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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Australia day weekend....don't get too giddy and start getting prepared to host herself and me (the bag carrier) shortly..


Still dark here but who cares about the weather its Saturday.

Have a good time today whatever you are doing!!

Best regards

Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry(ish) at the moment after a wet night & 7oC. A few sunny periods due this morning followed by rain, thunder & hail later. Getting colder tonight.

I'm slowly getting used to this new laptop but I must admit that it's nearly gone out of the window a couple of times. If the Windows 8 hadn't upgraded to 8.1 it would have done. According to those closest to me I should be more patient.

After another week off the beer I'm going to allow myself one tonight.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all,


I am up earlier than usual on a Saturday as I dropped the little guy at the THW for his youth day. As I left him in a room full of huge men in boots and uniform, I had one if those eureka moments when I realised just how much he has grown up. He's not a little boy anymore. I guess I am not alone in finding this hard, (but of course inevitable and good as well)


Of all the cars shown on the previous page, I would still rather have Nidge's Cooper S. I miss my Mini :-(, and we all know TVR stands for "Towing Vehicle Required"


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Whatever those Antipodeans may be celebrating, today is Burns' Night. I know this not because I'm Scots - far from it - but because it was Deb's birthday, and she always mentioned it, as well as it being a month after Jesus Christ (Deb was an atheist, as am I). Much better today than last year, when I scattered her ashes, and we all know time heals.


Yes, grey and tedious. We had rain much of yesterday, and could see some at any moment this morning.


I am out to dinner tonight - but in the company of a couple of Lancastrians and a Yorkshirewoman, with the remainder being from the South East.


TVRs? Yes, we had them at Le Mans a few times a few years back, and I think Huge Chamberpot Hugh Chamberlain managed to get them to the finish one year. I'm not sure TVR people are always the "right sort" with many of the owners being City Trader types, aka Barrow Boys, lacking any sort of breeding!


Hope your weekend pleases.

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"Animal Product" usually means all the parts of the animal like lungs, eyes, nerves, ears etc., that only the Scots enjoy..........


Best, Pete.


One of the highlights of staying with Auntie Nancy (in Cornwall) was breakfast including Hogs pudding. Uncle Denis said best not to ask what was in it, Wiki describes one version as a Cornish Haggis.


When I was in hospital in Hammersmith last year the food was really good. The highlight was the "ethnic" dishes which included goat. I found it amusing that you couldn't have the "all day breakfast" for...........you've guessed it!



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The wheels have fallen off for MiL.

Oxygen thief BiL felt 'unable to cope' and she was sectioned before I could get there.

However, the gloves are off as this is what I have been trying to avoid.

He is a liar and has been, subject to explanation, stealing from his mother.

I have 13 days remaining to appeal.

Thus (having not long arrived back home from the hospital), I'm not at my jolly best.

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Morning all…


My thoughts are with you DD.  Family issues are often the worst, so all you can do is try and keep calm and think objectively.  Tough call where family are involved…:-(


Trundled off to the clinic yesterday for an Aorta Aneurism screening session given to all men over 65 in our area.  Carried out with an ultra scan machine, it measured your Aorta below the heart before it branches in two to go down your legs.  Below 3cm is fine, but once it gets larger it could be a sign of weakness in the pipework.  Over 5cm and you are at high risk of it bursting and then you die….


Glad to say having never smoked and playing golf three days a week, gave me the all clear so I can now sleep at night.




If you're over 65, it might be worth getting it checked.


Rained a bit last night again, but bright and sunny right now, although I doubt it will last more than a few minutes.  Been waiting three weeks for some new tyres for my car, which were on back order from Good Year.  Glad to say they arrived last night, so a trip down the road is on the cards this morning. Thankfully they were still above the legal level, but the amount of puddles on the roads and possible aquaplaning meant they had to go.  285/30 tyres and big puddles are not really the best combination although modern tread patterns do their best to shift large quantities of water.  The other issue is tyre noise and the Pirelli's currently fitted have a song of their own.


Modelling wise, I'm on the last two turnouts of the 12/14 that are needed for the next board on ET.  Hopefully they'll get done today..

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Been up for a couple of hours now and just about to set off to Pontefract show.  On the way I'm picking up Tony Bond who hasn't been able to get out much due to ulcers on his foot that are taking an age to heal.  We had a dicussion about this earlier in the week and he has taken his modelling knife to a pair of thick insoles and made what is in effect a foot sized corn plaster with the apporopriate holes in it.    Apparently it works very well and he can now walk with much less pain.   I hope that this 'modellers solution' will enable him to enjoy the show.      At least it isn't raining.



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Good morning all,

Dry(ish) at the moment after a wet night & 7oC. A few sunny periods due this morning followed by rain, thunder & hail later. Getting colder tonight.

I'm slowly getting used to this new laptop but I must admit that it's nearly gone out of the window a couple of times. If the Windows 8 hadn't upgraded to 8.1 it would have done. According to those closest to me I should be more patient.

After another week off the beer I'm going to allow myself one tonight.

Have a good one,



Bob, Microsoft and breweries are working in cahoots - one drives the user of its products to the other! I am forced to use some Windows stuff but prefer to do everything else on my Mac platforms. Next toy will be Linux as I want to see what I can do with Raspberry Pi before introducing my 7-y-o grandson to logic - that is if I survive this weekend without becoming deaf or worse, locked up for murder!

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  • RMweb Premium

Burns night will be marked here only by the sound of snoring.


It's a very early night thanks to a 2-hour early morning trek to the airport to ensure the Good Lady catches the early flight to Auckland (or for Tolkein fans that's Orc-Land) and the next stage of her PhD quest.


I might live here but I don't count myself an Aussie.  Still a Brit-Cit and intend to remain so.  Some things are too valuable to give away.  That and most of my pension entitlement is still over there which means I can still claim most of it if I retire here.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all…


Trundled off to the clinic yesterday for an Aorta Aneurism screening session given to all men over 65 in our area.  Carried out with an ultra scan machine, it measured your Aorta below the heart before it branches in two to go down your legs.  Below 3cm is fine, but once it gets larger it could be a sign of weakness in the pipework.  Over 5cm and you are at high risk of it bursting and then you die….


Glad to say having never smoked and playing golf three days a week, gave me the all clear so I can now sleep at night.




If you're over 65, it might be worth getting it checked.




Couldn't agree more Gordon. I had mine done in October.

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  • RMweb Gold

  Auckland (or for Tolkein fans that's Orc-Land)  

Very amusing! I have a friend who works at the University there. I will hereafter imagine him in some sort of fantasy environment! Probably not that different to Upminster where we used to work! :jester: 

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  • RMweb Gold

I have had loads of messages from various Scottish friends who are reminding me rather gleefully, that tonight is 'the night'.


One presumes they are already incontinent with delight.


Well I'll have to wait until 27th September for my celebration (Max Boyce's b'day)


The weather here is bright and sunny with blue sky and little in the way of cloud, so an early dog walk, followed by more garden activities being the order of the morning, or what's left of it.


for some reason this oldy sprang into my head as i was typing this, so I shall share:


'Meanwhile back at the ranch, Tonto, disguised as a door, got his knob shot off!'

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  • RMweb Premium

Aditi works in the London Borough of Newham and it is quite a diverse area. The predominant population amongst the Asian demographic seem to be Bangladeshi now. She hasn't found an Indian restaurant yet but her definition of Indian would probably exclude most businesses trading as Indian restaurants (and why go out for something you can cook at home!). 

Leicester where Matthew is at university is quite famous for its South Asian cuisine but the only place he found that cooks like NaniJi (Granny) or MummyJi was the food served at the Sikh temple. Matthew's final year dissertation is about health issues in  the Sikh and Hindu communities in Leicester. I think he chose a topic where he was likely to get fed while interviewing people,

I take it that Matthews an eating machine teenage male. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, dry after heavy rain during the night and the sun is starting to appear, no tot of whisky tonight for Burns night, im not a Scot but any excuse!


Still on the wagon for this charity thing however a week today things will be different!


Enjoy the rest of the day

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