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Well, as can be seen from my actually posting, we made it to Grand Forks yesterday. I confess it was somewhat harrowing, the last 80 miles in blowing snow/near blizzard conditions and in the dark! Fortunately there were a few other "idiots" out there so we all followed along chasing each others tail-lights - god bless them all. Good thing the road is almost straight as a die, although on the way up we saw several folks in the ditches, some folks don't take into account the conditions when driving, and easy enough to slide off the road if you're not paying attention 110% of the time.


North Dakota is flat as a pancake so any serious high winds, once there is snow on the ground, makes it ripe for blizzard conditions.

Right now it's -19 (expected to be the high for the day!!) and goingt to head for a low of -31 Sunday and Monday night! Wind is slight right now, wind chill around -25, so my daughter is off working - not sure I mentioned, but she's a flight Instructor at the University of North Dakota Aerospace college - they only stop operations when the wind chill exceeds -45!! Arrghh!!


There's a model railroad club up here apparently, didn't know that before, so we're off to take a look for an hour or so, will report back with pictures if it's worth it.


Tomorrow there is a blizzard warning effective all day with winds expected to be 40-50 mph, and white-out/zero visibility likley most of the day - definately won't be going anywhere then...

Edited by Ian Abel
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 , but it came back on when I reconnected the battery so we are stuck with it.

I would have been concerned if it had stayed on without the battery!

Years ago before he went to study medicine Aditi's brother had wanted to study electronic engineering and was having a pre-university year working at Marconi in Chelmsford. For some reason he didn't like spending the weekend in Chelmsford so on Friday I'd go and collect him and he'd spend the weekend with us. One Saturday he was watching me attempting to fault find my homemade stereo amp and thought it was dangerous to be measuring voltage while it was plugged in. After saying that it would be difficult to measure if it weren't I had a chat with him about whether he was really cut out for electronics. He decided that he probably would be better at medicine. The only reason he hadn't applied for that originally was that he had come under extreme parental pressure to study medicine. Anyway  missile guidance systems loss has been medicines gain!



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Nowhere in the same league but we just had a sudden squall that rattled the last remaining bit of fence but as it's partly between two sheds it stayed put. The rest is still a gap due to a shortage of fence panels. Something flew off my roof which turned out to be a lump of the mortar I'd put between the slipping tiles next to the Velux. A quick check showed that the tiles had slipped again but were all still on the roof. I should be able to put them back in place but not in the weather we are about to have, so I've plugged the gap with a rubble sack held down by neighbouring tiles and some duct tape to the Velux frame and the window itself. It should hold for a day or two and hopefully keep the wet out.



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.......then there's English homework, on protest songs or poems. At least Dad can remember some, even if they're not very recent, although the best is always topical.

.....um....have you remembered: "as soon as this pub closes -  the Revolution starts!" ?




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I might live here but I don't count myself an Aussie. Still a Brit-Cit and intend to remain so. Some things are too valuable to give away. That and most of my pension entitlement is still over there which means I can still claim most of it if I retire here.

You do know your UK government pension will be frozen the day you pick it up if you're living in Australia at that point? Not many people know that (to quote a well-known actor).

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Talking dates - I hope I'm not too late to wish you all a


Happy St Dwynwen's Day


(patron saint of lover's/Welsh equivalent of St Valentine's Day).


"Will you be my Dwynwen?" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

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  • RMweb Premium

You do know your UK government pension will be frozen the day you pick it up if you're living in Australia at that point? Not many people know that (to quote a well-known actor).


Thank you yes.  And that the transfer value is only around 60% of its UK value.  But as it's money stopped from my many years of earnings over there I retain rights to so much if it as they still allow.  That's assuming I live long enough to retire as the age for doing so seems to be increasing faster than I am approaching it ;)

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Evening all, been chuffin hot here again today, not the day to be messing about inside containers! But did manage to get held up at one of the local level crossings yesterday and got a couple of photos.  I've still not quite got the hang of the new camera when it comes to snapping moving trains. (Dont believe any one who tells you narrow gauge trains in Africa are slow....! OK they're not fast in the rest of the world sense, but these clip along at  around 50kph.) 


This train wasnt quite so crowded as the earlier morning ones, not quite so many on the roof. 


Hot sticky night ahead, 


Try and keep warm in yours, 





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  • RMweb Gold

Its been a bit windy and wet tonight but it sounds as though others have had it far worse.


Pete sounds like the laths were cut back a bit to much when the velux was fitted. Can you put nails in the tiles to hold them? Mind you if it is done properly you shounldn't get much through the felt.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


As promised the 5am start here saw the Good Lady safely on her way to the Land of Orcs where she is now (according to her latest message) enjoying a steaming hot curry in a steaming hot Auckland thunderstorm.  Knoew I should have gone along for the ride.  Ah well.  I'm not the one getting the PhD out of it.


Absolutely cracking Sunday with perfect sun and respectable temperatures forecast for a few days ahead.  


Now to go and check the beer fridge is full.

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Quick trip to get my camera and laptop.. Doh! Left them where we were playing trains yesterday.


Then a few games of indoor cricket to umpire ....followed by roast chicken dinner yummy!


Have a peaceful Sunday everyone!

Barry o

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. 'Tis cold outside, -11°C right now!


DD, I sympathise with you. I don't think there are very many things which are harder to deal with than having such troubles in your own family...

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Morning all,


Sorry for not clarifying yesterday. The THW is the Technisches Hilfswerk and they specialise in rescue, heavy recovery and so on. They also have a youth section.


I discovered a leak in the shower yesterday, so guess what I have been doing over the weekend!


Have a good day everyone...

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Happy Sunday! (as they say in these here parts).......not much else to report apart from it's going to be hot.......mind you might have to stroll down to the pool bar at the Sheraton for  lunch & a cold beer or two....



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Good morning all,

Dry at the moment, very grey, 5oC & rain forecast. I probably won't be doing any gardening then!

Quiet night in last night and only the one beer that I promised myself & still managed to keep within my calorie count. In fact I could have had another one but thought I might have a glass (or two) of wine instead with tonight's steak.

Hopefully going to run some trains on the new bit of board today to test if the track is still working after I fixed it down.

Have a good one,


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Morning from Bedlam.


Very overcast with rain forecast within the next hour or so and it is due to last until sunset (although I don't think I will notice the sun at any time today! At least we are not afflicted by the weather here or at home, unlike some poor souls with whom I sympathise. Apparently I have a motor scooter and an outside light to fix, eldest grandson's homework to guide him through, food to cook for lunch and evening - an old fart's work is never done!


Peace should return tomorrow as I will escape from this asylum to go back to a beverage plant in Birmingham! 

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Morning all.  It is very wet and windy here - positively foul!  We have now had some rain every day for the past fortnight.  Add that to me being laid up in bed all day yesterday with a bug, and it is quite depressing.  At least I feel better today though. 

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A wet windy night has turned into a wet and windy day.

The late dog walk for the previous two evenings were enlivened by meeting the local badger in the park. Last night it was a crowd of youths music blarring general shouting and yelling. They seem fairly harmless but you just don't know. I much prefer Mr (or Mrs) Badger. However I must admit 50 years ago one of those youths could have been me. How our view changes with age.


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Back having a warm my tiny hands are freezing but the outside annimals are cleaned out, fresh bedding and hay despite their fur coats and the wind breaks I don't envy them. My plan had slippage when I wandered into US shortlines..... about 45 mins later I actually got started.

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