep on top of the bed, then waking at about 2:00 feeling cool

I get under a sheet.

Only 28C forecast today.

I hope yours is as good!

The start of the 5th week of the year.

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Morning all,  28c here currently and heading for 31c ("real feel" 40c) later! .  After lunch at Cellulite City (aka the pool bar at the Sheraton),  a long snooze was called for....but I did manage to get a little bit of truck building done.  And took some photos with my new camera.


Had an email from my brother last night to say that mum (87) had fallen off her chair and managed to spread her lunch across the floor,  fortunately she had managed to get back on her chair but was pretty shaken up.  


Try and  survive what this Monday throws a you, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, we made stew yesterday so tonight and tomorrows meal is sorted. A grey sky outside but dry at present and mild again.I don't feel to be losing weight fast enough despite the exercise bike so I think it will have to be more diet food and not just portion size control. Friday was a bad day for kids behaviour so today will be pick up the pieces day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,
A bit fresh here at 3oC but dry at the moment. Scattered showers & sunny intervals are promised.
Managed to get three hours work done on the railway yesterday but forgot to test the track - idiot. Will do that today.
However that will have to wait because management wants to get out the house today for a while even if only to do some shopping because she feels she's becoming institutionalised! (She's not been out for about 66 hours)
Getting frustrated with this new laptop because I keep finding things it won't let me do easily or even at all :scratchhead:. :banghead:  :help:   Definitely need my IT guru's help but he can't come round for a few days.

Have a good one,





Edit to add that it is no longer dry!

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  • RMweb Gold

 Getting frustrated with this new laptop because I keep finding things it won't let me do easily or even at all :scratchhead:. :banghead:  :help:   Definitely need my IT guru's help but he can't come round for a few days.



If the new laptop is Win 8 or 8.1 some of the things that you might want to do aren't quite where you might have thought if you are used to Win 7. I was a bit embarrassed when I first had Win 8 as I couldn't work out how to shut the PC down (other than using the power button). I swap quite happily between PCs with Win 7 and 8 now. Is your new laptop a touchscreen model?

Edited by Tony_S
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morning all,cold and wet,saw some of the white stuff on the way in....ache this morning,did the assult course otherwise know as the jungle with my little lad yesterday....dont know whos the more tied!! managed to get a bit of modeling done too,made a start on a wd 2 8 0 ,allways wanted one so here goes! my better half said does that mean more scratching noises.... 

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  • RMweb Gold

If the new laptop is Win 8 or 8.1 some of the things that you might want to do aren't quite where you might have thought if you are used to Win 7. I was a bit embarrassed when I first had Win 8 as I couldn't work out how to shut the PC down (other than using the power button). I swap quite happily between PCs with Win 7 and 8 now. Is your new laptop a touchscreen model?


Not touchscreen & is Windows 8.1 I've got XP & Vista on my old machines &  found them quite user Bob friendly. At least 8.1 has had a start button added which helps but I think it' going to take me a while to get used to it.

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Morning All,


I am a bit later on parade this morning.  I got to work at the usual time, but I am unsure where the morning has gone!


At least the weather is sunny today - we have blue sky which makes such a difference.


Friday was a bad day for kids behaviour so today will be pick up the pieces day.


Was it a windy day?  I seem to remember reading somewhere that teachers have a lot more problems with the kids on windy days.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Horses certainly respond badly to windy conditions - why shouldn't kids? I can feel weak and wishy-washy when there is low-pressure about, just as most of us feel buoyed-up when it's sunny. This morning is overcast now, but was clear earlier, and thus quite cold. Not helped by a pernicious little breeze. Overnight must have been dry, though, as there was little water in the horses' bowls. In strong contrast to when I fed them last night - needing the wipers at double-speed even at 45 mph on the trip there!


I must have a stern word with the cats. When I lifted the lid off the horses feed-bin there were 4 little mice inside! As the bin is galvanised, and the lid is ditto, the problem is probably that I moved sacks of mulch (i.e. garden shredder output) too close and they could scramble up under the rim of the lid.


I hope to be getting a shower installed upstairs - so handy hints on what Jon should be doing are appreciated. At least we start with a decent concrete floor.


Hope your week goes well.

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